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The bitterly cold weather for the opening day of the Ashing season prevented many anglers from participating, and reports indicate that only a lew enthusiasts were rewarded with catches. One angler is credited with a few trout, including a two-pounder, from the Kakanui, but there are no reports to hand as to the Waitaki. Juveniles fishing in the Oamaru Creek met with fair sport, the catches being 3,5, and 11 trout, the largest weighing IJlb. THE COLERIDGE SHORTAGE. Advice received from Lake Coleridge is to the effect that the situation as regards the water shortage is much the same, and that practically no improvement has been : made. The demand for supply locally has risen during the past ■week, and, consumers evidently do' not realise that the situation remains critical, .In respect to', late shopping it has been found impossible to secure uniformity, and the Waitaki Electric Power Board has again, requested retailers to reduce lighting to .a minimum and close at 8 p.m. ;It -appears, that restrictions will have to continue until ■ the . lake has risen to a safe'level,', possibly extending to the end of November, and even then no guarantee of a safe margin can he assured. NORTH OTAGO ADVERTISEMENTS

The sixth annual spring flower show of the Maheno-Incholme Society was held in the Maheno Hall yesterday under very favourable, conditions that should result' in a substantial amount being made available for the church funds, in which worthy cause the flowers and baking exhibits were disposed of. The general effect of the show was very pleasing,; and though the quality of the blooms was,scarcely up to the standard of the Oamaru Show on Tuesday, the arrangement was excellent, especially in the decorative section, where the hand of the artist was very apparent. The decorative mantelpieces were exceedingly ; attractive, the arrangement of the japonica in the winning entry by Mrs Dewar being artistically effected. The colouring effect of the heliotrope and yellow of the. second exhibit was markedly beautiful, but the arrangement was somewhat lacking, as was*also the case in the third entry of flowering current. Miss Dewar- was also,successful in the decorated table with a dainty and artistic exhibition of narcissi,- and evidence of her artistic taste was to be seen in the floating bowl of marigolds, the bridesmaid’s posy, vase of flowers, and bowl of narcissi with foliage. Miss Dewar had to give way to Miss Newlands in the bowl of flowers, in which the japonica was arranged with better bowl effect, and Miss Newlands was also successful with the basket of narcissi and bowl of narcissi. Entries from such exhibitors, who are so, proficient in the art of decorating, would be a decided acquisition to the Oamaru Show. , The effort put forward by the school children was a very worthy one, and. with the interest sustained there should be many prize-winners in the, 1 near future. The anemones were equal to, if not better than, those shown at the Scottish Hall, the exhibit of Mrs Whittaker showing beautiful shades and being well-grown. The hyacinths were also very good, and the double narcissi and yellow trumpets were, of excellent quality. The shrubs were' quite up to the standard of other local shows. The second exhibit of Mrs' Dewar, sen.,, particularly impressed, with the lakea, an Australian shrub; but the other shrubs were not so good as those entered by Mrs; J. Newlands,, among which it was pleasing to note the rhododendron in flower, and the heath. The baking classes were well represented, were of the usual good quality associated with this section of the Maheno show, , , The awards were as follower — CUT BLOOMS. Judge: Mr J. Tate. Three , varieties of wallflowers —Mrs Weir 1, Mrs J. Newlands 2, Vase of blue grape hyacinth—Mrs Thorby 1, Mrs Hunter 2, Miss B. Dewar 3, Violets—Miss B. Dewar 1, Mts French 2, Mrs Hunter 3. Anemones, four varieties—Mrs Whittaker 1, Mrs J. Newlands 2. Six pansies—Mrs Dewar, sen., 1. ' Six violas—Mrs Dewar, een.,, 1, Mr Hammond 2. Mr M'Lennan 3. Six hyacinths—-Mr M'Lennan 1, ■Three hyacinths—Mrs Thorby 1/ Mrs J. B. Dewar 2, Mrs A. S. Clark 3. Palyanthus, four varieties—Mrs Dewar, sen., 1, Mrs J. B. Dewar 2, Mrs French 3. Primroses, four varieties—Mrs J. B. Dewar 1, 'Mrs Hunter 2, Mrs Hunter 3. Vase of auriculas—Mr Hammond 1. Six bunches of cut blooms—Mrs Weir 1, Mrs J, Newlands 2. Flowering shrubs—Mrs J. Newlands 1, Mrs Dewar, sen., 2. ' Twelve varieties of narcissi—Mrs Lindsay, sen., 1, Mrs J, Newlands 2. Nino varieties of narcissi—Mrs Dewar, sen., 1, Mrs J. Newlands 2, Mrs Lindsay, sen., 3. ' 7 Six varieties of narcissi—Mrs J. Newlands 1, Mrs Dewar, sen., 2,. Mr J. B. Dewar 3. Vase of yellow trumpet narcissi—Mrs Dewar, sen., 1 and 2, Mrs Newlands 3. Three biclour, narcissi—Miss Walter I, Mrs French 2 and 3. _ Three red cup narcissi—Mrs J. B. Dewar l and 2, Mrs Dewar, sen., 3; Vase of double narcissi—Mrs J. B. Dewar ,1, Mrs Dewar, sen., 2, Miss Walters 3. i , Vase of Empress—Miss Walters 1, Mrs J. B, Dewar 2, Mrs J. Newlands 3. ■Vase of Sir Watkin—Mrs Dewar, sen., 1; Miss Walters 2, Mrs J. B. Dewar 3., Vase of polyanthus narcissi, yellow— Mrs B. Dewar 1, , • DECORATED SECTION. Judge; Mr J. E. Ewing. Decorated hat—Miss Daisy Newlands 1, Miss Yorston 2. Decorated table—Miss Dewar 1, Miss B. Dewar 2, Mrs A. S. Clark 3. Bowl of flowers—Miss Newlands 1, Miss Dewar 2, Miss B. Dewar 3. Basket of narcissi—Miss Newlands 1. Bowl of narcissi—Mies Newlands 1, Miss B. Dewar 2. Mrs Yorston 3. Bowl of narcissi, with foliage—Miss Dewar 1, Mrs A. S. Clark 2. Floating bowl—Miss Dewar 1 and 2. Mrs A. ST Clark 3. Bridesmaid's posy—Miss Dewar 1, Mias Newlands 2, Mrs Yorston 3. . Three vases of flowers—Mies B. Dewar 1, Miss Dewar 2 Vase of flowers—Miss Dewar 1, Mies B, Dewar 2,. Miss Newlands 3. , _Decorated mantlepiece—Miss Dewar 1, Mrs J. Newlands 2, Mrs A. S. Clark 3. CHILDREN'S SECTION. Judge: Mr J. E. Ewing. Buttonhole, junior girls—Joyce Orr 1 Margaret Muldrew 2, Gwen Johnston 3. Buttonhole, intermediate girls—-Gladys Richards 1, Dorothy Weir 2, Audrey Orr, Lady’s epray, senior—Doreen Kelsher 1, lea Richards 2, Connie Davis 3. Vase of flowers, junior girls—Mary “S 3, 1 D “ ris 2 - ®“*>. Vase oL flowers, intermediate girls— Jean MuJdrew 1, Doreen Kelcher 2, Violet Currie 3. Basket of flowers, senior girls—lsa Richards 1, Doreen Kelcher 2, Ena Cook BAKING: Judge: Mrs Milne. Sultana loaf—Mies Henry 1, J. Hunter 2, Mrs French 3. BermaHine loaf—Miss D. Newlands 1 Nut loaf—Miss Henry 1, J. Hunter 2, Miss D. Newlands 3. • Six oven scones—Mrs J. Milne 1, Mrs 2, Miss D. Newlands 3 Six girdle econes—Mrs Milne 1, Miss D. Newlands 2. Six date scones—Miss D. Newlands 1. RJate of pikelets—Mrs Yeoman 1, Mrs Cook 2, .Miss Newlands 3. . Fruit cake, light—Mrs French and J. Hunter (equal) 1, Miss Dippie 3, iFrmt cake, dark—Miss Dippie 1. Seed cake—Mrs Weir 1, Mrs Yorston 2, J. Hunter 3. Hinger cake Mrs Buzan 1, Miss Henry 2, Mrs French 3. Marble cake—Mrs Weir 1, Mrs D. Muldrew 2,.Mr J. Hunter 3. ~Cn oc° 1 ate cake—Mrs W. Souncss I, Mrs D. J. Livinstone 2. Miss Henry 3 Orange cake—Mrs W. Currie 1, .Mrs W Souness 2. Mrs T. V Livingstone 3. ~ C of fee cake—Mrs T. F. Livingstorie I, Mrs W. Souness 2, Mrs French 3. Louise cakes—Mrs French , 1, Miss Henry 2, Mrs Yorston 3, Sponge sandwich—Mrs W. Currie 1 Miss D. Newlands 2, Mrs D. Muldrew 3* Sponge roll—Mrs D. Muldrew 1. Shortbread—Mrs French 1, Miss Dinpie 2. CHILDREN’S SECTION. Pikelets—Doreen Keleher 1, Ena Cook 2. Margaret Buzan 3. Plain toffee—Doreen Kelcher and Violet Currie (equal) 1, Violet Currie 2, Brice Currie 3.

PERSONAL. Queen’s Hotel. —Dr and Mrs C. Edgar Ford- (Londsei, South Africa), Mr Leonard Rathgen, Mr E. Muir, Mr C. E. Yates, Mr A. Walker (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs H. Hunter, Mr J. Waughan, Mr E. Faivbairn, Mr John Bradley (Dunedin). New Club Hotel. —Mr and Mrs C. McDonald and family (Christchurch), Mrs J. MWeigh (Earnscleugh), Mr S. B, Macdonald, Mr A. E. Westland (Dunedin), Mr W. Smith (Pembroke), Mr M. L, Kice, Mr A. S. Henderson (Wellington), Mr R. G. Ratcliffe (Auckland). ' . MAJESTIC PICTURES. “ The Loves of Robert Burns,” showing for the week-end at the Majestice Theatre, adds to the lengthening list of British talkies that deserve world-wide recognition, The film deals graphically with the tragic - life of the Scottish poet, and is remarkable for three things; It demands attention as the first attempt to “ record ” for he talkies the voice of a great operatic singer, Mr Joseph Hislop. It blends beauty of sound in half a dozen or more of the Burns;, lyrics sung to their traditional airs, with beauty of scene and the charm of Burns’s country, his own “ Sweet Afton” and the banks and braes he hymned so often. It also gives two Australian actresses; Miss Dorothy Seacombe and Miss Eve Grey, opportunities which they seize with every success. Mr Hislop’s debut on the talking screen certainly lends a new distinction to talking pictures, and his exquisite • rendering of such famous airs as “The Banks of-Loch Lomond.” “Annie Laurie,” is a rare and memorable treat that motion picture audiences can only expect every once in a while. Of course, the story is not historically correct, but the screen story provides for the generous introduction of a full libretto of beautiful music, and this more than compensates for the differences that one might hold with regard to history. Much of the action was filmed in Scotland where. Burns made history, and his spirit has been caught so well that the picture, technically. , dramatically, vocally, or regarded as entertainment alone, is not merely the most satisfying British talkie to date, but certainly one that must take its place along with the dramaic epics of the screen. Breath-tak-ing suspense and delightful romance are blended in “Hide Out,” the second feature on the programme, in which Kathryn Crawford and James Murray are featured in the leading roles. VITAL STATISTICS. The vital statistics for Oamaru for September are as follow:—Births, 19; deaths, 16; marriages, 7. - The figures for the quarter are:—Births, 57; deaths, 47; marriages, 26. During September the registrar officiated at two marriages and at four during the quarter. GOLF. The following is the -draw for the monthly' medal match to-morrow:—E. K. Tomlinson v. Hunter, Banks v. Douglass, G. Sumpter v. M'Ewan, Roll v. Barr, Wilson v,. M'Donald, C. Hedges v, Donaldson, Nichols v. T. Wright, Scott v. Rivers, K. Familton v.’Armstrong, Irvine! v. Mathieson, K. P. Familton v. Roxly, M'Seath v. Cuthbertson, Uttley v. Kilpatrick, Orbell v. M‘Kenzie, Reid v. Woodward, Humphries v. Hewat, Pollock v. L. W, .Wight, Holmes v. K. Sumpter, M'Dowell a bye, Panckhurst v. Ryan, Patterson v. Kinder, Main v. T. Hedges, M'Culloch v. Gilchrist, Cook v. Maude, R. Hedges v. Heron. Day v. Grater, H. L., Familton' v. W. R. Tomlinson. Bird' v. Bates, Cobb v. Dr M'Donald., Widdowsou v. Hopgood, Curtb v. Robins, Bailey v. Smith, Slater v. Treseder, Williams v. Stewart, Burton v. Paape, SPRING FLOWER SHOW. The total proceeds from the Horticultural Society’s spring show, amounted to £23. GLENAVY MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB. About 70 members attended the annual . smoke concert and presentation of trophies held by the Glenayy Rifle Club. Mr C. Dugdale presided. The president expressed regret that Mr Cuthbertson was unable to be present owing to an illness. Items were rendered by the following:—Speeches—Messrs Lavery and O’Leary; stories—-N. Gibson; bagpipes —C. D. Fleming; songs—D. Cochrane, Devan, G. Wilson, and T. Wesley; violin solos—-J. Wesley and S. Maiharoa; recitation —J. • Purdie. The usual toasts were also honoured. During the evening Mr L. Mills presented the clubs, on behalf of his team which won last year’s 'shield competition, with an enlarged photograph tt> be bung in tbe hall. Mr D. Y. Gibson then presented the trophies as follows:—Championship cup and miniature cup—N. Gibson 1, D. M'Culloch 2;, aggregate cup and gold medal—W. M'Culloch 1, D. M'Ciilloch 2; consolation prize (presented by M'Culloch Bros.) —J. Purdie 1; Nat Devlin 2; sniper’s button (trophy presented by Mr Purdie), N. Gibson; Tisdall button trophy, N, Fleming. Other trophies .were: —D. Brown (Mr E. P. Lavery), K. Swann (Mr Cuthbertson), J. Hollamby, jun. (club). F. Ross (Mr Ireland), G. Searle (club), J. Breen (Mr Hollamby, sen), B. Duff (chib), E. Grimson (Mr J. Robertson). NORTH OTAGO -CRICKET ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of delegates to the North Otago Cricket Association was held last night. Mr C. J. Marshall presided over a full attendance of delegates. A communication from the Albion Club asking the association to make an effort to form a sports protection league was referred to the incoming committee. The annual report and balance sheet, showing a debit of £1 I7s 3d were adopted. The chairman, in presenting the Borton Cup to the captain of the Union Club (Mr R. Macdonald) congratulated the club on its success, Mr L. Sumpter, on behalf of the Oamaru Club, also congratulated the Union Club on winning the cup, and said he had received a letter from Mr I A. Borton asking him to convey to the Union Club his hearty congratulations. Mr R. Macdonald suitably replied. Mr Marshall congratulated the winners of the trophies on their success and presented to Mr T. Nolan, on behalf of St. Kevins, the Dell Cup for the juniors* competition; to Mr C. Zimmerman, M* Marehall s trophy for batting; to Mr B Tonkin, Mr M. S. Holmes’s trophy for bowling; and to Mr J. Robertson, Mr G Fenwicks trophy for catching. , In vacating the chair, Air Marshall thanked the members of the executive for the assistance and support they had accorded him during the past year, and also the placing members and the Referees’ Association, mentioning Messrs J. Palmer and Tweed for their work during the season. His appreciative remarks concerning the excellent services rendered bv the secretary (Mr T. W. Jacobs) were heartily endorsed by the members.A vote of thanks was accorded the press. The enthusiasm shown hv the retirinc president (Mr. Marshall) in the control ot the association last year was the subject of eulogistic reference by the delegates and he was re-elected to the chair tor the ensuing year. The other officers elected were as fol-low:—Vice-presidents—Messrs B B Walton, J. Palmer, G. Gudsell, E. A. Maudesecretary and treasurer, Mr J. Maddigan; delegate to the New Zealand Council. Mr K Hamilton (Christchurch); auditor, Mr G. MacDonald; Selection Committee— Messrs E. Brown, A. Keith, and L Sump, ter; Postponement Committee—Messrs W G- W. Procter, and T. W. Jacobs. iiie date for the commencement of the competitions was fixed for October 11 The hours of play were fixed at the same, during daylight saving, as for last season. It was decided to close the competition on March 28, 1931, provided that a new match be not started on that date. The question of adopting the Plunket aniem system of championship points was deferred to the next meeting of the executive

SCOTTISH SOCIETY. o A h f ? r ® w e £ e , a !? out I°° couples at the Scottish Hall last evening, when the usual enjoyable time was spent at such functions held by the Scottish Society. On this occasion the whole of the gross prowere devoted to the unemployment relief fund, which will benefit substantially as a result. Mrs Sherwin’s Orchestra provided delightful dance music, & C ‘ Craig and J - C - Christie acted as M.C.’s. NEW ZEALAND MADE POPPIES. o decision, of the Oamaru Returned Soldiers Association to purchase for next years sales those ipoppies made under the control of the Christchurch Association has met with the approbation of headquarters of the New Zealand Returned Soldiers’ Association. The secretary of the local association (Mr Neil H. Colquhoun) has received a communication from the general secretary congratulating the local executive on its decision to assist the manufacture of poppies in New Zealand by New Zealand disabled soldiers. MANCHESTER UNITY. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Oamaru Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F., was held nirfht. N.G. Bro. Richardson presided. , One candidate was initiated- into the Order. The delegates to the halfyearly district meeting reported on the function at Palmerston, and were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Dr Butler was appointed medical officer of , the lodge.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21147, 3 October 1930, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21147, 3 October 1930, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21147, 3 October 1930, Page 12