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MANCHESTER UNITY. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal in .i Ulg l 1 T /Lodge was held on November XL the N.G., Bro. Pinder, presiding. A clearance on behalf of a member from * ; oe Loyal Middlemarch Lodge was accepted. The secretary was instructed to forward a letter of sympathy to the ~,°s’al Queen of Otago Lodge on the death ot Sister M'Gillivray. Regret was 8 expressed at the illness of P.G. Bro. R. George, and it was resolved that a letter be sent to him wishing him a speedy recovery. At the conclusion of .the meetln?,members adjourned to the hall, where, with their lady friends, a very enjoyable social was held. This marked the end of the season’s syllabus and until next winter meetings will now be of an ordinary nature. The syllabus just concluded was a very successful one, members responding to the efforts of the Committee in a manner that augurs well for next year. On Monday evening the Loyal United Juvenile Lodge met in the M.U. Hall, Stuart street, this being the half-yearly meeting of the lodge. The president extcnded a cordial welcome to the' N.G. (Rro. L. James), who had for - some months been on the sick list. The attendance was good and included several officers and members of the Loyal Albion Juvenile Lodge who were keenly interested in the working of the lodge. The permanent secretary stated that the Loyal Hand and Heart Lodge advised that it would entertain the juveniles at the latter’s next meeting! instead of the juveniles visiting the senior lodge. The principal business of the was the half-yearly election of officers. Owing to the number of candidates seeking office a number of ballots was necessary before finality was reached. The following were duly elected: —N.G., Bro. J. Henderson; V.G., P. Lomas; E.S., Bro. Penney; warden, C. Henderson; guardian, Bro. Henwood; G.M., L. James; conductor, Bro, Scott. The president of the Juvenile Council (Bro. W. J, Mowatt) and vice-president (Bro. W. Longworth) were welcomed and, later, installed the newly elected" officers. Several visiting officers assisting in the ceremony. At the conclusion of the juve™le meeting a fully attended meeting of the Management _ Committee was held, when the following office-bearers were appointed:-—Secretary, Bro. R. Sharpe* treasurer, Bro. W. Longworth; trustees —Bros. Mitchell, West, and Clarke; president, Bro. A. MDougall; vice-president, Bro. J Roberts. A vote of thanks was passed to Bro. Sharpe for his services as secretary, and to the auditors (Messrs J. W. Smeaton and Co.), who were reelected auditors for the ensuing year. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Hand and ■ Heart Lodge on Tuesday evening attracted a fair attendance of members and visitors. In the absence of the_NX3-„ P.G. Bro* T, Tait occupied the chair. A letter from the United Friendly societies Council, asking for an expression of opinion regarding the annual memorial church parade was received, and, after being fully discussed, it was resolved that the lodge favour the retention of the parade. The lodge also favoured the placing of a wreath from tlie combined friendly societies on the Cenotaph on Anzac Day. The install af °^ cers Till take place next lodge n «: ’ and animations for the variouswere opened. Two propositions ror membership were received, and the meeting was adjourned to carry out a degree meeting, J uul a t £ be fortnightly meeting of the the y NG ° Bro d £ C - on Tue ?day evening ■ ro * K' Cral S> Presided. During of™ S permanent secretary (Bro. William Weir) announced his resignation .from that office, after an unbioken period of service extending over Rr/ 6 w'- > Members expressed regret at deeM 8 and ?t was decided to defer consideration of the matter until next lodge night. kre gard to lodge meetings falling during the Christmas and New Year period, it was trfet V Execut^ lake + applica t ioi » to the Dietrict Executive to cancel these meeting niacin ih eonsiderable discussion took cine 6 qUestl °? of charges for mediwas decided to make new arrangements with the lodge chemist dominations for office were opened, and adjourned until next meeting. r rt on Wednesday evening the Loyal Prince of Wales Lodge held very lately attended meeting, when the Loyal Princess Mary Lodge members were the guests of the local iSdge. The + j’j ro ‘ i Clark, presided, and extended a welcome to a large number of visiting brethren from the Princess Mary Sf’ arut E n T u “ ber ot members of the Lojal Albion Lodge. The business -of the meeting was first transacted, includ--1 wt tlo i a J of one new member, w hlch the lodge closed, and asocial evening was held This took the form ot an enjoyable dance, together with a number °f vocal and instrumental items rendered by the lodge’s concert party. Bros, Wilson and Jarvie provided good music for the dance, and a quartet of local members provided extras. Songs were rendered by Bros, Martindale and Pastier; Bros. Walkinshaw and Martindale Mntributing a vocal duet. Since its inception the Prince of Wales concert party has rendered good service at a number ot functions in connection with the Order, and a further invitation was received from the Loyal Albion Lodge to provide the programme at the latter’s next meeting. The half-yearly summoned meeting of Loyal Cayersham Juvenile Lodge was held m the Oddfellows’ Hall. Forbury corner, on Wednesday evening, a good m f* er greeting N.G. Bro. Smitf, who Presided. An invitation to attend the Loyal United Juvenile Lodge on December 8 was accepted. After keen competition the following officers were elected for the ensuing half-year :—N.G., Bro. A. M‘Kay; V.G., J. Brosnan; E.S., R, Parker; warS, ea f -R- Brosnan; guardian, S. George; G.M., A. Smith; conductor, F, W. M Kenzie. The president (Bro. W, Mowat), and Bros. Clarke and Hey, representing the Juvenile Council, were present. and installed the new officers. Visiting brethren from Loyal Caversham and Hand and Heart Lodges were also present. The Management Committee at a meeting held after the lodge closed elected ti e renewing office-bearers:— President Bro. L. Roy; vice-president and treasurer Bro. Jackson; . secretary, Bro. J. W Lunam. The retiring trustees and auditors were re-elected. Votes of thanks were accorded the retiring president (P.G. Bro. W, J. Hey) and the permanent secretary (Bro. Lunam), appreciative reference being made to the services of Bro. Lunam m preparing data for the quinquennial valuation. A well-attended meeting of the Loyal Hunedm Lodge was held in the M.U. Hall, S. t “ art Tl stree t; on Thursday evening, the N.G., Bio. Morns, presiding. Prior to the commencement of the meeting a motion ®y m P a thy was passed with the relatives of the late Bro. O’Connor. Nominations for the half-yearly election of officers, which will take place next lodge night were received, and the meeting adjourned at an early hour to carry out a progressive euchre evening. A large number of members and lady friends took part in a keenly-contested tourney, which proved a successful conclusion to the year’s social functions. A tasty supper had been provideo mid at the conclusion of tlie evening the N.G. presented trophies to the prize-winners as follows Ladies—Mrs Wood 1, Mrs Cook 2; men—Bro. M’Coll 1, Bro. Cowie 2. DRUIDS. ’ OBve Branch Juvenile Temple he d its meeting in the George Street pchool Sail) A. 13, Bro. Cochrane presidmg over a good attendance. After routine business had been disposed of, P.A. Bro. Avery, of Otago Lodge, mentioned that he had been interviewing adult members of the Order regarding becoming honorary members, and had been successtul in gaining a few. Bro, Cochrane reported on the pleasant evening spent by him and bis officers at Linden’s Pride, and expected a visit from that branch in the near future. A shooting practice was indulged in. Two candidates were proposed for membership. President Bro. Hunt and members of the Juvenile Council travelled to Port Chalmers on a visit to Pride ot the Oak Lodge on its anniversary night. A large assemblage welcomed them, and they had the pleasure of seeing three candidates admitted. Three games were introduced by the council, and prizes given. They were presented to the winners by P.D.P. Bro. Castles (Timaru Lodge), who impressed on the members the need of enthusiasm and attention to the advice given by those in authority, also complimenting them on the progress made in doubling their membership during the ? e ? r ‘u: A. Bro. Reynolds responded on behalf of the council to the welcome received.

A good attendance of members and visiters greeted the’ A.D. at the half-yearly general meeting of th e Otago Lodge. Amongst the visitors were D.P. Bro. Clarke, iso. 1 district, P.A. Bro. Eeeves,

Ivanhoe._ P.A. Bro. Owens, Linden. P.A, Bro. Doig, Lily of the Valley, and A.D.elect, Sister Wilson. A considerable amount of business was transacted, and was disposed of expeditiously in order to allow the election of officers for the ensuing term to be carried' out without undue haste. A.D. Bro. M’Crone was appointed as delegate to the committee regarding the proposed Druids’ picnic. An intimation was received that West Hark°ur Lodge had won the recent efficiency shield competition, and the secretary was instructed to write congratulating the lodge on its achievement. Two new members were proposed. The secretary was empowered to make all the necessary arrangements for children’s night on December 22. The election of officers produced keen contests for the several positions, and resulted as follows:—A.D.. Bro. F. tasker; V.A., Bro. Hopwood; secretary, Bro J. W. Dove (re-elected); treasurer, t>ro. A. J. Cannon (re-elected); LG-., Bro. Brown; 0.6., Bro. Shepherd; M.C., Bro. C. Walker; A.D. bards, Bros. M'Crone and Smith (re-elected); V.A. bards, .pros. Hughes and Tobin; organist, Bro. Beisham (re-elected); minute secretary, Bro. P. Barton (re-elected). Bros. J. W. Bove and A, J. Cannon were elected as j' representatives, and Bros. Beasley and d ack were appointed substitutes. ro ' B anain was appointed auditor tc fall a vacancy caused through the transD - C + ° f rri® ro ‘ A’. Hilgour to another district. The candidature of P.A. Bro. M Cron e for the office of D.P. was endorsed. D.P, Bro. Clark and P.A. Bro. Reeves, who acted as scrutineers during the ejections, were accorded a hearty vote i ank f f° r their services. The usual Druidic toasts were given, and to, and the meeting closed. eJS? r, eekl ?, m £ etln ff of the Star of the South Juvenile Temple was held on Tuesday, when Chief Templar Sister D. RackliLw l4e ii, OTer a , la , rge attendance of fbictp b rf r >+ Th \- U ?, UaI busin ese was conducted, after which several members rendered vocal items. Arrangements in connecUon with the picnic were discussed and final arrangements will be brought ■R^« at r a meeting. Superintendent • e I S, es Hilton was in charge. Chief Templar Sister Ruby Powell presided over the weekly meeting of the Sunshine Junior Lodge, No. 4, held in the P irn? ? f p hris t Sunday School hall, 1 illuel street, on Friday. Visitors present from the Rescue, Hope of Caversham, Hope of Dunedin, and Star of Freedom Bodges. Invitations are being extended : kr J ou i ghou , t th . e di striet for sister lodges and temples to attend the closing social evening, when it is hoped a large attendance will be present. Sister R. D. Sell, ?”P erm t e ndent’ was in charge of the meetThe Conquest Temple 1.0.G.T. was held 111 ? ie ' Creen Island, on November 25 Chief Templar Bro. G. Rhodes was in the chair, and Superintendent r r - Dickinson was in charge of the Lodge. There was a good attendance of oifacera and members and one new member was initiated. A welcome visitor to the lodge was Mrs Syder. who’ briefly Wfaf« a ed the meeting -, After the usual ; ' was over a pleasant hour was cnt , 1“ ff.mes. The lodge was duly closed by chief templar. GOOD TEMPLARY. In response to an invitation, remesentatives of all the Good Templar Todges Dunedin district gathered in the Star of Freedoms lodgeroom on Monday, November 27, Bro. L, Scott, chief tem£ lar, being m the chair. The official r£ commendation form for the position of lodge deputy was received from the Grand Lodge office and Bro. W. Paterson was recommended for appointment to that Frnm p Tbe .v C ‘Tf welcom ed visitors i^ he Hope of Caversham, tout• °P® of Dunedin Lodges, and Bro. Knni a Tn COn^ 9 16 greetings of the ° f Dunedin Lodges.- After the business was concluded a fancy dress parade was held, and Bro. MTntyre, of Rescue Lodge, was awarded the first prize, aud Hi, S * ar 0 j was the winner of the second prize. Following supper, a pleasant half-hour was spent in pW S . an 4fpogs, Bro. E. J. lies leading in characteristic manner, .keeping things going smartly and smoothly. Sister M. i eats contributed an elocutionary item ™Hn 6e ?n lme u t - s *? f 'Y hich were in keeping with the objects for which the Orde? exists. Before the lodge closed Bro. W Si c ? un P l ill °r. responded to the ote of thanks to the visitors, expressing his pleasure at being present and wishing tfae lodge all prosperity. Bro. B. South inS ded ll f ° r the H° pe - 0f Dunedin, and invßed nill Present to visit them on the following Wednesday night, which invitaTV? acce s b y tae Star of Freedom Lodge, and at was decided that the v, rm he paid officially. of Cn n ?m CUe i Lodg ?’ International Order of Good Templars, held an open night on Tuesday in the Oddfellows’ Hall*King dis7 a rb. Str ? e n^ ken the J St - Hilda Metkfdmt Church Choir rendered a splendid programme, under the direction of Mr • r choirmaster. The anthems “ The ? lor , la a ..Hymn to Music," and "The i?n d “P a , C ?™f° r t Zion" and the part Sr £,T d «c! ies ’ « y t J le ladies rathe cfaoir, and "Sleep, Gentle Lady.” were rendered in fine style, while the following gave solos:—Misses Alice Clark, T. Varcoe, and A. Cameron, Messrs V W and A. Macdonald. A duet b y Mrs W., Bissland and Miss I. Macdonald completed an enjoyable programme. -The Rev. A. C. Lawry Tlivered an interesting and forcible temperance address. The P.C.T., Bro. Dalton proposed a vote of thanks, which tw vct a r^ 11 seconded, and the C.T.. 55°; y ■ A. Hes, expressed the thanks of the lodge for the enjoyable programme and interesting address. The Hope of Dunedin Lodge, 1,0 GT S?n 3 / P f e p d h / th T e 9- T - and. officers. The Dodge was officially welm D ed .“ d the i[ chief templar invited to a seat on the left of the templar. Members of the Rescue and Hope of Caversham were also welcomed. Bro. Allpress reported on hia visit to the Temperance Reform Council to which he a delegate. Bro. and Sister South were congratulated on becoming grand parents. It was resolved that a letter of congratulation be sent to Bro? Thorn Thr S r?£, ai f be /°£ ing a great grandfather, ihe report of tide S.J/W. was received and adopted. The following programme was rendered Sister Wright; jun Wrfb. f r u‘ J 9 nes - surprise packet; Bro. Wright bagpipe selection; Sister Dickison recitation; Miss Clements, step dance; o, l ' o -, Cochrane, mandoline solo; Sister oteedman, jun., song; Miss Nero Clements, bS: Miss Nellie Egan, recitation; Bro. Gore, song; Sister Wright, inn' i hearty vote of thanks WM passed to the performers and visitors. T n IVer ®f a . r Juvenile Temple, iXI.G.T...was opened by S.J.W.. C.T., and Dwo candidates were initiated into tne Order. Bro. Jack Bazin was welcomed back and Sister Rackley was reported to be on the sick list. A visitor 6 Sta T ° f South Juvenile lemple was duly welcomed. Greetings were conveyed to the Silver Star Temple No. 9 from the Star of the South Temple and were received and reciprocated. The following were the winners of the compehtion :—-Bro. Sid M'Gragh, Bro. Ken. Russell, Bro. Jim Moody,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 15

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 15

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 15