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The mewatetr meeting of the Clutha County Couaou wt.s beta at. BaJolntha on Friday last, there were present: Messrs R MTndoe (chairman), Jas. Gumming, W. J. M'Kenzie, Geo. Hay, Joseph Mosley, W. Lawson, Thos. Maginness, W. S. Thomson, A T. Harris, and D. R. Jack. Arising out of the engineer's report Cr M'Kenzio moved that the footbridge at Kelso be repaired. This was necessary in view of the number of children crossing the river, and who had to cross further up, because of the unstable nature of the bridge. The cost would amount to only about £6O —The motion was seconded and carried. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE. For the month ended March 31, 1926: — Receipts.—Rates, £7021 10s Id; rents, £47 10s; grants flood damage, £339 3s 4d; grants roads, £744 13s 9d; motor drivers’ licenses, £9 10s; heavy traffic license, £5 2s lOd; refund, £4 11s 6d; dog registration, £75 7s 6d; compensation account accident, £l6 16s 9d ; Southland Electric Power Board rates, £464 4s lid; total, £8728 14s lOd. Expenditure to April 9.—Bridges and ferries, £B2 16s 10a. main highways, £159 6s 7d; State Forest fifths. £l5B 9s 8d; flood drainage, £32 365; Lrw Fund expenditure, £SO; grants exnenditure, £609 10s 6d; salaries, ££o 13s 4d; Port Molyneux reserve, £59 2s 3d; loans expenditure, £45 17s; general expenditure. £ISOO 16s; total, £2788 10s 2d. Rates for 1922-23 uncollectable to be written off: General rates, £l4B 17s Id; Hospital and Charitable Aid rates, £4l 2s Id; Pomahaka Special, £2 4s 1W; Richardson expenses, £2 7s Bd, Katea, £3; total, £194 I2s. ' , , , . The finance report was read and adopted. —Cr M'Kenzie congratulated the county clerk (Mr D. Watt) on carrying out the work of collecting the rates so satisfactorily. He hoped those w!)0 had as yet failed to meet these obligations would do, so as soon as possible.—On Cr M'Kenzie s motion it was decided to write off rates outstanding between 1922-23 amounting to £194 12s. CORRESPONDENCE. Wm, Roy. secretary South Otago Hospital Board, wrote asking if the council would allow the board the use of the Council Chambers or on© of the rooms fortnightly ou sale days for the convenience of. those who might wish to pay their hospital expenses. —It was decided on the motion of Cr Jack to grant the request. J R. Marks, District Engineer, wrote agreeing to council’s request that the balance of authority for the Koi to Maitland road should be transferred to the road passing through section 5, block V, Glenkemch survev district. —Received. . J. R. Marks. District Engineer wrote acknowledging receipt of council s letter ot the Bth iust., asking that the grant P r ° vided on the appropriations for the Burkes Ford-Tuapeka Mouth i road should be ’diverted to Paisley’s road, and advising that after cartful < onsideration council s representations had been acceded to.—Received The District Engineer wrote acknowledging council’s letter of the 6th hist., conveying the information that it was not council’s intention to commence work on the Koi to Kelso road before September next. The writer was instructed from Wellington to point out that council had held an authority for £SOO (£ for £) since April, 1923; also whether council considered that this road was unimportant, or whether its decision to delay expenditure until September was due to the fact that councils staff was fully employed with works of greater urgency. —Cr M'Kenzie said the reason the work had not been prosecuted was because the department wanted the metal put on 16 yards to the chain, whereas 12 yards to the chain would be quite sufficient. He moved that the department be asked to reduce the quantity to 12 yards to the chain, and informed that the work in any case could not be gone on with till the spring. He would be wasting £IOOO to put so much metal on a road that led practicaly to nowhere. It was not a through road. —Cr Mosley said Cr M'Kenzie’s suggestion was in the direction of economy, and as a council they should back up the cry for economy in every direction possible. —Cr MKenzie said Bft x 6ft would be quite sufficient, but Oft x 6ft wteuld do. This was an unimportant road, ■ and the of £ for £ had been got “out of seqson fiom the Minister direct.—Cr Gumming moved that the department be informed that the work .was being delayed till the spring owing to the difficulties of in winter. —Seconded by Cr M Kenzie and carried. , , , , . , J R. Marks forwarded statement showing the number of motor vehicles registered in the No. 17 Highways District up to February 28, 1926. There were 5093 motor cars, 679 one-ton trucks, 143 twoton, 32 three-ton, 71 buses, 51 traction engines, 7 tractors, 12 fire engines, 1625 cycles.—Received. J. R. Marks wrote with reference to council’s request to the Main Higlvtvays Board for the declaration of the Bal-clutha-Papatowai road as a main highway. The writer stated that the application would be considered at the next meeting of the District Highways Council, to be held early next month. —Received. J. R. Marks wrote stating that having declared the road from Willowbank to Edievale, via Tapanui, a main highway, the board regretted it could not accede to the council’s request and have the road from Waikaka to Kelso also declared a main highway.—Received. W. G. Hutton, assistant chief engineer. Southland Electric Power Board, wrote detailing reasons for thg delay of the supply of current to Waipahi, and stating that it was still hoped that current would be available before the winter was far advanced—Cr Gumming said his principal objection was that certain districts in Southland had been receiving light and power for six and eight months, and yet his district was being rated just the same, although receiving no benefit.— Received. , , .. W. G. Hutton wrote in regard to the pole at the corner of section 40, block HI, Glenkenich. The writer stated that the work could not be carried out with less than four men with the necessary equipment, and the work would be done on the first occasion a party was available. —Received. J. Prenderille, Crown Solicitor, wrote stating that he could find no district power under which a county council or road board might authorise the erection of petrol pumps on a road. —Received. Fergus Ferguson, Kelso, wrote advising council that the bridge across the Waikoikoi Stream at MTntyre’s was in an unsafe condition. —Alex. M Intyre (Kelso) stated that he had inspected the bridge at his place, together with Cr M'Kenzie and council’s engineer, and found that only a 30ft bridge would save the road from flooding.—Cr M'Kenzie moved that a Government grant be asked for the work. —Agreed to. Percy Shaw (Ratanui) wrote requesting council to send along the surfaceman to clean out water-tables and culverts opposite his property—Cr Maginness said the surfaceman had been instructed to attend to the work. Margaret M'Callum (Waipahi) wrote complaining about the road at Wiapahi, and referring to the rotten state of the bridge that had replaced the old ford over the Waipahi stream'.—Cr Gumming moved that the surfacemen attend to grievances, .and that the engineer report on the ford.— Carried. , Searle Brothers (Owaka) wrote drawing attention to the dangerous condition of the tramway crossing just on the Owaka side of Hoiiipapa station.—Cr Lawson moved that- the engineer attend to the matter.— Agreed to. C. P. Anderson (Chaslands) drew at ten Hon to the dangerous state of the Waipati bridge.—Cr Lawson moved that the enginee/’nttend to temporary repairs,, and that Southland County Council be again asked to assist,—Agreed to. T, W. Barnard (Kahuika) wrote stating that owing to a traction engine hauling logs out of the river the road was now in a very bad state.—Left to the engineer to attend to. ... D. Oldham (Owaka) wrote drawing attention to the communication of council on November 10 last in respect of writer’s petition, together with signatures of 17 others complaining of the allegedly abominable state of that piece of road between writer’s gate and the Hina Hina bridge. Scrub was now growing across the road. The writer stated that he was willing to cut the scrub for Ss 6d per chain.—Referred to engineer to attend to. Aslin and Brown, solicitors, Dunedin, wrote asking for renewal tramway rights, which were granted in 1921 and expired on Mav 30 next. The writers were instructed to" apply for the renewal of rights for another five years.—Cr Lawson said Latta Brothers were using a good part of the route now.—The Clerk: It will have to come up at next meeting to allow of SO days from the date of advertising.— Adjourned accordingly. ?earle Brothers (Owaka) applied for permission to erect petrol bowser at their

garage in main street. Owaka. —Cr Magmness moved that request be granted during the pleasure of the council at a fee of £2 10s, and subject to the engineer’s approval..—Agreed to. _ Thomas Stanley applied for permission to erect telephone wire along the road from Woolan’s residence to his residence on Clifton Settlement. —Granted. T. Bryant, secretary Tahatika branch of New Zealand Farmers’ Union, wrote objecting to Mr M’Gaw’s property at Purekireki being transferred to another riding as proposed.—The Chairman said he and Cr .Tack had made an inspection, and he believed an amicable arrangement had been arrived at, based on an exchange of properties.—Cr Maginness said it had been agreed to transfer three ratepayers of Catlins riding to Clinton riding, and M’Gaw’s property in Clinton would be transferred to Catlins.—The matter was left in abeyance until ratepayers’ consent was obtained. Arthur T Ward (for Ward Brothers) wrote complaining of rates charged on Section 13, Block IV, Glenomaru survey district.—Agreed that 11 months’ rates bo written olf. H D. Atkinson forwarded text of letter received from the North Island Motor Union re the danger of leaving empty petrol tins on the road. —Cr Mosley spoke of narrow escapes from accident that had come under his notice, and it was decided to support the North Island Union in an effort to abate the nuisance. The Valuation Department, Wellington, wrote stating that the chairman of the Main Highways Board had brought under notice the desire of the council to have the country revalued during the coming year, and that the matter would receive careful consideration when the programme of next year was being decided upon. Cullen Brothers, Purekireki wrote stating that the road from Purekireki to their property was in a very bad state. —Cr Harris moved that his and Cr Thomsonjs ridings contribute £2O each, and that the work be carried out to the satisfaction of the engineer. Mr Cullen was going to contribute £lo.—Seconded by Cr Thomson and carried. Leonard Bros. (Balclutha) wrote objecting to the classification of the main road in Clutha under the Main Highways Act as third-class. It was not reasonable to bring the weight down to six tons. The weight of their lorrv designed to oart lime, etc., for farmers was 4 tons Dcwt empty, which allowed only for a load of 1 ton llcvvt which would be of no use in the' cartage of lime or farm produce They could say a good deal on the subject, but refrained. —Cr Jack said in Bruce they were loading an to five tons plus the lorry.—The Chairman said these lorries were too heavy.—Cr .Tack said the position was awkward, as in Bruce they could load up to five tons, but under the council’s new classification of roads in Clutha- the maximum allowed would he six tons including weight of lorry.—Received. CAIRN RUN SUBDIVISION. Cr Harris referred to the subdivision of the Cairn run, Clinton, and said no roads had been provided. The River Board, he thought, would have to “foot the bill.”—Cr Mosley said the runs were cut up without the consent of the board, and were not from Wellington at rents that were far too low. The River Board could not shoulder the responsibility for reading this run. He’ had been told hy shrewd men that they would have given twice the rent.—Cr Maginness: The rents mav have been out low to allow of the settlers making the roads themselves.—Cr Harris: They could not possibly do that. —The subject was then allowed to drop. ROSEBANK STREET LIGHTING. Cr Jack and the engineer were deputed to inquire into the proposed electric lighting of Rosebank, and to define an area for special rating. PURCHASE OF ROADMAKING PLANT. It was decided to recommend to the Highways Bpard the purchase for the Clutha County of the M’Laren steam road roller with scarifier attached at £997. now bcimr exhibited at the Exhibition. Crs Maginness and Jack and the engineer were deputed to negotiate for the purchase of a metal crusher. Reports had been received regarding three different makes of crusher, and it was left to the subcommittee to decide. GENERAL. Mr Richard Campbell, of Finegand, waited upon the council with a request that council refrain from taking a portion of land under the Public Works Act for the purpose of widening the road to the freezing works. Ho stated that there was plenty of room to widen the road on the river bank side, and that it could be done at less expense.—Cr Thomson said the fleputationist had spoiled his whole argument when he said that he did not want to part with the land. The engineer had interviewed him 15 times, and they had tried everything possible before deciding to do anything under the Act. This small piece of land was urgently required for the purposes of the road, and it would not affect Mr Campbell’s farm at all. —Ultimately it was agreed that the chairman and Cr Jack inspect the ground before proceeding further.A deputation consisting of Mesdames Stewart and Landels (of the Balclutha branch of the Phmket Society), who were accompanied by Mr White (Mayor), waited on the council to ask for a donation of £25. the same ns last year. After considerable discussion it was decided to grant £25, £2O to go to the Balclutha Society and £5 from the ridings of Waipabi and Glencnich to the Gore branch of the society. GATES ON ROADLINES. Mr Gns Naumann, of Puketiro, waited on the council to object to two gates that had been placed on the Beresford Creek road. He alleged that these gates inconvenienced the public to the advantage of private persons who were thus enabled to use the roads for grazing purposes.—After considerable and slightly acrimonious discussion it was decided to hold over consideration in the meantime. The Chairman reported that along with Cr Harris he had attended the conference at Dunedin convened by the Otago Expansion League, and detailed the various resolutions carried at the conference (as already published). Incidentally the speaker spoke of the fair attitude taken up by the Otago Motor Club in regard to the improvement of the main roads.—Cr Lawson said the present tax on motor cars was unfair, and a much better system would be to tax petrol.—Cr Gumming moved that the delegates be thanked for their services.— Seconded by Cr Mosley, and carried. Cr Thomson moved that the ‘punt-man at Paretai be granted a week’s holiday on full pay.—Agreed to. It was decided that the clerk be authorised to write and congratulate the Exhibition authorities, on their excellent display. Mr D. Watt (county clerk) was appointed returning officer for the forthcoming county elections.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19762, 13 April 1926, Page 6

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19762, 13 April 1926, Page 6

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19762, 13 April 1926, Page 6