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PHASES OF THE MOON. Juny. Pull Moon 6th 4.24 p.m. Last Quarter ISth 9.4 a.m. Now Moon .. .. ~ ~ 21st 9.10 a.m, Finst Quarter 29th 7A3 ana. THE SUN, Rises to-day at 7.53 a.m.; seta at 4.33 pun. THE WEATHER. July 9.—Cloudy and fine. Light southwest wind. ■ 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 30.08 30.08 30.06 .. .. Mm., 51; max., 37 WKATHEB EHPOETS. (Pub United Peers Association.) WELLINGTON, July 9. TS» following are the official weather reports at 4 p.m.:— Station. Wind. Bar. Then Cape Maria, H, fresh, cloudy _ ._ 29. 63 58 Bussell, E-, light, rain 29.68 54 Auckland, S.E., breeze, fair 29.71 69 Taoranga, calm, fine 39.67 58 Fust Capo, S.W., trash, showery ... 29.64 60 Gisborne, 8., fresh. Showery ... ... 29.76 64 Napier, S.W., light, fair 29.89 46 Castiepoint, S-, light, cloudy Wcllinstoa, S.E., breeze, showery ... 29.91 48 New Plymouth, S.K., fresh, fair ... 29.83 49 Cape Egiaont, S.E., fresh, Bno ... 29.84 49 Wanganui, S.E., light, fair 29.83 50 Farewell Spit, 8.E., light, fine ... 29.{<8 45 Cape Foulwmd, N. 8., light, fine ... 29.80 63 Greymooth, E., light, fin® 29.78 46 Stephen Island, Si. froeh, cloudy ... 29.89 4 6 Cape Campbell, R. 8., fresh, hazy ... 29.90 43 Kaltooara, W.,. light, floe ... '. 39.91 44 Akaroo Light., S.W., light, overcast... 29.90 43 Nuggets, S., light, cloudy Bluff, N-W-, brecao, cloudy ... ... 20.96 43 WEATHER FORECAST. Following i« the official weather forecast:— Pfroseat indications are for moderate to strong south-easterly to south-westerly wiutls and cold, changeable weather generally,‘with passing showers, specially in the northern and East Coast districts of tho North Island. The barometer is rising everywhere and an. improvement is likoly to take place soon. HIGH WATEB. ■July 10— a-m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 6.5 6.33 At Port Chalmers 6.45 7.13 At Dunedin 7.15 7.43 ARRIVALS. Thursday, July 9. Kawatiri, s.a. (9 a.m.), 3127 tons, Ritchie, from Newcastle, via Bluff. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. Katoa, s.e. (12.50 p.m.), 2484 tons, RossClarke, from Auckland, via port®. Union Steam Ship Company, agent. DEPARTURES. Thursday, July 9. Ngakuta, s.a, (8,35 p.m.), 1775 tons, Reed, for Greymouth. Gale, ss. (11.10 p-m.), 567 tens, Rodger, tax Wanganui, via ports. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal and lirraacoLONiAL. KaVnTra., Hobart direct, to-day. Storm, Wanganui, via ports, July 12. Corinna, Wellington direct, July 12. Oreti, Invercargill, Port Craig, July 12. Holmdalo, Wanganui, Wellington, July 13. Kamo, Napier, Gisborne, July 14. Wanaka, Auckland, via ports. July 14. Matatua, Wellington, Lyttelton, July 15. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, July 15. Ripa, Wanganui, via ports, July 15. Calm, Wanganui, via ports, July 17. Kakapo, Westport, Oamaru, July 17. Progress, Wellington, July IS. Doonholm, Wellington, Lyttelton, July 19. Gale, Wanganui, via ports, July 19. Phyaa, Auckland, Lyttelton Ju'y 19. Kaiapoi, Walpole Island, Bluff, July 20. Wingatui, Auckland, via ports, July 21. Kaitangata, Hobart, via ports, July 22. Kotare, Invercargill, Port Craig, July 22. Opihi, Westport direct, July 23. Kaituna, Adelaide direct, July 23. Canadian Challenger, Timaru, July 24. Waikouaiti, Sydney, via Bluff. July 27. Katoa, Auckland, via Darts. July 99. Waipori, Sydney, Lyttelton, July 30. Rimutaka, Wellington, Lyttelton, July 31. Karatu, Melbourne, via ports, August 1. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal and Intebcolonial. Opihi, Westport, via ports, to-day. Katoa, Auckland via ports, July 11. Kahika, Lyttelton, Wellington, July 13. Storm, Wanganui, via ports, July 13. Corinna, New Plymouth, via ports, July 13. Holmdalo, Wanganui, via porta, July 13. Kawatiri, Oamaru, Timaru, July 14. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, July 17. Paparoa, Sydney direct, July 14. Oreti, Invercargill, Port Craig, July 14. Kamo, Napier, Gisborne, via ports, July 14. lonic, Timaru, Lyttelton, July 15. Ripa,’ Wanganui, via porta, July IS. Ruapehu, Timaru, Lyttelton, July 16. Karetu, Bluff, Melbourne, July IS. Calm, Wanganui, via porta, July 17, Oomerio, Fremantle, July 17. Wanaka, Auckland via ports, July 18. Matatua, Oamani, Lyttelton, July 18 Gale, Wanganui, via ports, July 20. Progress, Port Waikato via ports, July 20. Doonholm, Melbourne, Sydney, July 21. Wingatui, Auckland, via ports, July 22. Physa, Bluff, Sydney, July 22. Canadian Challenger, Wellington, July 25. Kaituna, • Lyttelton, Wellington, July 25. Waikouaiti, Lyttelton, Timaru, July 29. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, July 9.—Arrived: Nucula (3 pjn.), from Los Angelos; Gurna (5 p.m.), from New York. Sailed; Hertford (7.40 a.m.), for Glasgow. WELLINGTU.n, July 9.—Arrived: Mararoa (7AO a-m.), Rapa (12A0 pan.), Koromiko (3.30 pan,), and Wootton (9.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Tees Q.0..20 P-m-), from Greymjcmth. Sailed: Ripa (6.30 p.m.), for Wanganui; Mararoa (7.60 pjn.), for Lyttelton; Awarua (HJO pan,), for Chatham Islands. LYTTELTON, Jnly 9. —Arrived; Holmdalo (6.80 a.m.), from Timara; Maori (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Calm (8.20 a-m.), from Timaru, Sailed; Holmdalo, Calm, and Maori, for Wellington. SUVA, July 9. —Arrived: Tofua, from Tonga and Samoa. POET STEPHENS, July S.-Arrived; Kairanga, from New Zealand, The Ngaknta, after discharging a cargo of coal and loading a quantity of general cargo and cement, sailed last night for Greymouth, The Kawatiri arrived here yesterday morning from Newcastle, via Bluff. She has a part cargo of coal for discharge, but as no labour was available, tho vessel remained idle yesterday. She ia expected to sail early nest week for Oamaru and Timaru to complete discharge. The Opihi, which is being delayed hero owing to a dispute in connection with the men engaged in clearing ooal from her bilges is expected to sail to-day for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Westport, via porta. The Gale sailed last night for Timaru and Lyttelton to complete loading for Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui. The Katoa arrived at Dunedin at 1 p.m. .yesterday from Auckland, via Wellington and Lyttelton, and was berthed at tho cross wharf to discharge about 1000 tons of general caigo and load assorted freight for Wellington and Auckland. She is to sail to-morrow for Oamaru, Timaru, and Lyttelton to complete loading. The Storm ia due here on, Sunday from Wellington direct, and is listed to sail on Monday for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Corinna, which was detained at New Plymouth on Wednesday night owing to strong winds, was exported to sail at noon yesterday for Wellington and Dunedin. She is duo here on Sunday and will load general cargo on Monday for Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Tho Breeze is due at Dunedin on Wednesday next from Lyttelton. After discharge she will dock at Port Chalmers for cleaning and painting. The vessel will load here about July 17 for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui. Tho Ripa has been fixed to load at Dunedin about Wednesday next for Timara, Lyttelton, Wellington and Wanganui. The Union liner Moerakl ia timed to leave Sydney at noon today for Wellington with passengers mails and cargo. She is duo at the northern port on Tuesday momlire Huddart-Parkeir liner Ulimaroa is timed to leave Auckland at 11 a.m. to-day for Sydney whore she ia duo on Tuesday. The Kaituna is to leave Melbourne at the end of the week for Adelaide to complete loading for Dunedin, lyyttolton, Wellington, New Plymouth, and Auckland. En route from Continental porta, the NorwegianrAustralian Line steamer Tngela haa been reported as clearing Durban on June 27 for New Zealand ports. Tho vessel has cargo for discharge at New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton, Napier, and Auckland, and ia expected at New Plymouth on July 23. _ THE CANADIAN CHALLENGER, Advice received by Messra H. L. Tnpley and Co. states that tho Canadian Challenger will arrive at Auckland this morning from Montreal, via Panama. Her cargo is for discharge at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, and Dunedin. The vessel will also load in New Zealand for New York, Boston, and Montreal, She Is due here about July 34, and will sail about July 26 for Wellington and Auckland to complete loading. WIRELESS FROM KIMUTAKA, A wireless message received by the Union Company from the captain of the Rimutaka states that the vessel will arrive at Auckland on tho morning of July 16 from Liverpool. Tho Rimutaka Jo bringing general cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, telfcon, and Dunedin, Shs>. should aniva besot about Jalf .31* i

MATATUA FROM LIVERPOOL. Tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion liner Matatua, which arrived at Wellington on Tuesday morning from Auckland to land a further portion of her Liverpool cargo, io expected to sail to-day for Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete discharge. She is due here about July 15 DORSET EN ROUTE FROM LIVERPOOL. The Federal Line steamer Dorset is reported to have cleared Panama on July 2, en route from Liverpool to Auckland. Tho vessel ia bringing third class passengers for New Zealand and cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth. She is duo at Auckland about July 27. WAIMANA PROM LONDON. The Shaw. Savill, and Albion Line steamer Waimana is due at Auckland about July 14 from London. Tho vessel will also discharge at Napier, Dunedin, and Bluff. PORT CAMPBELL HOMEWARD BOUND. The C. and D. Line has been advised that the Port Campbell passed through Panama Canal on July 3. en route from Wellington to London. The vessel sailed from Welling ton on Juno 11. ATHENIC AT SOUTHAMPTON. Cable advice has been received by the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company that the Athenic, which left Wellington on May 29, arrived at Southampton last Monday morning. AEAWA LEAVES BALBOA. The Shaw, Savill Company has received advice that the Arawa, en route from London and Southampton, left Balboa last Sunday evening for Auckland. The vessel is due at Auckland on July 26. NOTICES TO MARINERS. The master of the Poolta, which arrived at Napier on July 4 from Clarence River and Newcastle, reported to the Marino Department that he sighted a large log on July 1 in latitude 40deg. .02min south, and longitude ITldeg. 58min. east. The Tokomaru Bay Harbour Board has notified the Marine Department that the black buoy marking the position of tho Hikutu Book, Tokomaru Bay, lias broken adrift, and will not be replaced for at least a fortnight. MOTOR TANKER PERSEPHONE. The motor tanker Persephone, completed in May, is one of the largest vessels of her type recently constructed. She has been, built for the German-American Petroleum Company at Krupp’s Kiel yard, and carries 12,000 tons of oil. The length is 469 ft 6in, the beam 63ft, the depth 35ft 2in, and tho draught, when fully-laden, 22ft 9in. Two Krnpp engines of the two-cycle type are installed. Each develops 1450 b.h.p. to 1600 b,h,p. at 90 r.p.m. The loaded speed of tho new vessel ia in the neighbourhood of 11 knots. PASSENGERS BY THE REMUERA. The New Zealand Shipping Company’s liner Remnera, which is duo at Wellington on Monday next from London and Southampton, via Panama, is bringing the following passengers: —First saloon; Misses E. Davies, R. M. Weston, Meadames W. R. Davis, E. M. Weston, G. L. Berryman, C. Walls, Messrs W. R. and K. 0. Davis. Second ealoon: Misses M. L. and M. B. Pasley, B. Goodman, M. E. Henderson. E. Sanders, C. M. Willis, F. W. Todd, M. Sydenham, E. Poling,'- S. Quealy, I. K. Macdonald, H. M. Boyd, L. E. Dibb, A. B. Lewin, Mosel amco S. Foster, A. Adams, K. M. Nicholas, H. B. Otis, L. E. Gaietord, A. D. Wilson, A. MacFarlane and two children, C. S. J. Berkeley, A. F, Lewin, Mjissrs S. Foster, W. Sydenham, S. B. Browne, T. M. Dufffn, R. P. Roche, R. J. Hastings. A. N. Bonn, C. S. J. Berkeley; 220 third-class. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels were expected to be within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations last night;— Auckland.—Canadian Challenger, Aorangi, H.M.S. Laburnum, H.M.S. Veronica, H.M.b. Dunedin, Hinemoa, Tofua, Kia Ora, Sonoma, Flora, Tungsha, Kaimanawa, Omana, Kaitangata, Kauri, Gurna, Ryoka Mam, Montreal Maru, Makambo, Kurow, Kaiapoi, Waitemata, Karori, Port Auckland, Waimana, Kimutaka, Hertford, Hermes. Wellington.—Maori, Maraioa, Ngaio, Arahura, Remuera, Tahiti, Wanaka, Wingatui, Waimarino, Koromiko, Waiwera, Koelung, Fort Melbourne. . A warn a,—Sierra Morona, Tutanokai, Pa- # koha. Chatham Islands.—Rimutaka, Middlcham Castle, Min. CARDIFF PILOTAGE CHARGES. A resolution to reduce pilotage charges from 75 per cent, above the pre-war level to 50 per cent, above the pre-war charges has been adopted by the Cardiff Pilotage Authority. An application by tho Cardiff and Bristol Channel Shipowners’ Association for a reduction in pilotage rates was considered, and a resolution adopted to reduce the rates. The secretary was instructed to take the necessary steps to got a new by-law confirmed by the Board o r Trade. Various interested parties will be given an opportunity of raising any objections, and it is probable that a Board o f Trade inquiry inio the question will bo necessary. The present rates came into operation at the end of 1921. PASSENGERS FROM AUSTRALIA. Tho Union liner Maungunui, which arrived at Wellington early on Tuesday morning from Sydney, brought tho following pasnengers for New Zealand: —Saloon, Mr C, I Ibiaton, Rev. and Miss Allan, Mr and Mrs Jl, Anderson, Mr J. Archer, Mr and Mrs J. W. Ashby, Mrs J. M. Bates, Mrs A. B. Beamish, Mrs and Miss Bell, Mr and Mrs E. W. Biorre Mr A. Blackman, Mr J. M. Blake, Mr S. B. Bond Miss B. Boawarrick, Mk P. Braiihwaite, Mr R. B. Beatie, Mr P, V. Brownhill, Mr E. Cavill, Mrs H. Chisholm, Mr and Mrs C. C lab bum, Mr W. W. Clarke, Mrs E. W. Cock, Mr G. Coleman, Mr T. G. Corkill, Miss A. Cox, Mrs A. J. and Miss A. L. Cropp, Mrs L. D. Dalton, Nurse G. Davenport, Mr. Mrs, • Mias, and Master Davies, J. G. Donald, Mr W. Elvey, Mr J. Finlayson, Miss E. Flannagau, TtTiafl D. Plus, Miss E. Ford, Mr H. M. Frazer, Miss M. Frost, Mr and Miss Gellatly Mr E. A. Gethings, Mr .A. Goodwin, Mr J. W. Gosling, Mr A. M. Gray, Mr S. A. land Mr G. B. Harding, Mr J. H. Hams, Mr L. Harrison, Mr W. G. Heden, Mr R. Infltone Messrs L. and M. Johnson, Miss M. Just, Mr L. A. Knight. Mr A. Kirkpatrick, Mr G. P. Lawrence, Miss N. M. Ledsham, Mr G. Lethbridge, Mr A. R. Lomas, Miss F. Maginnity, Mr H. Mattson, Miss J. E. May, Mr and Mrs A. J t. Mitchell, Mias G. Munro, Mr A. Cormack, Mr D. M'Keo, Mr B. MKenzie, Miss MacLcan, I. M’Laren, Mr A M’Leod, Mr J. A. M'Nabb, Mr and Mrs W. J. Nicholson, Mr W. H. Nicholson, Mrs J. O'Connor, Mr and Mrs W. J. Osborne, Mrs R. Packer, Mr R. Pairman, Mr E. Perry, Mr and Mrs G. Philipe, Mrs E. Piper and infant, Mr and Mr® It. Power, Mr J. Reynish, Mr L. Righton. Mrs L. A. Robson and infant Mr T. Ross, Mrs H. S Royal, Mr and Miss Sidey, Miss E. KcJph, Mrs and Master Sharpe, Miss R. Shaw, Mr A Simms, Mr W. J. Shepard, Miss M. Singleton, Mr and Mrs C. Swiney, Mr H. Stead Mr W. Strand, Misg V. Sydenham, Mr L Thomas. Mr W. J. Tompkinson, Air and Mrs B Tripp, Mr T. Unsworth, Mr J. Vimo Mr J. Walter, Mr W. D. Warren, Airs’ and Mise Williams, Mr, Airs, and Miss Wynn-Williams, Air G. Wise, Mr F, W. Woollett, Air D. Wright, Mr and Mis 6. O Anderson, Mr, Mrs, and Alaster Arthur, Mas A. G. Baker, Miss A. Benstead, Mr and Mrs E. IV. Borlace Mrs A. Prcbblo, Mr and Airs P. Hanaan, Miss C. G. Jones, Airs B. Kearney, Mrs A. A. Kelly, Mr and Mrs H W. Kilgour. Mr A. Koiron. Air P. AI. M’Mahon, Mr J. T. Price Miss I. Pnsey, Mr Roberts, Miss F. Rowley, Mr and Mrs B Ryan, Miss C. E. Traill. Mr G, Wareham; and 77 steerage, including 22 Chinese.

GURNA AT AUCKLAND. T3w> steamer Gurna, from New York, via Panama, under charter to the A. and A. Line, arrived at Auckland yesterday. The Gurna is a British India Company's etoameof 5243 tons. She is laden with case oil and general merchandise for discharge at Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Hobart, Bornio, and Adelaide. PERSONAL ITEMS. Mr W. Graham has joined the Breeze as chief engineer, vice Mr D. S. Karr. Mr R. Sinclair has succeeded Mr N. P. Fleming as second engineer of the Katoa, and Mr F. M. M‘Leod has taken Mr A. G. Wild’s place as fourth engineer on the same ship. Mr A. S. Dokdeish, chief officer of tho R.M.S. Tahiti, left tho vessel at Wellington on Monday on a month's holiday leave, which ho intends to spend .at his home in Dunedin. Mr A. H Smith has signed off tho Arahura’a articles as third engineer, and Mr L. Urosnahau has joined the vessel as second engineer. Mr Neil M'Craig, chief engineer of tho Tahiti, haa come "to Port Chalmers, where he rejoins the Moheno as chief, a.nd Mr J. Anderson, who is now on holiday in Sydney, will resume his position as chief engineer on arrival of the Tahiti at Sydney. PASSENGERS BY THE AORANGI. Following is a list of passengers from New Zealand on hoard the R.M. motor ship Aorangi, which loft Auckland on Tuesday evening for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu:—First ealoon: Misses C. Buck, D. Fitzhorbert, C. B. Fitzhcrbert, K. Gerrard, A. Gerrard, R. Gibson, E. Gill, Handley, E. M. A. Lawrie, P. Lovett, Motion, F. M’Arthur, E. M. Napier, V. Koget, N. Silk, E. E. Tosswill, Mcsdames Allwill, Anderson, L. T. Armitage, Bee. ham. Bennett, Bethcll, Billington, Hon. Mrs Blyth, Bray, G. Campbell, A. G. Dawson, E. Do Andney, B. Giblin, Hardley, Hewitson, Kennedy and two infants, Ladin, Lawrie, Lichenslein, . W, Marks, Matthewman, Morpeth, M. W. Mous, Motion. MucEwan,, Macfarlane, B. M'Kenzic, M'Sloy, B. Paykel, Peglor, Pountney, Price, Rathbono, F. J. Eayner, Samuels, Sinclair A. J. Stephens, Tingey, A. C. Tonkin, Utz, Wallis, Wilson, M. E. Whitney, Whitney, Williamson, Messrs C. L. Alexander, C. W. Anderson, W. H. P. Anderson, A. F. Bennett, M. Berringer, R. Bothell, T. Billington, J. A. J. Blyth, A. J. Bray, J. G. Buchanan, R. Carter, E. J. Christ, E. Crisp, J. Crockett, A. U. Cunningham, W. Dalrymplo, W. E. Duncan, Drummond. R. Eagleton, C. J. Harford, E. Hewitson, W. A. Toms, D. G. Kennedy, F. D. Ladin, P. Lawrie, G. H. Lewis, L. Liohenatein, B. H. Lyon, N. Matthewman, F. Mendelsohn, A. Moore, H. Morpeth, W. C. . Motion, A. M'Arthur, J. B. M'Ewon, M. Macfariano, J. A. M'Sloy, R. Noble, H. M. Napier, C. T. Nicholson. L. R. Owcr, J. Paykel, L. J. Pogler, A. C. Peters, C. L. Peters, W. H. Pountney, T. O. Price, Rathbone, Hcndali, D. H. Rickey, A. J. Rutherford, J. Salter, H. Horn or-Samuels, A. A. Sinclair, F. A. Somerville. M. Spence, F. Stubbs, J. Tingey, G. E. Tingey, Dr C. B. Tudehope, Dr L. Utz, A. R. Wallace, W. Dawson, R. T. Warnock, B. White, W. C. Whitney, Dr Will, J. D. Williamson, L. Wilson. Second saloon; Misses A. Abbs, P. A. Asher, I. M. Baldwin, L. H. Baldwin, M. Brown, E. S, Burbridge, E. Copland. B. Ceddis, A. Grotolla, T. Johnston, A. Mace, A. Mandono, A. M'Lood, A. O’Moorc, L. Perlstcin, H. Peterson, E. Rush, F. Small, I. Thorpe, M. While. M. J. White, E. Wilson. Mesdnmcs, Abrahams, Beckstrand and infant, Boys, Cantlon, Cooper, Davoy, Davis, G. Dunn and infant, R. Leyland, M. L. Weatbury, Gambrill, Glanville, Glogoski, M. Jones, Kinley, Luiz and infant, Martin, Mills, Wilkinson, Messrs Abrahams, J. Beckstrand, F. W. Boys, P. J. Burham, T. Canthon, C. S. Clarke, H. J. Cooper. R. Envoy, P. IV. Davis, G. T. Gambrill, S. Glanville, F. O. Glogoski, Kinilau, M. Lankovsky, Livermore, F. Lniz, C. Martin, E. W. Mills, A. W. Moran, Y, Nicholls. A. O. Gasman, D. Purchas, G. M. Perry, D. H. Rickey, J. Rodoriques, M. A. Russell, R. Scxtie, J. F. Smith, E. Thomson, Rev. J. Wilkinson.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 8

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 8

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19528, 10 July 1925, Page 8