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(Fbom Oub Special


The. members of the Young Helpers’ League of the Waitakj. Girls’ High School spent a very happy afternoon in the Oamarn Public Gardens. The girrs Were entertained by the president (Mr M'Culloch) and vice-presidents (Mesdamea Cuthberteon, Orbell, and Whit* combe), and the afternoon was devoted to games and dancing, with a satisfactory tea. As a result of a collection made by the girls the Barnardo funds will benefit 'to the extent of £l2 Is 6d. At the conclusion of the daj Miss Heater Sutcliffe, speaking for the, girls, expressed their teen appreciation of the kindness *of their hostesses, who were accorded three hearty cheers.- / North otaco advertisements. •JJORTH OTAGO AMATEUR , ATH- . . LBTIC CLUB. A MEETING of, all those, interested in Amateur Cycling will be held in the Bungalow Tea Rooms THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, at 7.30 o’clock. JJEEE WE ARE AGAIN! - EVERYBODY - WELCOME AT < “ EVERYBpDY’S " > + - (Next U.F.S. Dispensary, Oamarn). /■Just look at these: Ladies’ Patent Bar oboes, 15s 6d; i Tan Glace Bar, 19s 6d; Champagne Bar (Baby Louis Heels), 18a 6d; Dark-Grey Bar (Baby,Louis Heels), 19s 6d. ■' , ' ■ , ■ ■.: EVERYBODY’S. SHOE STORE. ; We make a specialty of Repairs. fp U. S. SHEEP SHEARS ' ■ (The World’s Best). : i 6s 6d. Ba 6d. 5s 6d. 5s 6d. ' ■ Postage sixpence extra.! V (Still a few Gents’ Ingersoll Watches. . 7s 6d. post free. Every Watch carries 12 months guarantee BURTON’S MAIL ORDER MERCHANTS, OAMARU. BRITISH FUJI, silky as Bilk, but better wearing; rose, salmon,: ease 'lemon, green, hello, Besh, pale - blue, cream, navy, black i. 30 inches wide; Ip 3d.—-HODGE, Economic Drapery, Oamaru. 1 Growing daily, gelling cheap. 6n A i CAMERA —16s size for 10a 6d: tafces JtV photo siie S| z 2|; “ Rajar,” Bnglleb Bu .e.—D,F.B Dispensary. Thames street, Oamarn. • P.O ,Boa 88 We Announcement.— l. h. Leary, regiatered electrical contractor, has opened premises at 265 Thames street, next Preen’s. Phene 1234. 30n D l. DICK, Fruiterer.-. Caterer, Book • your sports and other catering early with .this efficient caterer. 30n FOB CHRISTMAS Toys or Presents call • upon, or write to A B. Doran. Tees street, Oamaru. . ■ ' 29n « QKIPPER ” FRANCI& has resumed the O teaching of Swimming at Oamaru Public Baths. Come, old and young! Id Hairdressing, Tobacconist’ business ; Immediate possession; cash required, about'£3oo; satisfactory reasons for selling. Cecil Jackson. Oamaru. ld ' A TWATBR-KBNT RADIO, unsurpassed for A tonp! 7 models,—r-North Otago agent. K. Asking, electrical contractor. Oamaru. 8n BUT YOUR GROCERIES from’ C. SIMS, Cash-and-Oarry. next .Bain’s (chemist) and save money. - ’Phone 1944. -20 n "A/rAHAN STUDIOS" (opposite the Opera IVI House), for artistic portraiture. See the photos tn our show cases. •' ATAHAN STUDIOS." 121 Thames street, i.VL Oamaru, opposite the Opera House. Please make tout Christmas appointments early. Bn . GP. GERRIB, Waltakl Butchery.—Spring lamb and pickled mutton: pork aausagea every Saturday. 3n A HOME away from home: Criterion Hotel, Tyne street. Oamaru. ■ Every comfort and care.—J B. Milne, proprietor. ‘Ppone 1608. • ■ 1 Ip CjUMMER VISITORS will find the Hampden O Private Hotel a home away from home; reasonable tariff.—’Phono 9R. 3n T' OM BERRY, Builder and Contractor Thames highway. Oamaru Estimates g\Ybo tor all classes of construction work TOURISTS and other MOTORISTS should ■ Call at SEVERN STREET GARAGE. OAMARU. for Petrol and all Services,— Chrysler Agency. ■ 16d QUEEN’S HOTEL, Oamaru —the leading Hotel of North Otago; Oneat dining room in the province. Telephone 1302. A /TOTORXSTS;—Modern SUPER-SERVICE JSL STATION, corner Tbames-Torrldge streets. Oamaru; all grade. Petrol. Oil. Free Air, Water.- 8d EMPIRE HOTEL, Oamaru: Accommodation (or permanents and casuals; breakfasts toi early travellers.—S. Redmend, proprietor Tbone 1673. 25)y OTRAND RESTAURANT.—One minute's O walk railway station! Have Meals here when visiting Oamaru. Open till p.m F. Bedford, proprietor STRINGER fi CO-, Tyne street, Oamaiu. - The old-established merchants Seeds ■>! ali kinds, Te Papapa Manures. IQo LATEST 40DEL8 Bulek, Pontiac, and Chevrolet CARS at and U'Ken ale’s, Oamaru ’Phone 1637 : ‘ private 1257 CALL and get particulars of the NEW FORD: It will pay you handsomely Maifdo Bros., Ltd., Oamaru. 30my RODGERS & CO., agents Triumph * Harley-Davtdson, Douglas, A.J.S.; repairs, accessories, lubricants, spirits.— ‘Phone 1868. . - GoFLOWER and Vegetable SEEDS, Cabbage. Cauliflower, Cinerarias, Lobelia, Stock Gypsophtla Gatllardla, Polyanthus Plants.— Robertson and Rusbton. Oamaru. 5s JEWELL'S Smart Dresses, Silk Coats Tweed and Repp Coats. Costumes, Jum pera. Cardigans. Hats.—Jewell sells (or less BAINTV PORTRAITS at CLARKE’S. Oamaru. Ha SEVEN ACRES FREEHOLD. JiUllU situated 8 miles (rom Oamaru, 8-roomed House, -shads, fowlbouse, byre. etc. —David Williams, land agent, Oamaru Best value jap, crepe: 33 new shades; B}d yard.—Kerr and Co., Ltd., Walkoualtl. - Palmerston, Hampden Oamaru. ■ - The GAINSBOROUGH Is showing ' the latest In Summer Goode We. sped allee In Out-alzed Frocks.—A. E. Smyth. CC.C. Generdl Grocers, Oamaru; a Shll- . ling saved Is a Shilling made. Deal here and save pounds. 7in MCDONALD. & CARSON cash Uuuu.,. , Thames street. Oamaru. supply onlv the Primes! Meat! Smallgooda a specialty •* 1. ILYWHITE " FLOUR, superior quality, JLj obtainable (rom all ifocers. —Ireland and Co- Ltd . Oamaru. luap E are ELECTRICAL AND RADIO BNOINEBRS; consult us (or your needs ; prompt, efficient servl -e,—Electrical Supplies Co,. .Itchen street, Oamaru. 25Jy OTUDBBAKER AND ERSKINB SERVICE O STATION: also B.S.A. Cycles All Repair Work done,—Boaden and Clarke, Oamaru. , 29my TtTITHOUT a doubt the best place tor iVV Hosiery and Underwear Is Miller’s Cash- Drape . Thames street. G*(. MACKENZIE, Ladles' and Gents' . Hairdresser, Marshall’s Buildings, Oamaru Three chairs, in charge o( Mr J. Gibson. 180 COUNTRY RESIDENTS —Yo- eac save Much Money by leading your Cash Orders to the C.C.C Grocers. Oamaru SELECT your Christmas OKts from our wonderful display of NOVELTIES To sec )» to buy.—Oriental Art Depot 7n GLOBE HOTEL, Oamaru, under now management ; Commercial and Motor Union House; permanents and casuals.—Ring 1345 ORX ACREa LEASEHOLD; good fiveroomed HOUSE; all necessary farm buildings: 7 cows, 1 bull, 2 horses, ete.; • price £875 eolng concern.—Fox and Klrknesa, «n


An attempt was iade to enter the premises of Mr G. W. Mackenzie, hairdresser - and tobacconist, of Oamaru, some time during Sunday night, A back window was broken with a piece of white stone, and a hole made nearly large enough to admit a man's head. Although the latch was broken, the window had been nailed down from the inside, and the intentions of the midnight visitor were thereby thwarted. When Mr Mackenzie visited his shop on Sunday morning everything was in order. OAMARU PORT RETURNS. The port returns of Oamaru for the month of November show that the total tonnage o! inward coastal cargo was, 605 tons, and of overseas cargo 236 tons. The outward tonnage was 1466 tons by coastal vessels and 33 tons overseas. Of the outward, cargo, 762 tons was of flour, 890tons pollard and bran, 161 tons of wheat, and 41 tons of lime. The quantity of sugar f received inwards was 63 tons, and of coe)1 266 tons. . i , CRICKET. * ' The following tealtn has been chosen to represent the Oamaru juniors in the representative match against/ the Waimate Cricket, Club, to be played at Takaro Park on Thursday afternoon, at 1 p.m.;—Steven (captain), Middlemass, Tonkin, M’Cormack, Mowat, K. Sumpter, Brice, Ewing, Spiers, W. May, and Hunter. Any players unable to play are requested to communicate at once with Mr Zimmerman. POLICE COURT. At the Oamaru Police Court yesterday, before Mr H. Grenfell, J.P., a first-offend-ing inebriate was fined £sl. BOATING/ ■ The first round of the Novice Fours will be \owed by the Oamaru Boating dub thisfeVening. The draw is as follows; Kimm v. Roll, Hjorring v. L Patterson, Rennie v. Cubitt, Carrington v. Mnlhern. The following trial crews have’ been selected for the approaching regatta at Macandrew’s Bay:—Junior; Mackie (s.), .Hjorring (5), Mnlhern (2). Carrington (b.). Maiden: Baxter (8.), Roll (3), Kimm (2). D. Campbell (b.). Youths: Cuthbertson (s.), Ashton (3), Morris (2), Milne (b.). RAILWAY STATION. DESTROYED. The railway station at Kurow, together with the post office, which was situated iu the same building, was totally destroyed by fire about 2 o’clock yesterday morning. The' fire appeared to have originated in the front portion of the post office which was recently enlarged. The postmaster (Mr Christiansen) and stationmaster (Mr Duncan) were quickly upon the; scene, and with Mr D. Connor endeavoured to enter the building, but they were driven hack by the smoke and flames and were burnt ( about the face and hands. The crowd that had by this time, assembled, finding that nothing could be done to save the building, emptied the goods shed of its contents, and a bucket brigade which was improvised prevented the fire from spreading to adjacent outbuildings. A railway carriage and guards van which were in front of the station wore badly blistered, and tookl, fire before they-were removed from the danger zone. The origin of the fire is surrounded in mystery, but incendiarism is suspected, as Mr H. Delargey is reported to have found 60 opened letters in the riverbed at Hakataramea yesterday morning. It is about four years Since the last fire occurred at Kurow, and that, singularly enough, took place on a Monday morning. , OBITUARY. The death occurred in Oamaru on Saturday of Mrs Penfold, a very old resident: of the district, in her seventythird year. The deceased, who was born at Manchester, England, in 1855, arrived at Lyttelton with her parents (Mr and Mrs W. .H, Barnes) in the ship Rockhampton. . The family settled first at Christchurch when Mr Barnes established an iron foundry. After spending a period in the Terimka district he came to Oamaru about 1879 and took *a sub-contract on the Oamaru waterworks which were then in course of construction. Mrs Penfold was married in 1883. Her only son died about 25 years 'ago as the result of an accident at the Wellington rifle range Hsr surviving daughter is Mrs Harold Budd, of Masterton. The deceased was Of a very bright disposition' and endeared herself to many friends. She was an ardent church worker, first in Connection with-the Emanuel Congregational Church, and,’ afterwards with Columba Church. During the period of the influenza epidemic she rendered conspicuous service as one of the voluntary nurses. At the morning service at Columba Church on Sunday the Rev. W. Maclean paid a warm tribute to Mrs Penfold for her devotion to the church. THE RAINFALL. Although the rainfall in North Otago during the present year has been several inches below the average which is about 22 inches per year, it is by no means the driest year experienced. In the year 1881 the registration was only 13.57 inches, which was the lowest record since the district was settled. Mr W. S. D. Trotter reports that the rainfall at Hillgrove for the month of November was 75 points. The total for the first 11 months of the year is 20.15 inches. PERSONAL. District Nurse Rogers, who has been spending a short holiday with her father (the Rev. J. H. Rogers) at St. Clair, resumed duty yesterday. Mr J. M. Hickson, who conducted a mission for healing about four years ago, will visit Oamaru to-day. Mv J. A. Macpllersou, M.P., loft Oamaru for Wellington yesterday to be present at the opening of Parliament today. THE OAMARU GARDENS. An English visitor, who recently spent a day in Oamarn, is enthusiastic concerning the local public gardens. He states that he has travelled much since he left the Old Country, but hag seen no spot that reminded him so much of the beauty spots of England as the Oamrau gardens. Although he spent several hours in viewing the delightful rose and other plots, and in admiring the beautiful trees, lakelets, and rivulets he proposes paying a return visit before leaving for England.

SALVATION ARMY. The Salvation Army’s Sunday school anniversary, which was celebrated on Sunday by special services, was brought to a close with an enthusiastic demonstration in the army hall last night. Over 100 prizes were presented to the children on Sunday. FIRE AT HERBERT. The school teacher’s residence at Herbert, occupied by Mr Saunders and family, was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday night. The cause of the fire is as yet unknown. The occupants of the house escaped in their night attire, and Mr Saupders is a heavy loser. Tho insurances on the building, if any, i$ held by the Otago Education Board. AMATEUR ATHLETICS. The Oamaru Amateur Athletic Club is endeavouring to arouse the enthusiasm of local cyclists, and a meeting of amateur cyclists will be held this evening with a view to organising competitions. BOWLING. • Th £, ? hcenix an d Meadowbank Bowling Clubs will send teams to Hampden on Saturday to play Mills Shield matches &g&inst tns combined country team, which has already secured a win, having detented Awamoa. The country team will play two matches, and it will be decided by lot whether it will play Meadowbank firs *L- , s ° far as the competition has proceeded Phoenix I has registered two wins m the first round of the chain3iDdu Country Combined one. Meadowbank has suffered one defeat ond Awamoa two. Awamoa has yet to meet Meadowbank. and this match wHI p“o£ ably be played on Saturday week. Awamoa having a bye will play off the rea"Sy. of <“■ » 01,1 h ; -"lnch ~os in the fortunate position of being able, to open the season earlier than' the other of its ctobT* com T ple *t d the Becond round lts , c J u o t f es * In the second round of i2k D “tF“ rabL’bSi omith, Atkinson beat Fogarty. RoberHnn beat Blaeklock, antT Hartley beat Donald r V 1 6,, rinks Gibson beat Smith BfSik, aS*MPrt°n“tt J D™S m , be jS Cnnn'inim. MnS, fekJ’T' ,s™“’ ftSSbSt ’ Sdfe PIGEON FLYING. 9 am3ru Pigeon Plying Club flew two flock races from Kaitoke In the race the weather experienced was good all throulfon Sattmdly Sd 328ec. tlmes Was 10hr - 39 «nin 952 ya?ds *I? J Uolf? rk / S S^ongheart, r ,Lfs.r from ch ’ h ‘-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 7

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 7

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20582, 4 December 1928, Page 7