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(Fbou Odb Special PUKEURI FREEZING WORKS .i. _ , - . /With the end of the season in view, •upplies to the Pukeuri Freezing Works have been well maintained during the week, the total killings for the season numbering 332,000. . This is only a few thousands less than last season, and before the works close down 'on June 20, it is expected last year’s tally will be reached, if not passed, ’ *"' v ", ‘ LADIES’ HOCKEY ASSOCIATION At the monthly meeting of the North Otago Ladies’s Hockey' Association, Mr A. C. Kay presided over a good .attendance of delegates. It was decided to accede to*the request of the Referees Association that its delegates be given the same privileges as the.other delegates in the matter of voting on association business. The application pf the Waitaki Sub-associatioh for the usual affiliation with the North Otago Ladies’ Hockey Association was agreed, to, and the secretary was .instructed to write to the subassociation advising it on the matter, and also regarding the affiliation fees.. It was decided to forward a letter of appreciation to -Mr L. B. Mushet, for his detailed report on the recent annual meeting of the New Zealand' Hockey Association. The secretary was instructed to prepare a financial statement of the association’s affairs to be ' submitted at the next meeting. Accounts., amounting to £4 *lls per passed for payment. . It was de- • cided to advise all the country clubs-that A. Grade matches must be played at 6 p.m., unless written objection bo received by the association, from the clubs concerned. It was decided to play round three in the B Grade match, m place ot jound two, as the second,round, -by request from the Athletic Club. Permission was granted the Athletic Club to play a visiting team on June 27. It w? 8 , de * cided to invite the Otago Ladies Hockey Club to send a team to Oamaru this season. The secretary was instructed to > write to Mrs Barsdell thanking, her for her services on the hockey field whilst in charge of the ambulance kit. ‘ WESLEY CHURCH The anniversary celebrations of the Oamaru Methodist Church, .established well over 60 years ago, afid with, ita home in the Wesley Caurch; Eden street, for 56 years,.- will be held on 'Sunday and Monday next.- The services will be con-, ducted by the Rev. W. jJnw. chairman of the South Canterbury district, and i special music will .be rendered by the choir, The offering* for the day ore on behalf of# Cfiurcb Trust Fund, which has recently carried out improvements for the comfort ofwprship , pers. On Monday evening the great social gathering under the cteirmansmp of the Rev. A. Ashcroft, will be held, when an attractive programme of musical items, reports, and in inspiring address by the Rev. W. Grig? will be provided, concluding with'a social cup of tea. There will be no charge for admission, but a collection will be taken, and_a cordial invitation is extended to of other lurches and friends la/general to attend. AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ' ASSOCIATION The monthly meeting of the North Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association was head; yesterday ‘afternoon; Mr. W, Doig pr £ e North -Otigo Rugby tkion applied for permission to install gas lights in the pavilion. The that per- ' mission had beengranted, and* his action T^ccoantJ e to £2l Is 8d Were passed for payment.- \. . The chainnap extended a cordial welcome to Mdssrs J. Simpson and Macauley, two new members of the executive-com-mittee. Messrs; Simpson and Macauley intimated that they would do all in their power to further the interests of the assoThe* Prime acknowledged 'receip't of the communication from the asso--1 elation, supporting the representations made by the Timaru Association in respect. to the effect of the production of - whale'oil on the market.for tallow, and S advised that the. matter would receive, consideration by the Government.—Received. The National Beekeepers Association wrote urging the adoption of a standard j container for honey for exhibition at shows.—No- classes for honey are mentioned in the schedule, and a recommendation for including honey in the schedule was referred to the Schedule Committee.


COBBESPONDXKS.} ... f- A considerable amount of. correspondence was received from South Island associations in reference to the request for -an extension of the period for the dipping of sheep.—As thfe replies disclosed a divergence of opinion on the question, the correspondence was received, Mr D. J. Ross was nominated as the association’s representative on the Meat Board. .", , ' . : , ’ ; Two ne\f. members were elected to the association. -■ ■ The following sub-committees were appointed, witlj'the president, vice-president, and treasurer, members of all committees ex-officio: — Finance Committee.—Messrs W. Macdonald, J. R. Gilchrist, T. S. Little, J, G. Macdonald, B. S. Brewster, R. B. Meek, D. Rodger, and J;'Simpson. Ground Committee.—Messrs C. J. Cowan, J. R. Gilchrist, D. Rodger, P. W. Borrie, W. Macdonald, R. B. Meek, C. Don, and W. Cameron. Entertainment Committee.—Messrs G. Bruce, R. Fincham, C, Don, F. S., Little, D. Rodger. Revision of Rules Committee. —Messrs G. Bruce, H. J, Andrew, T. S. Little, J. i 6, Macdonald, J.. Trotter, and D. Cant. Schedule Committee.—Messrs C. J. Cowan, S.'Gillies, J. Trotter, J. R. Gilchrist, T. 8. Little, P. W. Borrie, J. R. Tisdall, James Wylie,. W. Macdonald, T. Portis, G, Simpson, W. Aubrey, A. H. Copland, £., S. Brewster. Railway , ■ Arrangements.—Messrs G. Simpson, RJ Fincham, C. Don, J. G. Macdoiiald, R. B. Meek, J. M. Smith, T. S. Little, and J., Simpson. , Draught Horses. —Messrs C. Don, P. W. Borrie, J. M. Smith, J. A R, Tisdall, R. Fincham, jj R. Gilchrist, and Macauley. •* ■ v Light Horses.—Messrs W. Aubrey; R. B. Meek, J. Trotter, G. Bruoft, W. Cameron, and D. Chut. . T ' _ • Sheep.—Messrs H. J. Andrew, J. R. Gilchrist, T. 8. Little, G. Simpson, J. Vj. Macdonald, W; Macdonald, J. Trotter, J. Simpson. " _. ‘ „ T Cattle.-r-Messrs E. S. Brewster, C J. Cowan, S. Gillies, D. Rodger, T. Portia, and A. H. Copland. . _ , Produce and' Seeds and Home Industries.—Messrs P. fW. Borrie,/ G. Bruce, J. Wylie, R.'Fincham, and E. S. Brewster, v Dog/ Tri als.—Mefisrs J. Trotter, W. Macdonald. J. R. Gilchrist, O. Bruce, R. Fincharo. W. Aubrey, and Macauley. The following show dates were advised: Timarn, October 28-and 20: Clutha and Matau, November 20 and 27. • , * i T v, MANCHESTER UNITY ; There Was a good atendance at the fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Oamaru Lodge. N.G. Bro. Arnott presided. One candidate was nominated and received into the Order. Accounts amounting to £27.2s 0d were passed, frr payment. An invitation was extended to the Loyal Star of the North Lodge to be present at the next meeting. The Visiting Committee reported on the progress of sick members.

WAITAKI ACCLIMATISATION ,; v sociEiy : ' . ' v. *! ■ Mr'S. B. Stevenson presided;- over the monthly meeting of the . Wartaki Acclimatisation Society. The’ New Zealand Bird Protection Society ‘advised that it had noted by the annual report the worthy endeavours the Waitaki Society had made to reduce the deer’menace in the Waitaki district. “The society’s remarks as to the operations of the little German owl had : heen noted. Many - southern corpespohdents. had emphasised the great harm this bird was doing, and it was pleasing to note that the Waitaki Society. was, alive to the matter,—The letter ■was received’and the action of the secretary in forwarding a copy of. the annual report approved. The Department of Internal Affairs advised the society .of the revised .schedule of payments on deer, tails m the: South Island.—Received.: i 1 , , ■ j .. The Marine Department advised the society-'of the of, the use oi wireor gimp tr aces of ■ greater gauge than 21 strands, and of ot greater length than 11 feet.—Received. The department also forwarded copies of the fisheries bulletin on the conditions affecting the wellbeing , of trout in New Zealand, by Captain Phillips.-Recerved The secretary was instructed., to wnte to Mr J.-Scott Main, curator of the Hakataramea hatcheries asking his opinion as tp the advisability of. transferring trout from the : lower reaches of fte Kakanui River to above- the dam. It was decided, if Mr Mam considered the suggestion l to be practicable, that members of .the council'be empowered transfer the fish accordingly. The society’s .representative at the Waitaki River (Mr Forbes) was empowered to remove , stranded trout, jto the- mam Messrs Stevenson. Piper, and? Ironside reported at some length on the business transacted at the conference. meld at Tinlaru,' and pointed| out that if a joint application were made m conjunction *ith the Waimate Society for the extension of the salmon season for fortnight it would receive consideration at'the next conference. The speakers were thanked for their reports, and the m structed to write thanking the South, Canterbury Society for the hospitality extended to the delegates. ~ The auertion of issuing licenses tp those convicted of stroke hauling was referral to the Ranging Committee for discussion with the offenders, and report at next meeting. 1


Some good-humoured banter occurred at the meeting of the North Otago t’iiral and Pastoral Association yesterday afteriiobp, following on a suggestion by Mr Fincham that the Government should supply ammunition at cost price to tarmere tor the shooting of rabbits., . Mr Fincbam prefaced his remarks by stating that the Government supplied cheap ammunition for the destruction of deer, so why could they not let the farmers have cheap ammunition for “the little brown follows” Mr W. Macdonald commented that the cheapest ammunition was popped carrots, but Mr Fincham replied that the rabbits would not always take it. Another member suggested that it was a matter for the Farmers’ Union, to which Mr Fincham retorted: “ I .suppose none of you gentlemen have rabbits. —(Laughter.) Continuing, Mr Fincham said ammunition should be supplied at cost price, and he moved that the Government be asked to supply ammunition at a reduced price to rabbit shooters. This was seconded pro forma. Mr J. M. Simpson informed .Mr Fincham that the Acclimatisation Society purchased ammunition which was paid tor out of the money received 'n bonuses on deer tails. Mr Doig asked Mr Fincham if he would be prepared to hand over the rabbit skins.— (Laughter.) Mr Fincham commented that he did not know there were so many farmers in Otago who didn t have rabbits. —(Laughter.) _ On being put to the meeting the was lost.


The following were the highest scores at the weekly shoot of the Railway Club: —R. Wilson, 78 3), 80; F. Jones, 77 (5), 80; M. Mulhern, 77 (4)., 80; J. Watkins, 76 (6). 80; G. Frame, 75 (6) 80; A. Gumming, 75 (10), 80; E, G. Wilson, 74 (6), 80; A. Byars, 74 (7), 80; D. Black, 74 (9), 80; D. Williams, 74 (6), 80; E. Latimer, 74 (6), 80; D. Munro, 73 (12), 80; C. Tempero, 71 (10), 80; B. Dobson, 70 (10), 80; P. Fellows, 71 (10). 80; G. Brightwell, 78 (1), 79; J. Waterworth, 72 (7), 79; W. Budd, 69 (10), 79; J. Donaldson, 69 (10), 79; I. Laurie, 75 (3), 78; A. Brown, 75 (3), 78. In the shoot-off G. Brightwell won the rifle button and D. Munro the handicap button.

COUNTY .COUNCIL ELECTIONS The nomination of Mr P. F. Dougherty for the election of a representative for the Kakanui Riding has been lodged with 'the Waitaki County Council. FIRST AID CLASSES The first-aid classes held by. the St. John Ambulance Association will commence on Monday next, the lecturer being Dr Liddell. It' is anticipated that as in former years, the class will prove very popular during .the coming months. ..PERSONAL During his stay in Oamaru, the Rev. W. 'Grigg, who is conducting the services in connection with the anniversary celebrations of the' Wesley Church, will be the guest of Mr and Mrs F. G. Marshall. Misses S. ■ and B. Brown, of Newborough, Oamaru,Vwho have been visiting Captain and Mrs Godwin, of St. Albans,, Christchurch, returned, home yesterday. At the .monthly * meeting of the North Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association yesterdajvmotions of condolence were passed with the relatives of Mr J.’ Presland, with Mrs D. Clark in the death of her husband, and with Mr W. Edwards, in the death of his mother. / A motion of condolence was passed by the North Otago Ladies’ Hockey Association with the, Mieses D. and V. Clark in the death of their father. Queen’s Hotel. —Mr W. S. Corbett, Mr Jordan (Wellington), Mr J. Taylor, Mr J. G. Jeffery, Mr J. Mee/Mr and Mrs H. Abbott (Dunedin), Mr E. C. Smith, Mr H. L. Smith (Gore). ' . New Club. Hotel.—Mr H. Barclay, Mr S. Ramsay Mr H. McClelland, Mr E. Gough r(Christchurch), Mr N. M‘Kin ley, Mr G. Irvine, Mr J. A. Robson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Marshall (Invercargill). ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21360, 13 June 1931, Page 18

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21360, 13 June 1931, Page 18

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21360, 13 June 1931, Page 18