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irmoM Oub Special Cob* xiPOVß(rat).!

DISASTROUS FLOOD. It is 60 years ago to-day—February 3, 1868 —since a disastrous flood which resulted in the loss of nine lives occurred in North Otago. This flood was referred to recently in the columns of the Otago Daily Times, and was recalled yesterday bj several old settlers. The Waiareka Stream rose to such a height that it washed away two houses, with the sleeping occupants. Of the nine persons drowned, three belonged to the Loudon family. A violent gale accompanied the rainfall, and two ships that were loading wool in the roadstead—the Star of Tasmania and Water Nymph—together with the schooner Otago, were driven ashore. Two seamen and two children lost their lives on the Star of Tasmania. The wrecks of the two ships were subsequently sold for £lO and £?5 respectively. Much damage was done oy the storm to the standing crops in the district.


OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. The fortnightly meeting of the Oamaru Borough Council was held last evening, there being present his Worship the Mayor (Mr Frank Crawshaw) and Crs J. M, Forrester, W. Wright, W. S. Crombie, H. J. Jenkins, E. A. Fox, R. Mahon, H. G. Deal, F. Cooney, J. A. MTherson, J. R. Calder, and K. Familton. The Mayor stated in respect to the Boy Scouts’ use of the public gardens on March 3 that the application fop that date would probably be withdrawn. A plan received from Mr Wright, with a request for permission to erect a building within 3ft of a thoroughfare, was referred to the By-laws Committee. The Waimate School Committee was granted permission to use the public gardens for a picnic on Thursday next, and to appoint Mr S. Dick as caterer for the day.

The Manager of the public abattoirs reported that 171 head of cattle, 835 sheep, and 78 lambs had been slaughtered during the month of January. Three sheep had been condemned as unfit for human consumption. The Otepopo Picnic Committee wrote expressing appreciation of the courtesy extended by Mr Barnett, curator of the gardens, on the occasion of a recent picnic. —The Mayor stated that the receipt of this letter w r as most gratifying. The Finance Committee reported the following balances: —Public fund account, debit £3Bll 6s 8d; loan account debit, £465 2s 2d; loan banks’ deposit credit, £5000; loan P.O.S. Bank account credit, £2OOO. The committee recommended for payment the following accounts; —General, £1234 18s 9d; loan, £386 17s 4d. The committee reported having accepted the tender of Thomas Frickleton for the Coquet-Severn street pie cart stand, at £6 10s for the half-year, and also authorised the town clerk to accept D. Courtney’s offer of £5 7s for a six months’ tenancy of the Thames street site.—Adopted. The Waterworks Committee recommended that in view of the Sunday labour involved at the reservoir, W. Morton be granted two weeks’ holiday. It stated that the engineer had been instructed to submit to the Mayor and chairman complete 1 working drawings of the Frews Gully flume and piers, and it recommended that if they are satisfied with them Mr H. Vickerman. C.E., of Wellington, be asked to quote his fee for visiting the site and reporting on the drawings and computations.—Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that Inspector Whyte be authorised to control the motor traffic at the railway station in accordance with the. plan which he had submitted.

The Works Committee recommended that the engineer be authorised to allot numbers to new houses recently erected; that Barr, MTntyre, Ltd. be given a portion of the council’s business in respect to petrol supplies; and that 'the Public Works Department be informed of damage being done to the town clocks through the tower being in a state of disrepair.—Adopted. The Reserves Committee recommended that consent be given to the sub-division of sections 6 and 7, block 20, and that the Enfield Sunday school be granted the use of the gardens on February 4. The committee stated that the engineer had been instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the erection of conveniences at Orana Park and submit them to the committee at its next meeting.—Adopted. An auctioneer’s license was granted to Messrs Pox and Rirkness. with Mr Fox as auctioneer. The Mayor reported briefly on the Interview with the Highways Board. He stated lhat the council would benefit to the extent of about £BOO per year from the petrol tax. , . Cr Forrester drew attention to the fact that the reservoir on the hill was almost empty every evening. This was a serious matter as far as fire prevention was concerned. He suggested that residents be requested to conserve the use of water in this localitv. The matter was left in the hands of the Mayor with power to act.


At a meeting of leaders of the Boy Scout movement, held in Oamaru on Wednesday evening, it was decided to 00-operate with the Citizens’ Committee in holding a garden fete on March 5, on condition that a percentage of the takings was devoted to the Boy Scouts. It was pointed out at the meeting that the Borough Council had granted the Boy Scouts the use of the gardens for March 3, and that the Scouts had a financial liability" it was desired to extinguish.


Large quantities of cocksfoot are at present being harvested along the water race and other reserves in North Otago. There is at present a good demand for cocksfoot seed, and those engaged in cutting should reap a rich reward. In this connection it may be mentioned that thieves have been operating, and one or two farmers report the loss of several bags of cocksfoot.


At the assemblage of farmers at Bortons on Wednesday, Mr D, Cant, a well-known settler of the district, stated that ho had tried the top-dressing of a now pasture with superphosphate, but had noticed very little improvement. Mr R. B. Tenncnt stated that he could not understand the reason. There must be some cause peculiar to Mr Cant’s part of the district, Mr Tenncnt read a letter from Mr J. Williamson, of Bortons, which showed that he had taken 60 per cent, of fat lambs on land that had been top-dressed, against 4U per cent, off land that had received no manure.


At a meeting of the executive of the North Otago Motor Association a letter was read from Colonel J. Cowie Nichols, accepting the position of patron, and enclosing a donation towards the association’s funds. Mr L. Kitto, of Omarama, wrote drawing attention to the misleading information in the New Zealand Road Guide in regard to that district. The Hampden Borough Council drew attention to the reckless driving by motorists through that borough. The Secretary stated that complaints had also been received from Reidston residents in regard to speeding. Particulars of various camping grounds were received from the ooutn Island Motor Association. It was decided to write the South Island Association in regard to speeding through small towns. The caretaker (Mr Lee) reported that altogether 83 motor cars had patronised the new camping ground. It was decided to approach the Borough Council again in regard to the laying on of gas at the camp. A sum of £l2 10s was voted towards the camp buildings at Kurow. Preliminary arrangements were made for the hill climb to be held on February 25.


At the farmers’ field day at Bortons on Wednesday a show of hands was called for by a well-known farmer, for qr against the Summer Time Act. One or two hands only were held up in favour of Mr Sidey s innovation, and these were the hands ot employees. Almost every farmer present voted against the Act, and_ some were heard to express themselves in lurid language concerning the measure.


Friday last was one of the hottest days experienced in North Otago for some years, the thermometer running up to 87deg in the shade by 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon the heat was almost as oppressive, the thermometer registering 86deg. The country is new looking parched and dry, and the crops are ripening so rapidly that the demand for reapers and binders bas become greater than the supply.


Some days ago a young woman named Annie M'Veigh got into difficulties while bathing at Lake Middleton, near Lake Ohau. Another woman bather made a fruitless attempt at rescue. The attention of Mr Thomas Rodgers, of Oamaru, was attracted by the screams of children, and divesting himself of his coat, he dived m. With the help of Mrs M'Kinnon and Miss M’Neill he succeeded, after a severe struggle, in bringing the young woman to shore. It is understood that the action of Mr Rodgers is being reported to the Roval Humane Society.


The following rinks have been chosen 10 represent the North Otago Centre in a, match against South Canterbury to bo played at Waimato on Saturday Slater (s), G. Mitchell, R. Malcolm, Macrae; J. Robertson (s), H. Sorley, C. C Cook, W. Walton ; H. Martin (s), Campbell J. M'Kav, H. Donald; Calder (s), J. drant I. Rear, Pollock; Humphries (s ,, Littlejohn, R. Hewat, E. Grenfell; Blacklock (s), W. Aikenhead, D. Miller, A. C. Robertson; D. Bee (s), S. Molhson, J. T. Adams, F. Bedford ; A. Murray (s), Easton, O. Woodley. Gibson. Another friendly match was played on the Phcenix green last evening between teams representing the Phcenix and Meadowbank Clubs. The results were as follow:—J. Mitchell. Auty, Aikenhead, Heron 19, Robertson, Upchurch, Smith, G. Mitchell 15; Familton, Craig, Robertson, Pankhurst 30, Hartley, Fischer O Hagan. Martin 13; Armstrong, Bradshaw, Corson, Humphries 27, Selfe. Nimmo. Atkinson. Bee 9; Kibblewhite. Brown, Bastings, ,T Reid 27, Crombie, A. Mitchell, Gibson, Donald 11: Middlemass, Chase Adams-. Pollock 16, Cartwright. Archibald, Mnjlison, Blacklock 31; Malcolm, Crisp, Bedford. Hewat 14. Crichton, Evans Christie, Slater 19; Gilchrist, Kear, Littlejohn, Grant 16, Carson, Allan M'Kay, Berry 22; Sievwright, H. Grenfell, Weavers, E. Grenfell 24. Taylor. Hart, Denholm, Campbell 20. Totals: Phcenix, 173; Meadowbank, 140.


Following are results to date of the men’s junior competition at the Awamoa Lawn Tennis Club: — _ „ „ Fraser beat R. Williams, 7—5, 2—6. 6 3; K. C. M'Donald beat R. Mahoney by default and beat D. Williams, 6—o, 6—o- Robertson beat N. Williams, 5—6, 6—2, 6—2. Second Round— K. C. M'Donald beat Fraser, 6 —2, 7 —5; R. Mahoney beat Robertson, 6—2, 6—3. Mahoney and M'Donald meet in the The senior games resulted as follow: — W. Duthie beat 1. Henry, 6 —3, 6—l.


A special meeting of members of the Oamaru Boating Club was held in the boatshed last evening to arrange details of a gala day to be held on February 18.


The following are the port statistics for Oamaru for January:—Coastal cargo inwards 722 tons (coal 176, fuel oils 36, sugar 103, softwoods 102, other goods 305); outwards, 1647 tons (barley 6, chaff, hay, and straw 8, flour 753, lime 68, cattle 6, oats 175, oatmeal 15, pollard and bran 344, seeds 12, wheat 191, woollens 2, emulsion 9, furniture 26, other goods 13); overseas, outwards 193 tons (meat 182, tallow 10, other goods 1).


The Waitaki Dairy Company’s Oamaru factory claims a record that is unbeaten in New Zealand. During the last seven years its grading has averaged as follows:—l922, 93.84; 1923, 94.37; 1924, 94.52; 1925, 93.94; 1926, 93.72; 1927, 94.50; 1928, 94.66. For the seven years, inclusive, the average has been 94.22. When it is remembered that the butter is made from home-separated cream, the grading must be regarded as exceptionally high.


A meeting of the Executive Committee of the gardens improvement fund was held yesterday, his Worship the Mayor (Mr F Crawshaw) presiding over a full attendance. The following were appointed conveners of sub-committees, with power to select their own committeemen:— Publicity, programme, and advertising: Mr H. Familton. Entertainments: Mr H. Grenfell. Prizes. —Mr E. A. Fox. Grounds and Lighting.—Messrs M. J. Barnett and 1. Dalmer. Transport.—Mr H. G. Deal. Gates. —Mr H. L. Familton. Sports.—Mr J. D. Forbes. Children.—Mr M. K. M'Oullocb. Amusements and Sideshows.“Mr R. Irvine. ... ~ ~ , T House to House Collection.—Mr D. V. Smith. . Babv Show. —Mr G. M. Gardiner. It was deoiled to write to the stock and station agent-s and grain merchants asking if they would organise a stock drive ana produce auction in aid of the fund. It was also decided to hold tho house to house collection from February 19 to 23.


A number of athletes from the North Otago Amateur Athletic Club journeyed to Waimate last evening to compete in the Waimato Amateur Athletic Chib’s evening meeting. A good attendance of the public was present, and the meeting proved a pronounced success. Following are the 10suits : _ ... 75 Yards Handicap.—Fust heat; R. Deacon (scr) 1, K. Sumpter (3yds) 2, E. Sanson (syd,s) 5. Time, 8 4-ssec. Second heat: G. Wilson (syds) 1, K. Manchester (Iyd) 2. C. Whatman (syds) 3. Time, 8 3-sseo. Third heat: L. J. Collins (scr) 1, A. Dobbs (3yds) 2, R. Vilo (syds) 3, Time, 8 2-ssec. Final; R- Vile 1, Wilson 2. Dobbs 3. Time, 8 2-sscc. 880 Yards Handicap.—R. Clark (Oamaru, 25yd1, B. Whelan (25yds) 2. Time. 2min One Mile Handicap.—M. M'Donald (20vds) 1, K. Giles (25yds) 2. Relay Race—Waimate A 1, Oamaru A 2, Oamaru B 3. ' High Jump Handicap.—J. C. Hill (scr.), sft 2in, 1; R. Vile (scr.), sft, 2; C. Roller (scr.), 4ft lOin, 3. 220 Yards Handicap.—Dobbs (10yds), 1, K. Manchester (10yds) 2, K. Sumpter 3. Time, 24 2-sseo.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20323, 3 February 1928, Page 6

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20323, 3 February 1928, Page 6

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20323, 3 February 1928, Page 6