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NORTH OTAGO RUGBY UNION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The weekly meeting of the Management Committee of the North Otago Kugby Union was held last, night; The president (Mr A. A. Mays) occupied the chair. Mr Linton Hodge reported that he had made inquiries regarding a temporary grand'.stand for the trial game on June 27. It would cost at least £ls to put. up the staging, and the secretary had informed him that the . union would have to pay .£6 for a policy risk. He considered that an alternative would be the . use of forms, and spectators using these could be charged 6d each.—Mr J.' Palmei said that he did not think there would be such great numbers present, and,, after hearing Mr Hodge’s report, he considered that: things should be left as they were. — It :was. agreed that the seating accommodation fqr the All Black and Maori games be;Hie same a* for the trial, game. The New Zealand. Union forwarded suggestions'made by the Maori Advisory Board of improved methods of control of Maori football throughout the Dominion. It asked for any other suggestions from unions;—On the niotion of- Mr J. Palmer, it Was decided to . recommend to the New Zealand. Union that.- irrespective Of who held the Pripce of. Wales Cup, one chal- . lehgC ‘ match be played in the - South Island every three years. -.The- Ath'etic Club wrote withdrawing ifo; Fifth Grade team from the competition, »a it was mi able to field a team . It was decided to declare the Fifth Grade competition closed, as only one team (St Kevin’s)' remained, and that the union hold the qup in the meantime. It. was agreed 'to request the Waitaki Boys’ High School ,tb supply a grading list of ite players. Mr H. T. Hall, of the Waitaki Boys’ High School, wrote stating that the spec-, tutors witnessing football at the Show Grounds comprised only a few schoolboys. The letter pointed out that by witnessing- the games the, bpVs learnt a good deal about Rugby. The boys were to be encouraged, as they, would provide the games in the future. Some unions allowed schoolboys free admission to all grounds, and he offered the suggestion that the local union should do the same.— The secretary was instructed to advise Mr Hixl! that the union gave due consideration, to boys whose parents were ; Vipt able to pay for their admission, , and • (hat the committee was mindful of the worth of schoolboys as future footballers. W. Robertson was regraded from Athletic Seniors to Juniors, and A. Holland, Cleveland, and' Lynch f from " Athletic Juniors .to. Third Grade. _ A deputation from the North Otago . Men’s Hockey, •/. Association, comprising Messi‘6 T. W. Jacobs,-H; W. Thomas, and E-VBrown, waited on the union, in regard to" the proposed game against the A ustraliap hockey team. Mr Thomas said that i'visit from the Australian team would be in the interests of' hockey in Oamaru. The'New- Zealand, Association, had advised the association that the match Tvould be-probably: arranged for the mid- ; week /at the latter end: of August. : The association- felt it frWe to arrange: for-the Show: Grounds, -and perhaps .-provide a curtain-raiser:..for ,a represepta-


tire game. Mr Thomas pointed out that there would be little use .in bringing the hockey team to Oamaru unless the game was played at the Show Grounds. The New Zealand Association had asked for a .guarantee of . £35, and billeting would have to be arranged by the local association. Mr Thomas said he hoped tlie union, could see its way to render some assistance.—lt was agreed that in the event of the Australian team coming to Oamaru on August 2D the game be played as a curtain-raiser to the North OtagoNelson match, and that the association be granted 33 1-3 per cent, of the union’s .profits, i In lieu of this it was also agreed that the association be granted the. Show Grounds free of charge if the match was to be played on any day during the week except the week in. which the representative game against Nelson was held. The-following is the draw : for Saturday:— -Seniors.—Excelsior v. Old Boys, Oval, 2.45; Athletic v. Maheno, No. 2,. 2.45. Juniors,—Old Boys v. School, Oval, 1.15;. Maheno v.. Athletic, No. 2, 1.15; ;Excelsiof„a bye.' ' t Third Grade.—School v. Athletic, Takaro Park, 1.15; Southern v Excelsior, No. 3. 2.45; Old Boys v. St. Kevin's, No. •3,; ~, Fourth Grade. —Athletic, v. School B, No. 4, at,1.15 p.m.; St.-Kevin’s v. School A during' the week. GENERAL NEWS . High .water, at Oamaru: June 12, 2.35 a.m. and 2.57 p.m. Despite the uninviting ' nature of the day, there was a large muster of members of the Oamaru Ladies’ Tramping Club to start up Buckley’s Hill on the weekly tramp. After reaching the top of the hill the party continued on to the Ardgowan road. ’ From there the party turned down to the flaming, and afterwards continued along the Ardgowan road and down Eden street into the town. : • A sale of stock-will be held at the Duntroon yards to-morrow, and entries are invited. On Friday night the North Otago Highland Pipe Band will hold another of the series of concerts in aid of the newuniform fund. This time Mr J. M’Lean’s concert party will visit Duntroon, where a concert programme, will be presented, followed by a dance. A very enjoyable evening’s entertainment i.« assured. Yesterday morning a horse was badly injured through-falling with a loaded dray Over the Severn street terraces, and had to be destroyed.. It appears that the horse, which is used at the Gardens, was backing a dray laden with soil and was unable to -stop on account of;the heavy load,With the .result that both horse and dray crashed over the terrace on to Severn street.. -The horse landed on its back and it is believed that its spine was badly injured., i ~ <: Yesterday Mr T. M* Ball (Dunedin), the representative of the Main Highways Board, the Waitaki County Council engineer (Mr G. L. Guthbertson), and members of the council made an inspection of the road between: Ngapara and Island Cliff with a view to putting in hand the straightening of syne of the dangerous corners and; bends. The question will. be fully .discussed ' at the next council meeting,ywhen' it is hoped that something definite will. be. forthcoming in, connection 'with this proposal. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE '■'•j. The weekly: meeting' of. the Oamaru Uncmploymfent Committee was held yesterday, morning, the Mayor, (Mr. M; F. E. Cooney) presiding. Messrs A. F. Stock and ,J. . . Tavefidale, -. representing the Oainaru Relief ' Association, waited' on the committee -regarding an increase- in the,- allocation /for Oainaru. After a -discussion -it; was decided. tb- write to: the Unemployment; Board asking that provincial. towns, be put ; on . the, same basis'as;.the niain centres. The following 'applications from farmers in North Otago for unemployed labour under scheme No. 4A were approved one -man, 12 \yeeks,' 10s'per ..week; Hil.defthbrpe, one man, 12 weeks, 10s; Maheno,’ one man; Papakaio, one man,' .four weeks, , 10s; Papakaio, ■ one man.' four weeks, 10s; Kakanui, one in an; 12 .weeks, £1; Windsor,/one/man, eight weeks, 10s; Georgetown, one man, four weeks, £1; Kakanui, one. man,/eight weeks, 10a. Extensions -of time. Were 1 granted to farmers at;Papakaio ‘ and/ Enfield; The Labour Bureau officer (Mr A. G. Adair) reported jthat,at the’beginning of-last week there were- 261 registered unemployed. Since then 13 mew applications were received, • seven were.;, given,,,private employment, and: one name was removed from the list; leaving a total of . 266 at the end of last week.PERSONAL Queen’s Hotel.—Mr Barrett, Mr S. Strouthers, Mr Turner Smith, Mr T. Black (Christchurch), Mr N. M. Smith (Wellington), Mr R. Robinson, Mr N. D. Munie, Mr J. R. Belt, Mr R. D. Welsh, Mr I. E. Roseveat, Mr F. T. Anderson, Mr J. Duncan, Mr T. Costello, Mr N. H. M’Mullan (Dunedin). • New Club Hotel. —Mr W. Wilhehnson, Mr L. J. Hughes, Mr N. Armstrong, Mr B. H. Etherington (Dunedin), Mr W. Russell, Mr H. Preston, Mr M. Murray, Mr I. J. Wilson, Mr - S. G. Ivanmey (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs R. Stewart (Invercargill). - W.C.T.U; The monthly meeting of ■ the Oamaru branch of the Women’s Christian. Temperance Union was held yesterday afternoon. The president (Miss Smyth.) occupied the chair. Mis® Milligqp opened the meeting with prayer, and Mrs M'Kenzie took tor devotions Luke vii, 36, and dealt with “ Sidestepping of Responsibilities.” It was reported that a school of methods would be held in Dunedin on Friday, at which the duties of treasurer would be discussed. As it was White Ribbon day a suitable paper was read which, disclosed that the White Ribbon was the first official organ of the union edited and managed entirely by women. The .first issue appeared on June 15, 1894. It was agreed to make an appeal for more subscribers to the journal. It was decided to hold a “bring and buy”, sale in July. It.was also decided to attend the service at the Wesley Church on August 19. HAEREMAI CLUB There was a large gathering of members and friends at the fortnightly meeting of the St. Paul’s Haeremai - Club, at which a delightful musical programme was presented. Mr J. Meldrum occupied the chair, and the evening proved a great success. The following items were contributed;—Vocal solo, “ Silver Threads Among the Gold,” Miss Deadstock (the singer giving introductory remarks relative to the piece): violin solo, “Valse Triste,” Mrs R. E. Diniick; opera number, “ The Gondoliers,” and vocal solo ( with introductory remarks). “Home, Sweet Home.” Mrs J. G. Adair: radio number, Mr J. M'Latchie; vocal solo, “Cream and Cider,” Mr. J. G. Adair. Mr G. E. Wilkinson gave an interesting talk on -music, which was illustrated with folk songs sung by Mrs M’Whirter. Miss Hinkley. and Mr Hinkley. Mrs Donaldson, Miss A' Blair, and Mr Wiikinsno played the accompaniments. At the conclusion of the programme votes of thanks were accorded to Miss Blair," Mr G. E. Wilkinson, and the performers.

MAJESTIC THEATRE THE WEEK’S ATTRACTIONS Two men and their families, in the midst of a financial tempest that rocks a great mercantile institution form the keynote of “ Looking Forward,” Lionel Barrymore’s latest starring play which will be shown to-night and to-morrow. Barrymore is seen as the ojd book-keeper ill a great London department store. Dismissed because of the depression, he is regenerated by his loyal Wife and in the end' becomes the .means of saving the tottering firm. Lewis Stone plays the millionaire store owner who is. brought to the brink of ruin by an unfaithful wife! The effective east includes Benita Hume, Elizabeth Allan, who was brought from England following her success opposite Leslie Howard in Service for Ladies,” Phillips Holmes, Colin . CU' - e, Alec B. Francis,, and a number of others. Suppqrtsrinclude’a news, a travelogue, and a comedy. RELIEF WORKS The. following work was carried out by relief workers for local bodies under scheme No. 5 during last week:—Oamaru Borough Council —Stripping at quarry, nine men, wages paid £ll 15s; topalressing and cleaning streets, eight men, £ll 10s;.' excavating, levelling, and drainage Reserve 0, nine men, £l2 8s fid; topdressing streets and footpath formation, 19 men, £24 3s 9d; cleaning out waterrace," two men, £3; gardens and reserves, 40 men. £52 Is 3d. Friendly Bay Society —lmprovements at foreshore, four men, £4 IGs 3d. Marine Parade SocietyFormation of track, seven men, £9 17s 6d. Oamaru North School Committee — Improvements at grounds, one man, 15s. South School Committee—lmprovements at grounds, four men, £5 7a 6d. W.E.A. At the weekly session of the Oamaru Workers’ Educational Association last night, the class, under the leadership of Mr fi. Grocott, continued the course on “Capitalism and Its .Alternatives,” when the fourth lecture of the, series, “ Some Defenders of Private Enterprise,” was given and discussed. At the conclusion of the lecture an interesting discussion took place on the various points raised. PAPAKAIO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE There was a good attendance of members at the monthly meeting of the Papakaio Women’s Institute, over which Mrs Aubrey presided. The meeting opened with the singing of the institute song, followed by, a roll call, “Cake or Sandwich Filling.” Final arrangements were made for the birthday party on June 29. A-demonstration on seagt ass work, showing how to make a small fireside stool, was given by Miss J. Hall, who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The social half-hour arranged by, Mrs Sanders was greatly enjoyed by members. A- play, “ Rabbits,” was read- by Mesdames Sanders, Whyte, Wilson, aiid Miss Sanders. The competition for an embroidery cloth was' won by Mrs Wilson am! Misg Beardsmore (equal), with Miss N.inimo- third. MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING A miniature"..rifle ' shooting match , was fired between Weston and Railway Miniature- Rifle" Clubs at the Railway; Club’s . range,, the match resulting ,in a win for the by'l7 points. The following are. the results: —Weston: H. Stevenson" 80, A.Howell 80, :H. M’Naughton/79,' 8., Campbell 78,-0.- Campbell 78, W. "W. -Sewell 78,- A. R. M-Nauglitbn 78, W. Howell 77, L. Park- 77, D.-Park '77, W. •Wcst-76,' L. Clark/76,- A. R. M’Naughton 74. W, C’ottimham •74,-A. Harvey 68; —■total; .1150." Railway: A.', Rennie 79, ■J. 'M’Pherson' 79, G. Brightwell 78, -V. ■Baker 78. G, ..Ward 77; C.' Hinkley’ 77, A. Brown:76,’ P.:Black. 76/R.. J,’Wilson 75, J'.-Ricliardson 75, A. Brown, jun;, 74, C. Andrew 73, T. M’Kay 73. D. : Williams 72, G. Wisnesky 71;— total,- 1133. ~- *• ATHEN/EUM COMMITTEE ". The. monthly ■ • meeting of the Oamaru Athenaeum, Committee was held last night. The president • ■'(•Mr ■ A." G. -Robertson) occupied the chair.,The request of the Chess Club to carry out ’’improvements /ip, -its room was granted. ■: The sub-committee appointed to select a new; assistant, librarian reported that it had appointed < Miss. 1., M-Kenzie, to. the positipii.—lts action was, approved. The,/librarian (Miss A. M. Dunbar) reported that'during Mily 59 new books had- been put" into circulation, comprising 51 of fiction, five .of travel, two of .ifistory, and one of general literature. Eighteen adults.had joined,, and,two had.left, while six juveniles had joined.. There was now a .total of 56.3 subscribers, on ,the rolls. During the . month " 7008 , books had been issued, including 4443" of fiction, 2166 magazines, 161-of/travel,,7B of general; 59 of biography, 61 of histqry, 22 of science, 19 of theology, and- nine of poetry. The report was adopted. /The Hook Committee reported that ’it had purchased 28 books, and recommended the further purchase of 35 books. The committee had ■ decided to-purchase £lO worth of second-hand non-fictional books from Mudieg (London). —The report was adopted. Accounts amounting to £27 Is lid were passed fof. payment. Messrs Moliison and M'Donald were appointed a'Visiting Committee for June.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22286, 12 June 1934, Page 13

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22286, 12 June 1934, Page 13

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22286, 12 June 1934, Page 13