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Miss D. Roberts will leave to-day on a trip to Mount Cook. * * « Mrs C. W. Rattray returned yesterday to Dunedin from Christchurch. Miss G. Callaway returned home on Tuesday from a trip to Franz Josef Glacier. » # * Mrs Hunter Weston, of Timaru, is the guest of her father, Sir John Roberts. * * * Mrs C. Quane, of Christchurch, is spending a holiday in this city. » » « Mrs R. Fulton will leave Dunedin tomorrow en route for England and tho Continent. * # » Miss Jessie Russell is visiting Oamaru as the guesti of Mrs R. C. Thompson, of “ Brooksted.’’ * * » Mrs St. Clair Thomson, of Geraldine, and Mrs J. Bowden, of Christchurch, are on a holiday visit to Dunedin. Miss Maude Royden, the well-known preacher, public speaker, and writer, will arrive in Dunedin to-morrow. * * * Miss Maude Sim left Dunedin on Thursday by the Mairuka en route for Melbourne. Miss N. Bannatyne and Miss Malloch, of Waikouaiti, left Dunedin yesterday for Queenstown. Mr and Mrs J. A. Hanan left Dunedin yesterday by the second express on a holiday trip to England. Mrs Max Cameron left Dunedin yesterday for Hanmer Springs, where sho intends to spend three weeks’ holiday. • • • 1 Miss L. Courts, of Anderson’s Bay road, Dunedin, is visiting Wellington as the guest of Mr and Mrs H. B. Muir, of Lower Hurt. • • 9 Mr and Mrs T. Anderson, Mayor and Mayoress of Port Chalmers, > returned home on Monday night from their holiday spent at Stewart Island and the Southern Lakes. » * • Mrs Arthur Paape and Miss Alackay, who have been on a motor tour of Southland and the Southern Lakes, returned on Wednesday to Dunedin. * # * Mrs A. Harrop 1 and Miss Harrop ,of Maori Hill, afe at present spending a holiday at Macandrew’s Bay as the guests of Mrs W. Anderson. * * * Miss Audrey Bevin, of 'Wellington, a contralto, who is expected to arrive tomorrow in Dunedin, will give a song recital on Monday, in the Constance Hall, Columba College. • • » Mrs Stuart Stephenson gave a pleasant bridge party at St. Clair yesterday. Among the guests present were Mrs Crawshaw, Mrs Callis, Mrs G. J. P. Denny, Mrs E. T. Burnside, Mrs Ibbotson, Mrs Martin (Christchurch) and Mrs Linden. Mrs E. J. P. Denny was hostess at a very successful bridge party given yesterday evening at her residence, Allandalo road, in honour of Miss M. Frazer and M. Macassey, of Wellington. Among the guests present were Mrs Phillip Martin (Christchurch), Misses G. Finch, J. Haggitt, and Ensor; Messrs J. Haggitt, P. vallango, D. Andrews and N. Shrirapton. * * « Miss G. Hislop gave a delightful afternoon tea party on Wednesday at her residence) Roslyn. Among tho guests present were Misses D. Roberts, B. Nancarrow. G. Finch, M. Reid, J. Hartman, P. Stronach, Wardell. B. Reeves, J. Batchelor and J, Halsted. • * * Mrs Marshall Macdonald was hostess on Tuesday at a farewell luncheon party given at the Otago Women’s Club in honour of Miss Lois White (of the Anderson's Bay Girl Guides), who will leave Dunedin this week for England. The party included several other Girl Guide captains. • • • Mrs St. Clair Thomson,, of Geraldine, anil Mrs J. Bowden, of Christchurch, have been the guests of honour at a number of tea parties held this week. Among the hostesses were Mrs P. R. Eilev, Mrs J. M. Ritchie, Mrs F. Fitchett and the Misses Rattray. • * • Mrs Stanley Batchelor entertained Mrs Victor Bouncy at a delightful luncheon party yesterday at the Highcliff Cafe. The guests present were Lady Ferguson, Lady Barnett, Mesdaraes Gordon Bell, T. K. Sidey. W. E. Carswell, J. A. Jenkins, and F. R. Riley. • « • Miss Betty Oram gave a delightful bridge party on Tuesday at her residence, Highgate. Among those present were Airs T. Bridgeman. Misses M. Macassey (■Wellington), J. Haggitt, N. Hartman, M. Halsted. M. Hayes, J. Halsted,, X. Barr, J. Hartman. D. Fleming, and A. Johnstone (Timaru). # • » Mr J. G. Coates (Prime Minister) and Mrs Coates. Mr Iv. S. Williams (Minister of Public Workg) and Mrs Williams, Air A. D. APLeod (Alinister of Lands) and Airs APLeod, will spend the week-end in Dunedin, staying at the Grand Hotel’. They will leave for the north on Alonday morning after having spent a delightful week in Central Otago and Southland. • • • Airs J. H. Niinmo gave a charming farewell tea party at the Otago Women’s Club during the week in honour of Mrs J. 11. Hanan, who left Dunedin yesterday for England. Among the guests present wore Mcsdames W. J. Morrell. J. B. Brugh, W. Ewing, W. Evans, A. J. Tonkinson, E. N. Alerrington, J. Gumming, H. C. APQueen. R. Ewing, F. Dunlop, R. Lawson and G. Reid. t ft • Miss M. Alacassey and Miss M. Frazer, both of Wellington, were joint hostesses yesterday at a charming morning tea parly hold at, tho Tudor Hall. The table was artistically arranged with seasonable blooms, and the cosiness and warmth in Tudor Hail contrasted pleasantly with the wintry conditions prevailing outside. Among the guests present were Airs Macassey, sen., Mrs B. C. Haggitt, Mrs C. W. Rattray, Airs J. Fothei ingham, Airs B. Haggitt, Mrs H. Brent and Airs E. L. Alacasscy, Misses J. ITaggit, Scott, and A. Irvine. Tlio annual meeting of the Otago Ladies’ Golf Club was held on. Wednesday afternoon in tho club house, Balmaccwan, when there was a large attendance of members present. The following ladies wore elected to office for tho ensuing year:—President, Mrs Stanley Batchelor; vice-president, Miss P. Graham; captain, Miss N. Glcndining; deputy captain, Albs Denniston; committee—Mrs C. W. Rattray, Airs H. Dodgshun, Airs J. R. Lemon and Aliss Wilkin; secretary. Miss E. Hart ; hon. treasurer, M. Law. During the afternoon tea artistically arranged and daintily served was much appreciated by those present, Air and Airs Victor Bonney were the guests of honour at a dinner given by tUp -.prlVM fraternity on Wednesday at tho Fernhill Club. Among other guests present were Sir Lindo Ferguson and Lady Ferguson, Sir Louis Barnett and Ladv Barnett. Dr and Atrs A. J. Jenkins. Dr and Mrs C. Dr and Airs F. R. Riley, Dr and Mrs I. Ritchie. Dr and Mrs R, \ 11. Fulton. Dr and Mrs J. Fitzgerald, Dr and Airs F. W. Fitchett, Dr and Mrs Marshall Macdonald. Dr and Airs W. E. Carswell, Dr and Airs A AI. ; Drennan. Dr and Airs A. J. Ho'l Dr ayd 1 Mrs E B Harty. Dr and Mi*- \\. A. Rowland, Dr and Airs Gerald Fitzgerald, I Dr and Mrs Crawshaw. Dr and Mrs G. Barnett, Dr and Airs F A. Gibb'- (Nr-ison), Dr and Airs J. Thompson. Dr anti Airs W, Newlands, Dr and Airs F A M;or". Dr and Airs C. North, Dr Alanon Radchffe Taylor Dr Morton K. Whyte, Dr Emily Siedeberg, Dr W. I. Bathgate, Dr Stanley Batchelor, Dr Ohamtaloup. and Dr F. Gordon BelJ,

Dr and Mrs Riley gave a delightful tennis party on Tuesday afternoon at their country residence at Waitati. There was sunshine enough to be pleasant, and the guests much enjoyed the afternoon tea served on the lawn. Among the guests were Sir Lindo and Lady Ferguson, Dr and Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Dr and Mrs W. E. Carswell, Dr and Mrs T. Fergus, Dr and Mrs J. Fitzgerald, Dr ami Mrs R. Fulton, Dr and Mrs G. Barnett, Dr and Mrs Gerald Fitzgerald, Dr and Mrs F. Fitchett, l3r and Mrs A. J. Hall, Dr and Mrs E. E. Harty, Dr and Mrs J. A. Jenkins, Dr and Mrs M’KelLar, Dr and Mrs S. Moore, Dr and Mrs W. Newlands, Dr and Mrs North, Dr and Mrs K. Ross, Dr and Mrs W. P. Dr and Mrs C. E. Hcrcus, Dr Marion K. Whyte, Dr Emily Siedeberg, Dr Radclilfe Taylor, Dr Winifred Bathgate, Mr and Sirs T. K. Sidey, Mesclatnes Russell Ritchie, G. R. Cheeseman, George Roberts, and Hunter Weston, Misses B. and 'K. M'Lean, and C. Graham, and Sir John Roberts. • « • After the lecture given by Mr Victor Bonney yesterday at the Otago Women’s Club the distinguished surgeon and his wife were the guests of honour at a delightful afternoon tea served in the dining room. Among those present were Lady Ferguson. Dr Marion Whyte, Dr Radcliffc Taylor. Dr Emily Siedeberg, Dr W. Bathgate, Mrs G.' Fitzgerald, Mrs Marshall Macdonald. Mrs J. A. Jenkins, Mrs R. Fulton, Mrs W. J. Porteous, Mrs J. Fitzgerald, Mrs F. R. Riley, Mrs Russell Ritchie, Mrs F. Fitchett. Mrs T. Fergus, Mrs K. Ross. Mrs G. Barnett, Mrs A. J. Cottrell, Mrs W. E. Carswell, Mrs A. J. Hall, Mrs W. Evans, Mrs J. Dunlop, Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Mrs W. Newlands, Mrs W. E. Carswell, Miss Tcnnent, and Miss Nosworthy. The home science faculty, in order to raise funds for a “practice house,’’ has organised a fancy fair, which is to be opened to-morrow afternoon in Marama Hall, Otago University. An entertainment and cabaret in the evening should prove au attractive feature and help to augment the funds. • * • A wedding of Dunedin interest took place in Wellington recently, when Alma, daughter of Mr and Mrs V. Mackie, of Sydney; was married to J. E. Stevenson, of Dunedin. Tho ceremony took place at the Pirio street manse, with the Rev. James Baird as the officiating clergyman, while Miss Stephanie Deste, of Sydney, and Mr M. Buchanan, of Wellington, carried out tho functions of bridesmaid and best man respectively. The bride looked charm mg in white satin and lace, and carried a bouquet of roses. She will bo familiar to most people as the talented dancer who toured New Zealand with the “ No, No, Nanette ” Company a short while back. After the wedding breakfast the bride and bridegroom left for the south. Mr Stevenson is a son of Mr and Mrs W. Stevenson, of “ Cranmore,” Roslyn. • • • A charming wedding was celebrated in Chalmers Church York place, on Monday evening, when John Donald Ritchie, second son of Mr and Mrs Alexander Ritchie, of Alison crescent - was united in matrimony with Marjory Courts, only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Courts, of Ravonsbourne. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the Rev. J. Pringle con ducted tho service. Miss Nettie Ritchie, sister of the bridegroom, presiding at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a gown of hydrangea blue crepe de chine and georgette. Her bouquet was of scabious, asters, and maidenhair fern. Her bridesmaid, Miss Ray Johnston, was attired - m rose pink crepe do chine and gold lace, with a gold and pink coronet. Her bouquet was of sweet peas of a corresponding shade. Mr George D. Ritchie supported his brother as best man. A largo gathering of friends sat down to tho wedding breakfast in Jay's lea Rooms, ''’here the usual toasts were honoured, that of the Bride’s Family ” being proposed by Mr H Shaw, and the “Ritchie Family by Mr Rhodes. A large number of useful and valuable presents was received, and dunng tho evening a number of telegrams from friends at a distance was read conveyin 0 felicitations. •* • . The Presbyterian Church, Kaikorai. was the scene of an interesting wedding on February 28, when iSgareta Herena, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. H. Matheson of City road, Roslyn, was _J nanl « d , Robert Irving, eldest son of Mr and Mrs R Rutherford, Glenelg street Kaikorai The church was filled with friends and well-wishers of the young couple Mr James Clark (organist of Anderson s Bay Presbyterian Church) officiated at the organ, and the choir rendered great assistance With the choral part of the service. The Rev. J. D. Smith, of Kaikorai, assisted by the Rev. Dr - Currie, were the officiating clergymen. The bride entered the church on the arm of . her father, wearing a lovely gown of ivory satin panelled in Lny georgette frills and embroidered with pearls, xlei handsomely embroidered veil was gracefully arranged, falling in long t form a train. She wore white shk stockings, with silver slippers, and carried a bouquet of white roses, white hhum auratum and maidenhair fern. She was attended by four bridesmaids—her three sisters (Douglas, May, and Maigaret) and Chrissie. only sister of the bridegroom. All were daintily attired in frocks of white crepe de chine and silver lace, white stockings and silver slippers and tulle , head-dresses, and carred bouquets of choice P inli and white flowers. Each ware a signet ring, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr A. Rutherford earned out the duties of best man and Mr W. M. Rutherford (Waipiata) was groomsman. Mrs JUatiieson (mother of the bride) was attired in a handsome frock of brown satin, with a biege lace coat and a wide crinoline hat to tone. Her bouquet was of red pelargoniums and gypsopbila. Mrs Rutherford, mother of the bridegroom, wore a gown of black silk marocam inset with vieux rose, and a smart black georgette hat. She carried a bouquet of choice red blooms. After the ceremony over 80 guests were received by Mr and Mis Matheson in the Strand Salon, where the wedding supper was served. The usual toasts were honoured in a pleasing and happv manner, and a number of congratiilatory telegrams was read. Ihe bride and bridegroom later left by motor for the honeymoon. Tho bride travelled in a charming frock of fuchsia-coloured satin beaute, with hat to match, and a handsome mole coney fur coat, the gift of her parents. The young couple were the recipients of many handsome and useful gifts, including a case of cutlery from the members of the Kaikorai Presbyterian Church. A number of cheques was also received. After the honeymoon Mr and Mrs Rutherford will take up their residence at Gore. * * * Oak Dining Room Suite, beautiful antique rubbed finish. Sideboard, lable, and 4 Chairs. £32 15s; exceptional value. q. a nd W. Hayward, Ltd., 145 George street.—Advt. * * • fjote.—When deciding on ' our Gloves or Stockings, go to the specialist, London Town Hosiery Parlour, where you buy direct from mill at the lowest cost.— 186 George street (3 doors from Terrys). Advt. • * • Miss M. Duke, 101 Higligate, Roslyn, is now enrolling pupils for dressmaking and rutting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Hours by appointment. Learn to do your own dressmaking.—Advt. Mr and Mrs Napier are still conducting “To Kitevoa,” the popular Guest House and Health Resort at Waimate. Modern house, with electric light and drainage. Ideal climate, beautiful garden, extensive view. For illustrated descriptive circular containing full particulars, address Mr W. D. Napier. P.O. Box 10, Waimate; telephone 151. Waimate. —Advt. Miss Joyce Bennett is continuing the hydropathic baths so successfully carried on by Mrs Hall. This treatment is not only a very real cure for rheumatism and nervous complaints, but it tones up the system generally and promotes good health. For particulars address 27 Rawhiti street, Sunshine. ’Phono 22-380. — Advfc

A wedding of local interest was celebrated on February 2 at. the West Taien Church, when Zania Vera M'Partland was married to David Stanley Campbell, both of Wellington. The Rev. D. Campbell officiated at the ceremony, and Miss Florence Campbell presided at the organ. The bride, who was given away by Mr T. Campbell, was attired in a charming gown of white mariette, trimmed with silver lace and pearl beads. Her handsome veil was held in place by a bandeaux of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and gypsophola. Miss Irene Campbell, sister of the bridegroom, who attended as bridesmaid, wore a pretty frock of torquoiso blue, trimmed with bends, and earned a bouquet of pink carnations and gvnsonhola. Mr T. G. Campbell, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony the largo number of guests adjourned to the manse, where a reception was held. Mrs Campbell, who received the guests, was becomingly attired in a blue crepe- de chine gown and a fawn hat, and carried a bouquet of mauve sweet peas. During the reception, reference was made to the long and faithful service of the Rev. D. Campbell by Mr J. Watson, who congratulated Mr Campbell on his attainment of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ministry. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of many congratulatory messages and beautiful gifts. When, later, the happy couple left for Karitane. where the honeymoon was to ho spent, the bride was wearing a rose coloured charmalaina ensemble suit, with hat to tone.

A golden wedding of interest, which was celebrated on February 23, was that of Mr and Mrs George T. Bell, of Wellington, who have been resident there for the past 42 years. Mr Bell, who was born in 1855, arrived in New Zealand when only 15 months old, with his parents, in the barque Gleaner. They lived in Wellington for lo years, and then removed to Dunedin. Mr Bell returned to Wellington in 1866 with the late Mr J. B. Griffin, and opened a branch of the New Zealand Express Company; later, he joined the Colonial Carrying Company, with which he is still connected. Mrs Bell (nco Miss Fisher) was born at Exeter in 1856, and came with her parents to New Zealand in the barque Cecilia (6D4 tons), landing at Port Chalmers in 1864. Mr and Mrs’ Beil were for about 20 years active members of St. Mark’s Church with the late Rev. R. and Mrs Cotfcy. Mrs Bel] was a member of the Nursing Guild of St. John, and tor 16 years has been an energetic worker for the Boys’ Institute. The family consists of two daughters, Miss Bell, who was on the staff of Base Records during the war, Mrs Hugh Gilmer. Cuba street, and one son, Mr G, W. S. Bell, of Taranaki. There are four grandsons and one granddaughter. Among those present were Mcsdames J. B. Griffin. H. Lamb, J. Knowles (Dunedin). Campbell, James Hislop O’Connor, Morton, T. W. Pilcher, L. T. Watkins. 15. Niven, M. Brownian, A. King, F. E. Tomlinson, W. MT.cllan, the Mayoress fMrs G. A. Troup), W. Stewart, Mr and Mrs W. J. Jordan, Mr and Mrs Kitching (Martinborough) Mr and Mrs D. Binnio, Mr and Mrs G. Beharell, Mr and Mrs William Bock, Mr and Mrs E. Brown. Mr and Mr? H. Gilmer. Mr and Mrs W. B. Fisher, the Misses Ivy Bell, L. Watkins, Gilchrist. Rhodes (Christchurch), Miller. Wright, Troup, Jordan. Sutherland, Charmain, Gilmer, Messrs Reveirs, Binnie, Hugh, and Sam Gilmer. During the afternoon Mrs Hislop. on behalf of several members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary Boys Institute, who were present, handed to Mrs Bell a gold wristlet watch ns a token of their love and high esteem. Many bouquets and presents were received, including a case of gold-mounted pipes tor Mr Bell, and a gold and cameo brooch for Mrs Bell from the executive and staff ox the Colonial Carrying Company, with whicn firm Mr Bell has been connected since its inception. Mr and Mrs Bell received a letter of congratulation from the Minister of Education, tho Hon. R. A. Wright, and Mrs Wright, also a great number of cablegrams and letters from Australia and all parts of New Zealand.

Recent guests at the White Star Hotel, Queenstown, included; —(Mrs Clara Lee Watt, Birmingham. United States: General and Mrs Douglas, England: Mr and Mrs W. Moore Alpine, Miss Moore Alpine, Mr Moore Alpine, Brenchley, England: Mr and Mrs Mouusey. Miss Mounsey, Hoylake: Mr and Mrs Nicholson. Miss Nicholson, Mrs Garrick, Mr and Mrs J. Hegarty, Miss A. Garvey, Sydney; Mr and Mrs Mott, New South Wales: Mr and Mrs Bass, Townsville, Queensland; Mr and Mrs F. Davis, Mr and Mrs Hyman. Western Australia;, Mr J. Peterson, Victoria; Mrs S. George Natnian, Mrs W. Morton Paterson. Mrs Murray Litchfield, Mr and Mrs H. Thompson, Miss M. C. Roberts, Mr L. Zucker, Wellington; Mr J. Franklin, Mr W. Goodfellow, Miss Laver, Auckland; Mr H. Stirling, Hamilton, Mr C. J. Davis, Mr L. C Lane, Timaru; Mr W 7. Walker, Mr and Mrs A. J. Ryan, Mr H. A. B. Brabant. Mr A. Hegarty, Dunedin; Mr and Mrs W. Cameron, Wairarapa; Mr and Mrs L. Davis, Waimate; Mrs Young, Hedgehope: Messrs Reid and Foibisler, Gore; Mr and Mrs W. A. Elliot. Greenstone; Mr W. Walker, Invercargill; Messrs Tripp and Reid, Cromwell: Mr MTaggart, Glenorchy.

A very large attendance of members of* the Otago Women’s Club was present in the lounge yesterday afternoon to hear a lecture of great interest to women by the eminent surgeon Mr Victor Bonney, on “Maternal Mortality.” The president, Lady Ferguson, in an appropriate speech, introduced the distinguished guest. Among those present were Lady him, Lady Barnett, Dr Marion Whyte, Dr Rndcliffe Taylor. Dr W 7. Bathgate, Dr E. Siedeberg, Mrs J. A. Jenkins, Mrs h. K. Riley, Mrs F. Fitchett, Mrs Marshall Macdonald, Mrs Gerald Fitzgerald, Mrs R. Fulton, Mrs W 7. J. Porteous, Mrs J. hitzgerald. Professor Strong, Mrs Max Scherek. Mrs George Roberts. Mrs Oldham, Mrs G. R. Cheeseman, Mrs Wakefield Holmes, Mrs J. M. Gallaway, Mrs \ A. Finch, Mrs J. Roberts, Mrs Refdm Wilson, Mrs E. I. Halsted, Mrs D. Phi - lips Mrs W. Laidlaw, Madame Paul Saldaigne, Mrs J. R. Blues, Mrs R. Ritchie, and Mrs C. North. Miss Whitson, Miss Nosworthy, and Miss Ferment.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20353, 9 March 1928, Page 14

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PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20353, 9 March 1928, Page 14

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20353, 9 March 1928, Page 14