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A GATHERING OF CHAMPIONS. (Fnon Odr Own Correspondent.) WAIMATE, December 27. Big fields, ideal weather, and a large crowd—die gate money totalled £l5O 3s, an easy record—characterised (he Waimate Caledonian Society’s Boxing Day gathering, which now that a first-class asphalt track has been_ laid down, is becoming noted as a meeting place for the best cycle track riders in the dominion. Not that the other branches of sport are neglected, for yesterday saw some of the biggest running fields at a Waimate gathering yet, while the piping, dancing, and field events wevo all well contested. Commencing at 11.30 a.m., the clay s programme went with a swing, and much credit is duo to the president (Mr S. S. Fitch) and his bard-working officials, the energetic and courteous (Mr Albert J. Hoskins), and the recording secretary (Mr J. Menzies), who also did the work of a press steward. i The Silver Bond and the Highland i?ipo Band played during the day, and the ambulance was also in attendance, though, fortunatelv, its services were not required. The following are the results; — CYCLING. Nine compel itors went on to the track for the mile cycle event under 18, there being a number of outside entrants, including W. Maekie, who has competed in road races lately. The race was devoid of much incident, the back-markers having it practically all their own way. but Bettrn, the local lad, was a close second to 'Mackio. In the one and a-half mile local, the starters included R. Yesberg. who has not raced for some time, and the local champion. T. Joyce, who. as scratch man, came nowhere. Hunt had the lead the second time round, B. Betten replacing him for third limq, and being in turn replaced for a while bv Newell. Half way round, the track in the final lap Rudd made a breakaway, sprinting ahead, and winning fairly easily from Betten, Newell being third. The half-mile event was the occasion for O’Shea’s first appearance, but he was unfortunate in being blocked in the first heat, and did not qualify" for the final. By the end of the second lap the backmarkers had practically evened up the distance, Yesberg going, well, and he came in first, with, Hoffman second. O’Shea pulled in at the turn to the straight,- but was unable to get through, and came in after Hoffman. Gant and Tozer came in together for the second heat, his handicap being too much for Joyce, who, thoughlie pulled up rapidly the ae.cond time round, finished three lengths behind, he also failing to qualify. G. W. Hunt led right through the third heat, but dropped behind at the straight in the finish. Brassell and Maekie coming up outside and arriving at the tape ip that order, with Rudd close behind. O’Shea and Joyce being out, of the final, the time was slower, but there was a very close finish, loss than a wheel separating Brassell. Cant, and Tozer. yesberg, the*- backmarker, made an effort in the first round, when he evened up his distance, but. though he Jiold that position right through the race, he was Unable to ( improve upon ’ it. The mile event saw O’Shea come to the front, ne took the first heat very quietly until half-way round in the .Inst lap, when he forged abend rapidly, and arrived just behind Hurndell, who broke away when nearing the straight. Boris was third, but Joyce did not qualify. The local riders shone m the second heat. The third round saw the back-markers pulling hard, being several lengths behind the others, and Yesberg made a brilliant spurt on entering the straight, being just beaten for third place by Hunt. Newell ! being first and Slade second. The men on the back marks showed bad iudgment. leaving the limit, riders, too far ahead, and Maekie, Brassell, and Cant were among the “also started.” The limit - men also made the, placings in the third heat, which was won easily enough by Wardell, with Smith and Rudd in that order. R. Betten did the pacing for the first two laps, and - the back-markers were fully a chain and a-half behind right up to the third time round. The final was the occasion for some good riding. At the end of the first lap Hunt was in the lead, with O’Shea pulling up on Boris in the rear. The next time round Boris led O’Shea by only a wheel; and in the third lap the bock-markers caught up. There was a spill at the straight, Hurndell somersaulting on to the track, 1 but, fortunately, except for tlie loss of some skin on his anus and shoulders, he suffered no injury. In the last lap O’Shea rode straight tbrpugh the bunch and won in fine style bv half a length from Smith, Slade (the local rider) being third. Smith, who gained second place after a game effort with O’Shea, is the onetime Otago champion, this being his first appearance after nearly 12 years. The local lads did some good riding in the two-mile John Ross Memorial. The first heat showed the two back-markers, O’Shea (scratch) and Joyce (55ydis), pulling up on Boris (110yds) and Maekie and Tozer (145yds) toward the end of the third lap; and at the end'of the fourth time round O’Shea and Joyce had caught up. By the fifth lap the field was divided into tvvb sections, O’Shea, followed by Joyce, leading the men in the roar, and Betten leading the lirnit riders. listen foil back and Nelson took his place ror a while; but in the last lap he made a great effort and had a good lead at the tape, O’Shea, who sprinted shortly before tlie straight, finishing second, with Smith third and Joyce and Boris dead-heating for fourth. The back-markers .were eating up - the difference, by the fourth time round in the second heat, and by the -econd-last lap they had picked up the limit men. The last, lap began with Nowell in the lead, and Yesberg following. Half-way round, Brassell broke away and spurted up, finishing first, Hoffman and Rudd following, with Wardell fourth. Betten had to make the pace right through the final of (he race, having gained I ho lend at the beginning of the third lap, Rudd relieving him, however, during the fourth lap, at the beginning of which Joyce pulled out. Betten took the pacing again, anci was leading until the second-last time round, when Rudd lock his position. Rudd and Betten, approaching the straight, settled down to business in a tussle for first place; and O’Shea, further behind, made a game effort, but the distance was too great, Rudd linishod clearly, with Betten behind and Smith third. 'The winner was 1 cheered and applauded by the crowd and his opponents; and Joyce carried him shoulderhigh off the track. The last event on the programme, the mil-?' and a-h<alf scratch race, was. carried off, of course, by O’Shea, witli Joyce second- They settled aowp to their work at once, the result being a foregone conclusion, and came m easily, with Boris third. Details are as follow: CYCLING. One-mile Cycle Handicap (youths under 18j.— W. Maekie (scr) 1, R. Betten (55yds) 2, N Wardell (40yds) 3. Lime, 2min 21 l-Ssao. Cue Mile and a-haif Cycle Handicap (Local).—O. R, Rudd (175yds) .1, R, Betten (160yds) 2, J. Newell (170yds) 3. Time, 3min 25 l-6sec. Half-mile Cycle Handicap.—hirst heat: K, Yesberg (45yds) 1, J. Huffman (60yds) 2. Time, Imiu 3 2-ssec, Second heat: H. W. Cant (60yds) and G. Y. Tozer, dead heat. Time, Imin 2 4-sseo. Tlprd heat: A. Brassell (6Uyds) 1, W. Mackio (50yds) 2. Time, Imin 2sec. Final: A. Brassoil 1, H. W. Cant 2. G, V. Tozer 3. Time, Imin. 5 4-ssoc. One-mile Cycle Handicap.—First heat: 1. C, Hurndell (160yds) 1, P. O’Shea (scr) 2, A. Bonis (75yds) 3. Time. 2nmi 11 l-ssec. Second heat: J. Nowell (180yds) 1, A. W. Slade (160yds) 2, G. W. Hunt (180yds) 3. Time. 2miu 15sec. Third heat: N. Wardell (150yds). 1, 0. F. Smith (160yds) 2, O. R Rudd (180yds) 3. Time, 2min 11 l-ssec. Final: P. O’Shea 1, C. F. Smith 2, A. W. Slade 3. Time, 2miu 11 4-ssec; John Ross Memorial Cycle Handicap. Two Miles.—First heat: R. Betten (295yris) 1 P. O’Shea (scr) 2. C. F. Smith (285yds) 3, T. Joyce (55yds) and ! A. Bonis (110yds) dead heat. Time. 4uun 08 4-ssec. Second heat: A. Brassell (165yds) 1, J. Hoffman (140yds) 2, 0. R, Rudd (310yds) 3, N. Wardell’ (270yds) 4. Time, 4min 34 2-ssec. Final: O. R. Rudd 1, R. Betten 2, C. F. Smith 3. Time, 4min 38 2-ssec, Ohe Mile and a-half Cycle Scratch Race. P. O’Shea 1. T. Joyce 2, A. Bonis 3. Time, 3miu 31 4-6 soc. RUNNING. The foot races attracted their fair quota of competitors, including a number of runners from outside the district, and some keen contests were scon, though the times were inclined to be slow - on account of the heaviness of the track after the rains. '1 lie maiden event went to outside competitors, Hanley gaining third place. Tlie 120 Yards Caledonian Handicap, however, saw the local lads coming into their own. A fine rim was made by Collins in the first heat, coming up from scratch in good style and securing a close third, Fiddes being first and M‘Williams second. ‘The next heat was covered by Hanley, B. Walker (the Glenavy footballer), and S. O’Connor, who is a local boy from St. Bede’s College, Christchurch. Hie final was carried off by Walker, with Hanley second and Collins third. The same competitors figured in the 220 Yards event, in which there was a demonstration at the verdict of a dead heat between R. W. Martin (Palmerston) and Walker, a number of spectators opposite the finishing poir.t contending that Martin

breasted the tape 6in ahead of Walker. Thel first licat was secured easily enough by Hanley, with S. F. O’Connor second and Collins third. Walker, Martin, and B. J, M'Mamia wore placed in the second heat;( and the final saw the keen finish already recorded, with O’Connor third. A big field of 20 runners braced up for the pistol in. the 440 Yards. B. Meyer and Martin led up to the straight, putting in a rather* prematuie sprint, and here C. B. Symont (Oaniani) came up, and breasted the tape an easy winner, there being a keen contest -1 for second place between J. E. Fraser (Glenavy) and W. Smylie, ,the latter making! a close third. Fraser made a fine run in the Half-mile, making a great effort to pass! the first man, G. Knowles, of Timaru, He., established a good lead over the third man, Williamson, and finished second to Knowles.. Knowles won comfortably from Weston, with V. Fronting, another Timaru man, third, in the mile event. The winner, secured a lead in the third lap. and in-' creased it tho last time round the track. The following arc the details:— 1 RUNNING. 200 Yards Maiden Handicap F. J. May. nard (2yds) 1, B. J. M'Manus (scr) 2. Jj Hanley (scr) 3. Time, 24sec. 120 Yards Handicap (boys under Jack 'lodd 1, Jack Hendren 2, S. Hendry ■3 - ' l 120 Yards Caledonian Handicap.—First! heat: J. N. Fiddes (3jyds) L. J. Collins (scr) 3. Time, 13 l-ssec. Second heat: J. Hanley (6yds) I/ - B. Walker (4yds) 2, S. O’Connor (Iyd) 3. Time, 13seo. Final; B. Walker 1, J. Han* ley 2, L. J. Collins 3. Time, 13sec. 220 Yards Handicap.—First heat: J. Han*: ley (Byds) 1, S. F. O’Connor (3yds) 2, L. J. Collins 3. Time, 25 l-ssec. Second, heat: B. Walker (Byds) 1, R. W. Martin'; (Byds) 2. B. J. M‘Manus (Byds) 3. Time, . 26scc. Final: R. W. Martin and B. Walker,, dead heat, S. F. O’Connor o. Time. 2k 4-6 sec. 440 Yards Handicap.—C. B. Symon (2yds)’. 1. J • E. Fraser (11yds) 2, W. Smylie (12yds) 1 o lime, 55 l-6sec. Half-mile Handicap.—G. Knowles (SOydsJt 1, J. E. Fraser (35yds) 2, D. N. William* son (35yds) 3. Time, 2min 6 l-ssec. One-mile Handicap.—G. Knowles (55yds} 1, B. Weston (scr) 2, V. Fronting (55yds} 5 Time, 4min 50 l-ssec. FIELD EVENTS, FIFE MUSIC, AND DANCING. -« r i he field events, as usual, merited then*’ share of attention, the veteran Roddick■being* in evidence in the wrestling matches- '■ the otlier events attracting competitors al» most as well known. Tlie famous John l Cameron, champion pipe.r of New Zealand, enhanced this section from the point of view of the audience: and in the dancing* classes, there were also' - some well-known-names. Details are: — Bagpipe Music, Marches.—John Cameror#-. I, W. Budge 2, J. Borthwick 3. Light Hammer Handicap.— W. O’ConnoP (12inJ, 100 ft 2in. 1; P. Murphy (2in), 98fbV 9in, 2; F. C. M'Loan (scr). 96i0 6Ain, 3. Quoits Match—M. Lawlor 1. A. Shep* ■ pard 2. -,,i Putting Light Ball Handicap.—P. Murphy (6in), 37ft Sin, 1: J. Breslin (30in), 35ft!, > lOin, 2; P. C. M‘Lean (24in), 35ffc s£in, 3. r■■■;> Tossing the Caber.—P. C. M'Lean (18inL : 4u.. 6in, 1; P. Murphy (6in), 46ft Ojin, 2. Bagpipe Music (Jigs and Hornpipes).—* - J. Cameron 1. _W. Budge 2, N. Skinner 3. 1 - Sword Dance (girls under 16).—Ruby Ford : I, Maisie Thompson 2. M. Donaldson 3. Running High' Jump.—Thos M‘Mahon)-' (set), sft lin, 1; L. Foley (scr). sft, 2. Highland Fling (boys under 16). Mai-'; eolm Robb 1, Donald omclair 2, Douglas - ’ 1 Brown 3. J Running Long Jump Handicap;—F. ' M.Mahon (scr), 19ft 4in, 1; W. OlConnor ' 1 (18in), 18ft Sin. 2. • . Oumberland Wrestling.—J. Roddick 1, Sy T Cole 2. J. Breslip 3. 1 ' .jj ■ Bagpipe Music {Strathspeys and Reels).—*-;' J. Cameron 1. W. Butfge 2, N. Skinner 3.. 1 Seann Truibhais (girls under 15). —Lorna.' , Budge. 1, Mavis Burgoyne 2, Ruby Ford 3, Maisie Thompson 4. - Hop, Step, and Jump - .—Thos. M'Mahofr . (24in> 4Ht 6}in. 1 ; F. M'Mahon (scr). 4in. 2; W. O’Connor (24in), 3. Sword Dance (boys under 16). —Malcolm, Kobb 1, Donald Sinclair 2, E. Segar 3. , , ' Seann Truibhais (girls under 12).—Mary , Bain 1, Lorna Budge 2, Mavis Burgoyna,. Highland Reel (boys and girls under 18).—«Vl Beulah King 1, Ruby Ford 2, Eva Murray - 3, . | Sailors’ Hornpipe (girls under 18).—Be-ulaH King 1, Ruby Ford 2, Maisie Thompson. 3.. - Irish Jig (girls under 18). —Beulah Kjnj* . I, Ku by Ford 2. 3 Wrestling, > Catch-as-catch-can.—G. Coles 1, J. Roddick 2, M. Kennedy 3. . , Highland - Fling (girls under 12). —M. Don* aldson 1, L. Budge 2, M. Burgoyne 3. . Highland Fling, for pupils of Miss Robert*, son (prize presented by Miss Robertson).—*--; -ft. Saner 1, M. Betten 2, J. Segar 3. 1

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 7

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WAIMATE BOXING DAY SPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 7

WAIMATE BOXING DAY SPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 18747, 28 December 1922, Page 7