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“Men of the Sky,” the First National mystery romance which comes to the Majestic Theatre to-night and to-morrow night, dramatically pictures the plight of two young lovers, who are spies, when confronted by the vaster claims of patriotism during the early years of the World War. “Men of the Sky” is the result of the collaboration of Otto llarbaeh and Jerome Kern, past masters of dramatic and melodious entertainment. It is a moving dramatisation of the lives of those intrepid victims of the World War who carried no rifle, took no part in drills, but ran more appalling risks than any who served. During the whole breath-taking recital one feels the futility of war and the hopelessness of those whose fate it was to be caught in the conflict of overwhelming forces. The exciting sequences are laid in gay BadenBaden, when the pleasure buyers of the world first become aware of the impending holocaust. Later scenes are in Paris, Berlin, and army headquarters, and there are flying sequences and many other unusual shots in the kaleidoscopic sweep of “Men of the Sky.” The two ill-fated lovers are played with sincerity by Irene Delroy and Jack Whiting. HAMPDEN DEFENCE RIFLE CLUB The official opening of the recentlyformed Hampden Returned Soldiers’ Defence Rifle Club’s new range took place on Boxing Day in the presence of a large attendance of the public, including many visiting riflemen and friends. The president of the club extended a very cordial welcome to the visitors, and related that the club had been formed some three months ago. but, judging by the enthusiasm shown by members, he had no doubt that the .success of the club was assured. He acknowledged the great assistance given by Mr W. H. Murcott in drawing up plans of the range, and the good work done by working bees of members in constructing the range, and added that valuable assistance had also been given by the members of the old Hampden volunteers. The membership now stood at 50, but he hoped to see still liiore enrolled, and that the time was not far distant when the club would be able to return the visits of other clubs. The president introduced the Mayor (Mr W. A. Murcott), who was also a deputy-president of the club, and who expressed great pleasure in seeing such a good gathering, which augured well for the future success of the club. Thanks were due to the New Zealand and Australian Land Company for the use of its land for the range, and to the president and members for their successful efforts in forming the club and constructing the range. The president of the Oamarn Defence Rifle Club (Dr Orbell) returned thanks for the hearty Welcome extended to the visiting riflemen, and expressed best wishes for the Hampden Chib’s success. He was always interested in the birth of new rifle clubs. Rifle shooting was a fine sport, and also a grand defence in time of nntionaj emergency. He extended a hearty invitation to members to visit the Oamarn Club. The president of the Papakaio Club (Mr Borrie), and the deputy-president of the Goodwood Club (Mr Hewitt) also joined in the felicitations to the new club. Mr A. A. M‘William (patron of the Hampden Club), after expressing pleasure at being present, said it was over 40 years ago when he first joined the old Hamfiden volunteers, in which he held a captain’s commission. He bad always been interested in rifle shooting, and be thanked the president and members for the manner in which they had carried out the organisation of the club. Mr M'William then fired the first shot, which was registered a “bull,” and duly declared the range open. Practice then took place at the 200 and 300 yards ranges, and afternoon tea was served by the ladies. OAMARU JOCKEY CLUB The Oamarn Jockey Club has been favoured with exceptionally good acceptances for Saturday’s meeting, which promises to be very successful. The club has not raced on January 2 since 1918, and it has only been after repeated efforts that, it has succeeded in regaining this date to race following the Waikouaiti races on New Year’s Day. In conjunction with the Oamarn Trotting Club, very great improvements have been made at the course, which with its appointments now cora- . pares more than favourably with other country courses in the Dominion. The Jockey Club, by reducing charges of admission, in keeping with the times, has done much to popularise the meetings, and as the course is in splendid condition Saturday’s meeting is likely to prove a very popular holiday outing. HOLIDAY FISHING Tiie rainfall during the past few days was responsible for the- Kakanui River rising from four to five inches. The river in now in good order and in splendid fishing condition. Anglers experienced good fishing during the holidays, and some good bags .■ resulted. Mr S. Pile landed a nice 71-pounder, which was 27 inches in length and 14 inches in girth, and is the best fish landed so far this season. Messrs E. Swinard, I. Swinard, and S. Pile secured bags of eight, 11, and three fish respectively, averaging about IJlb. The main flies used by anglers for night fishing are “ Thomson’s Mammoth ’’ and “ Royal Coachman,” and for day fishing “ March Brown,” “ Coachman.” and “ Hardy’s Favourite.” The Waitaki River is in a dirty condition, and anglers have experienced a lean time. Mr Tonkin, however, landed a nice fish of 61b, and it was reported that another fish weighing 141 b was also secured. SCOTTISH SOCIETY’S DANCE The weekly dance of the North Otago Scottish Society was attended by a large gathering of patrons, who thoroughly enjoyed tlie varied programme of dances. The floor wag in excellent order for dancing. which was kept going at a merry pace until midnight. Miss O'Grady and Mr Templeton won the lucky spot waltz competition. Excellent music was supplied by Mrs Sherwin’s orchestra, while the duties of M.C. were carried out by Messrs W. Miller and Craig. THE RAINFALL Heavy ruin commenced to fall on Sunday afternoon, and continued until well on' in the evening. The rain, which appeared to be general, will be of great benefit to the fanning community, as the pastures throughout the country were parched In Oamarn a total of 47 points were recorded bv Mr AV. Forrester. During the past fortnight an inch of rain was recorded at Airedale, and 108 points at Five Forks. BOWLING The Phoenix Bowling Chib held a very successful progressive pairs tournament on Saturday. The officials in charge very much regretted having to refuse belated entries. Only one green was available, and sufficient entries were received on Thursday evening, when the list was closed. The weather was perfect for bowling, and the committee in charge of the play was heartily congratulated on the arrangements made and the smoothness with which they were carried out. Thirty-two players competed, and at the close of the play G. A. Mitchell was found to be the winning skip, having won all the six games. Joe Reid, A. Young,

and H. L. Familton tied for second prize, and elected to heads to decide the winner., Familton getting the bye, Reid defeated Young and then won from Familton. In the heads W. Richardson, A. Excell and II Stickman, all of Awaraoa, were equal with five wins each, and decided to pool for first and second prizes and divide. RAILWAY TRAFFIC During Christmas week there were 1730 passengers who booked for various stations at the Oamarn railway station compared with 1756 last year, the revenue showing an increase of £6O compared with last year’s figures. Ail the express trains were well filled, but the passenger traffic on Christmas Day was not up to last year. ST. LUKE’S CHURCH The Sunday service at St. Luke’s was a fine musical service, conducted by Archdeacon Russell, while Mr F, C. Burry officiated at the organ. Several numbers from the* “ Messiah ” were rendered, Mr Burry playing the overture, and the solos “ Comfort Ye ” and “ Every Valley ” were sung by Mr H. E. Williamson; “Oh, Thou That Tellest Good Tidings,” Miss Russell; “For Behold Darkness,” Mr J. W. Oaten; and “ Rejoice Greatly,”:. Miss Glover. Mr Linton Hodge sang “ The Star of Bethlehem,” and several Christmas carols were sung, the congregation joining in heartily in the singing. After the service the choir visited the Oamaru Hospital, where carols and hymns were again sung, together with a solo by Mr Hddgc. Archdeacon Russell gave a short address to the patients, who expressed sincere appreciation for the musical treat. AIREDALE SPORTS The annual picnic sports for Airedale, Ardgowan, and .Rosebery attracted increased numbers of spectators and competitors, and again proved very successful. Musical items by the Oamaru Municipal Band added to the enjoyment of the gathering. The presdeut (Mr I. Robb) returned thanks to Mr J. R. Gilchrist for the use of the grounds. Results: — Boys’ Race (6 to S). —W. Scott 1, d. Buick 2, S. Ballantyne 3. Girls’ Race (6 to 8).-~E. Diver 1, J. Ward 2, J. Buick 3. Boys’ Race (8 to 10).—J. Barry 1, G. Birtles 2. 11. Ward 3. , Girls’ Race (B to 10). —A. Crisp 1, J. Mulligan 2, T. Buick 3, ? Young Men’s Race. —G. Webb 1, 1. Taylor 2, R. Wilkinson 3. Girls’ Three-legged Race. —D. Fox and M. Willetts 1, V. Buick and J. Stephens 2, K. Shalders and S. Morgan 3. District Married Women’s Race. —Mrs Bradley 1, Mrs Ovens 2, Mrs Barry 3. Married Women’s Race.—Mrs Mulligan I, Mrs Scott 2, Mrs Shalders 3. 75 Yards Handicap—W. Taylor 1, R. Elder 2, Wilkinson 3. Young Women’s Race.—B. Barrie 1, E. Birtles 2, R. Fox 3. Farmers’ Race (under 40). —G. Craig 1, Robertson 2, W. Scott and J. Douglas (equal) 3. Farmers’ Race (over 40). —H. Buick 1, Bell 2, A. Morgan 3. 220 Yards Handicap—l. Elder 1, G. Webb 2, D. Weir 3. Three-legged Race.—Joyce and _ Miss. Fisher 1, Isbister and Miss E. Fox 2, Jones and Miss K. Fox 3. Boys’ Three-legged Race. —J. Wilson and Taylor 1, Godsell and Borrie 2, Birtles and Mulligan 3. Girls’ Three-legged Race. —G. Kirkpatrick and T. Willetts 1, E. Diver and A. Craig 2, A. Weaver and L. Ward 3. 100 Yards Handicap.—G. Craig 1, W. Taylor 2, G. Webb 3. Boys’ Race (under 10).—W. Paterson 1, H. Johnston 2, L. Irvine 3. Girls’ Race (under 10). —J. Isbister 1, M. Isbister.2, L Willetts 3. Baby Show (under six months). —Mrs Seggleko 1, Mrs Johnston 2; under 12 months —Mrs A. Scherpe 1, Mrs AV. West 2, Mrs E. Duff 3. Largest Family on Ground. —Mrs Shalders 9, Mrs Buick and Mrs Diver 7 each. Half-mile Handicap.—l. Elder 1, G. Webb 2. D. AVeir 3. Chain Stepping (exact distance 62ft 4in). —Men: D. Borrie, 62ft 4in, 1; R. Portis and R. Fox, 62ft lOin (equal), 2. Ladies: M. Stephens, 59ft Gin, 1: AV. Stephens, 59ft Sin. 2; N. Portis, 59ft 2in, 3, Hop, Step, and Jump.—AV. Taylor, 41ft, 1; Seggleko, 36ft Biu, 2; T. Taylor, 36ft Tin, 3. Long Jump.—G. Taylor, 17ft sin, 1; A Gibson, 16ft lOin, 2; R. Elder, 16ft 9in, 3. High Jump.—T. Taylor, sft, 1; D. Borrie, 4ft 11 in, 2; J. Borrie, A. Ludeman, E. Craig, 4ft lOin (equal), 3. Tossing the Caber.—A. Morgan, 31ft 4in, 1; E. Duff, 31ft lin, 2; D. Isbister,' 30ft 4in, 3. Throwing the Hammer.—R. Elder, 76it Bin, 1; AA’ Elder. 72ft Sin, 2; S. Odell, 70ft 3in, 3. Putting the Shot. —R. Eider, 31ft Sin, 1; A. Gibson. 29ft Bin. 2; J. Mulligan, 29ft Bin, 3. | PEEBLES SPORTS The annual picnic sports of the residents of Peebles and Papakaio distinct were held on Mr D. Borries property, where a thoroughly enjoyable outing was spent. A splendid programme of picnic sports was gone through, resulting as follows: — Bovs Race (under five). —E. Ludeman 1. N. AVhyte 2, R. M’Vie.-3. Girls Race (five to eight).—H. Ludeman 1, J. Borrie 2. Boys Race (eight to ten).— -L., Goodsall 1, R. M'Vie 2, E. Ludeman 3. Girls Race (eight to ten). —J. Borrie 1, J. Morrison 2, N. Godsnll 3. Boys Race (11 to 14). —R. Godsali 1, J. Gibson 2, G. M‘Vie 3. Girls Race (11 to 14). —E. Morgan 1, J. Hall 2, G. Ludeman 3. Bovs Race (14 to 18).--J. Hall 1, L. Godsali 2, A. Hall 3. Girls Race (14 to 18), —J. M‘Vie 1, S. Morgan 2, B. Borrie 3. Young Men’s Race. —J. Hall 1, J. Duff 2, L. Ludeman 3. Young Married AA 7 omen’s Race. —MrsJ. Sutherland 1, Mrs M‘Donald 2, Mrs Milne 3, Young Married Men’s Race. —C. Morris 1, W. Duff 2, J. Hall 3. Young AA r omen’s Race. —A. Ludeman 1, D. Ludeman 2, B. Borrie 3. Chain Stepping.—Women: Miss M. Godsali 1, Mrs A. Godsali 2, Mrs M‘Vie 3. Men: D. Borrie 1, R. M‘Vie 2. Old Married Womens Race. —Mrs McDonald 1. Mrs Milmine 2, Mrs G. Ludeman 3. Boys' Three-legged Race. —M'Vie and Godsali 1, J, Borrie and J- Hall 2. Girls’ Three-legged Race. —Borrie and Riddell I, H. Ludeman and AVhyte 2. Boys’ Sack Race. —R. M’Vie 1, L. Godsali 2. E. Godsali 3. Girls’ Sack Race. —H. Ludeman 1. J. Borrie 2, M. Kendall 3. Thread the Noodle Race.—Miss Momsou 1. Miss B, Borrie 2. Miss M. Godsali 3. Boys' Jumble Race.—J. Borne I, It. Godsali 2, E. Ludeman 3. Committeemen’s Race.—A. Godsali’l, J. Sutherland 2. J. Hall and G. Godsali (equal) 3. Putting 161 b Ball.—AV. Duff 1, R. Skinner 2, J. Duff 3. . High Jump.—D. Borrie 1, A. Ludeman and J. Hall (equal) 2. Hop, Step, and Jump.—J. Hall 1, R. Skinner 2. L. Ludeman 3. Tossing the Caber. —J. Duff 1, J. Skinner 2, G. Gibson 3. 100 Yards.—l. Hall 1, J. Hall 2, D. Borrie 3. 220 Yards.-—L. Ludeman 1, R. Skinner 2, J. Hall 3.

LAWN TENNIS The North Otago Lawn Tennis Association’s tournament was completed yesterday in line weather. In the final of the Men’s Doubles Championship Bryan and Gallagher defeated Sumpter and Robertson. In the final set, played yesterday, the game commenced at a great pace, all players driving and volleying beautifully. Bryan and Gallagher played forceful tennis, and ran to a lead of s—ls—l and 40love, but again Robertson and Sumpter came to light, and by beautiful tennis carried the game to 6—all. Bryan and Gallagher were not to be outdone, and by good placements took the next two games and the match, B—6. The final scores were: Bryan and beat Sumpter and Robertson, 6—2, 15—13, 10—12, 3—6, B—6. In the Handicap Singles J. Henry defeated K. Walton 9—5, and in the final of tlie Men’s Handicap Doubles Pringle and South beat Henry Bros., 9—6. The following are the other results: Men’s ' Championship Singles.—Semifinal: Bryan beat J. Familton, 6—3, 6—2; Robertson beat Sumpter, 6—3, 6—3. Final: Robertson beat Bryan, 6—o, 7 5, 6—3. In the final game Robertson played the better tennis, and placed his shots nicely. He maintained the lead throughout and won comfortably. Combined Handicap Doubles.—Semifinals: Maude and Miss M'Douall beat K. Familton and Miss Litten, 9—7; Sumpter and Mies Litten beat Diver and Miss Diver by default; Maude and Miss M'Douall beat Collins and Miss Stuart, 9—3. Final: Maude and Miss M'Douall beat Sumpter and Miss Litten. At the conclusion of the day’s play Mr Mollison (president of the North Otago Association) thanked the competitors tor making the tournament such a success, and the supporters for showing such keen interest in the various games. He said that the tournament was one of the best that had ever been held in North Otago; and he congratulated the winners on their successes. PERSONAL New Club Hotel.—Mr A. Johnston. Mr A. E. Rowse, Miss D. Qucnnell, Mrs A. L. Quennell, Mr and Mrs J. Eustace, Mr R. J. B. Cuddon, Mr and Mrs B. de A. Gaten (Dunedin), Mr D. Darroek (Waikari). Mr C. Legge (Christchurch), Mr M. Carnahan, Miss A. Jackson (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs W. E. M'Naught (To Kuiti), Mr and Mrs J. A. Roberts, Mr E, Roberts (Wellington). W.E.A. SUMMER SCHOOL The twelfth AV.E.A. .Summer School at present in session at the Waitaki Boys’ High School, is being attended bv students from both islands, the greater proportion coming from Otago and Canterbury. The lecturers are Messrs r. Milner. Lloyd Ross. E. F. dc Berry. G. Manning, AV. J. Scott, P. Campbell, and Miss AV. Haward, with Miss Gwen Rankin in charge of the folk dancing. The school has been splendidly organised by Mr Manning. The students were given a hearty welcome by Mr Milner at the opening of the session on Saturday, and in the evening they were met by the Mayor (Mr J. M. Forrester) in the Hall of Memories, where they received a welcome on behalf of the citizens of Oamaru. A concert programme was given in the gymnasium, including a play staged by the Dunedin AV.E.A, Drama Club. On Sunday a party visited Keley’s Bush, Wai- * mate. Mr AA r . J. Scott’s lecture at the opening of the session was on “ Modern Tendencies in Drama,” and Mr F. Milner delivered an inspiring address on “ .Education for International Co-operation.”

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21529, 29 December 1931, Page 12

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21529, 29 December 1931, Page 12

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21529, 29 December 1931, Page 12