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GOLF. The “sealed holes" match resulted as &rx W f,i~; M ‘Kenzie 58 02) 46, Currie 63 io 5 L? B ’,;7£- J-Scott 54 (5) 49, Fowler 58 (9) 49, D. Williams 70 (20) 50, Widdowson 68 (17) 51. Holmes 59 (7J 52. Hopgood 67 (15) 52, Irvine 04 (11) 63. ? POUCE COURT. _ Louis Johp Butts, of 56 Orwell street, Oamaru, who was arrested on Saturday, appeared at a sitting of the Police Court, before Mr W. E. Searle, J.P„ and was charged with exhibiting a double chart containing a notification on behalf of himself as a Letter on the Oamaru Handicap And Dash Handicap, run at Oamaru on October 27, 1930. Accused was remanded to appear before Mr H. W, Bundle, SAI., bail being allowed in self £2O, and one surety of £2O, ST. JOHN AMBULANCE. During November the St. John Ambulance carried out 11 removals of pati-, ents in the district, the motor ambulance covering 188 miles. FAMOUS AVIATOR. It Is reported that, weather permitting, Mr Oscar Garden, the famous aviator, Will land at Oamaru at about 2.45 o’clock this afternoon on his flight south to Dunedin. SCOTTISH SOCIETY’S DANCE. The weekly dance of the North Otago Scottish Society was again' patronised by * ’?TB® gathering of dancers, who thoroughly enjoyed the evening’s dancing. Mrs oherwm’s orchestra supplied excellent music, and the duties of M.O. were carried out by Messrs Craig and Christie. OLD TIME DANCE CLUB. A largo gathering attended the second, dance held by the Oamaru Cabaret and Old Tjme Dance Club in tbe Lyric Hall. The hall was artistically decorated, and the various novelty dances held added to the enjoyment of the evening. Excellent music was supplied by M’Combe’s orchestra, THE RAINFALL During November a total of 1.81 inches of rain waa recorded by Mr William Forrester, as compared with 1,61 inches for the corresponding month of last year. Bain fell on 11 days last month, as follows:—November 3, 7 points; 6, 12 points; 7, 2 points; 14, 2 points; 19, 16 points; 21, 18 points; 22. 68 points; 23, 2 points; 24, 22 points; 25, 22 points: SO, 10 points. The total rainfall for the 11 months of the year is 10.69 inches. The rainfall recorded at “Tc Awa,” Hillgrove, by Mr W. S. D. Trotter was 2-S2 inches for November, compared with 4.19 inches for October, and 3,15 inches for September. Mr Trotter reports that nigh winds and cold temperatures have retarded growth, making it one of the worst spring seasons on record. At Duntroon 1.58 inches of rain were recorded for November. The total for the 11 months is 8.58 inches lower than for the corresponding period last year. Crops and pastures are backward in that locality. THE SUNSHINE. ..During November the sunshine totalled 191 hours 10 minutes, as compared with t iAS2 ors J a the corresponding month £ * n 1 028 the sunshine exceeded both these months with 240 hours. There was no sunshine on two days during the month, the sunniest day being on the 28th, with 14J hours. On 10 days there were over eight hours, and five over 10 hours. Ihe dally average sunshine for the month totalled six and a-third hours. PERSONAL. Mr E. O. Martin. Surgeon Dentist, will visit Kurow on Thursday, December 4, when be may be consulted at Lawler's Hotel,—Advt,


ACTIVITIES OF THE DISTRICT. (Feom Oua Special Correspondent.)

BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL. the Oamaru Wesleyan ■oible Class motored to Kakanui on Saturday evening, and, together with the local class members and their friends, spent a ® D J°yable time in the Athenseum Hall. Mr Knight, assisted by Mr Grocott, kept the fun going. The Oamaru Bible Class Orchestra played several selections, and Misses Slater, Tweed, Bardwell, and bouthgate contributed songs, all of which ware encored. Miss Ironside wan a very efficient accompanist. The Rev. Arthur Ashcroft addressed the young people in his usual inspiring way. Master 8. Jones, on behalf of the KakaClass members, presented their leader cl - Thorb y) with a pencil as a token of their esteem and in recognition of his good work for the class. Mr Thorby briefly thanked the donors for their useful gift, and expressed bis confidence in the future of the class. Supper, presided oyer by the Rev, Mr Ashcroft, and superT J B ® a by the local ladies, was apprecia the i ar K e , company, after which Aula Lang Syne ’ terminated the evenings entertainment. • KAKANUI LAWN TENNIS. The Kakanui Lawn Tennis Club held a very successful doubles tournament on Saturday afternoon, when, with ideal weather conditions, a very enjoyable afternoon s sport resulted. .The following are the scores:—’ Ladies' Doubles.— Misses E. and 1, Gudb®at Misses Maffey and M‘DonaM. (12), 21—18; Misses Brown and A. Smith (10) beat Misses 1.. Smith and Jl-U; Misses Walters and M. Smith (6) beat Misses Dougherty and J o, .£ udsel L < B >- 21—:19. Second round: Misses E, and I. Gudsell beat Misses Walters and M. Smith, 21—11: Misses Brown and A. Smith, a bye. Pinal: Misses E- and I . Gudsell beat Misses Brown and A. Smith, 21—18. Mens Doubles.—Jones and L. Johnston io ea r« Fl ? lay and c - Johnston (0), 21—18; Dougherty and Clcrerley (4) beat Green and Momssy (8), 21—19. Pinal: Johnston beat Dougherty and Cleverley, 21—17, K * * M l* ed , D ® a blea.-Dougherty v and Miss RmiHwci 1m and Miss I. F %T I 'u ; P* 7°bnston and Miss (O JL beat Jone s and Miss I. uill Vin "I 12 i ?l® ve F le y and Miss U. Gudsell (6) beat Morrissy and Miss 21-20; Minty and Miss own (14) beat Xi. Johnston and Miss M 6 Smith Rush and Miss fnS th ->o 6) on eat o Pjn H y and Miss Walinli %~ 20 G Second round: C. Johnvr° d E ; Gudsell beat Cleverley and Miss 0. Gudsell, 21—16; Mintv and Dougherty and M«8 A. X*’ R , usb and Miss M. Smith, p, P* Jobnston and Miss ?i3H dßell beat Hush and Miss M. Smith, bvT* 21 a ? d Miss Brown, a belt C F? Tn l hnat M,aty J 8 ?l? Miss Brown 21—15 Johnston and Miss E, Gudsell.

HORTICULTURAL SHOW. sp j t ? °, f the adverse season experienced to-day s summer show will rank as a record one for the North ObL Horticultural . Society; as there has" bfen a marked increase in the number of entries compared with last year! The bw es t inATitSiD 18 V h At e S etable sect i°n, with 55 entries, whilst there are over 50 entries JL cutr , 08es ’ record entries in pansies f n nd Z 10 Tf^o T i} er^ are vef y large entries in the Kedoastle Cup competition for six varieties, of cut blooms. All through the competition is very keen this year, and to 6 dAv W fhl be °V b t ° j. afc r the Scottish Hall of tilyear*” 4 * 68 * display of cut blooms ANGLING. The Kakanui was in excellent order over the week-end, and anglers there were rewarded with good baskets of trout, Messrs Swmard, Pyle, jun., and J, Lmdsay secured 31 nice fish, J. Martyn nine, ** e^? er ®° D fire, the largest weighing *iatchcs were also made at Waitaki, Mr W, Duncan securing one weighing lljlb, as well as other good hsh. Messrs Thomson and Boyle caught five trout averaging about fllb, Mr Dewar a seven-pounder, and Mr Swmard. sen., two six-pounders, OAMARU FIRE BRIGADE. The monthly meeting of the Oamaru Fire Brigade was held last night. Superintondent W. Couper presided. Accounts totalling £2 17s 6d were passed for payment. P* e active and two honorary members were elected to the brigade. The secretary submitted a statement in connection with the recent art union for f n ' ocal showing receipts amountTwf wL+1 32 1 l B ’ expenses £4 6s 6d. Mr foster, who had won two prizes, had en k ba i k to c tlle . br >gade for disthJ* n ffi fc of the same fund. yas decided to meet expenses out «m^n+ br l Bad il K £un fe. and ma^e U P the amount to £35, The secretary was to ? rite puking those who had an 4 Mr Foster for handmg back his two prizes. OUTBREAK OF FIRE. An unusual outbreak of 'fire occurred ™ en a sl Snb°ard across the tootpath m Wear street, belonging to Mr Painter, was set alight n P H^f n .i y though some person throwing a lighted match or cigarette butt out of an open window just above the signboard. The signboard was hollow and it is surmised that after smouldering for a while, caught alight and was burning merrily when Superintendent Couper and a fireniun arrived on the scene and pulled flames^k° ar( * '^ own anc * extinguished the . This unusual occurrence was the subject of comment at the Oamaru Fire meeting last night, it being considered an almost incredible occurrence, as it seemed impossible to set fire to a signboard in such a fashion. SuperintenCouper stated that the cause was as stated above, but the brigade had not been called out, as had been reported.

PAPAKAIO RIFLE CLUB. tb?^r, r 1 SU - ItS T, 0 / .weekly shoot of •mo P p j kal ° defence Rifle Club over the follows!- aDd 500 yardß ranee are as

NORTH OTAGO CRICKET ASSOCIATION. The fortnightly meeting of the North Utago Cricket Association was held last e *emng. M r C. J. Marshall presided. .the South Canterbury Association wrote requesting that dates be suggested tor the annual representative fixture, and stating that it was intended to hold a cricket week during the Christmas holi* day season, and it was hoped that a North Otago team would take part. It decided that the delegates confer with their respective clubs with a view to nominating players available for a match at Timaru during the Christmas season, and that the South Canterbury Association be requested to furnish further particulars. The South Canterbury Association also intimated that in view of the high schools teams defaulting during the vacation, interolub matches should he played between teams drawing the byes in the houth Canterbury and North Otago competitions.—The matter was held over for further consideration. <s Gorrespondenee was received from the Southland and South Canterbury Associations in reference to the grouping of North Otago with Southland, instead of Ashburton, for the Hawke Cup competition, and the Cricket Council forwarded advice agreeing to the suggestion.—The secretory was instructed to write to the Southland Association confirming the suggestion that Southland play North Otago at Oamaru in the new year for the Hawke Cup competition, and inviting Southland to fix a definite date. A request was received from the Leith Cricket Club (Dunedin) for a match against an_ Oamaru Third Grade team during Christmas week, but owing to the school vacation it was regretted that the request could not be complied with, and the secretory was directed to write the Leith Club suggesting that a match be arranged for a later date. Mr V. Hamilton (Christchurch) wrote accepting the position of North Otago delegate on the Cricket Council, He pointed out that the Hawke Cup competition bristled with difficulties, and suggested that the ultimate solution might be for the Ashburton, South Canterbury, North Otago, and Southland Associations U P a competition on the lines of the Plunket Shield competition, which would provide an annual programme that would be attractive, interesting, and beneficial. He also advised that he was watching developments in connection with the proposed tour of the Australian team.— The secretory was instructed to write thanking Mr Hamilton for accepting the position of delegate, and for his valued suggestions, and to advise him that a match against the Australian team would be accepted if it were arranged. Consent was given to the Albion or Union Club to arrange, if possible, a match against Palmerston juniors. The Waitakl High School Club was warmly congratulated on its success in both matches against the Otago High School. .

Mr Marshall announced that trophies for bowling: and batting this season had been given by Messrs Walton and Gudsell who were heartily thanked for their generosity. The championship points in the senior competition at the end of the first round under the new system of awarding points were announced as follow:—Union 7. Oamaru 5, School 5, Albion 2. It was unanimously agreed to amend the rule allocating two points to each team for a tie on either innings to one point to each team for a tie on the first innings, and two points for a tie on the match. It was considered that the new system of awarding points had greatly brightened up thq game this season, It was decided to resume the competitions after the holidays on January 10. The draw for Saturday is as follows: — Senior—Oamaru v. School, at School (Messrs Palmer and Keith) • Union v. Albion, at School (Messrs Tweed and Ashcroft). Junior—Union v. Albion, at Takaro Park; St. Kevin’s v. School A, at School; School B, a bye. Third Grade— St. Kevin’s A V. School B, at School; School A v. St. Kevin’s B, at St. Kevin’s. PERSONAL. Constable J. Moore, of the Oamaru Police Force, has received notice of his transfer to Ashburton, and he will leave Oamaru to take over his new duties at the end of the .week. . Apleasant function took place at Mr K. A. King’s yesterday when Miss Beatrice Bemamin was met by Mr King and tbe staff, and in view of Iter approaching roarriage presented with a case of cutlery and a crystal salad bowl, Mr King made complimentary reference to the good qualities of Miss Benjamin, and all joined in conveying their best wishes for her future happiness. Mr and Mrs H, Deal, who are removing to Christchurch, were met by the members ■ ‘adies section of the Phoenix Bowling Club, and Mrs Deal was presented with a toilet set and a traycloth. Mrs Thompson (vice-president) made the presentations, and, with Mrs Calder (presiJ*®' Mitchell (president of the Mens Club), made references in glowing terms to the valued services rendered to the club by Mr and Mrs Deal. All joined in expressing their felicitations and good wishes for the guests’ future welfare and happiness. Mr W. H. Bremner, who is severing his connection with Messrs Milligan and Bond to enter business on his own account, was met by the staff on Saturday and presented with a wristlet watch. The presentation was made by the manager (Mr T. M'Kenzie), who expressed regret at losing Mr Bremner’s services, and on behalf of the staff wished him every success in the future.

Constable Murphy, of Ashburton, has been transferred to Oatnaru to fill the vacancy caused by Constable Moore’s departure. At the meeting of the Oatnaru Fire Brigade last night a motion of condolence was passed with Mr A. J. M'Kitterick in the death of his father. Queen’s Hotel.—Mr C. Chapman. Mr W. Tingey, Mr R. V. Dicky, Mr F. D. Thorpe, Mr H. D. Sinclair (Christchurch), Mr S. P. Eaton, Mr G. Vial, Mr J. Duncan, Mr W. Speight, Mr G. R. Simkm. Mr R. L. Prain, Mr A. A. Duff (Dunedin). , ■ New Club Hotel.—Mr and Mrs J. J. Ardagh' Miss H. Ardagh (Timaru), Mr William B Cook (Auckland), Mr i. R. dVIn M. F. Mearns, Mr Tj. J. Hughes, Mr 0. Wood (Dunedin),) Mr W. Shaw, ° r ' MCS E - M ° ntagUe ■T NORTH OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. A meeting of the directors of the North Otago Caledonian Society was held last Dignt. Mr J, Gerrie presided. Fifteen entries were received for the Oamaru-Pukeuri Cycle Road Race, which was considered to be very satisfactory, and it was decided to hold the race on Saturday, commencing at 7 p.m. at the South African monument. , The following officials were appointed for the New Year's Day .sports:—Handicappers—Running and jumping, Mr A Lindsay; cycling, Mr J. Forbes; hammer, ball, and caber, Mr C. D. Fleming fJjiperjntepdente—Track events Mr J Gerrie; field events, Mr A. M'Kenzie;’ referee, Mr G. Bruce; starter, Mr W. James; time-keepers—Messs Benson, Tait, and Moss;, Protest Committee—Messrs J Gerrie, R. B. Meek A. M'Kenzie, MTntosh, and J. D. Forbes; judges—Running Messrs Meek and Cook; sports, Mr Excell; cycling, Messrs,Speid, Gilchrist, and Stephens; wrestling—Messrs A. M'KenT, S, Little, and J, M'Culloch; jump-ing-Messrs D. M. Percy, Irving, aud Wilson; hammer, ball, and caber—Messrs A. M'Kenzie, D. Burns, and J. R. Gilchrist; stewards—Running—Messrs F. Whiting, J. T. Biggs, J. Mitchell, and T. M'Kenze; cycling—Messrs H, W. Cross. J. Carrodus, E, P. Lavery, W. Barnett, and J. Falloon; piping and dancing—Messrs S. Mollison, D. Jackman, J. Duff, and G. Hunter; clerk of course, Mr G. P. Gerrie; announcer, Mr J. King: marksmen— Messrs G. Jardine, D, Williams, D. MTntosh, J. Perkins; lap scorer, Mr J. D. MLeod,

w ® s decided to commence the sports at 12d5 p.m. and to invite'the Highland Pipe Band to attend. The tender of Mr Dick for catering was accepted. Mr Gerrie reported on the question of holding school spots, nod the matter was referred to a conference of the executive and the School Teachers’ Association*

GIG OVERTURNS. A horse driven in a gig by Mr F. Foff took fright at a passing motor cycust at the corner of Thames and Usk streets, and overturned the gig, which was considerably damaged, Mr Poff was thrown clear and escaped uninjured. MUSICAL RECITAL. An enjoyable musical recital was given by the pupils of Miss C. Foley, A.T.C.L. in the Duntroon Hall, the Rev. G. Taylor presiding. During the evening Miss Edna Russell, on behalf of the pupils, presented Miss Foley with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The following programme was submitted:—Duets—“ Fairies Spinning,” Edna Russell and Merle Francis; “Hungarian Dance " —Lucy Crisp and Elizabeth Peterson, Robbie Cox and Dennis Rawson; solos—“ Golden Ferns," Edna Russell; “Village Dance,” Dennis Rawson; "Rustic Dance,” Merle Francis; “Intermezzo in G,” Elizabeth Peterson; Garden of Dreams,” Chriesie M'Gregor; Ariel," Lucy Crisp; “Durand’s First Valse, Chrissie Carmichael; “ Romance," Elsie Brown. Songs, “ The Curfew " and Mountain Lovers,” were also sung by Mr Johnson Mayfield. OAMARU ATHEN/EUM COMMITTEE. The monthly meeting of the Oamaru Athenaeum Committee was held last night, Mr J. M. Wilson presided. Accounts amounting to £36 3s 6d were passed for payment. The tender of Messrs E. Glass and Sons for £l7 10a for renovating the free reading room was accepted. On the recommendation of the Book Committee 32 volumes of fiction were ordered. It was agreed to subscribe to the Free Lance and Observer for the reading room. The librarian reported that during November 21 volumes of fiction and two of travel were-received. The number of adult subscribers who joined during the month was 6, left 2, on roll 394; juveniles —joined 2, on roll 68, total 402. During November 2330 books of fiction were issued—9 science, 18 history, 15 biography, travel 22 poetry 2, general 30, magazines U 75; —total 3599.

Mr H. Deal gave a fine deer head to the. institution, and it was decided to hang it in a suitable place, and to thank Mr Deal for his gift. Favourable comment was passed on the improvements made to the reading room !??• Molhson. The appointment of Miss Dunbar as Ibrarian, and Miss Ironside as assistant was confirmed. The next committee meeting was fixed tor January 12. During the renovation of the free reading room the newspapers will be removed to tne old museum room upstairs.

Rfm D. Borrie 300 600 yds. yds. Hep. Tl. . .. 41 46 0 no Him A. Gibson 41 41 Rfm Tl Gibson . .. 42 42 1 — 85 1 — 85 Rfm H. Norton ... 39 42 Rfm G. Gibson ... 43 42 85 Pres, W. Gibson .. .. 40 42 1 — 83 Rfm D. Borrie ... 39 40 3 — 82 Rfm S. Whvte ... 37 40 3 — 80 Rfm J. Hall . .. 34 30 10 — 74 Rfm A. Hall .. 26 8 —'70 Rfm L. Grey ... 27 27 5—69 The highest scores in Ko. trophy presented by the president are as follow:— Rfm James Hall .. 84 93 127 Rfm D. Borrie 87 88 — 175 Rfm H. Norton . * 89 95 — 174 Rfm W. Gibson .. 87 84 171 Rfm R. Gibson 85 85 — 170

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 14

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 14

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21198, 2 December 1930, Page 14