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(Fboh Odb Special Cobbespondent.)

AMATEUR THEATRICAL SOCIETY. The members of the Oamaru Amateur Theatrical Society have for some time past been practising assiduously for the production of “Our Miss Gibbs” towards the end of the month. .The proceeds from the production are to be devoted to the funds of the North Otago Rugby Union, which has experienced a rather lean finan-

The members of the Oamaru Amateur Theatrical Society have for some time past been practising assiduously for the production of “Our Miss Gibbs” towards the end of the month. .The proceeds from the production are to be devoted to the funds of the North Otago Rugby Union, which has experienced a rather lean financial time during the past season. The standard achieved at the rehearsal of “ Our Miss Gibbs ” gives promise of an • exceptionally successful production, the cast pf local performers being an excellent one, whilst the ensemble work should be as good as any witnessed on the amateurstage in Oamaru. The cast is as follows;—Our Miss Gibbs, Miss Tui Saif;' Madame Peanne, Miss Olive Bennett; Lady Betty. Miss Edna Fraser; Duchess of Minster, Mrs Laura M‘Dowelt; Hughie Pxerrepont, Mr Graham Dickel; TopJady, Mr S. Hook; Timothy Gibbs, Mr iv. Syyerston. The production of “Our Miss Gibbs is under the direction of MrR. Syverston, and Mr G. M, Whale is the musical director. . j THE RAINFALL The rainfall recorded by Mr W. S, D. Trotter at “Te Awa,” Hillgrove, for the month of September was -3.15 inches. Up to the present, reports Mr Trotter, it hair been a cold and backward season. During September the total rainfall recorded at Duntroon was 2.21 mcnea and for the nine months of the year 11.29 inches have been registered, compared with 20.02 inches for the corresponding period of last year. MAJESTIC PICTURES. M Scotland Yet” is still the slogan, judg-' Ing by the crowds of Scots who thoroughly enjoyed themselves last night at the Majestic Theatre. It need scarcely be .told why, when it is said that "The Loves of Robert Burns ” was screened, and iß&ny without Scottish blood, in their veins freely admitted- that they also thoroughly enjoyed this superb picture. The beautiful singing of Joseph Hielop, end the mixed choruses were far and away the moat beautiful that the talking screen has vet given. Wending beautiful, inspiring melodies with marvels of photographic conception. Here is the first screen operetta that, charms, excites, thrills, and stirs hniotion. It ■ need • only be added that in leaving the Majestic a brnw Scot


was overheard to remark: ."Ah, weel! even without the itlier picture—'Hide Oot —we had oor. money's worth, an' mm am tellin' ye, 'Hide is a braw picture tae." ; : KAKANUI LAWN TENNIS CLUB. There was a good atendance of members at the of the Kakanui oI W^ T \ n T niß^ held in th <* Kakanui School. Mr C. Gudsell presided, and gave a resume of the club's first year's operations, which was considered highly satisfactory. Miss Lattrenson submitted the balance'sheet, which showed a email credit balance. The club decided to lease tennis court from the School Committee at a rental of £2O per annum: ine annual subscription was fixed at 10s. it was decided to open the season on 8. v e j c n Gudaell was. heartily tnanked for his contribution of a trophy tor competition among the ladies. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr Uudsell (president). Miss Laurenson (secretary and treasurer), Messrs' Cleverley and, Tbprby (auditors), and the members or the committee for their services during the year. Several new members were elected, and the season promises to be very successful. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year: f. at ron, Mr G. L. Cuthbertson; president, Mr John Finlay; secretary and treasurer, Miss Laurenson; vice-presidents—Messrs J. H Laurenson, P. Mtiean, George Macdonald,. W. Rayne R,, RusbatchT C. G. Sievwnght. J. M. Smith, and T. Watson; committee—Misses Walters and I. Gudsell, and Messrs E. Jones, W. Morrissey, and P. ToohiD. OAMARU. JOCKEY CLUB. The annual meeting of the Oamaru Jockey Club was held yesterday afternoon. Mr W. Gardiner presided over a large attendance of membere. The annual report and financial statement, disclosing a net profit of £B2 8s 9d for the year, were adopted. In moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet, Mr Gardiner said the club had made a small profit, which must be considered satisfactory under the adverse circumstances in which it was labouring. He thought the Oamaru Jockey Club must be considered the most unfortunate club in the whole Dominion. It held two meetings during the yearone in March and the other in July. The March meeting, which promised to be most successful, was marred by disastrous weather and hard going, many horses being scratched. The July meeting, unfortunately, clashed with the test football match in Christchureh. The club was always in difficulty in regard to its dates. The application for the' new year dates was defeated/ but he hoped the club would try again, and surely sooner or later it would get what it was Justly entitled to. Again the Gaming Bill had been defeated or shelved. He would not have cared ■if a vote had been taken by the House, but the Bill was talked out. Mr Forbes had promised that the Bill would get a fair Bpin. Could it be said that such took place? It could not. . He .hoped the club would have a more successful year, and would have more evenhanded justice dealt out to it. The taxation on racing, however, was so severe that it would be most difficult for country clubs to carry on. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr W. Saunders for his assistance in obtaining the dates for the club. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:—President, Mr W. Gardiner: vice-president, Mr J. R. Mitchell; auditor, Mr W. M'Combie; committee —Messrs G. Bruce, T. P. Crawford, W. Gardiner, W. A.'Gardiner, J. Henderson, E. P. Houghton, F. Jones, L. Kelcher, G. Livingstone, J. R. Mitchell, T. A. Munro, J. O'Brien, W. P. Reid, and Dr- Fitzgerald. At a subsequent meeting of the committee the following Grounds Committee was appointed:—Messrs O'Brieni Livingstone, Meter, Houghton, Reid, and Oardiner, , The usual annual subscription was granted to the North Otago branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. - Eight new members were elected. It was decided to apply to the Racing Conference for January 17 and July" 14 as racing dates for next year. The secretary reported that' the final payment of £3OO to the. Joint Building Committee had been authorised, making the total contributions by the club £6550. There might be?a refund, and a complete statement would be brought forward when the matter was completed. The action of the .chairman in authorising the. payment was "confirmed. \ WAIMAKARIRI ELECTRIC SCHEME The following is the text of the resolu-' tion carried by the Waitaki Electric Power Board in connection with the proposed Waimakariri scheme:—" In view of the present agitation in Christchureh to obtain legislation authorising the development of the Waimakariri scheme, the Waitaki Electric Power Board enters an emphatic protest against any such authority being given, as it would result in a heavy burden being placed upon the other supply authorities on the Coleridge system. In the event of the desirecV authority being given, the secession of Christchureh from the Government supply would have an adverse effect on these supply authorities. This board does not consider the Waimakariri scheme justified, as the present conditions at Coleridge are abnormal, and when the Waitaki scheme is completed, and linked up. ample power will be available for all concerned, and ' immunity from failure assured." ' THE WEATHER. During September frosts were recorded at the gardens by the curator (Mr J. Tait) on seven mornings, the most severe being of seven degrees on the 11th and 28th. The coldest day during the month was the 7th, when the maximum temperature was 49 degrees, and the hottest day was the 25th, when 68 degrees were recorded. There were 12 days with over 60 degrees, and 22 with 55 degrees or over. Yesterday a really summer day was experienced in Oamaru. There were 44 degrees of frost in the morning, but a hot nor'-westerly breeze set the mercury rising, and the shade temperature was 80 degrees, the highest recorded here since last summer. INFECTIOUS DISEASES. The health inspector reports that during September the following notifiable and infectious diseases were reported in the Waitaki Hospital district:—Scarlet fever 6, tuberculosis 3 PERSONAL. Mr and Mrs A. Mays will leave Oamaru on Monday on an extended motor tour of the North Island.

Mr L. Topliss, who_ has been the Oamaru manager of the Waitaki Dairy Company for the past 144 years, has resigned his position as from the end of the month. During this period Mr Topliss has achieved much success as a butter maker. Under,his management his factory secured the championship for New Zealand for the best butter for export at the Auckland Exhibition in 1926, and second prize in 1927. His other honours include the managers’ supremacy class in 1926 and in 1927; the 150gns King George Cup in 1927; two South Island championships at the Manawatu and Waikato Winter Shows in 1926; South Island grade medal in 1922, and in the following- three years his factory had the highest grade in the South Island. During the past nine years his factory has graded 94.24 for export butter. Mr Topliss has_ always shown a keen interest in dairying subjects, inaugurating herd testing and lectures to dairy farmers, always strongly advocating the

breeding from purebred cattle. He intends taking a lengthy holiday before taking up new duties. Constable Shannon, of Waitaki Hydro, who has been relieving at Oamaru, has been transferred to Christchurch.

Queen'e Hotel. —Mr and Mrs Charters, Mr R. Puller, Mr and Mrs Mould (Christchurch), Mr F. Grant, Mr R. S. Brown (Timaru), Mr W. Oxley, Mr G. M. Kinmont, Mr I, Maxwell, Mr A. M'lvor (Dunedin), Mr W. Ballenger (Wellington), Mr T. C. Robinson (Waiau). New Club Hotel.—Mr J. Shand, Mi J. a Shand, Mr W. E. Gladstone (Dunedin), Mr W. M. Shand (Invercargill), Mr J. G> Branscombe, Mr H. Elder, Miss C. Genns (Christchurcb), Mr and Mre J. A. Groone (Wellington). TROUT OVA. _ The executive of the Waitaki Acclimatisation Society is at present busily engaged in liberating trout ova in the North Otago rivers. Next week 100,000 ova will be liberated in the Waitaki River, 50,000 in the Kakanui, and a good number in the Oamaru Creek. NEW BUSINESS PREMISES. Mr W. Illingworth, of Oamaru, is the successful tenderer for alterations to the second floor of Messrs de Lambert's building in Thames street. The floor will be -converted into a suite of modern offices for Messrs Hislop, Creagh, and Main, barristers' and solicitors, Oamaru. NORTH OTAGO WOMEN'S CLUB. There was a large gathering at a very enjoyable social evening held by the North Otago Women's Club. An excellent programme waa submitted, consisting of the following items:—Pianoforte trio—Mesdmee Moss, Mitchell, and Tweed; French—Oamaru, Miss Will (French peasant flower seller), Mesdames H. B. Burton and E. Houghton, and Misses Blair, Marshall, Molloy, Cook, Fitzgerald, and Tweed (French girls); waxworks—Mrs Corson, Mrs Atkinson, Misses Lindsay, Tait, Jones, Marwick, Miller. Kay, and Romans; song, Mrs M'Culloch; piano solo. Miss M'Quade; " The Mother's Complaint"—Mesdamea E. J. Mee, J. Bulleid. K. Familton. F. Jones, and Miss Amjtin; "Donald the Dub/' Mesdamea R. S. Orbell and' M. K. M'Culloch; piano solo, Miss Marwell; "In an Old Gallery," Misses B. Butterfield and D. Williams; "Soldiers in the Park " —Mesdamea Mee, . Bulleid, K. Familton, F. Jones, Atkinson, Wise, Irving, Misses M'Adam and Treseder; Sir J. M. Barrie's " Seven Women " —Misses Carroll (Mr Tovey), Bntterfield (Mrs Tovey), Romans (Captain Rattray), and Mrs M'Dowall (Leonora). DUNTROON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The funds of the Duntroon Presbyterian Church were considerably augmented as the result of a very successful bazaar. The following were the prize-winners in the baking competition:—Oven scones— Mrs J. Grant 1, Mrs J. Rutherford 2; firdla scones—Mrs G. Sutherland 1, Mrs '. Dowie 2; pikelets—Mrs Dowie 1, Mrs M'Kenzie 4; shortbread—Miss Talientire 1, Mrs G. Sutherland 2; pastry—Mrs GSutherland I; plain sponge—Mrs G. Sutherland I; sponge sandwich—Mi as Lorraine Sutherland 1; fruit cake—Miss Talientire 1, Mrs Hood 2. The sheep-guess-ing competition was won by Mr M Kenzie (Pukeuri), with 1051 b, the correct weight being 1061 b. PAN-PACIFIC WOMEN'S CONFERENCE. Miss E. Andrews, president of the New Zealand Women Teachers' Association, who lately returned from the Pan-Pacific Women's Conference at Honolulu, will give a lecture on the work of the conference in Holmes Hall on Monday evening. The conference was attended by women delegates from most of the countries bordering the Pacific, and includes representatives from Canada, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Dutch East Indies, and Korea. The conference dealt particularly with Questions affecting women aitd their work. All women interested in social and educational problems are advised to attend this lecture. OAMARU MUNICIPAL BAND. .The, Oamaru Municipal Band will hold a recital in the Oamaru Gardens to-mor-row afternoon, when a well-chosen programme will be submitted, including the marches " St. Kilda " and " Singer " ; overture, "Morning, Noon, and Night"; selection, " Maritana": trombone solo, "Arabia " ; cornet polka, " Crescent" ; hymn, "Abide With Me."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21148, 4 October 1930, Page 20

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21148, 4 October 1930, Page 20

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21148, 4 October 1930, Page 20