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MEETING OF D TREE TORS. The weekly meeting of the directors of tho Now Zealand and South Seas Exhibition Company was held last night, when the chairman (Mr J. Sutherland Ross) occupied the chair. 'The business consisted mainly of the hearing of a deputation from tho Otago Provincial Court and the considering of tho various committee reports. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE; Tho Executive Committee reported as follows; Only ,-omo 20JO adveiiisiug envelopes now remained in stock. Tt has boon decided Unit as they had served their purpose no further supply be oßtaiued. —It was decided not to obtain any further supply of illustrated folders, but to give preleronce to the new folder being issued. —'The Chairman repotted that Sir James Mills had contributed 20 garden seats to the Exhibition on condition that some, were handed over to tho City Corporation at the close of the Exhibition.—The report was adopted. WIRELESS AND TELEGRAPHIC COMMITTEE. Tho AVirolcss and Telegraphic Committee reported as follows; The Chairman reported that he had interviewed the various tractors who had taken up space in the. Exhibition, and that they wore communicating with their head offices regarding the form and extent of their exhibits. —-The Chairman suggested that tho concert programme inig-nt bo broadcasted in the Exhibition Tea Dooms and other parts of the buildings before the concert started, and if practicable the opening item of the programme. —'The Chairman reported that the Radio Association were prepared to lend their portable radio set to the Exhibition authorities for any special occasion that might arise.—Resolved that the offer bo accepted. It was resolved that arrangements be made to secure models showing the development, of wireless apparatus since its inception in the dominion. A feature is to be nuulo of the amateur sot used by Mr Slade in his first radio communications with British stations.—Tt was resolved to urge tlie Telegraph Department to hasten tho completion of its proposals for the licensing of Broadcasters, Ltd. (or other alternative proposals), to ensure stabilised working conditions being established in Dunedin before the opening of tho Exhibition.—*Mr Todd said that he thought they would have a veiy fine wireless installation as the matter was being gone into thoroughly. —The report was adopted. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. The Publicity Committee reported that a memorandum was road from the secretary detailing recommendation passed by the Housing Executive Committee regarding featuring (ho accommodation question as soon as the publicity campa*rn commenced.—Resolved that the Housing Committee bo notified that tho accommodation question is being featured. —A cable from Mr Blow, Executive Commissioner, ftpdnoy, asking for a supply of Exhibition booklets. —It was resolved that, the directors lie rcoonunended to have a further edition of the illustrated folder published, and I hat it be revised in respect of the information given on the last two pages, and that photographs of the Exhibition brought up to date bo included.—Mr Stanley reported that Messrs Hugh and G.K. Neill were arranging to send -photographs of the Exhibition to weekly illustrated papers all over thd world. —-Approved. I "he report was adopted. DECORATIONS COMMITTEE. The Decorations reported as follows;—Mr Ansoombo was instructed as to the nature of the scheme proposed to be adopted for the exterior electric lighting of tho grounds and buildings, and was asked to prepare a plan with a view of tenders being called for the work. It. was pointed out to the architect that the matter was extremely urgent. It was resolved that a trial of flood lighting (at present in use at the Caledonian Grounds) be made at Logan Park.—Tlie report was adopted, MUSIC COMMITTEE. The Music Committee reported as follows: —The chairman, on behalf of the committee, welcomed Mr Scott Colville on his return to active duties after his illness. Resolved that in accordance with clause 4 of the foregoing report, .Messrs D. Phillips, B. O. Reynolds, and J. Hamer be appointed a small executive committee with power to net, and to meet the executive of the board of directors for settlement of urgent matters. Tho chairman ic.ported that Air Slapoffski would leave Australia for New Zealand aV'ont Juno 13. —'Pho report whs adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE. The Works .Committee reported that, it was referred to the president and tho chairman to interview the manager of tho City Corporation tramways regarding the location of the tramway loop at Logan Park. It was resolved that the Tiles Committer* be empowered to purchase a crusher, if same could nni. he obtained on hire. —The report was adopted. WOMEN'S SECTION. The Secretary of the Women s Section reported that the Committee on Lecturet.tes and Demonstrations would endeavour to give tho women attending the Exhibition an opportunity to meet and hear noted women visitors. A large number of interesting and popular subjects of interest to women had been suggested, and an attractive programme was being drawn up. The voluntary workers on tho Housing Committee continue to visit, the private homes registered at the official accommodation bureau and were establishing a splendid spirit- of friendly co-operation with die hostesses. This committee desired to compile a register of homes which would accommodate girls and women only. Tho conveners of the various committees reported on (heir- special activities. It was decided that the Committee on Permanent Exhibits be given permission to begin to order glass cases to (lie extent, of £SO. Tho advertising of the section was sanctioned, one insertion to appear in the leading papers of the dominion. An exhibit of literature and hooks bv New Zealand women authors was suggested for the section and favourably received. The Finance Committee gave a" satisfactory report and a donation of £146 Is fid from the Dominion V.AV.C.A. towards the women’s section was received with thanks. Air A. \A. deacons was appointed honorary treasurer to tho section. Tho financial campaign is being continued. The schedule of the special exhibits section was presented and approved, and was referred to the general manager for the approval of the directors before being placed in the hands of the printers.—The report, was adopted. OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND COURT.


A deputation consisting of Messrs S. I*. Macdonald and AA’. lb Steel (representing I lie Otago Provincial Court) and Mr .1. K. AVinsloe (representing the Southland Court) waited on the Hxhibition Directors last night in order to come to an understanding on certain points and to arrange, if possible, for a reduction in the cost of the space that the court bad taken up. Air Macdonald opened the subject by remarking that the directors would be glad to know that the Otago Court was golfing along swimmingly, and it. was probably more advanced than any other court. However, there wore several points they would like to have cleared up before proceeding any furl her. They had, on certain conditions, decided to accep' the amalgamation of buildings d and if, and as far as the Otago Court was concerned it was all a matter of £ s. d. They had set themselves out to find fiiOOO, but the sum would lie nearer HibOO. At the present moment the promised funds were in excess of iMUOO. The Otago Court, Mr Macdonald continued, would have to be -i threesided construction, which would cost considerably more than a one-sided one. He might mention by (he way that the Institute of Architects bad agreed to provide plans for the court free of cost. The speaker said that he understood that, the price of that area would be in the vicinity of fthOO, hut they could not afford more than £IOOO. Mr 1 lalsfed: Tut, tut, poor old Inhibition. Continuing. Mr Macdonald ossified that the Otago Provincial Court would take some beating all the same, and vli 1 ’ standard raised by this court would have to he adopted by others. Mr Steel said that a refrigerating apace of ISOO cubic feet had been arranged for displays of bacon, butter, cheese, and salmon, etc. He submitted charts giving sorin' idea of I lie appearance the, court would have on its completion. Mr Todd; The ilepulaLion is really asking ns to share the cost of the two extra walls for (heir exhibit. Mr Macdonald: Yes, and to make such reduction on the rental as is possible. .Mr AVinsloe said that Cm: Southland Court was ready lo start work on Monday, and Leafaxivc arraascmaniii tuui been uuuki

with the contractors. They did not want to cause any congestion, and to avoid this they were desirous of starting ns soon as possible. The Chairman congratulated the Otago representatives on the statement regarding the progress of the Otago Court, and remarked that it was particularly pleasing to see Otago and Southland standing together. Ho was also very glad of the way in which the Otago Court had met the' directors regarding the alterations iu the spacing, and they would consider the request for a cut rate, though it might involve the directors with other courts. The deputation then withdrew Later in the evening it was decided, on the motion of Mr W. R. Hayward, that the rental of the space for Otago Court he £IBOO, hut that, the sum of £BOO be contributed towards the extra cost entailed in changing the spacing. DISPLAY OF DAIRY PRODUCE. MEETING OF FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES. A meeting of representatives of dairy factories interested ';n making a suitable display of dairy produce at the New Zealand and Soudi Seas Exhibition was held in the Art Galloiy Hall at 9 a.m. yesterday. There was a fair attendance, and the meeting was also attended by several representatives of Southland factories. The choir was occupied by Mr S. Bowman. Mr Bowman explained that at a meeting of representative.-, on May 28 a committee t c-m-i.-l ing of Mp sc ts M‘Lean, Templeton, T'ra=or, Lamb, and himself had been appointed to net m conjunction with the .Expansion League in connection with the Otago Court at the Exhibition. The committee had decided io take 3CO square feet of space, with a 30ft frontage. Various designs of exhibits had been considered, and he thought (his matter might be left in iho hands of the committee. Another matter discussed was the question of each factory having an exhibit for the whole period of the Exhibition. The P ro P csal had been to arrange the factories in groups, such as Mosgiol, Momona, and Henley in tho Taiori district, Waikonaiti, Merton, and Omirni in (ho north, and so on. The idea was that each gioup should send in a suitable exhibit and that at the end of a fortnight or three weeks that display would bo repalced by a fresh one. The committee thought that by this means it could arrange for a. better display with a smaller quantity of cheese and at the same time make the display more attractive than it would be if cacii factory sent in three or four crates. i-o far as the factories were concerned there would be really no cost in connection witli the erection of tiny exhibit, as tho expense was practically being provided for by tho Expansion League. At tho same time the committee thought that the factories should make a donation to the court. The committee would go more fully into the matter later on, and it, hoped to be able to hand over a donation to the the executive of the Otago Provincial Court. A frtwzor would bo available, so there need be no fear as to the quality of the exhibit. Miss Tisdali, of Middleman*, was quite prepared to come to Dunedin and make any fancy butter design that was required u the necessary material wore required. Mr W. B. Stool (secretary of the Expansion League) said the idea in connection with the provincial court was to show the primary products and the manufactures connected therewith to the best advantage. Mr P. M. Shortt (general manager for Messrs Chambers and Son) had offered the use of a refrigerating machine for the period of the Exhibition. So great had been the demand for court space that it was proposed to make some slight alterations in the allocations so as to enable all the courts to he housed in one continuous line. The speaker expressed the opinion that they would be able to make a very fine display in the space proposed. It had been suggested that cheese made by the (ttogo factories which won prizes at the Winter Show should be purchased and sold at tho Exhibition. Preparations tor making a ve.rv fine display were well in hend, but the committee would be pleased to got the advantage of the technical and expert knowledge possessed by Mi Bowman and others. . ~ . ~ -o In reply to a question, Mr A. C. Ross said tho ■Department of Agriculture would dr all it could to assist. The representatives of the Otago factories expressed a wish that the committee should go ahead with the arrangements. Mr Bowman said the committee would go into tho question of purchasing cheese exhibited by tho Waikonaiti and Mosgiel faoforiws ai : tho A\inL<ir Show, uud selling it. at the Exhibition. Mr S. B. Macdonald (president of the Expansion League) said he was pleased that (lie representatives of the factories were taking the matter up in such a fine spirit, qbo desire was to show overseas visitors that, if they wanted to buy good butter all they had to ask for was what was produced in New Zealand. Ho thought the factories should aim at raising from £3OO (i. £4OO between them. Mr Bowman said tho Otago Committee would be pleased to co-onorate with Southland in every way possible. A vole of thanks was accorded Messrs Macdonald and Steel for their attendance, and to Mr Bowman for presiding.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 7

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N.Z. AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 7

N.Z. AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19498, 5 June 1925, Page 7