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THE SHARE MARKET. DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE. A sale of Okarito debentures was reported on tbe Dunedin Stock Exchange yesterday at £6. These shares were being offered at £6 5a later, no buyer being attracted. Business was reported on New Zealand Paper Mills at 18s, and buyers were offering 17s at the close of the market, sellers then demanding 18s 6d. A parcel of Commercial Banks was turned over at 13s Bd, later offers of 13s 6d finding sellers firm at 13s There was also a reported sale of King Solomons at Is 6d, and a sale took place on ’Change at Is sd. When the market closed buyers were offering Is 3d and sellers were firm at Is 6d. Sale: King Solomon, Is sd. Sales reported: Okarito (debs.), £6; New Zealand Paper Mills,. 18s; .Commercial Bank, 13s 8d; King Solomon, Is 6d. Sale after last call: New Zealand Refrigerating (paid), 7s 9d, 7s 6d. The following are yesterday afternoon’s buying and selling quotations, which are subject to the usual brokerage:— BANKING. Bank of N.S. Wales—Sel £26 10si Bank of New Zealand —Sel 435. Commercial Bank —Buy 13s 6d, sel 13s fid. National Bank of N.Z.—Sel £5. Union Bank —Sel £6 15s. COAL. Kaitangata—Buy 2s, sel par. LOAN AND AGENCY. Goldsbrough, Mort —Buy 16e 4d, sel 17s. National Mortgage (“ B ” issue) —Sel 80s. Wright, Stephenson (pref.) —Sel 17s. MEAT PRESERVING. N.Z. Refrigerating (pd.)—Buy 7s 6d, eel 9s 6d. N.Z. Refrigerating (cont.) —Sel Is 9d. British Tobacco—Buy 26s 9d, sel 28s. Brown, Ewing (pref.)—Sel 20s 3d. Bruce Woollen Co. (ord.)— Buy 10s, sel 12s 6d. Bruce Woollen Co. (pref.)—Buy 15s. •Crystal Ice Co.—Buy 21s. Donaghy’a Rope and Twine —Sel 355. Mliburn Lime and Cement —Sel 30s. N.Z. Drug Co. —Buy 495. N.Z. Express (ord.)—Sel 13s. N.Z. Paper Mills (ord.)— Buy 17s, sel 18 WiIsons (N.Z.) Cement— Buy 355. BREWERIES. N.Z. Breweries, Ltd—Buy 30s, sel 325. N.Z. Breweries Debent. —Buy 225. N.Z. Breweries Stock—Buy 225. Dunedin Brewery—Buy 14s. Tooth’s Brewery—Sel 21s. MINING. Waihi—Buy 15s Id. Waihi Grand Junction—Buy 2s Id. Electrolytic Zinc (pref.)—Buy 14s. Mount Lyell—Buy 18s, sel 18s 9d. Kildare —Buy Is, sel Is sd. Okarito —Buy 5s 6d. • Okarito (debts.) —Sel £6 ss. Paddy’s Point —Buy 2e, sel 3s. King Solomon—Buy Is 3d, sel Is 6d. WAR BONDS. 41 per cent. Bonds, 1941 —Sel £96 10s. 44 per cent. Inscribed, 1938—Sel £96. 5 1 per cent. Soldiers’ Bonds, 1933 —Buy £99. 5J per cent. Inscribed, 193,3 —Buy £9B 10s. NORTHERN EXCHANGES. (Pee United Peess Association.) The following business was done on ’Changes yesterday:— Auckland— Saks: ' Inscribed Stock (1933) 5i per cent, (late sale Tuesday), £99 ss; Bank of New Zealand, 42s 9d (two parcels), 435; Union Bank, £6 12s (two parcels); New Zealand Insurance, 355; Colonial Sugar, £29 15s; ; Kuala Kampor, 5s 6d. Wellington.—Sales reported: Bank ot New South Wales, £26 10s; Union Bam; of Australia, £6 12s 6d; New Zealand Refrigerating Co. (10e), Is 8d; Waihi Gold Miniing, 15s 3d. - . Christchurch. —Sales: Commercial Bank of Aust., 13s 7d, 13s 6d; Bank of New Zealand, 42s 6d (four parcels); Goldsbrough, Mort., 17s 2d; New Zealand Breweries, 31s 6d, 31s 3d (two parcels); British Tobacco, 27s 3d; Mount Lyell, 19s (two parcels); King Solomon, Is 7d; Mahakipawa Goldfields, 74d; Waihi Mining, 15s sd. Sales reported: New Zealand Government 5J per cent stock (1934) £9B; Commercial Bank of Australia, 13s 7d; Bank of New South Wales, £26 ss; New Zealand Refrigerating (10 paid). Is 7d (two parcels); New Zealand Breweries, 31s 6d; Beath and Co., 20s; British Tobacco, , 27s 3d; Goldsbrough, Mort,, 16s 9d. LONDON METAL MARKET. ■ , (By Electric • Telegraph—Copyright.) (United Press Association.) LONDON, February 9. (Beceired Fob. 10, at 0 p.m.) Following are the official quotations in the trfpil market: — Ton.

WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET. (United Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) WINNIPEG, February _ 10. Unconfirmed reports of a revolution in Russia continued the bull movement on the wheat market to-day, prices advancing 2i to 2§ cents. May closed 66| cents per bushel, July 68J, October 70i. WHEAT RETURNS. BETTER THAN FIRST ANTICIPATED. (Per United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, February 11. The director of the Wheat Research Institute states that the wheat returns may prove better than was at first anticipated. He thinks it is not unlikely that the average yield this year will approach 29 bushels per acre. Much of the grain will be thin, but the general appearances are for satisfactory quality. If an average of 29 bushels per acre is realised the total yield will be 7,047,000 bushels which, with 517,000 bushels carry over and 750.000 bushels which is the usual importation. the gross supply will be 8.314.000 bushels, which is sufficient for the Dominion’s needs. SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT., The annual report of the directors of the Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company, Ltd., which will be presented at the annual meeting of the company, to be held at Invercargill on February 21, states that after providing for depreciation, contingencies, and repairs, end also the payment of an interim dividend of 6 per cent, at the half-year, there remains a balance of £34,704 18s 7d, fe which the directors recommend for ap- ['■ propriation as follows: —By the payment ; of a further dividend of 5 per cent, on the paid up capital £3077 7s, and that the balance, £29,027 11s 7d, be carried forward. The retiring directors are Messrs John Gilkison, D. Macpherson, R. Dunlop, and L. W. Spencer.


ADDINGTON STOCK SALE. (Pee United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, February 11. Taken as a whole the weekly market at Addington to-day was a brighter one, as values in all the major sections either remained firm at late rates or recorded a slight increase, and the general tone of the market had improved. > Store Sheep.—There was a very heavy entry of store lambs. The sale was very firm, with an advance of Is a head for better class lambs. Adult sheep comprised a bigger entry than at recent markets. The sale was irregular, with the best sheep offered selling at firm values. Values were:—Extra good two-tooth Romney ewes, 14s to 16s; good two-tooth Romney ewes, 12s to 13s 6d; medium two-tooth Romney ewes, 10s to 11s 9d; good fourtooth Romney ewes, to 13s 6d; medium four-tooth Romney ewes, to 9s 6d; extra good two-tooth half bred ewes, to 12s 3d; good sorts, 9s to 11s 4d; ordinary sorts, Gs to 7s; medium four, six, and eight-tooth halfbred ewes, to Cs 2d; ordinary sorts, 4s 3d to 5s 2d; good sound-mouthed halfbred ewes, to Gs 7d; aged and backward ewes, to Is 7d; medium two-tooth crossbred ewes, 8s 7d to 9s 9d; ordinary four and six-tooth halfbred wethers, to 7a; small sorts, to 4s 9d; best rape lambs, 9s 3d to 10s 8d; medium rape lambs, 8s to 9s; ordinary rape lambs, 6s to 7s 6d; small and backward lambs, 2s to 5s 6d; good wether lambs, to 7s lid; good ewe lambs, 7s 4d to 7s 7d. Fat Lambs. —The entry of fat lambs was 3550 head, and the quality was generally good. The sale was a firm one at late rates. Values were:—Extra prime lambs, to 17s 4d; prime lambs, 15s 6d to 16s 6d; medium lambs, 13s 6d to 15s 3d; light lambs, 10s 3d to 13s; store lambs, 8s 6d to 10s. Fat Sheep.—The entry of fat sheep totalled 4800 head. The sale was irregular, and, although there was no advance in values, it was a firm sale. Values were:—Prime heavy wethers, 15s to 16s Id; medium wethers, 13s to 15e; secondary quality, 9s to 12s 6d; light wethers, 7s to 8s lOd; prime ewes, 10s 6d to 11s 10d; medium ewes, 8s to 10s; light ewes, 5s 6d to 7s 6d; aged ewes, 3s 6d to ss. Fat Cattle. —The entry was 318 head, which, although small, was sufficient to meet requirements. The sale for medium aud secondary beef was on a par with that of the last market, while prime beef sold at rates which showed a slight increase on those ruling last week. The best medium-weight beef made from 27s 6d to 31s 6d per 1001 b; choice heavy beef made up to 30s to 33s per 1001 b; plain heavy beef made from 24s to 275; •cow beef, from 20s 6d to 235; secondary beef, from 18s to 20s; and rough, down to 15s per 1001 b. Values were:—Extra prime heavy steers, to £ls 17s 6d; prime heavy steers, £lO 10s to £l3 10s; prime medium-weight steers, £7 10a to £10; medium quality steers, £5 to £7; light steers, to £4 15s; extra prime heifers, to £ll 12s 6d; prime heifers, £7 to £9i medium heifers, £4 to £6 lOsjJight heifers, £2 10s to £3 10s; extra prime cows, to £10; prime cows, £6 10s to £8 10$; medium cows, £3 10s to £6; light and aged cows, £2 to £3 ss.

Vealcrs.—There was a smaller entry of vealers than at last market, and again the quality was not up to standard. The sale was a keen one, and there was an advance in values of 5s per head. Values were: Runners, £4 to £6 6s; best calves, 45s to 655; medium calves, 25s to 355; small and inferior calves, 7s to 20s. Store ; . Cattle. —The yarding of store cattle was again a poor one, there being scarcely anything attractive offered. Most of the animals were showing the effect of the shortness of feed. Two-year-old steers made to £4 10s; 18 months steers, to £2 10s; 18 months heifers, to £2 2s 6d; Jersey calves, to 225; fresh cows, to £3 15s; and potting bulls to £5 ss. Dairy Cattle.—There was a fairly heavy entry of dairy cattle, totalling 75 head. The average quality was poor. Values were: Best second and third calvera, £9 to £l3; medium second and third calvers, £7 to £8; aged and inferior, £2 10s to £5; good heifers, to £9 15s; medium heifers, £7 to £8 10s; others, £5 5* to £6 10s.

Fat Pigs.—The entry of fat pigs was smaller than last week’s and consisted chiefly of North Island and West Coast consignments. The market opened slowly but hardened as it progressed, and values were a shade firmer. Values were: Choppers, £2 to £5 ss; baconers, 49s 6d to 675; heavy, £3 to £3 11s; extra heavy, to £3 15s (average price-per lb 41d to sid); porkers, 35s to 395; heavy, 42s to 48s (average price per lb 6d to 6Jd). Store Pigs.—There was a smaH yarding of store pigs. The sale was an irregular one, but on tbe average prices showed a slight decrease on last week’s. Values were: Weaners, 7s to 12s; slips, 11s to 18s; small stores, 19s to 235; large stores, to 275.

WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Burnside, February 11. Fat Cattle. —A fair-sized yarding of 186 head came forward. The quality was mixed, and included a good proportion of cows and heifers, the balance being chiefly light-weight bullocks with a few pens of prime quality. The market opened to poor competition, values generally being on a lower basis than last week. Prices held up fairly well until the last two races, when sales were difficult to effect even at a considerable reduction on opening rates. Quotations are: —Prime bullocks, £ll to £l2 10s; medium to good, £8 to £10; light, £7 upwards; prime cows and heifers, £7 10s to £8 10s; medium, £6 to £7; light, £4 10s upwards. The National Mortgage aud Agency Company of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For W. Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock £l2 12s 6d, 1 heifer £6 12s 6d, 1 £5 15s. 1 £5 7s 6d; R. Kirk (Mosgiel), 3 bullocks £ll 10s; A. S. Murray (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 7s 6d. Dalgety and Co.', Ltd., sold; For exors late W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £ll ss; Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £lO 2s 6d; James Stenhouse (Moa Flat), 1 bullock £8 12s 6d, 2 £8 ss; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock £ll ss, 1 heifer £7 ss. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company sold; For W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £ll 10s; a client, 2 bullocks £8 12s 6d, 2 £7 12s 6d; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock £lO 6s, 1 heifer £7 2s 6d, 1 £7; A. S. Murray (Mosgiel), 1 cow £8 7s Gd, 1 heifer £6 10s; G. Scott (East Taieri), 1 bullock £8 7s 6cl, 1 heifer £5 10s, 1 cow £5 ss, 1 heifer £4 15s; Pettigrew Bros. (Woodlands), 1 bullock £8 12s 6d, 3 heifers £6 2 S 6d, 1 £6. 3 £5 15s, 1 cow £4 12 s 6d; J. Crane (Waitahuna), 1 cow £7 15s. Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For a Balclutha client, 4 bullocks £l2 10s, 4 £ll 2s Gd; W. Kirkland (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £ll 12s 6d; a client, 1 bullock £11; J. C. Renton (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £ll ss, 2 £9; Alex. Scott (Burnside), 1 bullock £lO 10s; Hugh Thomson (Outram), 3 bullocks £ll 10s, 3 £lO ss, 1 £9 10s; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock £9 17s 6d, 1 heifer £6 12s 6d; J. D. Rodger (Pomahaka), 2 bullocks £8 12s 6d, 1 heifer £6 10s; R. Wilson (Riverside), 2 bullocks £7 15s, 1 £7 ss. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For a client, 3 bullocks £lO 17s 6d, 3 £lO, 1 £9, 1 £8 12s 6d; J. S. Fleming and Co. (Titiroa), 3 bullocks £lO ss, 3 £lO 2s 6d, 2 £8 12s 6d; A. Murray (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £lO ss; J. Dunery (East Taieri), 2 bullocks £9 10s, 4 heifers £8; Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £9 10s; F. W. Wilson (Omakau), 3 bullocks £9 7s 6d, 2 £8 17s 6d, 2 £8 ss, 1 £7 17s 6d; G. Scott (Akatore), 1 heifer £6 12s 6d; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 2 heifers £6 10s; T. Wintrup (Green Island), 1 cow £4 12s 6d. Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd., sold: For W. Lindsay (Allanton), 2 bullocks £ll 12s 6d, 1 heifer £6 12s 6d, 1 £6 7s 6d, 1 £6 6s, 1 £5 15s, 1 cow £5; A. S. Murray (Mosgiel), 1 bullock £10; the executors of the late W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £9 12s 6d; J. C. Renton (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £8 12s 6d; a client, 2 heifers £4 17s 6d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For A. Murray (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £l3, 1 £lO ss; J. Woods (Wyndham), 2 bullocks £ll, 2 £lO 7s 6d, 2 £9 17s 6d. 1 heifer £8 12s 6d, 1 £8 ss; Bushey Park Estate (Palmerston), 1 cow £lO 2s 6d, 1 £9 2s 6d, 1 £7, 1 £6 7s 6d, 1 heifer £7 12s 6d; Mrs W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks £9 10s; George Mayburn (Maheno), 1 bullock £B, 1 £6 15s, 3 £6 2s 6d.

Store Cattle.—A small yarding was forward, of mixed quality. Prices were on a par with recent sales. The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For A. Trounson (Taieri Beach), 1 heifer £3 10s. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: For a client,! vealer £1 17s, 2 345, 1 cow £3 7s 6d, 1 £1 ss, 2 10s. Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For William Curran (West Plains), 2 cows £7 dOs, 1 £7 2s 6d, 3 £6 ss, 1 £6, 1 £4 10s; F. Hutton (Edendale), 3 cows £7, 1 heifer £6, 1 cow £5 10s, 3 £5; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 8 cows £7, 2 £4 10s, 3 vealers £1 2s, 1 cow £6 12s 6d, 2 heifers £5 10s, 1 vealer £2 12s, 1 £2 10s; John Black (Mataura), 9 steers £6; Taieri client, 2 cows £5, 2 heifers £2 6s, 1 vealer £1 10s; W. Blackie (Mosgiel), 1 cow 17, 1 heifer £6, 1 cow £5 ss; A. Scott (Burnside), 1 heifer £5 7s 6(1; John Waldie (Wakari), 1 vealer £2, 2 £1 ss, 1 cow £2; E. H. Bishop (Hampden), 9 heifers £2 2s 6d; Thomas Wheeler (Ravensbourne), 1 cow £1 15s, 1 £1 Is; W. Craig (Mosgiel), 1 bull £2 10s, 1 £2; John Nicholson (One Tree Farm), 2 vealers 19s. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For F. Rushworth (NorthEast Valley), 1 heifer £5 10s, 1 cow £1 2s 6d; Mrs J. Wadsworth (Lower Harbour), 1 cow £1 ss, 1 £1 2s 6d; J. Cuttle (Lower Harbour), J 1 cow £1 15s; Gunther Bros. (Milton), 1 cow’£3 11s, 1 £2 6s, 1 £1 10s; W. Baughan (Milton), 1 cow £5 17s, 1 £1 10s; J. H. Douglas (East Taieri), 1 heifer £5 ss; J. E. Wix (Milton), 1 bull £1 2s 6d, 1 cow £1 13s; Peattie Bros. (Milton), 1 bull £1; H. Murray (Purakanui), 1 bull £l. Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd., sold: For M. Scott (Burnside), 2 heifers £4 17s, 1 £4 10s, 2 £4 14s; J. L. Clarke (Leith Valley), 1 heifer £4 10s, 1 cow £1 ss; Mrs H. M. Boyd (Stirling), 1 cow £4 9s; P. M'Fadyen (Ngapuna), 2 steers £2, 21 calves to 16s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For R. Harvey (Outram), 1 cow £7 10s, 1 £5 17s 6d; George Mayburn (Maheno), 3 heifers £4 10s; L. Wintrup (Green Island), 1 cow £3 15s; D. G. Porter (Oaraaru), 2 heifers £2 15s, 3 heifers £1 17s 6d, 1 vealer 30s, 2 steers 20s, 3 cows 17s 6d; J. Jensen (East Taieri), 2 cows £5; G. T. Bathgate (Outram), 1 cow 30s; A. C. Reece (Outram), 1 vealer 245, 1 16s Dairv Cows —'Wright. Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For L. I. Gibbs (Brighton), 1 dairy cow £8 10s; Mrs A. Pryde (St. Leonards), 1 cow £2 ss. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd. sold: For A. Moynihan (Momona), 1 cow £7 17s 6d.——The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd..’ sold: For R. Habershon (North-East Harbour). 1 heifer £ll ss; M'Kenzie and Clark (Woodhaugh), 1 cow £9; a client, 1 cow £9, 1 £8 15s; Smaill Bros. (Tomahawk), 1 heifer £7 15s; W. Craig (Mosgiel), 1 cow £6 ss, 1 £5 10s; a client 1 cow £6. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd’., sold: For J. Cuttle (Port Chalmers), 1 cow £4 15s; David Russell (Milton), 1 cow £3 10s; Gunther Bros. (Milton), 1 cow £2; David Young (Mihiwaka), 1 cow and calf £1 7s 6d. Stronach, Morris, and Co.. Ltd., sold; For J. L. Clarke (Leith Valley), 4 heifers to £8 12s 6d; A. Scott (Burnside), 1 heifer £5 15s. Calves. —Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold; For R. Sim (Caversham), 1 calf 30s. 1 19s, 1 ss; George Taylor (Outram), 1 14s; George Bathgate (Outram), 1 Bs, 1 7s, 1 3s; A. C. Reece (Maungatua), 1 8s; R. Wilson (Caversham), 1 6s; W. Anderson (Wylie’s Crossing), 1 2s 6d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: For Mrs W. Park (Mosgiel), 1 calf 15s; Mrs E. J. Walker (Outram), 1 10s, 1 9e, 2 6s; W. Bryant (Otokia),,! 6s. The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For D. J.. Cullen (Momona), 1 calf 20s; Miss M. Goodlet (Mosgiel), 1 16s; D. Ireland (Mosgiel), 1 15s, 1 14s, 1 14s, 1 9s; Mrs D. Cookson (Woodside), 1 14s, 1 9s; J. Olsen (Halfway Bush). 1 14s; Miss M. Stewart (Fairfield), 1 12s; a client (Mosgiel), 1 12s; J. Knarston (Taieri Mouth), 1 12s; J. Adam (Green Island), 1 Bs, 1 ss, 1 4s; G. T. Donaldson (Burnside), 1 3s; T. Pugh (NorthTaieri), 1 2s Od. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For W. Baughan (Milton), 1 calf 20s; R. Smith (Kuri Bush), 1 12s! C. Campbell (Outram), 1 11s, 1 9s; Allan Rhodes (Green Island), 1 10s; C. Justice (Anderson's Bay). 1 9s; A. M'Kenzie (Fairfield), 1 8s; John Campbell (Outram), 1 6s; Gunther Bros. (Milton), 2 2s 6d. ——Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd., sold; For T. Leitch (Kuri Bush), 1 calf £1 10s; Miss Wade (Mihiwaka). 2 10s, 1 6s: A. Moynihan, sen. (Momona), 1 ss; A. Bain (Halfway Bush), 1 ss. Fat Sheep.—An average yarding of 1500 came forward. The bulk or the entry consisted of fair to average quality owes, the balance being light to good butchers’ wethers, with nothing outstanding included. The market opened with fair competition, ewes being in better demand at a price than wethers. The sale was even throughout, finishing up at about opening rates. Ewes were (inner by Is, whilst wethers were a shade easier than last week. Quotations; Extra prime, to 15s; prime wethers, 12s to 14s; medium to good, 9sto 11s; light, from 7s upwards; extra prime ewes, to 11s 6d; prime ewes, 8s to 10s; medium to good, 63 to 7s 6d; light, 4s to ss. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., sold; For Dr J. T. Bowie (Edievale), 10 wethers 14e 9d, 17 13s Od, 9 12s 6d, 13 10s 6d, 7 11s, 4 9s 9d, pen ewes 9s 6d; a client, pen ewes 7s 3d; William Lindsay (Allnnton), 13 wethers 14s 6d, 8 ewes 8s 6d, 11 ewes 7s 9d, 6 ewes 6s 3d; John Imrie (Mosgiel), pen ewes 10s 6d; Richard Mitchell (Outram), 17 wethers lie 9d, 21 ewes 9e, 17 8s 6d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: For Jaffray Bros. (East Taieri), 63 wethers to 15s; G. Seott (East Taieri), 3 wethers 12s 3d, 15 9s 6d, 13 9s, 3 ewes 7s 3d; Arthur Light (Milton), 10 wethers 11s 6d; L. S.

Dyer (Mosgiel), 10 wethers 10s 3d, 20 10s; Pettigrew Bros. (Woodlands), 24 woolly ewes 11s 3d, 16 10s 3d, 8 7s 3d; A. Moynihan (Momona), 17 ewes 9s od, 33 9s; H. Allan (Milburn), 7 ewes 10s 6d, 7 8s; Mrs M. Murdoch (Mosgiel), 2 ewes 8s 9d, 12 6s 6d; James A. Fowler (Mosgiel), 3 wethers 11s 3d, 18 ewes 8s 3d, 15 8s; J. S. M'Pherson (Mosgiel). 18 ewes 8s 6d; W. D. Allan (Portobello), 1 pen wethers 12s 9d; T. Moynihan (Momona), 2 ewes 9s 9d; W. Townley, sen. (Stirling), 18 woolly ewes 10s, 34 9s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For J. E. Bodkin (Evansdale), pen wethers 13s Cd, 6 ewes 10 s 9d, 12 9s 9d, 8 8s 9d, 13 7s 9d; a client, 7 wethers 11s 3d; Stalker Bros. (Kelso), 12 wethers 11s Cd, 14 10s 9d, 14 10s 6d, 6 10s, 15 9s 9d; Mrs J. Clarke (Sawyers’ Bay), pen wethers 12s Cd, 3 ewes 8s 9d, 1C 5s 9d, 23 3s 9d; R. Mitchell (Outram), 11 ewes 10s, 12 9s, 13 8s Cd, 16 8s 3d; W. Pearson (Kyeburn), 2 wethers 10s' 9d, 10 ewes 9s 9d, 8 Bs, 14 6s Cd, 11 7s; J. White (Middlemarch), 6 ewes 8s Cd, 12 7e 9d, 15 7s 3d; A. E. Ward (Middlemarch), 11 ewes 7s Cd, 24 5s 9d.——The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For A. Bateman (Waitahuna), 25 wethers 13s 3d, 21 12s, 1 ewe 10s, 17 wethers 10s 9d; A, Sutherland (Grasslea), 3 wethers 12s 9d, 4 11s Cd, 9 ewes 8s 9d, 11 8s Cd, 3 7s 9d; J. H. Milne (M'Nab), 11 ewes 10s Cd, 4 9s 3d; F. Doherty (Outram), 12 ewes 8s 9d, 11 wethers 12s; a southern client, one pen of wethers at quotations. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For D. M. Reid (Portobello), 11 wethers 13s 9d, 6 11s, 29 ewes 9s; R. Inglis (Milton), 11 wethers 12s Cd, 1 Bs, 9 ewes 8s; Donald Nicolson (Oturchua), 39 wethers 10s, 23 9e Cd; Richard Mitchell (Outran!), 13 ewes 9s 9d; Frank Barra (Milton), 13 wethers 9s 3d, 17 8s 9d; F. Driver (Mihiwaka), 1 ewe 9s; M. Cogan (Patearoa), 6 wethers 8s 9d, 3 ewes 8s Cd; a client, 10 ewes 8s 3d, 39 7s 9d, 17 7s 3d; George Westwood (Brighton), 3 ewes Ss 3d; R. P. Corner (Limesprings), 25 ewes 8s 3d, 18 Bs, 41 7s 9d, 22 7s Cd; Raitt Bros. (Milburn), 13 ewes 7s 9d; Amos Graham (Mihiwaka), 3 ewes 6s 3d; Alexander Scott (Burnside), 8 ewes 5s 9d; D. Baird (Mihiwaka), 4 ewes 4s. Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd,, sold: For A. Scott (Burnside), 1 wether 14s 3d, 11 10s, 6 ewes 8s Cd, 12 wethers Bs, 2 wethers 7s Cd, 14 7s, 21 6s 9d, 6 ewes 5s 9d, 2 5s Cd; a client, 21 wethers 11s, 7 10s; Lambhill Station (Hindon), 25 wethers 11s, 16 9s Cd, 18 9s, 25 8s Cd, 20 8s 3d, 15 8s; A. S. Herbert (Kelso), 22 ewes 9s 9d, 22 9s Cd, 16 9s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For M‘Rae Bros. (Sutton), 4 wethers 13s 9d, 15 ewes 9s 9d, 39 ewes 8s; A. Thomson (Kelso), 14 wethers 12s Cd, 15 ewea 9s, 117 11s, 11 8s 3d; J. Gregg (Greenvale), 14 wethers 12s Cd, 16 12s, 11 lie 9d, 18 11s; W. Marshall (Outram), pen wethers 12s Cd, 24 ewes 7s 3d; J. Green (Woodside), 11 wethers 11s 9d, 17 12s; W. Ayson (Waikaka), 42 ewes 9s 3d, 19 9s; George Nimmo (Shands), 18 ewes 7s 3d, 37 7s, 13 6s 9d; D. Warren (Mihiwaka), 6 ewes 7s; E. Penno (Maheno), 9 ewes Cs 9d. Fat Lambs. —About 700 were penned, this number being in excess of last week. Competition was keen at prices Is per head lower, as compared with last sale. Butchers secured the bulk of the entry, the balance going to export buyers. Quotations are:—Extra heavy lambs, to los 3d; prime, 11s to 13s; light to medium, 7s to 9s. —Dalgety and Co., -Ltd., sold; For George Stevenson (East Taieri), 12 lambs 12s 9d; John Imrie (Mosgiel), 2 16s 3d; John Stevens (Milton), 17 13s, 12 12s; W. Lindsay (Allanton), 10 11s 9d, 211 s; A. P. Gibson (North Taieri), 10 12s 9d; a client, 16 12s, 4 11s 9d.— — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: For C. Taylor (Milburn), 3 lambs 14s 6d, 6 13s, 13 14s; i. Moynihan (Momona), 214 s Cd, 1 13s, 2 9s 9d; G. Scott (East Taieri) 11.12 sCd 18 11s; J. S. M'Pherson (Mosgiel), 12 12s 3d, 10 11s 9d, 10 11s 3d; J. A. Fowler (Mosgiel), 4 12s 6d, 14 11s Cd; A. Moynihan (Momona), 10 lie Cd; Arthur Light (Milton), 3 13s 3d; G. Grey (Clarendon). 10 12s 3d, 6 Us Cd; Mrs M, Murdoch (Mosgiel), 7 10s 3d; H. Almn (Milburn), 15 13s, 19 11s 9d; 6. Stevenson (East Taieri), 6 11s 3d; a southern client, 43 10s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd. cold: i ( or H E. Mitchell (Maungatua), 5 lambs 13s 9d, 11 11s Cd; Mrs J. Clark (Sawyers Bay), 6 13s 3d. 10 12s; J. E. Bodkin (Evansdale), 2 i3s, 12 11s 3d, 6 8s 3d, W. Pearson (Kyeburn), 5 11s 9d, 16 11s 3d, -Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: Foi J. H. Milne (M'Nab), 11 lambs 15s, 9 14s, 8 14s 3d, 21 13s 3d, 7 12s 3d; T. Pugh (North Taieri), 9 13s 3d; J. B. Kirkland (Fairfield), 3 13ci 3d 7 11s Cd, F. Doherty (Outram), 19 13s, 28 12s 9d, 8 12s 3d; a Milton client, 4 13s; G. Stbvenson (East Taieri). 6 12s 9d; A. Y. Smellie (North Taieri), 12 13s, 28 12s Cd. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For J. Murray (Tokoiti), 10 lambs 14s 9d; W. Drinnan (Milton), 5 14s 9d, A. Campbell (Milton). 4 14s 3d; Janies Kenny (Otokia), o 14s; D. AL Reid (Portobello), 5 13s 9d; Amos Graham (Mihiwaka). 10 13s 3d; G. Westwood (Brighton), 1 13s; M. Cogan (Patearoa), 17 13s, 20 12s Cd, 24 11s; John Young (Allanton), 10 Pis 9d; F. Driver (Mihiwaka) . 10 12s Cd, 6 11s 9d; Thomson and Co. (Waironga), 14 12s 3d; D. Baird (Mihiwaka), 10 11s 3d; A. Scott (Burnside), 18 10s 3d, 59s 9d. Stronach, Morris and Co.. Ltd., sold; lor A. Scott (Burnside), 2 lambs 14s 3d; Airs J. Collins (Upper Junction), 214 s 1 Us; J. R. Wilson {Maungatua), 5 11s, 4 10s, 8 7s 3d; Mrs P. Breed (Maungatua), 4 10s 9d, 9 10s 3d; T. D. Paterson (Caversham) 7 10s 9d, 8 10s 3d; P Briscoe (Waitati), 10 10s 3d, 6 10s, 12 9s 3d, 11 8s 9d. Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., sold: For A. Thomson (Kelso), 4 lambs 14s; W. Marshall (Outram) 6 13s Cd, 8 10s Cd; J. Geoffrey (Wedderbmn), 59 12s 9d, 16 Pis 3d; D. Warren Mihiwaka), 6 12s Cd; A. Clark (Woodside), 57 lie Cd, 33 12s 9d; R. Thomson (Green Island), 11 12s Cd, 211 s 3d; A. West (Brighton), 6 12s 3d; J. B. Kirkland Fairfield), 10 11s 6d; T. Matson (Waihola), 29 11s 9d. Fat Pigs—A small yarding of 34 was penned up. Competition was _ indifferent and prices were a shade easier than at last sale. The Otago Farmers Cooperative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For J. P. Gardiner (Green. Island) 1 pig £3 13s; B. Warnock (Milburn), 1 £3 Bs, 1 £3 8s; Palmerston Client, 2 £2 19s, 1 £2 16s; J. W. Thompson (Abbotsford), 1 £2 15s; G. Rae (Milton), 2 £2 10s; A. D. Laurenspn (me Hill), 1 £2 4s; Mrs M. Gamble (Momona), 1 £1 17s; A. Sprott (Pine Hill), 1 £1 12s. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For T. Thomson (Leith Valley), 2 pigs £3 0s Cd; James Gow (Mosgiel), 1 £2 11s; Charles Spain (North-East Harbour) , 2 £2 10s. 1 £2 Bs, 2 £2 7s. 2 £2 3s 1 £2 2s; A. M'Kenzie (Fairfield), 1 £2 11s; T. Thomson (Leith Valley), 1 £2 17 S- Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For J. Smith (Portobello), 4 pigs 50s; R. White (Signal Hill), 2 465; 1. Hackett (Outram), 2 455. Store Pigs.—There were 32 yarded, and these sold on a par with late rates. ——The Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association of New Zealand, Ltd., sold: For W. Kirkland (Mosgiel), 4 pigs 15s 6d, 215 s, 5 14s; F. Thornton (Momona), 4 15s. Donald Reid and Co., Ltd., sold: For W. Baird (Momona). 2 pigs 18s Cd, 3 16s Cd; a client, 5 18s, 1 17s. Stronach, Morris, and Co., Ltd., sold: For A. Bissett (Momona), 2 pigs 10s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., sold: For George Stevenson (East Taieri), 3 pigs 18s, 3 13s. LONDON MARKETS. The South Island Dairy Association, Ltd., has received the following market report from the New Zealand Produce Association, Ltd., London: — Butter: The market is firm. Quotations arc: 117 s to J18s; Danish, 148 s. Cheese: The market is slow. Quotations are 53s to 545.

Copper, spot .. .. Else 27/6 Copper, forward ., .. 44 3 VA Rise 21/3 Electrolytic, spot .. .. 46 0 0 No change Electrolytic, forward .. 47 0 0 ■ Rise 10s Wire bars .. .. .. 0 Rise 10s Lead, spot .. .. .. G Rise 10/Lead, forward .. •» 0 Rise 10/Spelter, spot ,. 0 Rise 8/0 Spelter, forward .. ,. 12 10 0 Rise 8/9 Sin, spot .. .. „ Rise 49/4% Sin, forward .. .. Os. 3 Rise 52/0 Silver, fine Fall %d Silver, standard .. .. 1/0 15-16 Fall 11-lCd

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21258, 12 February 1931, Page 18

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COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21258, 12 February 1931, Page 18

COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21258, 12 February 1931, Page 18