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OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL FORTNIGHTLY MEETING The fortnightly, meeting of the Oamaru Borough. Council was Held last night. There were present: The Mayor (Mr M. F. Cooney) and Crs K. Familton,, M. H. Colquhoun, A. - R. Tait, J. C, Kirkness, D. S. Bain. J. H. Treseder, R. Jenkins, F, Butterfield,-A. Wilson, G. A. Mitchell, R. MilliganX The Finance Committee reported a credit balance of £3627 11s 7d in the district fund account, and accounts totalling £1405 5s 8d .were passed for payment. The Finance Committee reporteed that consideration of the proposal to erect a footbridge at the creek in Severn street had been held over until January next. The Town Hall Committee recommended that the question of providing a skvlight in the ceiling, at the lobby upstairs in the Town Hall be considered in September.—Adopted. The Town Hall Committee recommended that the recently-purchased be not allowed to be removed from, and that the charges for use of the piano be 10s for local and fl Is for visiting entertainments. —Adopted. The By-laws Committee reported that the communication from the Transport Department in reference to road tratnc legislation had been referred to the chairman with power to actThe Water Works Committee recommended that Mr L. Hamilton’s request that the irrigation P'P e on prop .l t ? be allowed to remain be granted, provided the pipe is sealed until required. A The 6 Water Works Committee recommended that Miss Pugh be advised that no charge had been made for a tr °"Sh supply, and that no adjustment could be made in the water rate. —Adopted. Tiie Works Committee recommended continuing the formation of reserve C as suitable work for ex-servicemen during the stand-down weeks. Adopted. The Works Committee recommended that both sides of Severn street on ithe grade be tar-sealed and coated with screenings to a width of 10 feet. Ad The ed Works Committee recommended that Mr F. S. Milne’s request to have a turnstile erected at the bottom of the paS leading to his property in Orwell street be granted.— Adopted. . The race inspector (Mr H. JJrase j reD orted that during the past fortnigh for approximately eight hours dal y | ei-eased polution from Maerewhenua mining- tailings had entered the race, causing the supply during that period to be unsatisfactory. Otherwise the water had re ma ned clear. The reservoir at present was showing a slight tinge of yellowness. —The report was ’ received. The Oamaru Municipal Band was granted permission to hold a concert m the Opera House on Sunday, “i K St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph s annlied for a cord of wood each from the trees felled by the unemp oyed. G Mr te A. Smith, referring to the recent accident at Severn street bridge, comnliined of the obstruction of the view from the cross street by the wing the bridge, : and suggested that tb„ ob Sl The No. J 6 Scout’Groiip Comiriillee wrote S'S .“4* 13 to raise funds to send representatives from Oamaru to the Pan-Pacific Scout iamboree during the Melbourne centenary fnd soliciting the assistance of the matter was referred to the Town Hall Cornmittoo* __ , The Oamaru branch of the Toe H wrote thanking the council for its permission to erect a pillar box for books and magazines for Oamaru institutions—Received. \ petition was received from consumeis at* Waiareka, who wrote requesting a reduction df the water- rate as the supply to Waiareka did not warrant the charge. The letter was referred to the Waterworks G ° r liie l *May or of Westport forwarded a resolution protesting against an extension of-the life of Parliament. —Received. . The local branch of the Douglas Social Credit Movement applied for permission to hold a public lecture by Miss M. H. M. King in the Opera House on Sunday, August T9.—The application was declined, and the town clerk was instructed to intimate that permission would be granted on U The' Beautifying Society applied for permission to plant rowan trees m Arun

street and trees in Greta street. —Referred to the Reserves Committee. The borough solicitors advised that all legal steps had been taken in connection with the loan conversion, and the council could now issue debentures. —Received, councillors to take part in the observance of Arbor, Day. _ The borough inspector (Mr A. r. Krump) reported that grazing fees for June amounted to £4 l3s 2d, and that 213 dogs had been registered, realising £66 ss. . Attention had been given to various matters and generally the borough seemed to be in a clean and tidy condition. T , The curator of the gardens (Mr J. Tait) reported on the Arbor Day planting at schools, and stated that two Muscovy ducks had been presented to the gardens by Mr A. MTnnes. Mr MTnnes was thanked for his gifts and it was decided to co-operate with the High, Schools Board in the keeping of the Middle School grounds. , , , , The question of a request for a light between Dee and Ain streets was referred to the Lighting Committee. Cr Familton said that the town clerk (Mr J. Branthwaite) 'was to be congratulated on his work in the conversion ot the borough loans. Mr Branthwaite had been particularly able and bad saved tne council a considerable sum of money. De had carried out his duties,.which had been particularly heavy, in a very efficient manner. The Mayor endorsed Cr Hamilton's remarks, saying that it had teen a difficult time for Mr Branthwaite, but he had carried out his duties loyally and iu a most satisfactory manner. Other councillors referred to Mr branthwaite s excellent services, commenting on the extr. time he had given to the work. me Mayor'and the chairman of finance were empowered to record a special •appreciation, and it was suggested to the Finance Committee that the council could also express its appreciation in a tangible ml iTwas decided to conduct experiments with lines for pedestrians across the streets at the Queen s Hotel corner. SEVERN STREET CROSSING A letter from the Railways Department was brought before the Oamaru Borough Council last night, stating that careful consideration had been given to the question of elimination of the Severn stieet level crossing, but as the cost the work in carrying out the proposal put forward would involve the department in an expenditure of several thousands of pounds without any material benefit to the rail way, it was regretted that the matter could not be favourably considered at the present time. The crossin- was protected By both warning bells and flashing ligh signals, stated the letter, and it was considered that, provided reasonable care were taken by road users there should be little, if any risk of accident occurring, the view of trains approaching being rea80Thely lortli Otago Motor Association wrote suggesting that the council make representations to the Railway Board for the appointment of a crossing keeper at the Severn street crossing until such time as something was done to make the crossing safe for road traffic. In the mean time, the letter stated, the crossing continued to be a serious menace to ate ana property, and the association asked the council to do all in its power to, overcome the risk of accident at the crossing. The South Island Motor Union wrote supporting the council’s representations in in respect to the crossing.—Cr Kirkness stated that the letter was m such conflict to the promise made by the Minister of Finance that due a'-I favourable consideration would be given to the provision of suitable work for the unemployed in Oamaru. A proposal that had the unanimous backing of the council, the County Council, the Agricultural and Pastoral Association, the North Otago Motor Association, the South Island Motor Union, and the Relief Workers’ Association was a proposal that should be worth move consideration than had been given. Un the last two occasions the Oamaru Relief Depot had been opened there had been record attendances, showing the state ot unemployment in Oamaru. He viewed the reply very seriously, because he believed a rumour heard in Wellington that New Zealand was being governed by the heads of the departments. He thought the time Had arrived to take some other action. Mr Kirkness referred to the number of accidents at the crossing, and urged the calling of a public meeting to urge the Government to carry out a work which would be of permanent benefit not only to Oamaru but also to the Dominion. Several councillors supported Ur Kirkness, and it was decided to convene a meeting of bodies supporting the proposal to urg° the matter furtner with the Government. GENERAL NEWS High Water at Oamaru— July 27: 3.11 a ‘At the monthly meeting of the Maheno Young Farmers’ Club Mr H. bouness (chairman) presided over a good attendance. The lecturer for the evening was Mr S. Hook, of the Department of Agriculture, who took for his subject the Causes of the Rejection of Stock at the Freezing Works.” In an interesting Mr Hook outlihed the present system of killing and inspecting stock, describing the'various diseases and faults which led to the rejection of carcasses and imparting much useful information regarding their cause and prevention. Mr G. Clark thanked Mr Hook for his address. It was decided to hold a meeting next Tuesday to hear another lecture on an agricultural subject. , . . It is announced that during the past month three more members of the North Otago Aero Club —Messrs Templeton, Edgar, and J. Fyfe—passed” the flying tests for A certificates. Success attended North Otago competitors at the Grey Valley Dog Club trial held at Ikamatna. In the Open Huntaway, Mr C. H. Smith’s Stan (44 points) was first, Mr John Andersens Flag (43 points) second, and Mr Iman Andersens Speed (42 points) was third. In the Open Sweepstake, Drive and Yard, Mr John Anderson’s Toby Junior (43 points) was first, Mr'C. H. Smiths Chance (42J points) was second, and Mr John Anderson’s Toby (413 points) was fourth. PERSONAL At the annual meeting of the North Otago Caledonian Society the president (Mr J. Gerrie) referred to the death of Mr J. R. Gilchrist, who had been a vicepresident of the society for a large number of years, and had been a very loyal supporter both in the conducting of meetings and financially. A motion of sympathy with the relatives was carried in the customary manner. Queen’s Hotel.—Mr R. A. Stewart, Mr M. Henderson (Wellington), Mr N. C. Kensington, Mr J. Mee. Miss C. Dreaver, Mr Bell (Dunedin), Mrs A. F. T. Munro (Omarama). Now Club Hotel.—Mr Gledhill, Mr D. Selby, Mr H. J. Armstrong (Christchurch) . Mr R. G. Bradley, Mr C. D. Bell, Mr H. F- Ridley (Wellington . Mr A. C. Towsey, Mr W. Aldred (Auckland), Mr William Finley (Chicago), Mr H. E. G'ark, Mr E. Thornburn (Dunedin). A very fine tribute was paid to the memory of the late Mr Alexander Clark by the large number of town and country residents who attended his funeral yesterday afternoon. Numerous beautiful floral tributes wer» received, and the services at the residence and at the Maheno Cemetery were conducted by the Rev. W. W. French. A memorial service will be held at the Maheno Presbyterian Church on Sunday night.

STREET LIGHTING CHARGES POWER BOARD'S REPLY In reply to the representations made by a deputation from the Oamaru Borough Council, a letter from the Waitaki Electric Power Board was placed before the council last night, stating that the position in regard to charges for street lighting was that the council had entered into a new contract for a much improved service, represented by 42,000 candle power as against 25,000 under the old contract, the board being under obligation to incur a large capital expenditure to make the improved service possible. The t council had accepted the prices quoted in January last, and now had applied for a reduction of the accepted charges. I lie Deputy Mayor had referred to a promise made last year that the board would consider a further reduction on the old charges when the estimates w-ere considered for the new year, but the board had in reality not overlooked the matter, but had concluded that, having decided to do its utmost iu quoting more favourable rates for the new contract, it was unnecessary to make a further reduction on the old contract rates, which would so soon be superseded by the new and more favourable ones. The board could not. agree that the special rate of 4d per unit, less 25 per cent, discount, equal to 3d per unit, was other than reasonable, especially in view of the charges made by other authorities for a similar service, quoting Auckland, 3d to 3Jd per unit; Wellington 4Jd; Christchurch, 3Jd to over 3d; and Dunedin for a consumption similar to that at the Opera House, about 3*d to 4J per unit. The letter went on to state that for a similar service in Vv annate the quarterly charge wouhL have been £l- - lOd, as against £8 3s 3d in Oamaru. Dealing with the new contract Kites tor street lighting, the board V, aa , sat l, d that the opinion of the council that these were excessive could not be sustained, ana submitted the following annual charges for 100 candle power lamps, forming the bulk of the service; —Oamaru, £2 12s 6d; Timaru, £3 5s (an interdepartmental charge); Whangarei, £3 (to midnight only for a®!! sizes); St. Hilda £3 3s 6d; South Canterbury, £3 18s 6d; Ashburton, £3Mbs Gd; Springs, Ellesmere, £3 10 s; Mailborough, £4; Wanganui-Raugitikei. £4, Dannevirke, £4; Poverty Bay, £4; Otago, £3 15s; Auckland City, £3 3s. It would be conceded that a- fair average of the above prices would be in the vicinity £3 15s, against the Waitaki charge of 12s 6d. a dfference in the council s favour of £1 2s fid, or, on 264 lamps, £297 per Thc board pointed out that while the council might find it convenient or even necessary to consider the cost of street lighting per head of population, it was irrelevant in considering whether the board was or was not charging a reasonable rate for the service it was expected to cive, a correct basis being the rate toi the® 100 candle power lamp. The board felt that from the information in its possession the council was obtaining in ) new rates one of the cheapest services in the Dominion, probably. cheaper than so per cent, of the rates paid by other councils. The board did not regard itself as having discharged its obligations to its customers when it gave a service as cheap as that of- other authorities, but if it was able in the future with due regard to the interests of all its consumers to quote still lower rates, it would be happy to do so, recognising that its duty was to give an efficient public service at the lowest possible rates. The Oamaru Retailers’ Committee wrote asking the council to see that the new scheme of street lighting was proceeded with at the earliest possible date, pointing out that it was very desirable that the scheme should be completed in time for the next Christmas season. Cr Butterfield moved that the letter be referred to the Lighting Committee. He stated that the position at Timaru compared with that at Waitaki was as follows; —One hundred candle power: Waitaki, £2 12s 6d (Timaru £2 19s 6d); 250candle power, £5 (£4 10s); 500-candlc power, £lO 6s (£7 13s). What they were overlooking, said Cr Butterfield, was that in Timaru £IOOO was given back to relieve the rates. The Power Board report was misleading; Cr Milligan read a confirmatory telegram from Timaru, and stated that in Timaru it was a departmental charge. Cr Butterfield asked if it were correct that £IOOO was handed back? Cr Milligan said be did not know anything about that. Cr Butterfield said that in 1932 £IOOO wag handed back, and last year £2OOO, and in all fairness Cr Milligan should let them know whether that was right or wrong. Cr Milligan said that Cr Butterfield distinctly introduced Timaru, and it was through that that the Power Board sought information and had it put in. _ What the Borough Council charged the Lighting Department did not affect the question. That was explicitly stated in the letter. The matter was referred to the Lighting Committee. NORTH OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING At the annual meeting of the North Otago Caledonian Society the president (Mr J. Gerrie) presided over a good attendance of members. Qkn the motion of Mr Gerrie, seconded by Mr D. Burns, the anuai report and balance sheet were adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows; —President, Mr J. Gerrie; senior vice-president, Mr D. Burns; junior vicepresident, Mr W. Sparks; secretary, Mr W. A. Atkinson; treasurer, Mr J. W. Stringer; auditor, Mr S. Mollison; directors, Messrs H. W. Cross; S. H. Wilson, J T Biggs, A. Gilchrist, H. Cooney, A. Hesketh, and V. E. Doran. The appointing of further directors was held over until a later meeting. Subsequent to the annual meeting a meeting of directors was held Mr J. Gerrie occupied the chair. Seveial resignations were accepted with regret. The North Otago Highland Pipe Band wrote soliciting the society s co-operation in a proposal to raise money tor the new uniforms fund and for the society. It was agreed that a sub-comm.ttee comprising Messrs J- Gerrie, A . E. Doran, and Atkinson, be appointed to confer with a similar committee from the band to arrange the necessary details. dent referred to the outstanding amount due to members who had taken ujf debentures to assist the society in the past, and it was agreed that the] lalance owing be repaid immediately. The quesn tion of fixing a date for the annual sports meeting was held over until a later mee ing. ______________ WESLEY BIBLE CLASS The Wesley Bible Class held a very enjoyable entertainment in the Wesley Hall, the Rev. W. Jack presiding. A varied programme was presented as toilows;—Rae’s Gaiety Orchestra, selections; Alisses W. Fraser, M. Rae, M. Tween, D. Little. N. Slater, H Beach, gipsy rornanesqne; Bible class girls, chorus; Mr J. Spear, song: Misses D. Hreeman and M. Cameron, duet; Misses Ross and G Omnet. guitar duet; Misses 3. Wylie and D. Little, song in -diaracter; Misses M. Cameron. D. Freeman, P. M Donald, H Beach, and Mr A. Howell, play ( The Rest Cure”). The accompaniments were plaved by Misses Vera Slater and R. M‘Donald. The performers were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The entertainment resulted in a substantial sum being paid into the Bible class funds. MEN’S HOCKEY Following is the draw for the men’s hockey matches to be played to-morrow: —Oamaru v. Totara, No. 1 ground, at 2 p.m.; Rovers v. Municipal, No. 3 ground, at 2 p.m.; Probables v. Possibles, No. 1 ground, at 3 p.m.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVE MEETING A meeting of the Oamaru Chamber of Commerce was held last night, the chairman (Mr W. K. Tomlinson) presiding. The chairman extended a welcome to Mr M. F. Qua!ter, of the Railways Depart-, ment). The Associated Chambers of Commerce advised that in view of the local chamber being incorporated under the Companies Act, it was fully eligible to membership of the Associated Chamber. The Whangarei Chamber wrote stating that it considered that the capitation fee of 3s 9d levied by the Associated Chamber was too high, and that the previous fee of 2s 6d was quite sufficient.—The secretary reported that he had replied slating that the local chamber had agreed to the new rate of levy, as it considered that 8s 9d out of every fl Is members’ fee was not too great. A letter was received from the Te Awamutu Chamber in reference to the Government charges for electric current, submitting that all power stations and costs be treated on the Dominion basis. -After discussion it was decided to support the remit. , . The North Otago Farmers’ Union advised that Messrs W. Forrester and A. W. Woodward had been appointed as delegates to the chamber. , , Mr J. M. Wilson stated that the Port Fairy w r as due at the Port of Oamaru three months before the duties came into effect. He considered that those having cargo on the Port Fairy to which reduction in duty applied should send in details, and then the matter could be gone into.—Mr J. Caldcr considered that a better method than that of establishing a bond was to approach the Minister in order that consideration could be given to allow goods to come in at the lower rate. This would be the cheaper method. —Tt was decided to assist in establishing a bond for goods per the Port Fairy, which were greatly affected by the reduction in duty coming into effect on November 4. It was suggested that the secretary should also write to the member for the district asking him to approach the Minister to allow goods to come in at the lower rate. ' ■ Mr Wilson. Arun street, wrote suggesting that the Post and Telegraph Department be asked to erect a slot telephone at the corner of Arun and Hull streets. —The chief postmaster (Mr H. Miller) stated that he had communicated with the department, and it had’advised that owing to the annual loss the application could not be given consideration. The Dunedin Chamber wrote stating that a remit had been carried to disapprove of the Government and local bodies freezing large sums of money in buildings and competing with private individuals. It was pointed out that buildings should be erected on a more moderate scale, and that tenants should not be taken in. The letter asked for the support, of the local chamber. —The remit was received. The Department of Industries and Commerce forwarded an inquiry from London in reference to the Oamaru building stone trade. It was considered that the trade could be'built up into a larger industry and might prove of value to the district. —The secretary was instructed to forward copies of the letters to the stone quarry owners of Oamaru and ask for information regarding the stone and other particulars. MINIATURE RIFLE NOTES THE WEEK’S ACTIVITIES By SIGHTER. The weekly averages for the first 10 members in the various clubs to the North Otago Association are as follows;—Hampden 77.8, Oamaru 77.7, Maheno 77.4, Railway 77.2, Enfield 76.8, Cromwell 76.6, Totara 76.2, Volunteers 75-1- . . . . . , Hampden retained its position at the head of the list of averages this week, but Railway dropped back from second to fourth place. Maheno showed an improvement, while Oamaru has been very consistent in its averages, remaining about the 77.7 mark. However, the shooting was not quite up to last week’s standard. This week lias been devoted to the first round of the shield shoots, the results of which will be published early next " I’he New Zealand championships will be held soon, and some of the local riflemen will be participating. KanturJy will be represented by W. Aitken and F. Healey, and G. Brightwell, C. Andrew, and V. Barker have entered for The B Grade. H. Koppert, of the Oamaru Club, will take part in the A Grade championships. Two matches are bred in both A and B Grades and also a Ladies’ Championship Match. United Club (Christchurch), which won the Winchester Cup, has secured iurtner honours by tying for first place in the New Zealand Shield Competition. ihe other teams which tied for first place were Christehruch No. 2 and Sydenham. The South Island Championships will be held at Timaru this year on August 4, and it is expected that a few riflemen from this district will make the journey to participate in the shoots. Hampden maintained its unbeaten record for interclnb matches so far this season by defeating Maheno in the retain match at Maheno last Saturday night. The shooting of both teams was of a fairly high standard, and although suffering defeat by a margin of 13 points, Maheno can be credited with putting up a good showing. Two possibles were recorded, one by W. D, Moss (Hampden) and the other by E. Nicholson (Maheno). Hampden’s first 10 men secured the good average of 78. At Hampden T. Gibson has been shooting well, having secured three 79’s on end. He has improved considerably in the last few shoots. W. 1. Ford, W. D. Moss, and 0. C. Gould, members of the A team, dropped on their previous scores. E. Nicholson is now shooting well, and his 78 on Monday night was his highest so far this season. W. Gillies, S. Gillies, and J. Joyce, members of the old Hampden Volunteers, have been shooting consistently of late. Miss G. Green after a run of about five dropped two points at this week’s shoot. H. Nicolson, this year’s member,' is shooting well for his first season with the miniature rifle, and his average is aboht 76. The first 25 members averaged 75.2, which is a very good effort, the lowest score be j 18 Cal dwell notched the possible (80) at the Oamaru Club’s weekly shoot, and his last seven scores read 79. 79, 77, 79, 80 77, 80—a fine performance. All the members of the A team secured 78 s. J. Leslie returned a good target with 79. Railway’s best scores were two 79’s secured by G. Brightwell and C. Andrew. G. Brightwell also obtained a 79 for the previous shoot, and is showing much better form this season than he did last year. A. Brown, was the next beet, improving his previous score by one point. A. Rennie is also managing to keep his average up to a good mark. The Maheno members have shown much better form in the last two shoots than they did earlier in the season. A possible went to this ■club, being obtained by S. Pringle, who went up two points on his previous shoot. D. Grant showed something like his true form on Monday night, being only one off the possible, which was five up on his last shoot. A. Price also notched a 79, and this rifleman has been perhaps the most consistent of the Maheno members this season. D. Grant has entered for the New Zealand championships. Totara’g first 10 men have been averaging about the 76 mark so far this season. W. Smith is right on form, and was again at the top of the list of scores. His last three shoots are 79, 78, 79. D. Marshall has been disappointing this season, and only returned a 75 for his shield shoot. J Richardson went up six points to obtain the second highest score for the weekly shoot, and it is to he hoped he will stay about this mark. Better things are expected of S. Wilson, who has been very erratic this season. C. Burgess, a new member, to the club, registered a good 77, which is about his best score to date. The Enfield riflemen went much better this week, .’ind a possible went to W. Raton. The next best. 79’s, were obtained by J. Gibson, who improved on his previous shoot bv nine points, and by R. Johnston, who went up four “nicks.” W. Webb has been monopolising the gold button at Orwell of late. His last three shoots have been 79 80. 79, W. Veint also secured a 79 at the weeklv shoot, and his last five scores read: 79. 78. 79. 78. and 79. a very good average. A, Frame, of the Volunteer Club, went up a point this week to register 79. the next best being a 78 by T. Koppert. However, the remaining riflemen did not return very good targets, and the average dropped to 75.1.

Two ;■ possibles were recorded at the Glenavy Club’s weekly shoot, these being obtained by N. Gibson and D. M'Lean. The scores also consisted of eight 79’s and eight 78’s. The first 10 riflemen averaged 79.2. In the match between Morven and Glenavy, both the latter’s A and B teams secured wins. The A team came out' winners by a margin of six points, while the B team was more successful, being 22 points ahead of Morven B ‘ OAMARU LADIES’ CLUB. The following are the results of the Oamaru Ladies’'Club’s shoot:—Mrs Dennison, 75—14 —80; Miss Bee, 74—8—80; Mrs Taylor, 72 —8—80; Miss WyldeBrown, 67 —12 —79; Miss Sim, 68—8—76; Miss Lane, 64 —8—72. GLENAVY DEFEATS MORVEN. The following are the results of the match held between the Morven and Glenavy Clubs; Glenavy A. —C. Fleming 80, N. Gibson 79, N. Andrews 78, J. Paul 78, N. Fleming 78, J. Brown 77, D. M'Culloch 77, J. Purdie 77, H. Jackson 76, J. M'Culloch 74; —total, 774. Morven A. —L. Morrison 79, K. Malthus 79, F. Keen 78, L. Melton 78, T. M'Lay 78, R. Keen 77, G. Wilson 77, H. Spencer 75, S. Blair 74, J. 0. Hay 72;—total, 768. Glenavy B. —W. Berry 79, W. M'Culloch 78, R. Cochrane 777, H. Fleming 77, D. Brown 77, D. M'Lean 76, A. M'Culloch 76, W. Devlin 76, R. Lindsay 75, L. Wilson 75;—total, 766. Morven B. —W. Hay 78, S. Bruce 76, G. Hay 76, W. Nicol 76, G. Stewart 76, J. Taylor 76, J. M'Aleer 75, K. Bruce 75, R. M'Aleer 72, R. Crowe 64; —total, 744.

Glenavy C. —B. Duff 79, S. Maiharoa 77, G. Hamilton 76, V. Niven 75, W. Toomev 75, R. Hollamby 74, C. Dugdale 74;—total, 530. GLENAVY CLUB.

The following were the results of the weekly shoot of the Glenavy -Club; N. Gibson 80, D. M'Lean 80, W. Devlin 79, J. Paul 79, C. Fleming 79, J. M'Culloch 79, N. Andrews 79, D. M'Cnlloch 79, William Devlin 79, D. Brown 79, V. M'Culloch 78, G. Kidd 78. A. Cuthbertson 78, T. Devlin 78, R. Hollamby 78, G. Hamilton 78, N. Fleming 78, W. Berry 78, S. Maiharoa 77, A. M'Culloch 77, A. M'Culloch 77, J. Purdie 77, H. Fleming 76, V. Niven 76, L. Wilson 76, R. Cochrane 76, J. Brown 75, H. Jackson 75, B, Duff 74 R. Lindsay 74, W. Breen 74, W. Toomey 74, D. Cochrane 74, D. Ireland 73. KINEMA ENTERTAINMENTS MAJESTIC THEATRE “This is the Life,” a British Dominions release, wijl be screened at the Majestic Theatre to-night. It brings to the talking screen a brilliant new comedy combination in Gordon Barker and Binnie Hale. This is Gordon Marker’s first starring role, although lie has had many important parts in previous British productions. Binnie Haie makes her talking picture debut in “ This is the Life.” Albert and Sarah Tuttle (Gordon Marker and Binnie Hale) run an English country inn, but come into a fortune and finu themselves in high society, and then the fun begins. “Kamet Conquered” is also on this programme. It is the official picture of the recent British expedition among the Himalayas. OPERA HOUSE Lilian Harvey, the sensational Continental star, will make her Oamaru kinema debut in B. G. De Sylva’s Fox musical, “My Weakness,” when it comes to the Opera House to-day and Saturday. She lias a role made to order for her in “My Weakness,” in which she shares starring honours with Lew Ayr... Her supporting cast is unusually strong, including Charles Lutterworth, Sid Silvers, Harry Langdon, and Henry Travers. De Sylva, in addition to being the producer, wrote the story and collaborated on the script with David Butler, the director. Ho also collaborated on the songs with Richard Whiting and Loo Robin, and no fewer than three song hits are included in “My Weakness.”

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22325, 27 July 1934, Page 13

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22325, 27 July 1934, Page 13

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22325, 27 July 1934, Page 13