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RELIEF WORKS The following work was carried out by the local bodies under scheme 5 during last week:—Oamaru Borough Council: Hospital road formation, 31 men, £34 3s 9d; striping at quarry, 13 men, £2O 10s; waterworks, 4 men, £5 ss; town work on streets, 18 men, £24 18s 9d. Oamaru Gardens and Reserves Department: Cleaning and improvements, 34 men, £47. Friendly Bay Society: Improvements at foreshore. 4 men, £5 6s 3d. Marine Parade Society: Formation of track, 5 men, £5 18s 9d. UNEMPLOYMENT ' COMMITTEE The weekly meeting of the Unemployr ment Committee was held yesterday morning, the Mayor (Mr J. M. Forrester), presiding. Four applications were granted under scheme 4a, as follows:—Omarama, one man, wages 5s per week; Georgetown, one man, 5s per week; Windsor, one man, 5s per week; Herbert, one man, no wages. The Unemployment Board advised that men engaged under scheme 5, who would be otherwise working on the Friday and Saturday during Easter, will be paid for these two days without having to work. A further letter from the board pointed out that the wages for single men engaged in rabbiting under scheme 11 have been reduced from £l to 15s. —Received. The Labour Bureau officer (Mr S. E. M'Gregor) reported that at the end of the previous week there were 316 registered unemployed. Since then 16 new applications were re.ceived, six gent to the Hydro Works, four to camp, nine to other schemes, three were placed in private employment, and 34 names were, removed, leaving a total of 276 at the end of last week. CRICKET The chief feature of the Union Club during the past season was the consistent bowling, and the averages were very good, but the batting, however, was much weaker tha.n in past seasons. The team managed to dismiss most of the other sides for moderately small totals, but was unable to secure a sufficient number of runs' to obtain wins. The fielding in the early part of the season was weak, but improved as the competition progressed, and at the end of the season was quite good. As wicket-keeper, M'Callum was successful and maintained his usual good standard throughout. M'Donald had an off season for both batting and bowling, and Maddigan and Blair were not fav> cured with too much luck with the ball, both having several chances dropped off their bowling. Only one century was registered during the season, this being obtained by Borrows, with 128, and Brown (96) just failed to reach the coveted century. In gaining second place in the competition Union owed its position mainly to consistent team work, and not to individual efforts. The following are the averages for the season:—

Wicket-keeping.—L. M'Callum: Caught 10, stumped .4, number of innings 13, total extras 93, average 7.15. Other Catches.—Robbie, H. Robertson, M'Donald (six), Maddigan (five), Brown (four). Hunter, L. Blair, B. Blair, Granger (two), J. Robertson, Meikle, Tonkin (one). ...... ~ KAKANUI NOTES The Kakanui Tennis Club’s weekly euchre tournament and dance, held in the Athenasum Hall, was largely patronised, and proved very enjoyable. The prizes were won by Mrs Live and Miss Tosh (equal) and Mr W. S. Barnett. Mr J. Been supplied excellent dance music, and Mr E. Jones was M.C., and supper handed round ,by the ladies wag much appreciated. The Kakanui Wesley Church was beautifully decorated with flowers, grain, fruit, etc., on Sunday evening, when Mrs Bridgman conducted the annual harvest thanksgiving service. There was a good congregation, and the produce used in the decorations showed clearly the great variety of crops harvested in this district. Mrs Jones presided at the organ, and Miss Maffey’s Sunday School pupils rendered a hymn in a very pleasing manner. KENYA COLONY Mr W. Blaikie, who is at present on a visit to New Zealand, is a prominent member of the Church of Scotland Mission in Kenya Colony, Africa. He is an old Otago boy, and is head of the Education Department of the church’s activities. Mr Blaikie states that at the principal school, situated a few miles from Nairobi, the average attendance is between 900 and 1000 pupils daily, while there are also schools in other districts. At these schools not only are the elements of education taught, but instruction is also given in many of the arts and crafts, such as carpentry, masonry, etc. Mr Blaikie, who has spent 12 years in Kenya, and is now on furlough visiting relatives in North Otago, will give an address on the work of the mission in St. Paul’s Hall this evening. Mr Blaikie will veturn to Kenya in about two months’ time. BOWLING In the final of the Handicap Singles of the Meadowbank competitions. Hart defeated Blacklock, jun. Blacklock, jun., had two lives, but Hart beat him twice to win the . competition. The entries for the North Otago Easter bowling tournament have come forward fairly freely, including rinks from Christchurch to Invercargill, and with some still in view, it is hoped to have as large an entry as last year. The weather at Oamaru ig invariably good for the Easter holidays, and visitors always look forward to spending a very enjoyable time on the greens. RAM AND EWE FAIR The annual rani and ewe fair, conducted by the North Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association, will be held at the Show Grounds, Oamaru, to-morrow, commencing about 11.30 a.m. Practically all of the well-known breeders of Otago and Canterbury will be represented, and some of the finest stock in both provinces will be offered for sale. There will also be a strong representation of North Otago breeders, and the bidding should be very keen. •

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE .There was a good atfimdancc of members at the annual meeting of the Awamoa-Alma Women's Institute held at the residence of Mrs S. Taylor. The president (Mrs M'Gimpsey) opened, the meeting with the reading or the institute creed, after which the song was sung by f,he members. After correspondence had been dealt with, the secretary (Miss Hunter) read the annual report, and the treasurer (Miss Martin) presented the balance sheet. On the motion of Mrs Dalziel, the secretary and treasurer were thanked for their work during the year and for the excellent reports presented. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mrs M'Gimpsey; vicepresidents, Mesdames Dalziel and Hall; secretary, Mies Ross; treasurer, Miss Martin; sales table, Mrs Nicholls; press correspondent, Mrs Cowan; roll-caff, Mrs Williams; committee —Mesdames MGirapscy. Taylor, Cowan, Nicholls, Dalziel, Hall. Williams. M'Donald, and Misses Ross, Martin, and Keeting.' The competition for the best article made from a sugar bag was won by Mrs Osborne with a cushion, Mrs M'Beth gaining second place with a knitting bag» and the Misses Keeting third equal with a mat and an apron. The hostesses for the ’afternoon were the Misses J. and J. Miffs. After a happy afternoon the meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Taylor for the use of her rooms and by the singing of the National Anthem. OAMARU LABOUR PARTY The second annual report of the Oamaru branch of the New Zealand Labour Party, to be presented to s the annual meeting to-night, states that the executive considered the activities of the branch justified and quite satisfactory in spite of the membership being affected by the depression, and by the Government s action in debarring civil servants from taking an active part in politics, this being considered a most unfair attitude in not allowing civil servants the same rights as their fellow citizens. It was imperative that if the branch was to meet with the success desired a higher membership must be maintained, and the executive trusted that supporters would realise this fact and obtain membership tickets each year. Keenness should be shown at all times, and not left for election campaigns, if they were to obtain the full measure of success. The executive recommended to the incoming committee that organising work be taken up immediately in the outlying districts, with a view to forming branches wherever possible. Help had already been promised by local men. During the year the visits to the district by Labour members of Parliament had been very gratifying. These members, who had already given up so much of their home life to fight their cause in the House of Representatives, were ever ready to give their services and address public meetings outside their own electorates, and the branch was greatly indebted to them. The branch was favoured with visits from Messrs Walter Nash, James M'Combs, Fred Jones, Jordan, Langstone, and Richards, M.P.’s, who wellattended meetings in Oamaru. The response hy way of collections at the meetings had been disappointing, and the hope of the executive that the expenses of these meetings would have been covered by the collections had not. been realised. A deputation was received from the Unemployed Workers’ Association to discuss a grievance in connection with the Unemployed Committee, the deputation accepting the explanation given. Executive meetings were held regularly throughout the year, and were well attended, but owing to the lack of attendance the general meetings were not held regularly. Labour members of Parliament were to be congratulated on their efforts in the House of Representatives throughout the year, having kept up the fight in the interests of the bulk of the people.. The balance sheet showed a reduction in the amount in hand, but this, however, was satisfactorily accounted for by the fact that the money was usefully spent in propaganda work. The executive urged upon supporters to make every effort to increase the membership of the branch. The retiring officers and members of the executive thanked members for the support given, and wished the branch every success in the future. RESIDENCE DESTROYED Shortly before noon on Sunday a fourroomed dwelling at Totara was destroyed by fire. The house was owned by Mr James Clarke, of Reidston, and occupied by Mr A. J. Rawson. The fire broke out in the front room, and is, attributed to a defective chimney. The insurance on the building was not available yesterday, but the furniture was insured for £2OO. VITAL STATISTICS The vital statistics for Oamaru for March are as follows, the figures for the quarter ended March 31 being shown in parentheses:—Births 19 (70)., deaths 11 (40), marriages 10 (20). BUCKLEY BOWL COMPETITION The annual competition for the Buckley Bowl was held on Saturday afternoon between .the Oamaru Defence Rifle Club, B Company team, and a team from the Waitaki Boys’ High School. The weather was dull with a steady north-east breeze. The shooting on the whole was up to standard, and some very good performances were put up. The Oamaru Defence Rifle Club won the trophy again with'the fine total of 601. the Volunteers’ team being next with 580 points, and Waitaki with 566 points. C. S. M. Smith, of B Company, won the Queen’s Rifle Shield for the highest individual score, with the good total of 85. The Ladies’ Challenge Cup went to G. Blundell, of the Waitaki Boys’ High School with a score of 79. The competition consisted of three practices, application and rapid at 200 yards and application at 500 yards. The scores were as follows: — OAMARU DEFENCE RIFLE CLUB.

RIBBON PARADE Tljc North Otago Kennel Club held a very successful ribbon parade at Orana Park on Saturday. Several Dunedin fanciers made the journey and assisted in making the parade very interesting. Mr J. Marshall, of Dunedin, who was judge of the Toys, was very much impressed with Mrs Barton’s “ Sydney Silicic," awarding it the Toy Stakes. Mr F. Robertson, of Balclutha, who judged all other breeds, commented favourably on Mr G. H. Donaldson’s rough-coated collie, “Judith of Selkirk," awarding her the Puppy Stakes and the Novice Bitch Stakes. After the judging the president presented the beautiful stakes ribbons, which had been given by Dr Smith Morton, Mrs M. P. Woodward, Messrs G. C. Hayhurst, W. L. Notman, W. L, Wylie, S. L. Hall, I. Petrie, and K. Sumpter. The results are as follows: —

Smooth-coated fox terriers, under four months—S. Browne 1, A. J. Dean 2 and 3. Under eight months —A. J. Dean 1 and 2. Under 12 months—H. M'Kenzie 1. Open—W. Henderson 1, S. Browne 2, W. Aikenhcad 3. Scottish terriers. —Open—D. SmithMorton 1, Mrs S. Spiers 2. Irish terriers. —Under four months —E. Vernor 1, P. W. Hargreaves 2, S. Woodward 3. Under eight months—E. Vernor 1. Under 12 months —M. F. Woodward 1. Sealyham terriers.—Under eight months —G. C. Hayhurst 1. Under 12 months — Miss Lane 1. Open—G. C. Hayhurst 1 and 2. West Highland white terriers. —Open— Mrs Smith Morton 1. Airedale terrier. —Open—Miss Edgar 1. Pointer, under eight months.—Miss Waterworth 1. Cockers, black.—Under eight mouths— L. Stirton 1. Under 12 months —L. Stirton 1, I. Petrie 2, Mrs J. Meikle 3. Open —Mrs J. Meikle 1, Mrs G. Sumpter 2. Cockers, other than black. —Under 12 months —It. Edwards 1. Open—L. Barton 1, K. Sumpter 2, 11. Wheelans 3. Labradors.—Under eight months —J. S. Genge 1, Ross Aubrey 2. Under 12 months—Fischer and Duncan 1, R. A. Aubrey 2. Open—J. S. Genge 1, Fischer and Duncan 2. Greyhounds, open. —J. A. Wilson 1, I. Smart 2. Bulldogs.—Under eight months—P. W. Storey 1. Under 12 months and open— Miss Darling 1. Rough-coated collies, under 12 months and open.—G. H. Donaldson 1. Alsatians. —Under four months —W. L. Notman 1. Open—S. Smart 1 and 3, W. L, Notman 2, Pomeranians. —Under 12 months —G. Allan 1. Miss Drabble 2, Miss Watts 3. Open—W. B. Perrin 1 and 3, G. Allan 2. Pekinese, open.—Miss Baxter 1. Sydney silkie. —Under eight months— Miss Po'ff 1. Open—Mrs Barton 1. Stakes. Puppy, under six months. —L. Barton (cocker), .Puppy, under 12 months. —G. H. Donaldson (rough-coated collie). Terrier. —W. Henderson (smooth-coated fox terrier). Non-sporting.—S. Smart (Alsatian). Toys.—Mrs Barton (Sydney silkie). Novice dog. Miss Waterworth (pointer). , , , Novice, bitch.—G. H. Donaldson (roughcoated collie). LADIES’ HOCKEY DANCE About 80 couples were present at the weekly dance held by the North Otago Ladies Hockey Association in the Ribble street hall on Saturday night. The dance proved to be one of the most siiccessful yet held by the association, and all present spent a very pleasant time. Miss JJoyce and partner won the “ Lucky Spot ” waltz, and Miss T. Dodds and partner the Monte Carlo. Mr H. Thomas carried out the duties of M.C., and Mr R. Rae s orchestra supplied excellent music. SUNSHINE , The sunshine recorded by Mr D. S. Bain for the month of March was 208 hours, as compared with 150 hours for the corresponding month of last year. The daily average for the month was 6hr 42min. There were two days of 124 hours of sunshine, eight of 10 hours, and 15 of eight-hours or over. On four days during the month there was no sunshine recorded. HOSPITAL PICNIC The annual picnic of the staff of the Oamaru Public Hospital was held at “Glencoe.” Herbert, on Saturday, the matron (Miss Mackie) and about 20 nurses, together with friends, attending. A very enjoyable outing was spent, and a programme of sports gave added interest to the competitors. The chairman of the Waitaki Hospital Board (Mr J. Rodman) was present, and expressed pleasure at the success attending the picnic. HOCKEY REFEREES’ ASSOCIATION There was a large attendance of members at the annual meeting of # the North Otago Hockey Referees’ Association, held in the-Ribble street hall. The annual report and balance sheet were adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows: — President/Mr H. W. Thomas; senior vicepresident, Mr A. C. Kay; secretary and treasurer, Mr R. Arnot.t; Appointment Committee —Messrs A. C. Kay, A. Bars'dell, and H. W. Thomas: sole examiner of referees, Mr H. W. Thomas; delegate to North Otago Ladies’ Hockey' Association, Mr W. J. Chappell; delegate to North Otago Men’s Sub-association, Mr R. Arnott; delegate to New Zealand Hockey Referees’ Association, Mr G. Cusack (Wellington) ; auditor, Mr G. Restieux. It was decided that meetings be held fortnightly on Thursday nights, the next meeting to bo held on April 20. PERSONAL Queen’s Hotel. —Mr H. Leaper (Wellington), Captain A. J. Charman, Mr F. S. Dyer (Christchurch), Mr G. L. Almond, Mr J. Downes (Timaru), Mr M. H. M'Mullan (Dunedin). New Club Hotel. —Mr and Mrs Taylor (Alexandra), Mr and Mrs A. Hamilton (Invercargill), Mr L. J. Hughes, Mr O. Wood, Mr E. M'lnnes (Dunedin), Mr T. R. Taylor. Mr H. C. Massey (Christchurch), Mr A. L. Brook (Auckland). DEFENCE RIFLE SHOOTING WAITAKI HYDRO CLUB. There was a strong, variable easterly wind blowing, with light changeable on both the 500 and 600 yards’ ranges, for the weekly shoot of Waitaki Hydro Y.M.C.A. Defence Rifle Club. H. Petterson won the first prize and the weekly button, and the second prize went tp R. I'. Taylor. Scores: — 500 600

HAMPDEN CLUB. Seven shots and one optional were fired at 300 and 500 yards’ ranges at the weekly shoot of the Hampden Returned Soldiers’ Defence Rifle Club. A glaring sun with a haze hanging over the targets made the conditions for good scoring impossible.

Rifleman G. Reynolds (4G) defeated the holder, Rifleman O. C. Gould (43), for the president’s challenge button.

MAYORESS’S RELIEF FUND A meeting of trustees of the Queen Carnival funds was held yesterday afternoon, when a financial statement of the Queen Carnival was presented. A net balance of approximately £BSO was available for the Mayoress’s Relief Fund, and Messrs J. M. Forrester and M. F. Cooney were appointed trustees to operate on the Post Office Savings Bank account, and it was decided to make a grant of £IOO immediately to the Mayoress’s Relief Fund. HAMPDEN NOTES Mr J. Joyce occupied the chair at a meeting of the Hampden Returned Soldiers’ Association on Saturday night. A motion of sympathy was passed with the Dunbar family in the death of Lieutenant If. Dunbar, N.Z.E.F. The programme in connection with the Anzac Day services was drawn up, and it was resolved to write to the local ministers asking them |o co-operate, and to the Hampden ■Borough Council inviting the Mayor and councillors to attend. It was decided to leave the distribution of poppies in Mr Ford’s bands. The secretary reported on applications received from unemployed returned soldiers for work under the Poppy Day funds, and it was decided to ask the Moeraki Domain Board to subsidise this

■work. It was resolved to write asking the Borough Council to replace a memorial tree, and to the Public Works Department in reference to a soldier’s grave. The secretary was instructed to write to members requesting payment of outstanding subscriptions. TRINITY COLLEGE A communication received yesterday from the Trinity College, London, announces that Miss Frances Lawlor, a pupil of the Dominican Convent, has been awarded a senior exhibition in elocution. NGAPARA FOOTBALL CLUB There was a good attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Ngapara Football Club. The annual report and balance sheet were adopted. The following officers were elected:—President, Mr D. Daly; vice-presidents—Messrs W. Dunlop, A. Morrison, G. Watson, R. M’Murtrie, J. Russell, E. Eckhold, W. Marshall, P. Hood, T. Meenan, G. Munro, and S. Blair; delegates to the sub-union, Messrs G. Watson, sen., and J .Russell; secretary. Mr Watson; club captain, Mr D. Daly; playing captain, Mr A. Eckhold; selectors—Messrs E. Eckhold, the coach, and the captain; coach, Mr D. Daly; committee—Messrs E. Eckhold, A, Morrison, and A. Eckhold. OAMARU FIRE BRIGADE The monthly meeting of the Oamaru Volunteer Fire Brigade was held last night. Superintendent Herron occupied the chair. One honorary member was elected to the brigade. Accounts amounting to £3 were passed for payment. The secretary was empowered to convert the Government bond lodged in the Post Office Savings Bank. It was decided to appoint Foreman W. Williams as delegate to the annual conference of the United Fire Brigades’ Association, to be held in Wellington on April 24. It was decided to send a letter of sympathy to the Port Chalmers Fire Brigade in the death of one of its members, Fireman Percy. OAMARU ATHEN/EUM The monthly meeting of the Oamaru Athemeum and Mechanics’ Institute was held last night, there being a large attendance of members. The president (Mr C. Zimmermann) was in the chair. A motion of sympathy was passed in the usual manner with the librarian (Miss Dunbar) in the loss of her mother. The librarian’s report stated that 33 volumes of fiction and travel had been put into circulation during the month. Ten subscribers had left, leaving the total number of adults on the rolls 391. Five adults had joined and seven left, the total number of subscribers on the roll being 469. A total of 5065 books had been issued during March. Accounts amounting to £sl 6s 5d were passed for payment. The Book Committee reported that 24 works of fiction and two of general literature had been put into circulation and recommended the purchase of 11 further fiction works. The Visiting Committee for the mouth recommended that the subscription rates should be painted on the glass doors and that the illuminated sign advertising the library should be improved.—lt was decided to have the subscription rates painted on the swing door, to have the lettering on the signs renovated, and to renew the illuminated sign. Messrs Judkins and Mollison were appointed a Visiting Committee for April. It was decided to go on with the erection of shelves for the' magazines. The chairman wished Mr R. L. Banks an enjoyable tour of Europe, as this was his last meeting before leaving Oamaru. Several suggestions were put forward by a special sub-committee to increase the number of subscribers to the library. It was stated that it was hoped to _ make the subscription rates to the library and the general benefits offered by the Athenaeum more widely known.—lt was resolved to hold over the report until the next meeting. NORTH OTAGO RUGBY UNION A special meeting of delegates of clubs to the North Otago Rugby Union was held last night. Mr 11. E. Weddc occupied the chair. A protest was received from Mr W. T. Atkinson against the election of six members to the Management Committee at the annual meeting as the nomination of Mr T. H. Hender had not been handed in in accordance with rule 6. —After some discussion the meeting proceeded to the election of six members, which resulted in the following being chosen: —Messrs E. O. Martin, A. Marshall. J. Burns, W. M'Donald, A. Gilchrist, J. Crowley.

BATTING, Ins. N.O. R. H.S. Av. E. Brown .. .. 12 1 320 96 29.1 R. M'Donald 11 1 269 59 26.9 W Borrows 9 — 210 128 23.3 G. Meikle 10 — 190 57 19 J. Granger .. 4 — 75 45 18.75 H. Robertson 10 4 103 31 17.17 J. Robertson 3 — . 48 27 16 L. M'Callum 10 2 100 .44 12.5 J. Maddigan 11 — 137 37 12.46 B. Blair .. 11 -2 87 22* 9.67 S. Robbie 11 4 58 13* 8.29 L. Blair . i . 4 — 32 15 8 W Hunter -.. 3 — 17 7 5,67 H. Tonkin 3 — 14 5 4.67 W Budd . 4 1 3 2 1 B. Brooks . ..’ 2 1 1 1* 1 * Signifies not out. BOWLING. 0. M. R. W. Av. S. Robbie ,. 5 2 12 3 4 H. Robertson 6 — 30 3 10 H. Tonkin 23.5 5 71 6 11.83 G. Meikle 76.5 25 170 14 12.14 E. Brown- 117.1 33 302 23 13.13 W Borrows 54;5 12 181 10 18.1 J. Granger 7.1 1 40 2 20 J. Maddigan 124.4 27 297 14 21.21 R.M'Donald 142.2 51 299 14 21.36 B. Blair 102 20 302 13 23.23 W . Hunter 23 2 78 3 26

Ap. Up. Ap. 200 200 500 1? yds. yds. yds Tl. W. G. Smith .. .. 22 40 21 — 83 A. Gibson .. .. 20 37 23 — 80 H. Koppert .. 23 34 22 — 79 W. Gillies .. .. 23 37 18 — 78 W. G. Gibson .. 20 36 23 — 79 G. Doran .. 22 42 14 — 78 A. G. Alien .. 20 39 14 — 73 E. M'Clatchy .. .. 20 19 12 — 51 Totals .. .. 170 284 147 601 B COMPANY. C. S. M. Smith .. 20 45 20 — 85 Sgt. D. G. M'Lardie .. 18 28 5 — 51 Corp. Kearns Corp. Necklen . . 21 37 17 — 75 .. 22 37 20 — 79 Priv. Crawshaw .. 19 31 15 — 65 Priv. Carlson .. 10 36 20 — 75 Priv. Dickson .. 22 38 17 — 77 Corp. Koppert .. .. 21 32 20 — 73 Totals .. .. 102 284 134 580 WAITAKI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL. P. Livingstone .. .. 21 13 17 — 71 Tuckey .. 21 34 17 — 72 Pearson .. 18 38 12 — 08 Blundell .. 21 39 19 — 79 Markham 32 20 — 70 Amies .. 21 31 13 — 65 Williams 28 22 — 70 Wood 21 34 16 — 71 Totals .. .. 101 269 136 500

yds. yds. Hep. Tl. Rfm. H. Potter son 29 31 12 — 72 Rfm. R. H. Taylor 29 28 12 — 69 Rfm. F. White .. 29 22 17 — 68 Rfm. F. Cheyne .. 26 28 11 — 65 Rfm. J. Jackman 2 5 26 12 — 03 Y.-P. C. E. Alecoek 20 14 16 — 56 Rfm. T, Leighton 25 23 6 — 54 Rfm. B. Wright 29 19 5 — 53

Scores: — 300 500 yds. yds. TI. Rfm. 0. C. 'Gould .... 31. 31 — 62 Rfm. G. Reynolds .. 20 31 — 60 Mrs A. Belcher .. .. 29 31 — 60 President W. Ford .. 27 29 — 56 Rfm. W. Belcher .. .. 27 28 — 55 Rfm. E. Nicolson .. 25 27 — 52 Rfm. T. Gibson .. 25 26 — 51 Miss V. Havard .. .. 25 26 — 51 Deputy-pres. J. Fainilton 23 25 — 48 Rfm. G./ .. 23 24 — 47 Rfm. R. M'Kerrow .... 23 23 — 46

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21920, 4 April 1933, Page 11

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21920, 4 April 1933, Page 11

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21920, 4 April 1933, Page 11