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HTbou Ode Special Corbespondekt.)

WAITAKI COUNTY COUNCIL. The annual meeting of the Waitaki County Council was held yesterday, there being present Crs J. Newlsnds (in the chair), T. A. Munro, J. M. Smith, R. B. j Meek, A. MTnnes, A. Clark, W. Nicolson, j and J. Rodman. 1 The Chairman expressed regret that Cr j Gardiner’s health did not permit him to be | present. He trusted that he would soon be sufficiently recovered to take his seat ns chairman. Me extended a welcome to the new councillors —Crs Meek and Rodman and expressed the hope that they would render useful service to the county. —Crs Meek and Rodman briefly acknowledged the compliment, and paid tribute to their predecessors in officeCHAIRMAN’S REPORT. The chairman’s report for the past year was read as follows: “'The financial year started with a bank overdraft of £3277 Hs Id, and expenditure for the year on reading, bridges, Government grants, and general expenditure amounted to £31,076 13s ,9d. The revenue from all sources amounted ro £30,907 10s, leaving a debit balance on the year’s workings of £34-16 14s lOd; of this sum the hospital levy is responsible for the amount of £2710 12s 2d, leaving an actual debit balance to the County Fund Account of £756 2s Bd. The council has, as in previous years, to carry a large overdraft, which during this year was greatly increased owing to the large quarterly payments made on account of hospital levy. The council contemplated giving a discount for promptpayment of rates, but alter ascertaining the unsuccessful and unsatisfactory experience of adjoining counties in this connection, it -was deemed inexpedient to follow such a course. Rates have come in remarkably well, considering the heavy impost cast on the ratepayers bv the Hospital Board. Out of a total of rates collectable, £24,654 (hospital and general), the sum of £23.562 has been collected, leaving arrears of £1032. Steps will have to be taken to recover same. The council has been assisted materially in keeping the main highways maintained, owing to a larger subsidy of £ for £ given by the Main Highways Board. _The subsidy received amounted to. £3709 3s Bd, and in addition heavy traffic licenses produced & net payment of £754 14= 6d. During the year a small committee was set up to conaider a comprehensive set of by-laws, and after several meetings prepared several amendments t. same. Five different counties are in these new by-laws, •o as to save expense in printing, legal expenses, etc. So far the matter is held up until the adjoining counties conclude their deliberations. . ‘‘As a result of the county elections, the council has lost a valuable- and faithful councillor in the person of Mr George Livingstone. Mr Livingstone was elected to the council in November, 1902, and was chairman from 1912 to 1919. He also served on the Road Board previous to becoming a councillor- It is regrettable that he "'as unable To bring to fruition his hope to acquire a metal quarry at Enfield "Mr Alex. Forbes, who retired from the council, lias also given much time and service as renresentative lor the ratepayers in the Otepopo Riding. He joined the council in November, 1914, and has given faithyil service for 12 years. To both these gentlemen the council its regret at their departure from the council. "I have, on behalf of the council, to welcome the new members —Messrs Bruce Meek and James Rodman, councillors for the \vaiareka and Otepopo ridings. I feel sure they will give of their best in interests of their respective ratepayers and in the affairs of the county as a whole. “You will notice from the . statement ot hccounts placed before you to-day that tne ridings’ finances are all in a healthy state The financial positions of the ridings ot A\ aiareka and Otepopo have been left by the retiring members in such a creditable position that the two new councilors have something substantial to start the year s operations. As regards work on the roads, the spring and summer - being abnormally wet many of the roads which had been very bare gave way altogether, and a considerable amount of renewal work became necessary. In all about 32,500 cubic yards of metal End gravel was put on the various roads throughout the county, each rid'ing doing its share according to the available. The heaviest expenditure was naturallv on the mam roads, and the tact that the' Highways Board, during the vear raised its maintenance subsidy from £1 for £2 to £ for £ enabled the main roads to he kept up to a higher standard than would otherwise have been possible. About (000 cubic yards of maintenance grasel was put on the main north and south road, and over 90 GO cubic yards on the Kurow road. . During the year 3V,S T:„ £ inspection was P a *d D vj j wavs Board, the members of whic expressed themselves as veil satisfied with the work done on the various mam highways throughout the county, and their engineers stressed the fact that whal they want is fine gravel, little and often, and constant working up with the grader. Many of fhs adio : niti r ' counties arc adopting power graders°for this work as fh r factthat can cover a long didancc in a dav under the control of one makes for economy and efficiency. . , , “A fair amount cf bridge work has been accomplished -luring the past year. he much-needed Danseys Pass bridge was completed, and is much apnneciated 1 i th-* settlers and travelling pi b-ic generally. A new departure has been made in the erection of two con-rete bridges over Hendersons and VVaikama Creeks, and when the approaches (-“e ■widened and fenced off tuese bridges should give no more trouble. “Light traffic bridges have been bum over tin? Strcurn on the Ivifl. Ora road, over tbe Omarama Stieain on the Broken Hut road, and a stock bridge at Elderalic is being converted into a motor bridge. Thanks to a £ for £ subsidy from the iighways Board, a much longer light traffic bridge will soon be erected over the Otiake Stream, which has always been a source of danger to travellers in times of flood. It is mped that during the coming year it may be possible to ’ ridge the Kurow- Creek, which is just as urgent as the other. A substantial bridge has also been erected over a bad crossing at ,sland Cliff. A big flood in tbe Ahuriri River carried awav the approaches of the bridge just at Christmas time, when the traffic was heavy., but a temporary crossing was made until a new span could be erected. As soon as funds are available extensive protection work will be carried out to prevent a recurrence of a block on this important road. The serious slip on the Kartigi Beach road, which the council has persistently kept under the - tice of the Government, vas inspected by the Main Highways Board, and an arrangement was come to whereby they were to undertake repairs, but so far nothing has been done, and there is a grave danger cf the main road being blocked. Three new graders have been purchased during the year, as the old ones were not able to overtake the increasing demands on them. A light motor truck has recently been purchased for the Waiareka Riding, and should go far to solve the problem of road maintenance where there are long stretches of road without gravel pits in the locality. The road roller has been kept busy, and has certainly justified its purchase. In this connection I may mention that the Main Highways Board makes a substantial allowance for all plant used on the various main highways, the council having collected a considerable sum on this item during the year. Owing to the enormously increased traffic caused by visitors to the Dunedin Exhibition during the last five months, the main roads have been subjected to unusual wear and tear, and I think it can ho said they ha\e stood the test fairly- well, especially when compared with the roads in other counties having to put up with the same extraordinary traffic. In conclusion 1 take the o—nortunity of thankin'- thp members for the attention they have given to the wants of the ratepayer in the county, and also for the assistance they haie given me in discharging the duties of (he chair. The work has gone' on smoothly throughout the lerm vyhic-h has made my position a pleasant one.’’ THE CHAIRMANSHIP. A personal letter was read from Mr William Gardiner thanking the councillors for their support during the year, and welcoming the new councillors. On the motion of Cr Nicholson, seconded tiy Cr MTnnes,- Cr Gardiner was unanimously elected chairman for the ensuing jeax.


ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary meeting of the council was suoacquently held, Cr Newlanas being again Voted to the chair. Special orders authorising the sale of land at Muheno and amending By-law No. 9 oi the Papakino Water. Race District were confirmed. Tile Treasury forwarded £BO 5s 9d in hypothecated thirds and fourths, las in goldfields revenue and £92 as lOd in land lund, and the Highways Board forwarded sums of £523 11s 4d, £lOBl 15s od, and £3B 7s 6d for various roads. The Hamilton Borough Council asked for support of a resolution asking for amended legislation dealing with the maintenance and construction of streets and roads, motoi traffic, and taxation. —Received. Cr T. A. Munro was elected to represent the council on the District Highways Council for the ensuing year. The District Highways Council asked fol an estimate of the cost of maintenance, etc., ot main highways for the coming year. —On the motion of Cr MTnnes, it was decided that application be made for a bridge over the Kurow Creek. A copy of the Motor Lorry Regulations Amendment No. 2 was received from the Mam Highways Board. The Department of Lands and Survey forwarded the proclamation of a road in the Pukenui Settlement. The Oamaru Dental Clinic asked for the council’s donation of £3O to the clinic's fund. —Payment to be made. The Secretary of the Otepopo Cemetery Trust asked for a grant in aid of the maintenance cf the Otepopo Cemetery.—Cr Rodman stated that Otepopo was a very healthy district, and nobody died there. — This was probably why the Trust had no money.—The application was held over for a month, to enable the member for the riding to investigate the position. Permission was granted the Kurow Garage Co. to erect a kerb petrol pump at Omarama. and to W. J. Yardley to erect a similar pump at Duntroon. On the motion of Cr MTnnes, it was decided that Mrs Jane Munro, of Otekaike, be informed that the Pass Track would be put in order before the winter arrived. A petition was received from IS settlers in the Moeraki Riding, asking the council to reconsider its decision in reference to the removal of a gate and fence on Frenchman’s Gully road. It was pointed out that if the gate was removed Moeraki cattle would wander on to the Kartigi Beach.—Mr Edmond Gregory, of Moeraki, wrote in opposition to the request of the petitioners. It was decided that arrangements be made with the Bank of New Zealand for an overdraft up to £9OOO for the coming year. The question of purchasing a new car for the engineer was considered. It was pointed out that the present car had run about 38,000 miles, and was now costing a great deal for repairs.—lt was decided that the old car be disposed of, and that the different motor firms be asked tor quotations for a new car. The Oamaru Town Clerk wrote asking for a refund of £ls. half the loss sustained on the women’s rest room in Oamaru, It was stated that 75 per cent, of the visitors to the room came from the country.—The town clerk and Mr E. A. Fox appeared before the council in support of the request. : The Town Clerk stated that it was proposed in future to make a charge of 3d to users of the room. It was thought that the two councils should share any annual loss on the rpom. This loss was estimated at £3O. —Cr Meek pointed out that in Hastings the rest room was almost self-supporting by voluntary con tributions. It was visited weekly by Blanket nurses.—Mr Fox stated that there was a young woman in charge of the mom, who was paid 27s (Id per week. Fires and lavatories were also provided. East year 5000 persons had visited the room.—Cr MTnnes expressed the opinion that the institution Was worthy of support—Cr Munro thought that the room should be made self-supporting. He pointed out that the Borough Council received the whole of the auctioneers’ license fees, and it should be in a i/ >sition tx> meet any loss on the room from these fees. He moved that in view of the state of the council's finances no contribution bo made—Cr Smith seconded.—CT MTnnes moved as an amendment that the council contribute £l6.—The amendment was not seconded, and the motion was carried. Cr Newlands was recommended for appointment to represent the council on the Waitaki Electric Power Board. The council decided to procure 200 tins of poisoned wheat for the coming Season. Crs Munro and MTnnes were, appointed to represent the council at the Counties Conference, in place of the chairman, whose state of health precluded his attendance. It was reported that no person had yet been secured to fill the vacancy on the Waitaki Hospital Board, caused by the retirement of Cr Nicolson. Messrs Winsley Bros, wrote asking for payment of the amount owing to them for cartage, and threatening proceedings unless the account was paid within a fixed period.—Cr Munro stated that the account had been held over to enable inquivies to be made as to whethei the account was correct in regard to quantities carted.—On tbe motion of Cr Munro, it was decided that Winsley Bros, be asked to produce a detailed account. A number of residents of Weston petitioned that repairs be made to certain roads in that district—Referred to the engineer and member for the riding. Fifteen residents in the Ardgowan district petitioned for repairs to the bumpter's Gully road— Referred to the chairman and engineer. _ ~ Accounts amounting to £o/»a las 4a were passed for payment. The report of the engineer, dealing with the progress of works in the vai’ious ndings, was read and dealt with. The Engineer reported that the grader tor the Waiareka Riding had arrived. On the motion of Cr Meek, it was decided that tenders be called for work on the Tussocky road'. . It was decided that the different implement firms be written to, asking for a demonstration of their respective heavy graders, on a date to be arranged. On the motion of Cr MTnnes, it was decided that the water races in the Kurow district be filled up with gravel. It was resolved that tenders he called for metalling a road in the Tokarahi district. , . , The tender of Mr John Kncwstub, of Port Chalmers, at £215(1 9s 6d. Mas accepted for the erection of a light bridge over the Oteaike Stream. Four tenders were received for the work. The tender of M’Queen Bros, was accepted for metalling at Peebles. The Clerk was authorised to sue for outstanding rates, which amount in the aggregate to £IOOB. Mr Dick appeared before the council to oppose the proposal .to remove the gates on a road in the Moeraki Riding. Cr Nicolson gave notice to move that the former resolution, requiring the removal of the gates, be rescinded.—lt was decided that the engineer and Cr Nicolson again interview the persons interested upon the subject. The acceptance of tenders for approaches to Henderson's and Waikaura Creeks was confirmed. Permisison was granted the engineer to take levels for a- drain for the Kurow Jockey Club. . , r , , On the motion ot Cr Meek, it was decided that the Railways Department be asked to put back the gate on a siding in the Waiareka Riding. SPEEDING MOTORISTS. Messrs G. Ruddenklau and \V. Forester waited upon the Waitaki County Council yesterday to make representations on the question of speeding motorists. Mr Ruddenklau stated that from their own observation they must be aware that the roads were going to pieces. This was entirely due to speeding limits. The funds of the council could not cope with the increasing | motor traffic. The speaker expressed the opinion that a limit should be placed upon the speed of motorists. He saw no reason at all why motor curs should travel at 40 miles 'per hour. lie thought the council could devise means of limiting the speed of motor vehicles. The Chairman : How would you limit the speed of motorists? Mr Ruddcnl clan : By fixing a maximum speed. The Chairman; Would you have inspectors? Mr Ruddenklau stated that he would just place notices on the road. Then he would, appoint one or more inspectors. Cr MTnnes; What speed limit would you fix ? Mr Ruddenklau: Between 20 and 25 milei.

The Chairman stated that they were all in sympathy with the remarks of Mr Ruddeiifelaii." They knew that speeding motorists were largely responsiule lor the bad roads. They were also responsible for most of the accidents. The difficulty was enforcing a speed limit. Mr Ruddenklau said he was disappointed that fanners and local bodies had not taken this matter un long ago. The Chairman: Would it, not be a thing if thi-s question were made a remit for the annual conference of the- Farmers’ Union ? Mr Forrester; That would make it a national question. The Chairman: Bat it really is a national question. Mr Forrester: AVonld it not be a fine thing if the Waitaki County were to take the lead in this matter? Cr Rodmon was quire in sympathy with the views of the deputation. At the same time, ho saw a difficulty in an individual council enforcing a speed limit. Cr Munro quite agreed that something should be done to impose a speed limit. People travelling 40 miles an hour were a menace. Cr Clark thought, that 50 miles an hour was a low enough limit. Cr MTnnes considered that 30 miles placed too severe a strain upon the present roads. None of the roads in this district would stand up to it. Cr Rodman stated that (here were plenty of the roads that would stand up to 30 miles. The matter was eventually held over, on the understanding thdt it would be dealt with by the Counties’ Conference. HILDERTHORPE POST OFFICE. A deputation of Hilderthorpe settlers waited upon the Waitaki County Council yesterday in reference to the Hilderthorpe Post Office. It pointed out that the Government was prepared to pay only £l4 a year towards the office, and to meet the settlers halfway with any further contribution, If the Post Office were closed down the settlers would have to go five or six miles to Pukeuri for their mails. The settlers thought, on principle, that they should not lie asked to contribute towards the Post Office. Representations on the subject had been made by Mr Lee and the Chamber of Commerce, and it w-as desired to secure the support of the council. CT Meek stated that the people of Enfield and other country districts had been treated in the same way as the people of Hilderthorpe. lie thought the Government should bear the cost of the postal facilities, even if a return were made to the twopenny postage. A member of the deputation suggested that if the subsidising were sanctioned in Hilderthorpe it would be extended to all parts of the district. On the motion of Cr MTnnes, seconded by Cr Meek, it was decided that the request of the deputation have the support of the council, and it was also decided that the Postmaster-General be communicated with on the subject. GORSE. At the meeting of the Waitaki County Council yesterday, Cr T. A. Munro stated that It was impossible, in some parts of the county, to destroy gorse. This was particularly the case in regard to Wardell Bros., at Omarama. All along the riverbeds the gorse was to be found in abundance. Cr MTnnes thought it unreasonable to require Wardell Bros, to eradicate the gorse. The Government’s--river reserves Were covered with gorse. On the motion of Cr Munro, it was decided to write the Agricultural Department, asking that no action be taken in the meantime against Wardell Bros. WEEK ON THE FARM. The past week has been another “mixed’’ one, so far as operations on the farm in North Otago are concerned. Early in the week the weather was fine, but a break occurred on Wednesday, and the sowing of wheat and other cereals had to be suspended. The laiter end of the week lias seen brighter days, and the resumption of farming work. The demand, for seed wheat continues good, and a large area of lea country is being turned over. The digging of potatoes is now practically completed. Dairying is practically finished for-the season, and the freezing works will close down in the course of a week or two. most of the fat sheep having been, dealt with. WAITAKI POWER BOARD. The annual meeting of the Waitaki Electric Power Board was held yesterday, there being present Messrs J. M. lorrcster (chairman), R. Milligan, T. A. Munro. W. Nicolson, and A. Mahan.j The Chairman submitted a short review of the woiY performed during the year. He stated, incidentally, that the country reticulation was being carried out in the group system. Already about 40 premises had been wired up. It was intended shortly to extend the service to Totara and Kakaiiui. Fp till date, 28 miles had been wired, and 100 miles of wire used. A total of 760 poles had been put in. The usa of cookers and other apparatus was extending. The Lake Coleridge bulk supply was expected to lie available in the course of a few months, and all that would be required to complete their service would be the harnessing of the Waitaki River. On the motion of Mr Forrester, Mr R. Milligan was elected chairman for the ensiling vear. In returning thanks Mr Milligan paid a tribute to the work done by the previous chairman (Mr Forrester). A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr Forrester, on the motion of Mr Malian, seconded by Mr Munro. The engineer (Mr Palmer) also acknowledged the pleasant relations that had existed between the staff ami Mr Forester. A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr N. Gilchrist for his services as a member of the board.

A motion of condolence was passed with Mr Frith in his recent bereavement and pleasure was expressed that Mr Gardiner, another member of the board, was making progress towards recovery. 'The estimates for the coming year wore presented. These showed anticipated revenue amounting to £17,319, and expenditure amounting to £16,177, leaving a net credit of £1132. The expenditure allowed for depreciation. ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary meeting of the board was held at the conclusion of the annual meutA letter was read from the Electric Power Boards’ Association, asking for remit* for the annual conference. —It was decided that the board be represented at the conference by the engineer, and that the executive prepare a list of remits, in consultation with the engineer. The Catlow Co-operative party asked for a return of the 10 per cent, deducted from their wages.—'The Engineer stated that certain defects in the work had yet to be repaired. The matter was left in the hands of the engineer, to be finalised as soon as possible. Tlie Finance Committee s report was read This recommended the purchase of two half-ton Ford trucks and a heavier one, the passing for payment of accounts amountto £2714 16s 3d and that financial assistance be granted for certain installations. —The report was adopted The action of the engineer in ordering four transformer? was approved. The Engineer presented a short statement dealing with the estimates and the prospects for the future. He stated that the outlay for the coming year would be approximately £55,000. The maximum rate of progress had not yet been reached. In answer to a question by the Chairman, the Engineer stated that the cost of wiring in the main lines would be between £3OO and £4OO per mile. In the smaller lines the cost would not be more than £l5O per mile. It was impossible to say what the actual cost would be until the installation was made. . The Engineer reported that a alight variation in the domestic charges for electricity was necessary. No change had been made m the wattage charge, excepting bv the request of the consumers. Instead of raising rates, it had substantially reduced them. A big concession was made where the cooking apparatus was used. Mr Newlands asked how much it would cost to supply a family in the country with current for a week’s lighting and cooking. People did not understand technical, terms. The Engineer renlied that for cooking and lighting the cost should not amount to more than 25s or 30s per month (or a small family , , , ■ , Mr Newlands stated that this would not be an exorbitant charge. POWER BOARD ESTIMATE?;. The estimated receipts and expenditure of the Waitaki Electric Power Board for the coming year arc as follow: —Receipts; Balance in hand; £3519; sale of current and showroom requisites, £14,000; total, £17,519. Expenditure: Management and general, £1500; generating account, £4500; distribution and gales, £1350; interest on boiough loan £1537; interest on board’s loan, £2800; depreciation allocation, £3000; renewal fund allocation, £1500; balance (net profit), £1132. GENERAL. Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) have received a radio message stating that the. steamer City of Winchester will arrive at Oamaru on June 2. • The staff of the Public Works Donartmeut which is connecting up the Lake Coleridge electric power.system with North Otago has now reached as far south as Pnpnkaio. the w.e.a. —lt... On Wednesday evening the weekly meeting of the Hampden branch of the W.E.Awas held in the Druids’ Lodgeroom. when there was a full attendance of members. The tutor (Dr Fished chose as his sublet “Henry George and the Single Tax.” The next meeting is to-be devoted to the subject “Richard John Sedclon and Opportunism." OTEKAIEKE SPECIAL SCHOOL. The special school at Otckaieke for the treatment of subnormal children is shortly to be lighted with electricity. the Education Department intends installing its own generating plant, the motive power being obtained from the water race. It is hoped that power will be provided for the laundry and other purposes as well ns current for lighting. MARKET ISAY. A market day was held in Oamaru yesterday bv the Ngapara P.W.M.U. There was n good sale of vegetables and produce, and the financial results were satisfactory. A BOY HURT. A little bov named Boss Lauder was having a mud fight with other boys on Holmes Hill when he was knocked down by n passing motor car. Ho was severely bruised and cut, but fortunately no bones were broken, THE COMPETITIONS. At a meeting of the Oaniaru Competitions Society various sub-committees were appointed in connection with the forthcoming festival. Judging by the number of inquiries that have been made for the syllabus the competitions this vear shoa.d eclipse o,l! previous functions of the Kind*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19802, 29 May 1926, Page 9

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19802, 29 May 1926, Page 9

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19802, 29 May 1926, Page 9