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MAJESTIC PICTURES The British picture “ Money Means Nothing ” will he shown finally to-night at the Majestic Theatre. It is a light comedy, the story of a butler who inherits millions and saves from ruin the family he hag served for years. In the cast are Gibb' M'Laughlin, Irene Richards, Kay Hammond, Clive Currie, Bromley Davenport, and Dorothy Robinson, all worth-while English players. Supports include a British sound news, a sporting item, and a Mack Sennett comedy. Tomorrow afternoon and night the hilarious comedy. “Pack Up Your Troubles” will be screened. Laurel and Hardy appear in their funniest comedy to date, and the : many admirers of these inimitable comedians will thoroughly enjoy their many escapades together.

BASKET BALL The following teams have been selected to represent North Otago in its matches against Otago, to be played at Waitaki Girls’ High School to-morrow afternoon: — A Team. —Attack; Misses M. Borrie, M. Cairns, H. Sumpter. Centre: S. M‘Cul- | loch, K. M'Douall, D. Paris. Defence: C. Minty, G. Thorpe, M. M'Laren. B Team. —Attack: Misses R. Ireland, A. Geddes, H. Webters. Centre: G. Cameron, V. Mahoney, E. Latta. Defence: D. Thompson, O. Fraser, A. Smyth.

RUGBY FOOTBALL Teams for to-morrow’s games:— Old Boys Seniors. —Taylor, Williamson, Cameron, Murray, Frame, Tempero, Clark, Baird, Cameron, Rodgers, Poole, M‘Donald, Ludemann, Hedges. Old Boys Juniors. —Paton, Milmine, Watts, Easton, M‘Kay, Hunter, M'Laren, Mahoney, Joll, Holt, K. Easton, Hastie, Orbell, Frater, Burns. Old Boys Third Grade. —Reid, Grant, A. Hall, J. Hall, L. Miller, D. Robertson, Maepherson, A. Robertson, J. Paton, A. Ludemann, D. Ludemann, Gray, Hesselyn, Palmer, Cooney. Freeman; emergency, M'Whirter.

COURSING The following is the draw for to-mor-row;— Ladies' Bracelet. —Charlie’s Gift v. Little May. Mickey Hamilton v. Dessert Blue, St. Jude v. Alone Terms, Pal v. Beautiful Terms, Belle Blue v. Royal Hunting, Blue Streak a bye. £5 Limit.—Ding Dong v. Gold Dawn, Miss Limes v. Realms Blue, Realms Lass v. Black Velvet, First Flight v. Speculation.

VALEDICTORY ' On the eve of her departure for Dunedin, -where she has secured another position, Miss Marple Steele was met by the proprietors and staff of the Polytechnic and bade farewell. -Mr R. Brown, on behalf of the firm, spoke of the good service that Miss Steele had given the firm, and extolled those good qualities 1 which had made her associations with j everybody pleasant and profitable. On i behalf of the staff Mr Tempero and Miss Gill spoke, and stressed the cordial and ! friendly relations that had existed among j them , during the time Miss Steele had been with the firm. Valuable gifts were then presented to the guest of honour, and Mr Grant, on behalf of Miss Steele, thanked all, and reciprocated the good feeling and esteem expressed.

: TOTARA P.W.M.U. At the monthly meeting of the Totara P.W.M.U., the president (Mrs Hollow) j presided over a good attendance of members, and extended a welcome to Mrs H. Hogg (Weston),’ the speaker, for the ; afternoon. In a very interesting address Mrs Hogg ’referred to the customs of the people of Bolivia the costumes worn in that country. The speaker displayed several- articles .of. clothing and curios of different kinds brought from | Bolivia. The address proved very in- i structive. and Mrs Hogg was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. During the afternoon a vocal ’ solo was given’ by Mrs Moir, and Miss M. Ballantyne played a i violin solo. Miss A. Ballantyne played the accompaniments; _ A very enjoyable afternoon tea was dispensed.

ENTOMOLOGICAL LECTURE On Tuesday afternoon Dr Miller, head of the Entomological. Department of the Cawthron Institute, will give a lecture, illustrated by lanter slides, in the Majestic Theatre. Dr Miller is one of the world’s leading authorities on entomology, and has been doing valuable work in connection with the control of ragwort, bidibidi, gorse and blackberry. He comes with a reputation as an excellent and interesting speaker, and, _ among other subjects, will deal with the diamond back moth and grass grubs. These lectures are being delivered throughout Canterbury, Otago, and Southland, and should, be of the greatest interest and instruction to farmers and those interested in gardening.

SOCIAL EVENING Prior to her marriage. Miss Morgan, of Totara, was entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Breen, “ Glen Hole," Kai Ora, by the residents of the district. On behalf of those present, Mr D. Smith presented Miss Morgan with an eiderdown quilt and, blankets, and referred to her popularity in the district. Miss Morgan suitably acknowledged the gifts, and Mr Morgan thanked Mr and Mrs Breen for their hospitality. Dancing was indulged in to music supplied by Messrs Sinclair brothers, and was greatly enjoyed. During the evening Mrs Searle and Mr J, Duff contributed songs, and Mrs Morrice and Mr Duff gave a very much appreciated item.

MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING By SIGHTER. The following are the club averages for the week, those for the previous week being given in parentheses;—Oumaru, 77.5 (77.3); Awamoko, 77.4 (76.8); Railway, 76.2 (76.7); Enfield, 76.1 (75.0); Kurow, 75.8 (75.4); Totara, 75.1 (74.3); Volunteers 73.9 (73.0). Oamaru is to be again seen at the head of the list of averages, with Awamoko a close second. Oamaru has headed the list on more occasions than any other club this season, and has managed to keep a very consistent average throughout. Awamoko has been steadily improving during the last fev weeks, and has now reached the 77_ average. It is expected that this club will be in the lead before very long. The best individual scores for the week are as follows:—A. H. Gibson (Enfield) 80, G. Allan (Enfield), A. Gibson, D. Willetts (Awamoko), J. Leslie. J. Taylor (Oamaru) 79. A. H. Gibson went up three “ nicks ” this week to secure the coveted possible, while only five other riflemen in North Otago gained 79’s. The results of the second round of the district championship are as follows: Oamaru 920 v. Volunteers 876, Railway 918 v. Ranfurly 902, Railway 918 v. Maheno 889, Awamoko 911 v. Enfield 900, Weston 911 v. Awamoko 911. Weston 911 v. Enfield 900, Ranfurly 902 v. Maheno 889, Cromwell 902 v. Totara 887. Oamaru secured the best total of 920, with Railway second, being two points behind. Railways is at present leading in the championship table, being one point ahead of Awamoko. Oamaru, with only three matches fired to Railway’s and Awamoko’s four, is two points behind the leading team. The first draw in the district chain-

The following is the draw for the third round:—Ranfurly v. Cromwell, Cromwell v. Weston, Enfield v. Totara, Railway v. Awamoko, Oamaru v. Railway, Weston v. Ranfurly, Maheno v. Volunteers, Oamaru v. Awamoko, Volunteers v. Totara, The draw provided for the meeting of the leading teams, and the result of the third round will be closely followed by riflemen throughout. The average score per team in the second round increased from 897;5 to 901.0, and the average score per rifleman was 75.13 as against 74.45. After securing the PaTliser button for several weeks, H. Koppert was beaten for the trophy this week by J. Taylor. Kopppift, however, only slipped three on last week’s score, and his average for the last four shoots is 78.75. J. Leslie also shot well this week at the Oamaru Club’s shoot, and the last four shoots disclose his scores at 78, 77, 77, and 79. It is hoped that this rifleman will keep up this good performance.

The weekly scores of the Awamoko Club have greatly improved during the last few wfeeks. The most consistent rifleman has been A. Gibson, who has an average of 79 for his last four shoots. R. Fillingham has been returning poor scores this ■season, and he has not yet struck his form of last year. In a postal match between Kurow and Railway, the former secured a good win Iby 12 points. The shooting of both teams was not up to standard. W. B. Appleby and A. C. Robinson headed the Kurow scores with 79 a-piece, while Railway’s best score was 78, secured by A. Wilson. Kurow is to be congratulated on its good win over the town team. Enfield showed improvement in its weekly average, and supplied the only possible this week. G. Allan also just missed obtaining 80. This rifleman has been shooting consistently, and his last four scores are 79, 77, 78, 79. With the exception of A. H. Gibson, the remaining members have not reached their form of last season. Kurow had a good muster of members at its weekly shoot, and in this district W. Apleby, A. Robinson, and J. R. Jackson headed the week’s scores with 7S’s. In .the shoot-off the button went to J. Jackson. Although Totara showed an improvement in its scores, this club has not showed anything like its form of previous seasons. M. Sinclair secured the best total, and S. Taylor showed an improved target to be next on the list. D. Marshall has slipped back this season, and 76 cannot be regarded as his best form. DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP. The following are the detailed results of the second round of the District Championship;— Oamaru. —H. Koppert, E. Swinard 80, I. Swinard 78, J. Caldwell, T. Kennedy, J. Leslie 77, 0-. Glynn, M. Wisnesky 76, E. Sinclair, J. Nimtno 75, A. North 74 920. _ . Railway.—C. Andrew, A. Brown, A. Jackman, R. Lawrie, M. Mulhern 78, G. Brightwell, V. Barker 77, R. J. Wilson, G. Ward 76. W. Woodall 75, F. Jones 74. F. Longman 73—918. Weston.—D. Park, A. M'Naughton 80, A. Howell 79, W. West, G. Campbell 78, 11. Stevenson, W. Sewell 76, L. Clark, L. Park 75. W. Paton, L. Campbell 72, B. Campbell 70 —911. , Awamoko.—J. Brunton 79, G. Gibson, A. Gibson 78, L. Willetts. D. Willetts, W. Gibson 77, C. Brunton 76, L. Brunton 70, i S. O’Dell, E. Williams 74, R. Filhngham, |W. King 73—911. _ .. | Ranfurly.—J. E. Kearney 80, W. Ait--1 ken 79, H. Laing 78, J. Grom, S. Wilson, I L. Perriam 76, H. Bridgewater, F. Healey, ; B. Simbnsen, 75, P. M’Hugh, J. D. Grom 72, D. Lonie 68—902. : Cromwell.—H. Colquhoun, J. Parcell 79, J. O’Neill, A. Hughes, F. Middleton 77, W. Webb 76, W. Campbell 75, U. Cahill, W. E. Veint 74, A. Dewar 73, R. M'Felin 72, V. Sanders 69 —902. Enfield:—G. Allan 78. H. Ellery, A. H. Gibson, W. Allan 77, H. Bradley, A. Anderson, W. Fallon 75, B. Johnston, G. Yuill 74, J. Kerin, J. M'Veigh 73, J. Allan 72—900. T Maheno. —D, Grant 78, J. Clark, G. ■ Clark 76, R. Richardson 75, L. Dougherty, A. Lindsay, W. Yorston 74, H. Rapson, R. Rawson, S. Pringle 73, A. ; Price 72, G. Taylor 71—889. Totara. —D. Marshall, W. Smith 78, S. Wilson 76, A. Richardson 75, M. Sinclair, Joe Carrig. H. Blair 74,. S. Taylor, J. Richardson. S. Perry 73, D. Seaton 72, D. Clark 67—887. , | Volunteers. —T. Koppert 77. J. Carlson, i P. Smith 76, R. Hedges 75, J. Heron, A. i Smith, A. Cockerell 73, R. Crawshaw, A. G. Robertson 72, S. Robbie 71, H. M‘Lardy 70, R. Dickson 68—876. i The following were the best scores at the Maheno Club’s shoot:—T. MTjay 78, A. Price 78, R. Richardson 77. J. Clark I 76, J. Currie 76, A. Lindsay 76, G. Clark i 75, E. Nicholson 74. R. Rawson 74, J. ! Lindsay 73 H. Rapson 73, G. Taylor 72, I H. Souness 71.

KUROW SEVEN-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT The following is the draw for the Waitaki Rugby Sub-union’s seven-a-side tournament to be played at Kurow to-mor-row: — Seniors. First Round.—Tokarahi v. Georgetown A. Duntroon A v. Kurow C, Duntroon B v. Omarama. Second Round.—Awakino B v. Kurow A. Awakino A v. Kurow B, Georgetown B a bye. Third Grade. First Round. —Otiakc v. Hydro B, Duntroon B v. Ngapara, Duntroon A v. Hydro A, Duntroon C a bye. Fifth Grade (Bst 51b limit). First Round. —Hydro B v. Y.M.C.A. B, Duntroon v. Kurow A, Kurow B v. Otekaike, Y.M.C.A. v. Hydro A. The following will represent Ngapara Juniors at the Kurow seven-a-side tournament: —G. Rawcliffe, D. Hampton, T. C. Holmes, G. Hampton (captain), J. G. O’Brien. F. S. Howard, A. Johnson.

PERSONAL Mr T. P. O’Connor, of Cromwell, has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the Oamaru branch of Messrs Dalgety and Co., caused by the departure of Mr Howard Bailey for Dunedin. Mr O’Connor joined the firm at Oamaru in 1917, and was later stationed at Duntroon and Ranfurly before going to Cromwell. Queen’s Hotel. —Mr Hank Oswald (Canada). Mr 11. Orme (Auckland), Mr W. Filings (Wellington), Mr R. H. Hill, Mr A. G. Jamieson (Christchurch), Mr A. E. Westland, Mr H. Kirk. Mr A. Duncan, Mr W. Slowly, Mr G. Clarke (Dunedin). New Club Hotel. —Mr and Mrs C. G. Lane, Mr S. Anderson, Mr A. W. Milburn (Christchurch), Mr C. Stewart (Waiwera South), Mr R. E. Shallcrass (Ashburton), Mr R. J. Bartley (Wellington), Mr R. Harvey, Mr L. M'Millan. Mr J. F. Thomson (Dunedin). LADIES’ GOLF The annual match between the North Otago and Waimate Ladies’ Golf Clubs was played on the Awamoa links yesterday in fine weather, although the wind made conditions at times troublesome. The greens were in good condition, and an enjoyable day’s golf was spent, the match being won by North Otago. The following are the results (North Otago names mentioned first): — Singles.—Mrs Orbell 0, Miss Templer 1; Miss Wylde Browne 0. Miss Hertslet 1; Miss Ireland 1, Mrs Grant 0; Miss Fnmilton i, Miss Jones J; Miss Hewat 0, Miss M'Lean 1: Miss Lane 1, Mrs Fraser 0; Mrs Cook 1. Miss Brownlie 0; Mrs Kilpatrick 1. Miss Stevens 0: Miss M‘Donald 1, Mrs Henley 0; Mrs Brown 1, Mrs Chisholm 0; Mrs Meek 1, Mrs Judge 0; Mr a Spooner 1, Miss Jones 0. Totals: North Otago 81. Waimate 3J. Foursomes. —Mrs Orbell and Miss Wylde Browne 0, Mrs Templer and Miss

Hertslet 1; Mrs Ireland and Miss Familton 1, Mrs Grant and Miss Jones 0; Mieses Lane and M'Donald 1, Miss M'Lean and Mrs Fraser 0; Mesdames Cook and Brown 0, Misses Brownlie and Stevens 1; Mesdames Kilpatrick and Meek 1, Mesdames Chisholm and Healy 0; Mesdames M'Culloch and Spooner 0. Mrs Judge and Miss Jones 1. Totals: North Otago 3, Waimate 3. FUNCTION AT WAITAKI There was a large gathering of residents at the fortnightly euchre tournament and dance held at Waitaki. The prize-win-ners were as follows: —-Mr O. Leary 1, Mr A. Chapman 2. Mr I). Brosnan 3. Lucky table prizes were won by Mrs E. Berry and Mr A. Chapman. After supper dancing was indulged in until midnight. WESLEY CHURCH Mrs Jack presided at a meeting of the Methodist Women’s Missionary Union held in the Wesley Hall. Mesdames Jack and Grocott were nominated as officers to the Dominion Conference. Mrs Denton was appointed delegate to represent the union. Letters were received from Sister E. M'Millan, and proved very interesting. Each member gave a short account of missionary work in general, and the meeting closed with the benediction. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE Advice has been received from the Unemployment Board that the question of appointing a new Unemployment Committee in Oamaru is receiving consideration, but that it is not considered necessary to appoint a new committee in the meantime. WOMEN’S CLUB A musical hour spent at the North Otago Women’s Club proved very enjoyable and interesting, a feature of the afternoon being an address by Miss Stobo on her trip to Scotland. The following programme was presented by the members: —Pianoforte solo, Miss Vera Slater; songs, Mesdames Solomon and D. Thomson; vocal gems from “The Belle of New York ” —Mrs Piper, Misses Butterfield, Kinder, Williams, Russell, and Tomlinson. Mrs Tweed played the accompaniments. NORTH OTAGO AERO CLUB The first annual meeting of the North Otago Aero Club was held last night, the Mayor (Mr M. F. E. Cooney) occupying the chair. The annual report of the club disclosed that two pageants had been successfully staged during the year. The aerodrome had been used on many occasions by business visitors. The club had trained eight A license pilots and three endorsed A pilots, while 15 _ were at present qualifying for their A licenses. The balance sheet showed the club to be in a very satisfactory position. Thanks were due to all those who had assisted in the activities of the club, and_ especially to the Oamaru Borough Council and the Waitaki County Council for their support. In his remarks Mr Cooney said that the club had fully justified its existence, as it had met with a good deal of success since its formation. The club was to be congratulated on finding a suitable place at Alma for an aerodrome, and the members were to be commended especially on the manner in which the pageant on the occasion of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith’s visit had been carried out. The secretary (Mr M. Bates) was also to be congratulated on the_ manner in which he had carried out his work. The good position of the club to-day was in a great measure due to the enthusiasm shown by him.' The annual report and balance sheet were adopted. In tendering his resignation as secretary of the club Mr Bates thanked the members for their support. He said the club was greatly indebted to Captain Park for the excellent work he was doing in promoting aviation in' North Otago. A cup has been presented by Mr Bates to the club to be competed for annually, and the donor was accorded a vote of thanks for the gift. Mr Bates’s resignation was accepted with regret, and a minute of appreciation of his services was recorded.

The following officers were elected:— Patron, Mr F. Milner; president, Mr R. Milligan: vice-presidents—Messrs 'N. Hayes, A. C. M'Caw, IST. Gilchrist, J. R. Gilchrist, H. S. Orbell, M. Holmes, E. G. Lane. P. K. Ireland, H. Meek, D. J. Ross, A. MTnnes, R. Dick, R. B. Meek, K. Familton, R. Butterfield, Alexander Clark, G. L. Cuthbertson, J. Preston. J. O’Brien, W. M'Donald, J. G. MacDonald, G. T. Gillies, I. Daltner, W. Robertson, W. Dewar, J. M'Kenzie, A. Mackay, A. J. Grave, A. G. Creagh, J. A. Macpherson, W. A. Trotter, R. H. Packwood, J. E. Austin, J. C. Kirkness, L. Pavletich, J. Irving, Drs Douglas, Smith-Morton, Orbell, Butler, Fitzgerald, Stubbs, and Liddell, and Colonel J. C. Nichols; secretary and treasurer, Mr S. Cuthbertson; committee—Messrs D. Whittaker, E. M’Diarmid. R. Shaw, L. Selwood, B. Densem, J. M. Wallace. G. Clark, W. Jacobs, J. Dovey, and John Grant Mr Bates reported that a cup had been presented to "the club by Mrs Park, and a motion of appreciation was passed to her. Votes of thanks were accorded Messrs J. M. Forrester, F. Milner, and M. F. E. Cooney, and Captain Park for their valuable assistance to the club.

WRESTLING The Opera House was packed lest night for the wrestling bouts staged by the Oamaru Wrestling Association, the proceedings being opened by an exhibition of wrestling holds by R. Strang 10.0 (Dunedin) and E. J. Barton 10.0 (Dunedin). The various holds were announced by Mr H. Baldock (Dunedin). Amateur bouts were refereed by Mr M. Coughlan (Dunedin). The first contest was between B. Wills 12.0 (Hydro) and W. Blacklock 12.0 (Oamaru). Wills secured a fall by a body scissors and arm hold in the first round and a fall by a reverse head hold in the second round, winning the bout. The second contest between L. Goughian 11.9 (Dunedin) and A. Rae 11.3 (Dunedin) was a clever exhibition in which the wrestlers were well matched, ending in a draw.

The last amateur bout was between R. Strang 10.0 (Dunedin) and E. J. Barton 10.0 (Dunedin). Both showed good knowledge of the art, giving a very clever exhibition for the three-rounds, the decision being a draw. The professional contest was between Ilank Oswald (14.5) and Harry Mamos (14.3), the bout being refereed by Mr W. Goughian (Dunedin). In the first round Oswald brought Mamos to the canvas with a wristlock, followed by a head lock. Mamos then held his opponent with a hammer-lock, from which Oswald escaped with a back slam. Mamos then applied a toe hold. Oswald retaliating with a face bar and headlock, then a Japanese wristlock and scissors, from which Mamos escaped by rolling. Oswald held Mamos on the ground with a headlock, and was applying a wristlock at the gong. Oswald commenced the second round with a flying tackle, then held Mamos with an arm bar. Mamos threw Oswald three times with a reverse headlock. three times with a reverse headlock. tackles, then brought Mamos to the mat with a short-arm scissors, from which Mamos look two minutes to escape. Oswald again applied a short-arm scissors, Mamos escaping in quicker time, and throwing his opponent with reverse headlocks, then holding Oswald in the splits. Oswald got free to apply a toe hold at the gong. In the third _ round Oswald brought Mamos down with a reverse wristlock, Mamos escaping with a head scissors and arm bar, and holding Oswald with a toe hold. Oswald escaped with a face bar. Mamos threw his opponent with reverse headlocks, but Oswald held Mamos in a head scissors and ,lcg cradle. Mamos got a Japanese arm bar on Oswald, who was again brought down with a hammer-lock, Mamos also holding Oswald with a head scissors at the gong.

In the fourth round Mamos held Oswald in a cradle hold. Oswald took three flying tackles, then applied a keylock, which he held for three minutes, then making four flying tackles. Mamos got on a headlock, from which Oswald escaped with a face bar, throwing Mamos with headlocks. Mamos brought Oswald to the mat with a hiplock, then applied a hammer-lock. The gong saved Oswald. In the fifth round Oswald applied a body scissors, followed by a head scissors, then an arm bar, from which Mamos escaped. Oswald brought Mamos down with a wrist lock, and on his escape Oswald got the first fall by means of a body press following succession of flying tackles. In the sixth round Oswald put a headlock on Mamos, who secured a hammerlock following a log trip and arm bar. Oswald escaped, throwing Mamos to the mat and applying a head scissors and wristlock, then a hammer-lock. Mamos secured a head and arm scissors, holding Oswald at the gong. In the seventh round Oswald brought Mamos to the mat with a headloek, then securing a hammer-lock which Mamos broke in an arm hold. Oswald then secured a head scissors. Oswald was held securely in a double arm scissors when the gong saved him. In the final round Oswald put on a leg scissors, Mamos breaking with a headlock. Following a succession of flying tackles by Oswald, Mamos secured a reverse headloek and gained a fall with a body press, the result being a draw.

pionship occurred between Awamoko and Weston. The positions of the various teams are as follows: — M. W. L. D. Pts. Railway 4 — — 8 Awamoko 3 — 1 7 Oamaru 3 — — 6 Weston .. .. 1 — 1 3 Ranfurly .... 4 1 3 — 2 Cromwell .. .. .. 3 1 . 2 — 2 Enfield 1 3 — o Volunteers .. .... 3 1 2 — 2 Totara .. .. .... 3 1 2 — 2 Mahcno .. . — 4 —

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 12