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GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. LOCHS ON WINS THE , HURDLES. (Fnou Our Special Reporter.) CHRISTCHURCH, August 14. The second day of the Grand National meeting was hold in coid. dullish weather, and the attendance proved fairly largo for an “off” day. The track was in good order but not fast. During, tho day £56,558 10s was put through the totaliaator compared with £43,943 .on tho second day of last year’s meeting. HUNT CLUB STEEPLECHASE, Of 250sovs. About two miles and a-half. 4Mr W. R. Kemball’s b g Blue Hail, by Hallowmas—Blue Ribbon, aged, lOst 131 b (A. H. Burt) 1 5 R. R, M’Donald’s Sherlock, 11.2 (F. Johnson) 2 s—Mr5 —Mr G. Gerard’s Taralga, 10.9 (R. Thompson) 3

Also started; 1 Firobbght 12.9, 6 Kovno 12.8. 2 Oasseis 12.2, 7 Red Sol 11.5 8 Blue Streak 10.7, Blue Streak and Cassols led for the first half-mile, but Cassels foil at the entrance to the straight, Red Sol coming down at the same fence. Sherlock, Taralga, and Blue Streak wore together passing the stand, but Blue Streak was gradually dropping out, while Blue Hall was improving’ his position. Sherlock and Taralga raced together along the back, but Taralga outjumped Sherlock at the Kennels double, gaining several lengths. The two leaders were joined at the entrance to the straight by Blue Hall, who led over the last fence. In a good finish Blue Hail beat Sherlock by a bare length, Taralga being three lengths away, with Fireblight a poor fourth. Kovno fell at tho second last fence. Time. smin 22 l-ssec WOOLSTON HANDICAP. Of 2Sosovs. Six furlongs. 11—Mr E. Fox’s b m Heraldry, by Clarenceux—Lady xioiyrood, syrs, 9.0 (T. J. Humphries) ... 1 2 —Mr J. A. Taylor’s Kuhio, 10.0 (R. Reed) 2 I—Sir George Clifford’s Barn Owl, 10.5 IF. E. Jones) 3 Also started: 7 Star Ranger 10.2, 3 Knocklyn 10.2, 4 Ruby Ring 10.1, 8 Waetea 9.7, 5 Lady Gay 9.3, 12 iVtaride 9.0, 6 Weeta 9.0, 9 Boncna 9.0, 10 Angelica 9.0, 14 Espada 9.0, 10 Moisello 9.0. 13 Bonnywood 9.0, 15 Squint 9.0. rtuby Ring, Bam Owl, Kuhio, and Knocklyn were the most prominent to the course proper, where the oo'lours of Weeta and Heraldry could also be seen in the front division. Heraldry and Kuhio drew away at tho distance. Heraldry winning by tho shortest of heads. Barn Owl was over a length away third, with Lady Gay two lengths back. Time, lmi n 16 l-ssec. BEAUFORT STEEPLECHASE. Of 600sovs. About two miles and a-half. I—Mrs Cleaver’s blk g Passin’ Through, by Guinfortc—lscult, aged, 10.9 . _ _ (H. Burt) 1 s—Mr E. Joyces hr g San Forte, fay Guianforte—Lady San, 6yrs, 10.5 _ (P- M’Breartv) 2 o—bir Charles Campbell’s ch g Tigerland, by Finland—Tigris, aged, 10.6 1 (W. Scobie) 3 Also started: 2 Master Peter 10.8, 11 Palencia 10.6, 7 Silverton 10.5, 9 First Line 9.13, 4 Red Cent 9,9, 10 Zeus 9.4, 6 Mettle Drift 9.3, 8 Gang Awa’ 9.0 12 Paul Prv 9.0, 13 Polthogue 9.0. Ket J Cent drew out at the start, but at tho Kennels double ho was joined by Gang Awa’. These two opened up a gap of several lengths from Silverton, Palencia, and Polthogue. There was practically no change as they raced past the stand except that Paul Pry had joined the second division. At Cutts’s, Red Cent and Gang Awa wore well clear of Mettle Drift with Passin’ Through next, followed by Polthogue and First Lino. At the post and rails Red Cent had dropped out, and Ganv Awa wont on by himself, with through at the head of the others. Gang Awa had a lead of four lengths at the double, but at the sod wall Mettle Drift and Passm Through joined him. Ran Forte an i handy. Mettle Drift and Palencia foil at the top of the straight! and at tho Last fence Passin’ Through was showing the way to Gang Awa’. Pan] Prv 1 igerland, .and San Forte. In a grea finish Passm’ Through won by a pond length from San Forte, with Tigerland '.way, Closefy followed bv Pant X Sec GaUg Awa ’ Time - 11

sototek handicap Of 250sovs, One mile, 1_M Iw M H - C^ Hnso "’ 3 b Tussore, by Nassau—Brocade, aged, 30.2 8 Sir George Clifford’s Rivalry g^Q° * 7 Mr C. G. DaJgety’s Tiff' 10. n ° nCS) 2

(T. Mussen) 3 Also started: 2 King Sol 9.13, 4 Dominant 9H, 3 Prompter 9.9, 5 Mountain iss} & U:'“ ao - 9 L °" i " »

was ,* he first out, followed bv Tiff, Tussore, Mountain Signal, and Logic At (he end of two furlongs Lome had joined Rivalry in the lead, and thfv went on well clear of Mountain Signal and Tussore, with the others well back, Dominant and Tempter being last. The field closed up at the entrance of the straight, and at the distance Tussore had a slight advantage over several of the others In a desperate finish Tussore beat Rivalry by a long head. Tiff was a neck away third, with Mountain Signal a neck farther back lime, Imm 44 l-sseo.

GRAND NATIONAL HURDLE HANDICAP, Of ISOOsovs; second horse 300 so vs and third horse ISOsovs from the stake. Two miles and five furlongs. 4—Mr WJ. Austin’s hr g Loohson, by Grafton Loch—Lady Eta, aged. 31.4 9—Mr C. W. Wilson’s Santiago, 10.2! 1 „ u in n Penalty (H. M’S'vveeneyj 2 7—Mr R. Sutherland's Lo Forte, 9.0 (A. M’Miillan) 3 Also started: 1 Nukumai 118, 6 Vagabond 10.10, 12 Maunga 10.9, 2 Omahu 109 8 Boomerdav 10.9, 13 Gamecock 10 5 11 Tinokaha. 10.4. 5 Sir Rosebery 913 3 Merry Singer 9.12, 10 Penury Rdse 9 3’ Boomerday was the first to show out followed by Nukumai, Gamecock, Omahu Merry Singer, and Lochson. At the end of half a mile Tinokaha had run past the leaders, opening out a gap from Boomerday, Nukumai, and Lochson. with' Vagabond, Maunga, and Santiago in the rear Passing the stand Tinokaha was showing the wav to Nukumai, Boomerday. Lochson and Merry Singer, while Vagabond’ Penury Rose, and Santiago were last" Passing Cutts’s the order of the leaders was unchanged, but Maunga had moved up alongside Omahu. At the mile post Tinohaka was a length in front of Nukurnai and Boomerdav. who wore just in front of Lochson. Then, after a gap of several lengths, came Merry Singer and Omahu. with Vagabond improving his post tion. Half a mile from home Boomerday was in charge, followed bv Lochson, Nukumai, and Vagabond, while Santiago was going un fast. Boomerday led into tho straight, but was in trouble before the last hurdle was reached. Lochson and Vagabond jumped tho last hurdle together, just in front of Santiago. In a good finish Lochson boat Santiago bv half a length. Lo Porte, finishing very fast, was two lengths away, a length in front of Maunga. Then came Omahu. Boomerday, Vagabond, Sir Roseberry, and Merry Singer. Time, 4min 56 l-ssec. AUGUST HANDICAP, Of 400.SOVS. Six furlongs £—Mr G. L. Rutherford’s hr g Moorland, by Finland —D’Oro, syrs. 9,0 (R. Reed) 1 I—Mr1 —Mr A. W. Budge’s Yoma, 9.13 (H. Gray) 2 6—-Mr J. P. Murphy’s Mountain Lion (Humphries) 3

Also started; 2 Boadioea 10.8, 10 Rose of Athens 9.9, 11 Avispado 9.6. 4 Kenmore 9.6. 9 Wharfedale 9.6, 3 Lns Ambus 9,4. 7 Clareina 9.2, 8 Happy Warrior 9.0, 13 Prosperity 9.0, 12 Gianfekiller 9.0. When the field settled down the colours; of Moorland, Los Ambus, Mountain Lion, and Yoma - could bo seen prominently. Moorland led on to the Bourse proper, well clear of Los Ambus and Yoma. From this out Moorland easily hold his place, and won by two lengths from Yoma. who beat Mountain Linn by a similar distance Rose of Athens was a length further hack, just in front of a bunch which was headed by Giantkiller and Clareina. Time, Imin 15 1-5-see SPRKYDON HURDLES, Of 260sovs. One mile and three-quarters. 2 —Mr L- H. Collinson’s b f Bonibrook, by Boniform —Splash, 6yrs, 9.13 tL. G. Morris) 1 4—Mr S. R. Hammond’s Demand, 9.11 (A. M'Donald) 2 7—Mr H. T. Smith's Agnola. 9.4 (F. Johnston) 3 Also started: 5 Royal Star 11.1, 1 Adiutor 10.9, 3 Goldpieee 9.10. 6 Birkenella 9.13, 8 Radiac 0.3, 9 Cliquot 9.0. Bonibrook, Cliqnnt, and Agnola led over tho first hurdle, which nearly brought Ad-

jutor clown, but Ellis made a good recovery. Demand also made a bad jump. _ Bonibrook, Cliquot. and Agnola led Radiac and Demand along the back. Rounding the top Bonibrook' mid Agnola opened a big gap, and led Demand to the last hurdle. Bonibrook came on and won all out by five lengths from Demand, who beat Agnola by throo lengths, "with Racliao and Cliquot next. Time, 3min 20 2-sscc ISLINGTON HANDICAP. Of 400sovs. One mile and a-quarter. 4—Sir George Clifford’s cli b Winning Hit, hv Autumnus —Winning Way, 6vrs, 9.12 (F. E. Jones) 1 11—Mr Wholch’s Duo, 10.3 (Madcic) ... 2 I—Mr R. A. MTCenzio’s Sunart. 10.5 (J. Barry) 3

Also started: 2 Palestrina 10.9. 3 Arch Salute 10.3, 8 Deucalion 10.12, 6 Bonnie Winkie 9.11, 9 Prince Ferouz 9.0. 12 Gunease 9.0 14 Dame Rtraitlace 9.0, 15 Kukurno 9.0, 5 Kilfaire 9.0, 10 Lncinette 9.0, 13 Stream 9.0, 7 Wapping 9.0. . Winning Hit led out from Duo, Kilfaire, Dame Rtraitlace, Guncase, Bonnie Winkie. and Stream, whilst Prince Ferouz, Palestrina, and Wapping were lying last as they turned into the back stretch. Winning Hit led Duo. Kilfaire. and Dame Straitlace along the back. At the home turn Arch Salute Sunart, and Bonnie Winkie were closing up. In tho run home Winning Hit lasted long enough to beat Duo by a length and a-half. Sunart was half a length away third with Bonnie Winkie two lengths off fourth. Palestrina. Arch Salute, and Guncase were next. Time, 2min 10 2-sscc.

THIRD DAY’S HANDICAPS. (Peb United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, August 14. Tile following aro tho handicaps for the third day of the Canterbury Jockey (.hub’s meeting:— . Longucach High-weight Handicap, of 200 so vs. Nino furlongs.—Nukumai 13.3, Passin’ Through 12.13, Wa-pping 12.3, Radiac 11.13, Likelihood 11.9, Stream 11.9, Ruby Ring 11.9, Bullford 11.9, Dominant 11,9 ‘ Gluement 11., Goldpieco 11.6, Agnola, 11.5 Adopted 11.2, Queen Balboa 10.13, Cairnmuir 10.12, Bonena 10.12, Pomposa 10.12, Votist 10.12, Sunny Mac 10 12, Sayanora 10.12, Nautiboy 10.12, Brown Lady 10.12, Miss’Garanoe 10.12, Good f orm 10.12, Cretan 10.12.

Aylesbury Steeplechase, of 25050 vs. About two miles and a-hal£.—Charlatan 11.9, Galway 11.9, Fireblight 10.11, Kovno 10.9, Cassells 10.8, Paul Pry 10.3, Blue Hall 10.2, Sherlock 9.0, Ruddy Gold 9.0, Red Sol 9.0, Kismet 9.0, Blue Streak 9.0.^ Heathcoto Handicap, of 350sovs. Seven furlongs.—Winning Hit 10.11, Many Kittle 10.10, Duo 10.9, Soliform 10.9, Sunart 10.7, Broadwood 10.7, Wassail 10.6, Boadicea 10.5, Arch Saluto 10.2, Deucalion 10.2, Verna 10.1, The Polymnian 9.6, Rose ot Athens 9.6, Tussore 9.2, Los Ambus 9.0, Mountain Lion 9.0, Prince Ferouz 9.0, Ihapotoa 9.0, Guncase 9.0, Happy Warrior 9.0, Avispado 9.0, Wharfodale 9.0, Dame Straitlace 9.0, Kilfarc 9.0, Paddy’s Rope 9.0, Lucinetto 9.0, Giantkiller 9.0, Pro;perity 9.0, Star Ranger 9.0, Lady Gay 9.0, Moilntarn Signal 9.0, Wapping 9.0. Styx Hurdle Race Plandicap, of 2Sosova Onco round and a distance. —Santiago 12.1, Tenterfield 10.13, Royal Star 10.11, Bonibrook 10.11, Silent King 10.10, Le Forte 10.8, Adjutor 10.8, Bullford 10.5, Demand 10.0, Fort Regal 9.9, Goldpieco 9.8, Agnola 9.5, Royal Fame 9.2, Radiac 9.0, Birkenella 9.0, Grim Joke 9.0, Clicquot 9.0, iiiero 9.0, Camel Amble 9.0, Cairnmuir 9.0, Sayanora 9.0, Courcoletto 9.0, Wink-a-Pocp 9.0, Miss Garance 9.0 Sydenham Hurdle Race Handicap, of SOOsovs. Two miles.—Nukumai 11.9, General Advance 11.0, Santiago 10.11. Maunga 10.9, Boomorday 10.8, Vagabond 10.7, Omabu 10.6, Tinokaha 10.3, Gamecock 9.13, Sir Rosoberry 9.10, Tenterfield 9.9, Peter Amans 9.8, Captain Sarto 9.7. Roval Star 9.7, Silent King 9.6, Blue Socks 9.6, Le Forte 9.3, Penury Rose 9.1, Likelihood 9.0, Mandrake 9.0, Eoyai Fame 9.0, Wapping 9.0. Lincoln Steeplechase Handicap, of 700sov8. About three miles.—Oakleigh 12.1, Pamplona 11.9, Sir Rosoberry 11.4, Carawook 10.13, Sturdee' 10.10, Passin’ Through 10.10, Master Peter 10.1, San Forte 10.1, Tigerland 9.13, Palencia 9.12, Silverton 9.9, First Line 9.3, Whipcord 9.3, Dick 9.3, Red Cent 9.0, Galway 9.0, Mettle Drift 9.0, Fireblight 9.0, Luke 9.0. Paul Pry 9.0, Zeus 9.0, Gang Awa’ 9.0, Birkenella 9.0, Polthogue 9.0, Red Sol 9.0.

Redcliffs Handicap, of 350 soys. Seven furlongs.—Moorland 11.1, Tussore 11.0, Los Ambus 10.12, Sartiat 10.10, Kukume 10.8, Kuhio 10.6, Bam Owl 10.6, Enaro 10.2, Tiff 10.2, Ma Boughal 9.13, Heraldry 9 13, Knocklyn 9.12, King Sol 9.11, Incursio 9.11, Ruby Ring 9.11, Dominant 9.9, Prompter 9.8, Rivalry 9.5, Mountain Signal 9.5, Waetea 9.5, Miss Minerva 9.5, Rod CHerry 9.3, Bonatic 9.3, Warseer 9.2, Bon Skirl 9.0, Gluement 9.0, Bonomel 90. Winkle’s Best 9.0; Bonena 9.0, Logic 9.0, Sunny Mac 9.0, Jack Rilrain 9.0, Brown Lady 9.0, Angelica 9.0.

Solwyn Handicap, of 350sovs. Six furlongs.—Soliform 10.11. Songbird 10.11, Wassail 10.9. Boadicea 10.7, lied Wink 10.7, Arch Salute 10.4, Moorland 10.1, Rose of Athens 9.8, Konmoro 9.4. Mountain Lion 9.3, Wharfoclale 9.3, Will Oakland 9 3 Ihapotoa 92, Avispado 9.2, • daroina fl'o’ Happy Warrior 9.0, Giantkillor 9.0. Ku'hio 9.0, Barn Owl 9.0, Paddy’s Hope 9 0 Petunia 9.0, Star Ranger ’9.0, Prospeii’iv 9.0 Waetea 9.0, Queen Balboa 9.0. METROPOLITAN TROTS. THIRD DAY’S ACCEPTANCES. rPEB Press Association ) CHRISTCHURCH, August 14. The following are the acceptances for tho third day of tho Metropolitan Trotting Club's meeting: Midwinter Handicap, of 300sovs. One mile and five furlongs.—Major Domo, Rapid Wind. Freeman, Bnrnie, Money Spider, Greywood scratch, Grattan Chimes, Queen Ida, Mushroom 12yds, Rose Peters 24yds, Wonder Why, Marvin Drift 60yds, Pieter Timmerman 72yds, Arran Lad 84yds, Merry Bingen 9Gyds. Lightning Handicap, of 300 s ova. One mile.—Phil Smith, Coil, Downcast, Cammie, Prince Derby, John Pointer scratch; Xavier’ Ben Dillon, Lady Swithin, Nellie Scott 12yds, Landlord, Silver Shoe, Tobermory, Escort, Ben Chau 24yds, .August Dillon 36yds, Alto Chimes 48yds. National Cup Handicap, of loOfteovs Two miles.—Sherwood, Whispering Willie Scratch Tatsy Dillon, Harry Audubon, Albert Cling 12yds, Great Hope, Acron. Vilo 36vds. Great Bingen, Man-o’-War 48yds, Onyx, Realm, Snowshoo 72yds.

Federal Handicap, of SOOsovs. One mile and a-qua rtcr. —Great Epsom, Master Don, Glenelg, Succession, Ecstasy, Megula, Ivy Bells, Logan Boy, Royal Empress, Erua, Logandalo, Whetu scratch, Dalmeny 12yda, Morning Glow, My Sonny, Nelson Taskor 24yds, Oriole 36yds. Heathcote Handicap, of 500 s 0 vs. Two miles.—Hayseed scratch. Dolly Dillon, Lady Joan, Lady Swithin 24yds, Logan Lou 36yds, Hypo, Harbour Light, Grand Denver 48yds Adair, Loganwood 60yds. Addington Handicap, of SOOsovs, Two miles.—Lady Nan, Sunny Jim scratch, Speculator 12yds, Young Blake, Pieter M'Kinney, Marietta 24yds, Mangoutu 36yds, Lee Norris 48vds, First Fashion 60yds. Islington Handicap, of SOOsovs. Two miles.—-Oaknut 21yds, Countryman. Florrie Bingen, Princess Zoo 36, Lincoln Huon 48, Fashion Queen 60, Waitaki Girl 84. Farewell Handicap, of 400sov.s. One mile and a-quarter.—Ouimet scratch, Argue, Emperor, Childe Pointer, Hal Junior, Chid, Prince Pointer 12yds, Bonny Logan, Golden Devon 24yds, Loganwood, Alto Chimes 48yds, Realm, Don Wild, Acron 60yds.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19251, 15 August 1924, Page 6

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19251, 15 August 1924, Page 6

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19251, 15 August 1924, Page 6