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(Tnou Oub Special Cobbespombbir.)

THE FARMERS’ CO-OP. The annual report of the North Otago Ifarmers’ Co-operative Association, which has just been issued, is as follows: “ The ■ directors have pleasure in submitting the twenty-sixth annual report and statement of accounts, showing the position of the association’s affairs. “ Trading conditions throughout the year have been difficult, and practically all departments have been more or less affected in consequence. Close attention has been given to farmers’ advance accounts, and it has been the policy of the board to build up reserves sufficiently large to cover possible losses resulting from she realisation of doubtful accounts. During the past two years transfers from profits Co the doubtful debts reserve account have prevented the payment of dividends, but a revaluation on July 31 of the assets o secured clients shows that the r °* serves are ample to meet probable losses. It is confidently anticipated that the few doubtful accounts remaining on our books will be eliminated during the current year. “The gross earnings for , ~t h° , amounted to £16,701 7s 3d. "’hiletho penses under all headings were £W,6iS 9s Id. leaving, with thebalance carried.forward, a surplus of £2625 6s Id. Afte transferring the sum of £2260 Co the , ful debts 8 reserve account, the balance aV “ raring 7 directors this year are : Messrs W. MaoSonalA J. R- R^tlio'rMTnnes Col. J. C. Nichols. J. D. Kutner ford James Smillie, ail of whom a *° eligible for re-election, and offer them“‘"T.rS'lWlike.l to elect .i* dit^. “Messrs D. V.. G. Smith and W. J. Davies are the retiring, auditors, and offer themselves for re-election. You ' will be asked to elect two auditors for the ensu ing year, and fix their remuneration. KAKANUI NOTES. The Hall and Library Committee ‘held its weekly euchre tournament on Saturday night, when there was an attendance o between 20 and 30 enthusiasts. After an enjoyable evening’s P la y,^ he T prlzes ''Tig 0 won as'follows :-Ladies, Mrs Looe; gentlemen Mr K. Elder. An agreement was also concluded for a handsome oak palm stand (donated by Messrs Scoullar and <^ Is holm, Dunedin), the final scores being:—Mrs GWilson 69, Miss Young 63. Mrs Laurenson addition has ju 5 t 1 *«» completed to the ever-increasing number of vinerie in the district, Mr John T ? had erected a new vinery (200 ft. by 28tt) which in due season will carry vines, but which will supply tomatoes until the vines mature Thetomato plants are being planted out in position, and what is wanted now is warm, sunny weather. RUGBY TEST. The inclusion of Cameron and Loder in the Otago and Southland combination to mnn f CWtßrbury fit Dun©dm in tho trio, match has afforded. much sa football enthusiasts in North Otago. Both Cameron and Loder have been playing most consistently throughout tho season. , daylight saving. effi sstrss s influence m securing the passing of the Bill ________ painful' accident. A man named Hill, employed on the railways,** met with a painful accident a dav or two ago. He was working near a thorn hedge, when a spike from entered one of his eyes. He has been taken to an eye specialist, but it is feared that his eyesight will be permanently impaired. SCHOOL FOOTBALL. Great enthusiasm in country school football has been displayed this season, and on Saturday a combined match, Maheno and Totara versus Herbert, Waianakarua, Hampden, was pWed at Horoert. An exciting game ended in Maheno and iotara winning by 3 points to ml. For the winner JWilson. Game, Clark. Hood and Morgan played well,, while for the losers Wil Ramson, Noonan, Paterson, Frayer, and the Cameron Bros, were outstanding. CONVENT SUCCESSES.' ,Tho following pupils of Dominican Nuns, Oamaru, were successful in the recent competitions Junior ; Choir: Boys of St. Thomas’s Academy 1 (judges remarks: ’ Tho best junior choir he had heard in New Zealand”). , Physical Drill; Boys of St. Thomas’s Academy 1 (winners of Polytechnic Shield). Violin solo years); special prizes donated by an Oamaru resident: Patsy Dunn 1 (gold medal), Tom Roach 2 (silver pencil). Violin solo (own selection): Patsy Dunn 1. Piano duet (over 17 years): Misses Grace and Irene Brown 1. Piano solo (over 18 years): Miss Grace Brown 2. Elocution.—Reading at sight: Tom Roach 1 (judge’s remarks: “An outstanding performance ); junior champion (under 12 years): Tom Roach Anthony Murdoch 2; test piece: Tom Roach 1, Anthony Murdoch 2; junior champion (under 14 years): Dan Doyle 1 (judge's remarks: “The best climax heard at competitions ”); test piece, Dan Doyle 2- patriotic: Anthony Murdoch 1. Dan Doyle 2; Junior champion (girls under 16 years): Kathleen Simons 1; test piece (under 16 years). Kathleen Simons 1; test piece (under 18 years): Mabel Walsh 1; musical monologue (under 15 years): Kathleen Simons 2. DEPRESSED WOMAN. A young single woman, a resident of Oamaru, when in a state of nervous depression, is said to have made an attempt upon her life on Saturday night by cutting her throat. She is at present in hospital, and is reported to be .progressing as., favourably as the circumstances will permit. SHED DESTROYED. A shed used as a storeroom on the Oamaru South Hill, owned by Mr S. H. Rawson, was destroyed by fire at an early hour- on Sunday morning. The contents of the building were insured in the New Zealand office for £7-5. THE HERBERT CASE. The young man Nicholas Quigley, who was admitted to the Oamaru Hospital with a severe gash in his arm, is making good progress. The indications suggest that he had been drinking methylated spirits. OBITUARY. Two pioneer women residents of North Otago crossed the Great Divide at the week-end. Margery Urqphart, relict of Robert Macdonald, of Palmerston, passed away on Sunday at her residence. 67 Wansbeck street, at the age of 90 years. She was the sixth daughter of William Urquhart, of the Dig, Glenglass, Ross-shirc, Scotland. She married Robert Macdonald, of Dingwall, and shortly after their marriage they left for Now Zealand in tho ship Tendour, and took up farming pursuits in the Palmerston district. Mr Macdonald died some 36 years ago, and Mrs Macdonald carried on tho farm, where she brought up the family. During tho last 18 years sho had resided with her daughter. She is survived by four sons and two daughters, and a number of grandchildren. One of her sons, R. J. Macdonald, was killed in the Great War in 1915 and buried in England. Mrs


Macdonald was one of the fast-diminishing number of the ■ pioneers; of sterling character, cheerful disposition, and always ready to lend a helping hand in time ot need; and she. will be gratefully remembered by many who knew her during her long and useful life. Mrs John Main died in Oamaru on Saturday evening at the ripe age of 85. The deceased was born at Loch Lomond, Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1842, landing nc Port Chalmers from the ship Victory. Twelve months later she was married to Mr John Main by the Rev. Dr Stuart. Mr and Mrs Main came to Oamaru in 1868, and lived here all the remaining years of their lives. In 1874, Mr Main established a fruit and seeds business in Tees street, which was carried on by the family for 60 years—first by Mr Main, then Mrs Main, and subsequently by Mr John Main, jun. Mrs Main was predeceased by her husband, who died 13 years ago, and leaves three daughters, four sons, 16 children, and six great-grandchildren. Tho daughters arc Mrs Alexander Clarke street), Mrs H. P.. S. Familton (Uro street) and Miss Main (Oamaru), and the sons are Mr Robert Mam (Oamaru) Mr W. H. Main (Christchurch), and Messrs John and James Main (Oamaru). GENERAL. A few whitebait have made their appearance in the Kakanui River, but the general run has not yet commenced. The taking at the gate at tne Rugby football match on Saturday between North Otago and Eastern Districts (Gore) amounted to £36 12s 3d. Two or three days of warm, spring weather have been experienced, and the effect may already be noticed upon pasture aifl vegetation. A number of Oamaru young people arc competing at the Ashburton competitions this week. Mrs G. Donaldson, of this town, is to be the official accompanist. PERSONAL. \ —— Mr W. E. Bannerman, of the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, is at present a visitor to Oamqru. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. The Waitaki Test Cup match was played at Takaro Park on Saturday between North Otago juniors and South Canterbury, the latter winning by 6 goals to nil. The Canterbury boys outclassed the local boys, and gave one of the, finest exhibitions seen on Takaro Park for some time. North Otago showed plenty of dash and came close to scoring on numerous occasions, but their general work was done in a rather wild, erratic manner. Middlemass (captain), Robinson, Dorward, Bryan, and Coker were the pick of the North Otago team. Mr W. Denholm controlled the game. NORTH OTAGO RUGBY UNION. The weekly meeting of the executive of tho North Otago Rugby Union was held last night. Mr C. Mollison presided over an attendance of 12 members. Tho Georgetown Club forwarded invitations to a gathering for the presentation of the Waitaki Sub-union’s cup on Thursday. It was, decided to allot these to the different club's as well, as to the committee.The President intimated his intention of being present. The committee of the Old Boys’ Club in vited the president and secretary to bo present at its annual dinner to-night.—Tho president and Mr Crowley were appointed to represent the union. The Waimato Sub-union asked for tho names of players for Saturday next, and that if possible another junior match should be played in Waimate.—lt was decided to aooede to the former request, but to express regret that the season is too far advanced for another junior match. Tho Now Zealand Union forwarded advice in regard to the dates for tho Probables and Possibles as well as for tho South Island trial matches. —In answer io a question by Mr Colquhoun, the Cnairman stated that the two men chosen from North Otago were available for the tour abroad. , , , , Tho Ladies’ Hockey Association asked for tho use of Takaro Park on September 3, but it was decided to offer the use of 6t. George’s Park. The Excelsior Club requested permission to play a match against tho Dunedin Pirates on Saturday next, and to travel a third team to Waimate.—Tho permission asked for was granted, tho match against the Pirates to be played on the No. 2 ground. It was decided to ipform the Power Board that tho union would have no further use for the electric lighting m Takaro Park this season. Mr N. Colquhoun presented a report on the match against Eastern Districts on Saturday last. It was decided that a letter ot sympathy be sent to Mr N. MacDonald, of the southern team, and the hope was expressed that he would speedily recover from his injuries.—lt was also decided to thank those citizens who had placed motor cars at .the disposal of the visitors on Sunday. ' , , ~ . The Chairman reported upon the meeting of selectors in Dunedin on Saturday and said he was satisfied that the best possible team had been chosen. North Otago should feel gratified at having two of its players selected. —On the motion ot Mr Holmes, the chairman was thanked 'for his services at Dunedin, and the selected players were congratulated upon their inclusion in the team. Mr Whitcombe was appointed manager of the team for Waimate on Thursday, and Mr Smith manager for the team to play Eastern Districts (Palmerston) at Oamaru on Saturday. On the motion of Mr Holmes, it was decided that the Otago Union be asked to recommend r Eckhold as referee for the North Otago-Otago match at Dunedin. leave for Dunedin by bus on Friday afternoon and return on Sunday.—Mr Crowley was appointed manager of the team. It was decided that the proceeds of the Waimate match on Sentember 17 be a benefit for F, Whiting, an injured player, and a sub-committee was set up to make the necessary arrangements. The following teams were chosen to represent North Otago against the Waimate sub-union and against the Eastern Districts: — Against Waimate.—W. Boroman, A. M’Kerrow, L. Hubbard. J. Grainger, D. S. Loder, C. Ogilvie, K. M’Donald, W. Cameron, W. Cleland, R. Cameron, W. Direen, J. Pringle, J. Maddigan, D. Campbell, J. Hopley; emergencies—R. Faris, R. Eadie, W. K. Loder. A. Souness. Against Eastern District (Palmerston), at Oamaru. —W. Boroman, A. M’Kerrow, J. Granger, W. K. Loder. D. S. Loder, H. Kent, K. M’Donald, W. Cameron, W. Cleland, R. Cameron, A. Wills, J. Pringle, A. Clarke, A. Sim, J. Hopley; emergencies—T. W. Direen, D. Campbell, L. Hubbard, C. A. Ogilvie. MINIATURE SHOOTING. The Oamaru Miniature Rifle Club held its weekly shoot last evening. The following are the highest scorers: J. Caldwell .. .. 79 1— 80 J. Leslie 79 3 —BO W. Gemmell .. .. 70 480 D. Williams .. .. 78 380 A. Hunter 78 3 E. Swinard .. .. 78 4 F. Peters 76 4 W. Ford 75 5 —BO R. Vile 73 780 E. Sinclair .. .. 78 1 G. Doran 78 1 R. Pollock .. .. 77 279 J. N’immo 77 2 70 O. Gillies 75 4 J. Mitchell .. .. 75 4 In the shoot-off J. Caldwell secured the Palliser button. A. Hunter won the handicap button and Mr Jefferies’s trophy.

RAILWAY CLUB. The following are the Railway Club’s highest scores off the rifle at the shoot held on Saturday night:—Earley 78, Brightwell 78, Woodall 77, Williams 77, Kelk 76, Bradley 75, Cockburn 75, Brown 75, Wilson 74, Sangster 74, M'Auley 74, Hamilton 74, Bragging 73, Latimer 73, Holland 72, Ward 72, M'Neil 71, Woodford 71, Davison 70. Brightwell won the button off the rifle and Latimer won the handicap button.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20190, 30 August 1927, Page 13

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20190, 30 August 1927, Page 13

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20190, 30 August 1927, Page 13