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-«*. . OTAGO ASSOCIATION. f Tho annual meeting of tin; Otago Lawn Jennis AsHociation wai held lait ji.'ght. -Ml- A. K. iiarraiyay (preaidt-ut) oovujiied tlio chair. Mr ilarraway expressed his pleasure n-t swing such a large aitondanco, u.n<l welcomed memborn baok from tho war, and hoped Uwy would enter into tennis renewed vigoar. Ho aektxl thoso present to stand for a few moments out of respect k> tho»o who )wd not coino back. \Tii.\s having boon done, Mr llurra.-.vay movod thu adoption of tho report ami lulloikxi sheet, l'ho snaaon Iwul (.eon as good, ae could 1» exported with what thoy had liad to put up with for fivo years. Tiiat wan due to tho work dono by tlio Tournament Committee. They had been expecting to mak« from £85 to £125 from tou-rrmmcirts, but thoy hiid lost that, and tho commntteo hod been placed in an awkward position financially. However, with tho assistanco of the players they had wnn-ihcicd that <l:flicnlty. No doubt after r.nother senson they would be iii funds. A fcattiro of tlio last vear wa3 that they ha<l ma<k; £40 out of"the Easter Tournament ( They lwd had tbe attendanco of his Excellency tho Gove-rnor-genend, who liad consented to bo «. patron of the association. It liad been a case of marking time during- the war. Their expenses v/ero going to he. heavy from what he could see, and the levy would have to be increased. That would, however, l;o considered later. on The matches with Canterbury and Southland would help them along. Great damage had been dono to the courts at Anderson's Ba.v by erosion. It was tho intention of tho "City Corporation to carry a drain through, the centre of the courts. The association liad no objection to that, but it wan toil some guarantee that any damage dono to tho fences would b« made good. Tho committee had decided -that until that was done it would object to tlio drairui-ge going through the ground. They hoped to hoar in a. few days tnat tho corporation would agreo to make good any damage done. Heferenco had been made by tho Anderson's Bay Improvement Society to littJo or no assistance being given to it by the Lawn Tennis Association, but so far as Jie knew tho Association had not been a.pnrroaf.ho<l in the matter. There, had l>e.en a great deal of correspondence with regard to football :it the Boys' High School. They hod V.nA to I wait for any High School boys for tennis t because they had to play cricket. m> ! hoped tho schools would popularise tho game | of lawn tennia, and get the children to i take it ■apA Ho commented on the good j work done by Ivlr Couston and Mr Bopg in connection 'with the schools' tournament, | and said tliat the- expenses of tha; tourna- i nicnt had fallen upon three or four mem- | bers of the committee. He thought it wo.s j tho duty of parents to assist in iliis iin*-f- j tion. Tho New Ze:il:ui<l Association was holding a tournament this year, and he ho-ped the Otago plnyers would help it en. SpenkLipr o? tho f7hallpnjre Cup, ho sa'.d there wore two names there opposite which j he would see placed tho stntemejit that they had died at the front, with the date of their tfaath appended. The nn.mco I woro" Captain Wilding and Captain Jen-

rungs. Mr R. S. Blaok. seconded the motion, and after it had beon briefly spoken i.o by Mr IS. B. Couston and ono or two others, it was carried. Tho following , officers were appointed:— President, Mr A. K. Harr.ivray: vice-prrs;-dciits—Messrs J. H. Mcrfc .-nd'R. -S. Bfeck; committee—Messrs R. A. Wilkio. T. patcrson, J. Manson, ft. N. Brown, R. K., ll'. T. Tregoar. H. B. Reid. A. M'Millsn. and J. T. Cooper; referee. Mr Harraway; vice-president of tho Xow Zealand lawn Tennis Association, Mr Harraway; New Zealand Association delegates—Messrs A. L. Berry and 11. 0. Hurray. The opening day of tho season was fixed for September 20. * Mr Black moved that Mr J. S. Sinclair bo appointed an -honorary lifo member of tho association.—Carried. Tho levy for tho ensuing year was fixed at 2s. It was TCsolvsd to c.irry on tho arrangements with regard to tho art union men-

tioned in the annual report. Mr Thomson moved tlwit the assoemtiou give ;ts support to Mr T. K. Sidey's Daylight Saving Bill.—Carried. ST. CLAJR. CLUB. Tho first annual meetiutr of the St. Clair Lawn Tennis Ciub was hold on Friday cvouing. The president (Mr A. L. isaai*) presided over a good attendance. 'i'ho annual report complimented tho club on its establishment and on tho substantial progress mi(!o boih in play and in membership. The iattei- stands at 98, comprising 65 ladies, 29 men, and. four honorary members. Fiuanciall? tho year closed with a dobit balance of £27, but in view of tho heavy initial expenditure thi3 result is regarded as eminently satisfactory. Satisfaction was expressed at the club having secured the use of tho school grounds, and immediate efforts are to bo made to further improve tho p»iying conditions. It was unanimously resolved to affiliate with the Otago Lawn Tennis Association. Tho opening day was fixed for Saturday,

October 4. Hie following office-bearers were elected: —President, Mr A. L. Isaacs; vice-presi-dents. Messrs Mark Cohen and J. E. Macassey; hon. secretary, Mr A. H. Templcton ; hon. treasurer, Mr H. Justice: committee— Misses E. Thomson and 11. Isaacs. Messrs A. V. Winchester, J. Murray, C Thomson; Match Committee—Misses Thomson and Isaacs, Messrs Tomplcton-and Justice; delogate to tho as3ociatiou, Mr A. V. Winchester. Special thanks were accorded to the prosident, to whom the successful launching of tho club is largely due, to Mr It. B.aniett, who rendered valuable assistance in many directions, an?] to Miss F. M. R} - an, who performed with much credit the duties of tho club's first secretary. BALMACEWE3J CLUB. Mr S. N. Brown presided over the annual •neeting of the Balmacewen, Tennis Club. Tho fourteenth annual report stated that the membership now stood at close on 50. The cl'ib catered two teams in the Otago Lawn Tennis Association matches. Tho A team were runners-up in tho competition, end the B team held a very fair position. Tho-Chairman congratulated members of tho tennis section on the success with which thejj had maintained their position in the f.ico of great difficulties during; the past five years. Ihey were all delighted to havo ag.tin with them a number of old-time comrades, and they offered them a most cordial welcome. With their fine courts and pictnrfsqu3 surroundings, Balmacewen players could, and should, make a strong and steady upward move, and ho trusted that when they met again next year ho would lx> able to eonfjratalato them on having attained this end. Mr A. M'Millan, in seconding tho motion, stated that those who had been on active service had been kept full financial members, and the committee- this year had extended to them free subscription for the season. The vnotiou was carried. Tho following officers were elected:—President, Mr S. N. Brown, sen.; secretary, Mis:i Jessie Roy; Men's Committee—Messrs A M'Milkn, Roid, S. N. Brown, and A. Wright- Ladies' Committee —Misses HallidU M-Bulk, V. Balk, and Mrs Reid; Match Committee—Messrs M. Peako, M'Kcrrow, and K. S. Brown; Grounds Committee—the president, Messrs A. M'Millan and S. N. Brown; to association, Mr H. B. Reid. Several now members were elected, and after supper a musical programme was

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17728, 12 September 1919, Page 2

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LAWN TENNIS Otago Daily Times, Issue 17728, 12 September 1919, Page 2

LAWN TENNIS Otago Daily Times, Issue 17728, 12 September 1919, Page 2