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Notes for woman


PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Miss Jean Stronach has returned to Dunedin, ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs W. F. Edmond has returned from Waikouaiti. # # # Lady Ferguson will return to-day from Lake Wanaka, # * # Mrs P. Y. Wales and family have returned from Brighton. *# . * Mr and Mrs H. J. Guthrie will leave tO:day for .Queenstown. ¥ v *l* Dr and Mrs Fockeu left yesterday on a holiday visit to Hampden. »* w - Mrs, George Black has returned from a 10 days’ visit to Akaroa. Mr and Mrs Richard Hudson have returned from Timaru. * * * Mrs-Ambrose Hudson has gone to Lake Wanaka. Mr and Mrs J. W. Smcaton and family have returned from Broad Bay. H* Miss Mary Sbivas, of Timaru, is at present on a holiday visit to Dunedin. *#- * • Mr and Mrs J. G. Stephens returned on Saturday from Queenstown. # * * Miss Fenwick is visiting Wellington as the guest of Canon and Mrs James. *s * * Miss Maris Grieve is visiting Gladstone as the gueot of Miss Kathleen King. * # * Mrs Robert Kennafd, of Granity, is the guest of Mrs G. H. Jordan, Abbotsford. * * # Miss Betty Andrews has returned from a trip to Christchurch and Arthur’s Pass. * . « Mr and Mrs J. K. Stuart, of Opawa, arc at present visiting Dunedin. * # # Mr and Mrs J. W. Wootton left for the north by the second express on Saturday. * « * Mr and Mrs H. D, Stronach and Miss Patricia Stronach returned yesterday from Ettrick. ■** * • Miss Louie de Rcya is visiting Invercargill as the guest of her aunt, Mrs D. M'Lean. ❖ * * Mr and Sirs W. Earnshaw are visiting Christchurch as tho guests of Mr H. G. a. Jamieson, Sumner. # * * Mr and Mrs P. R. M. Hanna will leave to-day for Brighton, where they will remain until the end of January. * * * Mrs G. L. Abercrombie is paying a holiday visit to Invercargill as the guest of Mrs T. R. Abercrombie. ♦ * * Dr and Mrs A. J. Hall and family have left to spend a holiday at Mount Cook. *♦ , ♦ Mrs Caldcr, Mrs Eae, and Miss Joy Rao have gone to Evansdale to spend a fortnight’s holiday. $ * # Miss Maiona Juriss, of Christchurch, is at present the guest of Miss Daphne Samson, Cargill road. * * ♦ Mrs Aufrere Fenwick, who has been visiting Mrs Bell (Shag Valley), has returned home. * # * Mr and Mrs T. Inglis and family have returned to Bcnhar after visiting Little River and Christchurch- * * * The Misses E. and D. Roeevnare. from the North Island, are at present visiting their mother at Council street, St. Kilda. * * * * . Mr and Mrs W. J. Morrell left yesterday on a fortnight's holiday to Hamp* ♦ ■ * '* Mrs F. W. Ibbotson and Mrs Easther have returned from a fortnights visit to Queenstown. * * # Mr and Mrs Charles M'Adom have returned from a Short holiday spent at Stewart Island. # * * Mrs G. P. Sise returned yesterday from Stewart Island, where she was the guest of Mrs George Moffett, of Invercargill. * * « Miss K. L. Simkin, of Wellington, is blip guest of Sirs J. C. Hodges, Maori Hill. * * w ■ Mrs A. S, Johnston, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs M. Wise, Grant street. * * * Mrs Potter is paying a visit to her daughter, Mrs E. Abhcy-Jonee, Gladstone, Invercargill. * * * . Miss Ray Jackson, of Ravcnsbourno, is at present spending a holiday at Tuatapei- as the guest of Mrs W. Prentice. * * ♦ Mies Marion Coop has gone on a visit to Wintou as the guest of Miss D. Hagcrty. * * Mr and Mrs A. Hicks and family are spending tho holidays at Winton as the guests of Mrs Goodall. ** ' » Misses M, Cotter and M. M'Lachlan arc spending aholidavwith Mies M'Lean, of VV inton. * * * Mr and Mrs A. T. Strang have gone to Wyndham. where they will bo the guests of Mr and Mrs T. 31. Strang, a a Mr W. Linton, a Sydney solicitor, with Ins wife and son, ia at present on a visit to relatives and friends in Dunedin. ♦ * * Mr and Mrs Norton Oram and the Misses Joan and Nancy Oram have returned from a short holiday spent at Timaru. * # * Mrs A. Hay, of Kirkcaldy street, ao i-ompanied by her son and daughter, left on Friday for Christchurch, where they will spend a holiday. * * *r Mrs Death, commissioner of Girl Guides for Dunedin, will leave today for Wellington, where she will attend the conference of Girl Guides' commis* sioners. * # * Mr and Mrs W. N; Bond, of Dunrobin/’ Southland, who have been visiting Mrs Fhvortby at Timaru. passed through Dunedin yesterday 'on their homeward journey. .* * a C. and W. Hayward, Ltd., are now iu their new showrooms, 141 George street Inspect the attractive displays of highclass furniture, furnishings, and floor coverings.—Advt. * * * Note.—When deciding on your Gloves or Stockings go to the specialist, London Town Hosi-ry Parlour, where you buy direct from mill at the lowest cost.—lß6 George street (3 doors from Terry’s).— Advt. a * ::: During the absence of Mr and Mrs W L>. Napier from New Zealand, Miss Dorothy Napier is undertaking the management of “Te Kiteroa.’' the popular guest house and health resort at Waimate. -Modern house, with electric light and drainage. Ideal winter climate beautiful garden, unique bird life, extensive view. For illustrated descriptive circular, containing full particulars, address Miss Dorothy Napier, P.O. Box 10, Waimate. Telephone 151, Waimate.— ■ *l* Jji Miss Miller (late of Mr Lucocks, Timaru) is now in charge of the late H M’Neill’s hairdressing'rooms. Permanent wave; full head £2 2s; open Saturday afternoons. ■ A visit will be appreciated. Phone 11-560.—Advt-

Items of social interest and topics relating to the homo are invited. Communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagements be signed by one at least of the principals, or By noma responsible person, u a guarantee of genuineness.

Airs Broad, of Bay View road, and Airs T. Craigic, accompanied by her son and daughter, have gone to Invercargill for several weeks. *. * ♦ Air and Airs E. B. Irvine and family, of Oamaru, who have been spending the holidays with Aliss Irvine (St. Clair), have returned home. Aliss Feichley and Aliss E. Ewing left to-day for Newton to attend the Girl Guides’ rally, which is being held at Wellington, i * « * Aliss J. E. Wales, of Wellington, who has been the guest of Airs P. Y. Wales, will leave to-day on her homeward journey. * * * Air and Airs Arthur Bull have gone to Wyndhara for the holidays. They will bo the guests of Air and Airs John Dobbie during their stay in that town, * * * Aliss Swale, who met with an accident in Dunedin and who was for several months a patient at Bracmar Hospital, has recovered suflicicntly to return to her homo at Limehills, * * * Air and Airs John Al'Phersou have returned to Dunedin after, spending the Christmas vacation at Tuatancrc with their daughter, Airs Alazcugavb. and at Edendnlc, with Airs Sim, * + * , The engagement is announced of Lilian M. Hinchchffe, eldest daughter of Air and Mrs, Hinehclifte. of Alount Eden, Auck- * M r Horsfall, second con of Airs and the late Air AL Horsfall, Oamaru. 9*C ' $ The Otago Provincial Commissioner, Mrs C. De R. Andrews, left by the cspross tram yesterday to attend the Girl Criiidcs Commissioners’ Conference to be held in Wellington on Thursday, w ' * w Mr and Mrs A'. E. APDougall and the Misses Livingston arrived in Dunedin ironi tho north on ITriday after a 12 months tour of. Europe,, England, the United States, and Canada. v The engagement is announced of Miss M. Symons, youngest daughter of Air and Airs N. Symons, of Napier, to Edwin, youngest son of Air and Airs E. Goughian, of Dunedin. 9}l >{£ Tho engagement is announced of Edith w »• * daughter of Airs William Phillips. Wellington, and tho lato Mr William PhilBps, Waikouaiti, to Raymond Alalcolm, son of Air and Airs D. Collis, “Hinemoa.” Kairangu. ♦ 5jC The Dunedin Railway Station was the scene of much excitement yesterday morning when 40 Guiders and Guides from this city left for tho Dominion camp to 1 be held m Wellington. Tho South Otago Guiders and Guides, who followed by the second express train, wejro met by one of the local Guiders with refreshments to cheer them on their way. The Central Otago representatives will travel by the first express to-day. This is the first Dominion comp to bo held in New Zealand and about 700 Guiders and Guides will bo canvas at Trcntham from January 7 till 17. * * * Tho wedding of Krekia-a-Paenganui, youngest daughter of the Ecv. A. Paenganut, of (lie well-known Ngatiwhatua Orakei, and Hera, foux'th daughter of To Paura Pakaurangi, a chief of the Ngatimaru tribe, was celebrated at Tin Pa on Christmas Day. The toJlowinff tribes were represented at the ceremony:—Ngati-Alaniapoto, of ■ Waikato; Atfatai, of Opotiki. Bay of Vlonty; Ngaitaranch of Tauranga; and Ngatiporou, of Gisborne. The bridesmaids were Kohera Paiai. lore! Aporaliama. Erena Karauna, and Rangiwhcna APCaskill, while Rawin Piahanahau acted as best man. * s: * A wonderful bracelet shown at a recent dress parade in London, was designed to form four Japanees gardens in miniature: it was made of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and onyx. A house and a bridge formed one scene, with an emerald river flowing under the bridge, whose parapet was of onyx and a winding road of rubies. A secne had jewelled lamps from emerald branches shining on diamond waters; in another scene a little onyx man rowed in a ruby boat. It was a curious, exotic masterpiece, and many people gazed at it after the parade, when the jewels were shown separately. Clip-on brooches in various forms, squares, circles, triangles, and baskets of flowers were shown on hats and frocks each fitted with a safety clasp, that could not come undone, as it had little rabbit teeth which nipped the fabric without harming it. * * * Aliss Vara Alny Olive, daughter of Air and Mrs V. G. Cavanagh, Muwselburgh, was married to Thomas Edwin, eldest son of Air and - Airs Edwin Sunderland, Littleboiirne. on December 18, at St. Alatthcw e Church. Tho bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of satin and net. The fitted bodice was of gold satin, with long, tight-fitting sleeves, the frilled silk net skirt being of uneven length and was extremely long at the back. A veil of gold lace framed the face and a garland of orange blossom across tho back of the head finished with a posy at each car. Slippers and hose ot gold were worn, and a-sheaf of doen gold roses was carried. She was attended by her sister. Hilda, who was attired 1U a frock of blue georgette featuring a long bodice and tightiy-fitted sleeve*. Georgette ties were confined to the back ot the frock by diamante buckles. Shwore a picture hat of shaded gold lace trimmed with a large bunch of blue flowers on the brim and gold hose and slippers. Air James Farrant was best man. Guests CI i L ocei '’ e 4 nnt * entertained at the M ilford Tea Rooms by Airs Cavanagb. Ihe hostess was attired in a gown of beige georgette charmingly relieved with lace of the same tone, and a large hat to match. She carried a bouquet in tones of pink. Airs Edwin Sunderland wore a gown of navy georgette under n coat of navy silk, and carried a bouquet of \ lO .?* -.Tb® mcwly-mnrriod couple left shortly after the reception by car for the north, where the wedding tour was to be spent. * * * Cargill Road Alethodist Church was the scene of a very charming wedding on Deccmbcr 18. the occasion being the marnage of Eileen AL R. Conuolly, only da ugh ter of MrsT. S Crawford, and the mtc Mr H B. Connolly, of Dunedin, to Dryfidale Blair, of Auckland, only son of Air N . H. and tho lato Airs Blair, abo of Dunedin The Rev. J. A. Lochoro officiated, and Air Charles A. Alartin presided at the organ. The church was attractively decorated by friends of the bride with lilies, roses, and delphiniums, Ihe bride, who entered the church on the arm of her stepfather. Mr T. S. Crawford, made a charming picture in a mode! Jong-slecvcd gown of ivory embossed georgette, flared ekirt being twotiered at the front and dipping on tho rignt. side. Masking the gown was a beautiful silk embroidered tulle veil which was held to the head by a circlet of orange blossom falling to form a lontram. Silver slippers and hose t 0 tone and a shower bouquet of cream roses and maiden hair fern completed the ensemble. In attendance wore throe bridesmaids— Aliss Alargarct Alacdonald (Port Chalmers') and the Alisses Alargarct Baxter and Jean Allan, all being attired alike in trocks of delphinium blue georgette with l6ng bodices, large Bertha collars edged with silver lace and flared skirts of uneven hemline. Coronets of silver leaves and silver slippers and bouquets of shell pink roses and sweet peas gave a delicate finish to their toilette. The groom wns attended by Air William J. Turkington, of Christchurch, as best man, and Alessrs John Adic and John Lester as groomsmen, Alessrs David Bell (of Port Chalmers) and Fergus APLarcn (cousins of the bride and groom respectively) actions ushers. At the conclusion of the cera mony a reception was. held in the Somerset Lounge, which was beautifully decorated with Oriental poppies and orange blossom, while the tables were covered with blue damask linen. As the guests, numbering 80, arrived, they were received by Air and Airs T, S. Crawford, assisted by Mr N. H. Blair and Airs G. APLarcn (aunt of the bridegroom). Airs Crawford wore a gown of navy bluc' satin

beaute relieved with beige georgette, a navy crinoline hat to tone, and carried a posy of flame coloured roses. Mrs Al’Larcn- favoured a pale reseda celancso frock and a smart black bangkok straw hat. She carried a posy of gold roses. After the breakfast the floor was cleared for dancing, the music for which was supplied by the Savoy Orchestra, under the capable direction of Mr Fcrp. Large. Miss Ruby Robinson delighted the company with several spectacular solo dances. Later the young couple loft by car on a tour of the Southern Lakes, the bride wearing a rose beige celancso frock, under a biscuit coloured georgette coat, with hat and shoes to tone. Numerous telegrams and letters of congratulation, together with many presents, including cheques, were received. Mr ami Mrs B. T). Blair's future home will be in Auckland.

A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Devon street, Gore, on January 1, when Isabel Agnes, second daughter of Mr J. A. Baldey, of Surrey street, Gore, was united in bonds of matrimony to Eobert May Gimblett, third son of Mr John Gimblett, of Invercargill. The church was beautifully decorated with Christmas lilies and roses for the occasion. The Eov. !•’. M. Beattie performed the ceremony, and Miss Ida M’Gibbon presided at the organ. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, was attired in a charmirig gown of cream georgette and radium lace featuring the uneven hemline. The embroidered tulle yell, which formed a train, was arranged in mob cap stylo, finishing with a coronet of orange blossoms. Cream satin slippers and hose completed the toilette She \yas attended by Miss Nina Gimblett, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a primrose georgette _ model frock with a scalloped hemline with a primrose picture hat trimmed with black and gold marguerites and black lace. Botli bride and bridesmaid carried shower bouquets of vases, sweet peas, and maiden hair fern. Miss Daphne Softer, niece of the bride, inade a charming picture as a flower girl. She was attired in a sweet frock of powder blue georgette, and carried a basket of sweet peas. Mr Alexander Day, of Taihape, was best man. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Gaiety Hall, where about 50 guests assembled. The following toasts were honoured:—“The King,” “Tho Bride and Bridegrooni,” proposed by the Ecv, F. M. Beattie, and responded to by the bridegroom; “The Bridesmaid and blower Girl,” proposed by the bridegroom and responded to by Mr Alexander Day; ’’The Bride's Parents,” proposed by Mr John Dunlop, replied to by Air J. A. Baldey; “The Bridegroom’s Parents,” proposed by Air F, Godson, responded to by Mr John Gimblett; ‘‘Absent l i, ricnds^' , proposed by Air J. B. Nicol and responded to by, Air H, Wilks; “The Chairman,” proposed by Air J. A. Bahlcv, and responded to by the Eev. Air Beattie. The happy- couple left later by the express t ran for the north on their honeymoon, the brido travelling in a powder bine celancso model frock under a grey cclauese coat, with hat, shoes, and stockings to tone.; Air and Airs Eobert Gimblett‘s future homo will be in Wellington. Alany beautiful and costly presents were received, including several cheques

Ihe marriage was celebrated recently at Jxnox Church, Bealcy avenue, Christchurch, of Elizabeth (Betty), youngest daughter of.* Mr and Mrs W. Brown, of ot. Albans, Christchurch, to Vincent, second youngest sou of Airs and the late m, r W. Dabinctt, of Bnlclutha, Otago, the Rev. Mr Armour was the ofliciatiug numster. Ihe bride, who was given away by her brother-in-jaw, Mr R. Smith, wore a dainty gown of ivory crepo de chine cut on simple lines and designed with crossover bodice _ and .long sleeves which finished with picot-cdgcd handkerchief cuffs and. falling in points oyer the hands. Tho skirt was a circular one, the hem of which was picotedged in points, giving an uneven hemline effect. Her beautiful embroidered tulle veil tell in graceful folds, being held to the head with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet ef choice hothouse blooms. Aliss Aleta Bell, in a becoming long-sleeved -frock of beige georgette with Jnco overdress, attended the bride. The circular skirt was inlet with panels of georgette falling to ample length. She wore a picture hat of beige straw, relieved with blue, and carried a shower bouquet of blue. Air Jim Brown (the bride's brother) attended tho groom ns best man. On leaving the church, the bride was presented with a silver horseshoe by Master Ray Faigan (nephew of the groom). A recaption was later held at the Cadona Tea Rooms, where the bride's mother, assisted by Airs Dabinctt, received the guests. Tho former wore a smart navy colanesc gown with hat to tone and carried a bouquet of crimson roses. The latter was attired in a gown of black satin, and carried a. posy, of apricot roses. Airs G. Faigan. sister of the bridegroom, wore a frock of soft green crepe do chine, with bat Jo match, and the bride’s sister (Airs R. Smith) wore a smart navy tailored suit .with crimson hat. When the happy couple loft on their wedding lour, the bride travelled in a trock of rose and beige French crepe de chine, with hat to tone. _ A handsome fox fur completed n charming toilette. On the evening of the wedding day a dance was held at the residence of Air and Airs G. Faigan, Cobham street, Sprcydon.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20918, 7 January 1930, Page 12

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Notes for woman Otago Daily Times, Issue 20918, 7 January 1930, Page 12

Notes for woman Otago Daily Times, Issue 20918, 7 January 1930, Page 12