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. CANTERBURY MILITARY DISTRICT. Killed in Action. Rifle brigade. (September 9.) ASKEW, WILLIAM Il'OY (Mrs F. Askew, Ri-v,-aka). COOPER, ANDREW WINNICK (Mrs S. Cooper, Sydenham). FORBES, WILLIAM RODERICK (Mr Geo. Forbes, England). ABERNETHY, THOMAS MITCHELL (Mi C. Abernethy, Papanui). (September 12.) BURBOROUGH, HERBERT ROBERT (MT J. Burborougli, Geraldine). TERRAS, ROBERT MORRICE (Catherine Terras, Ashburton). Previously Reported Wounded; now Reported Killed in Action. OTAGO INFANTRY. (August 36.) M'GEE, DAVID (Miss. K. M'Gto, Moorhouso awnue, Christchurh, sister). Died from Wounds. JOHNSON, GEORGE APOS, Lance-corporal (Mr C. Johnson, Lakeside, Leeslon, lather). . / RIFLE BRIGADE. KEETLEY, ERNEST HENRY (Mi- T. E. Keetley, Kuiapoi, father). MATTHEWS, FRANCIS NICHOLAS (Mrs G. Bennett, Elkssmere, mother). (September 13.) WETHERALL, RjBERT GEORGE (Mrs I. C. Wetherall, Christchurch, wife). ENTRENCHING BATTALION. (September 13.) GIBBS, DENNIS CONRAD (Mrs J. Gibbs, Wakefield, mother). Previously Reported Missing; now Reported Died from Wounds. ENTRENCHING BATTALION. (August 29.) ELLIOTT, BERTY FITZCLARENCE (Mrs A, A. Elliott, Timaru, wife). Wounded. AUCKLAND liNFANTRY. (September 13.) DICKS'ON, MILLEN" STUART (Mrs Dickson, Timaru, mother). GRAVES, ERNEST (Mrs V. C. Graves, Nelson, wife). IVORI, CHAS. FREDERICK (Mr W. Ivory, Oxford, father). ICIFLE BRIGADE. (September 7.) RICHARDS, GEORGE LEONARD C (Mr T. IRicharda, Overdale, Canterbury, father).

(September 9.) CAEBIS, CHAIILIib WESLEY (Mrs T. ' Scott, Waimate). JDHjnSI'ONE, PETER (Mis E. Johnsiono, Addington, mother). LOOMES, ROBETtT (Mrs C. Loomes, Fairlie, mother). MA. ZK, JOHN, Corporal (Mrs J. Miaze, Oh ape, Temuka, mother). MITCHELL, FRAiN'CIS WM. (Miss O. L. S. Mitchell, Christ-church, sister). mcKE&ey, chakles Joseph (Mr j. Ilickerby, Ladbrooks, father). (September 11.) SOANES, PERCY (Mr H. 'A. Soames, St. Albans, father;. "WHITMOHE, DAYID GKUBB, Corporal (Mrs J. AVhitmore, Richmond, motLer).

" (-September 12.) REVINGTON, "WILLIAM DALY, Second Lieutenant (Mra A. M. Revington, Greymouth, wife). BASCAND, WALLACE AUSTRAL (Mr O. H. Bascand, Kilmore street, Christohurch, father). CAMPBELL, JOHN GIBSON (Mr J. Campbell, Kingsdown, father). COOK, EiRiMEST JOHN (Mrs E. Newman, England, moth-er). GOULJDS, WALTER, Lance-corporal (Mrs W. Gouldk, Raikaia, mother). KIRBi, EREDKRICK. VICTOR (Mrs E. Kirby, Westport, mother). MARSHALL, JOHN (Mr D. M'Ganry, Islington). PEARSON, JOHN JOSEPH (Miss I. B. T. Ward, Madras street, Christchurch). TRISCHLER, JOHN JAMES SHEPHERD (Mrs M. Irischler, Blenheim, mother). Wounded; Admitted to Hospital. ARTILLERY. (September 6.)

IT7 o, CYRIL AUBREY (Mrs S. Patterson, Westport, mother). (September 7.) .HOBBS, ERNEST PALLISER (Mrs E. Hobbs, Weat-port, mother). RADCLIPEE, CHAS. ED-WARD (Mrs T. Radcliffe, Lyttelton). (September 11.) M'LEAN, THOMAS (Mr J. M'Lean, Rakaia). PRENDBRGAS.T, PETER M., Sergeant (Mr J. Prendergast, Ashburton, father). ENGINEERS. (September 11.)

RYDER, CHAS. (Mrs J. Ryder, Timaju. wife). OTAGO INFANTRY. (September 7.)

KERR, JAMES ROBERT (Mrs R. Kerr, Foxhill, Nelson, mother). RIFLE BRIGADE. (September 9.)

AGASSIZ, FREDK. CARRINGTON (Mrs G L. Agassiz, Sydenham, wife). BROWN, EDWARD, Lance-corporal (Mr T Brown, Hoho, Hokitika, father). CORBE'i'T, HEinßx (Mrs M. Corbett, Mayfield, mother). EAGLESOME, CLAUDE AIEXR. (Mr W. Eaglesome, Springbank, iatherj. HAYNES, JAMES JuHiN (Mrs W. Haynes S-tudholme Junction, niothea:) ' ' JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM RAE (Mrs M. Johnstone, Ruapiuia, mother). MATTERSON, STANLEY GEORGE (Mrs A. Matterson, Bottle Lake road, Christchurch, mother). 10.) Lance-corporal (Mr Cox, Sydenham). (September 11.) ADAM'S, WALTER JAMES (Mrs R. B. it. A<lams, St. Albans, wife). BROWN, WILLIAM JoHi\ (Mrs A. M'Farlane, Murch-ison, mother) GE.UAIi' FREDERICK THOMAS (Mr R. jVL Ailum, Horoi-aia. bjrother-m-law) EARLX, CHARLES CHESTER (Mr' G. Early, Greond-ale, iailier). GiLLESPIE, HAitßl u Ur J. Gillespie, Oliiver s road, Chiistchurch). MARTINI, JOHN (Mr P. Martini Goldsborougii, Wes-tiand, brother) ' MASON, HARVEI' AUGUSTA (Mr T Mason, Waimate, father) TIERNEY, PERCIVAL JAMES (Mrs G. Canvas'.own, iboxlboroutrh, mother). " WiLSUN, HERBERT JOHN (Mr J. Wilson, rail-field, Ashburton, brother). WELLINGTON MILITARY DISTRICT. : Killed in Action. AUCKLAND INFANTRY. (September 13.)

MOYNIHAN, DEi\ IS, Corporal (Mrs M O'Brien, Port RIFLE BRIGADE. (September 9.) AHKEONG, ANußji-u (Airs T. Bullede Meanee). ' CAMji-livj;\, RONALD ALEXANDER, Lanoecorporal (Mrs E. Cameron, iiapomra mother). CLAiaUA, JAMES WILLIAM, Serjeant Military Modal (Mrs M. a. Polling," Eke! tabuna). DAViS, l-'RANK LANG (Mrs M. T. Greaves Gisborne). ' SMIIH, toiDNEY (Mrs E. Smith, Ntairn street, Wellington, mother). (September 1-2.) MAKEHAM, CiiAitljiLS nDGAR, Second Lieuteuanit. (ilr C. S. Makeham, Ohiro road, Wellington, father). BOWMAN, Hli.*Ri FREDERICK (Mr B. J. Bowman, Opunake, father). BUCK, HaRRY EDWARD (Mrs A. Holmes, England). CLE-Ux.iVl sON, CLAUD EASTON, Lanoosergeant (Mrs E. Cl-omenson, Wellington, mother). JAiiii, iuiCHAEL (Mrs N. o'Rourke, Alicetown, Lower Hutt, mother). HOLDER, JulIN OLXFTuA, Lance-corpoEal Mr F. W. Holder, Ohutu, la.hor). ROACH, ERIC, Corporal (Mr G. F. Roach, Hastings, father). RODWiiLL, JUoliji'H ARTHUR, Sergeant (Mrs Rodwell, Pirie street, Wellington, mother). SH-v-'A H .-\N, LAWRENCE (Mr P. Shanahan, Stratford, father). Died from Wounds. ARTILLERi. (September 12.)

00LQUH0UN, AJ.IUHIBALD DONALD (Mrs M. J. Colquhoun, Petone, moiher), RIFLE BRIGADE. (September 10.)

M'GIL/L, WILLIAM ARCHIBALD (Mrs M. Al'Gill, Otakeho, modier). LTJjNAN, JOHN (JLr Luuan, Scotland, father). (September 13.) BROWN, WILLI Ail JOHiN (Mr J. Ashwell, England). (September 14.) JtlEliTliAJJ. (Mr C. Aiberth- - sen, Tututawa, iaUior).

Died from Sickness. ARTILLERY. (September 19.)

GRAVE, HOWARD BURTON, Second Lieutenant, Military Medal (Mr H. Grave, Now Plymouth, father). Wounded. RIFLE BRLGADE.

CHAPMAN,' WILLIAM (Mr W. Chapman, » Fordell). HAWIiIN, IRWIN BROWN (Mr T. C. Kawkiu, Rangatak-au). i'ERUiMN'E i'iiOMAS (Mra Hyn-es, Wellington). KNAPi', OiIAS. WM. (Mrs E. Knapp, Featherston). TWEEDIn., iv-LBERT (Mrs J. Tweedie, Dan-

uevirke). J i\ ORMAN WALER (Mrs Jones, Wellington). NIOHuLas, LEONARD RUDULPH, Second Lieutenant (Mr J. Nicholas, Woodlnllj. BKOUiiEi, HAIiuLD THOMAS J. (Mis L Brooke, U tiku). CAMPION, SIUUN KENNETH (Mrs M.

Campion, Paxamarumu). CORIU.S, iHOillrf HiiyiMil' (Mr E. Corris, Isle of Man). DEdHL, CHARLES ALFRED (MT C. ,C. Delhi, Rangiowhira). FITCHETT, WALTER PERCIVAL (Mr A. \V. Fitchett, Wana-gnui). GOLDING, REiGINiALD WM. (Mr W. Golding, Matoikin). HAYi>ES, WM. HENRY (Mr W. T. Ha-ynes,

Cheltenham). HAinaaH, FRaNCIS ROBT. (Mrs Hannah,

Gisborne): HARTLEY, JAS. DOUGLAS (Mr A. Hartley, Lowea- Hutt). KING, WM. (Mr J. King, Liverpool). LONDON, WM. ALLEN SCOTT (Mrs H. E. London, Kimbolton). AUCKLAND INFANTRY. (September 11.) ARTHUR, SP-t.iNL.hli CLAPHAM (Mrs H. Arthur, Cheltenham). ARUNDEL, RnJjfH VICTOR (Mrs E. Single, Frasertown). CALLIiV SON, SAMUEL (Mr S. Wallace, Haw era). CROSSLAND, JOHN (Mr J. E. Crossland, Ormondville). GOODING, WALTER EDWIN (Mr C. H. Gooding, Western Lake). ROBIN STON, ASHTON (Mr R. llobinston, Parapara-umu). OTAGO INFANTRY.

MORRIS, WILLIAM (Mis S. Morris. England). GILMER, WM. JOSEPH (Mrs S. E. Gilmer, O&onui). JOHNSON, RICHARD HORACE (Mr R. Johnson, Levin). BAIN, NuRMAN RHIND (Mis W. Bain,' Wanganui). BLANCHaRD, "WALTER H. (Mrs M. A. Blancbard, Now Plymouth). ELLIOTT, ERivEST SAMUEIL (Mir S. Elliott, Onaero). GREiili, DARCY RANDALL (Mrs S. Greer, Palmerston North). HAYES, HENRY ARTHUR GREY (Mrs H. liayes, Carterton). LIGHT, HERBERT JAMES (Mrs J. Light, Hataifcai). M'CARTY, JAMES (Mr J. M'Carty, Auroa). M'KAIN, JAMES FREDK. (Mrs E. M'Kam, Mohaka). MAHONEY, JOSEPH WATSON (Mr R. Cornwell, Johnsonville). RICE, WILFRED VICTOR (Mr J. Rice, Brougham Drive, Wellington). RUDD, FRANCIS CHARLES VICTOR (Mr R. Rucld, WeT&roa). SOAR, CHARLES (Mrs C. Soar, Essex). WALKER, HAROLD JOHN '(Mr T. Walker, WATSON, ALEXANDER (Mrs N. Watson, Levin). *, WILLING, PERCY DOUGLAS (Mrs Willing, Bell Block). CURTIS, JAMES .MATTHEW (Mr A. Curtis, ButJiurst). SLIPSON, ARTHUR JOHN (Mrs E. Slipson, Melbourne). BROWN. ALEXANDER AIRD (Mrs M Brown. Dannsyirke). JACKSON, ALBERT WOODS (Mr R. Jack-

son, Masterton). ATTFIELD, NOEL COURTNEY (Mr F. J. Attfield, Awapuni). FENTON, EDWARD (Mrs Fen ton, England). ARTHUR, HENRY DAWSOU (Mrs E Arthur, Wanganui). BOTT, ARTHUR JAMES (Mrs M. Bott, Dannevirke). GASCOIGNE, BERTIE (Mrs M. Gascoigne, Oh.u.u). HARTLEY, SAMUEL (Mr S. Hartley, Marton Junction). , ALLEN, GEORGE HENRY (Mrs L. Holmes.

Masterton). FRANCIS, GEORGE (Miss I. Francis, Pcraugahau). GILLIES, ROBERT (Mrs Gillies, HALL, GEORGE (Mts M. Hall, Stratford). RICHARD (Mrs E. Herivell, Gisborne). NICHOLLS, ALFRED GEORGE (Mrs J. Wlivte, Lower Hutt). OAKLEY, EDWARD THEODORE (Mr M. M'lnroe, Britannia Hotel, Wellingt&i). ROUSE, A. A, (Mrs H. Rudge, Hawera). WESTON, REGINALD ERIC (Mrs F. Wes-

ton, Gisborne). CONN'OR, GEORGE (Mr G. Connor, Palmer3ton North). MARCH, WILLIAM JOHN (Mrs March, England). ADLAM, STEPHEN (Mra E. Adlam, Now Plymouth). ANDREWS, THOMAS (Mir W. Andrews, Gis-

borne). ' AUSTIN, WILFRED HARRY (Mra R. Austin, Ma-kara). iiAoj-ON, EDWARD (Mrs Boston, Ireland). EVANS, WILLIAM (Mr F. Evans, England) JOH.Nej.TON, ROBERT DUNN (Mis N. Johnston, Waveiley). O'LEARM, DANIEL, ARTHUR (Mr T. P O'Leary, Hunterville). LEES, ALFRED JOHN . (Mrs E. Lees, Toko). :.IaCKiV-\ /' 1 I'j, DONALD (Mr A. Mackenzie, Scotland). THURSTON, DOUGLAS MILFORD (Mr A. Thurston, Mart-oil). WILLIAMS, GABRIEL ROCK (Mrs W. Williams, Levin). M-ORICE, GEORGE WILLIAM, Lieutenant (Mrs G. Morice, Wellington). V/ounded; Admitted to Hospital. ARTTXiLER y.. (September 6.)

MILNE, GEORGE (Mt K. P. Milne, Matukuroa). BUIiL, CHARLES HENRiT (Ma- G. T. Bull, G isborne). WAUauliif,, HERBERT THOMAS (Mr T. Wughorn, Auckland). ROBERTS, LAURENCE HARPER (Mr J. F. Roberts, Makirikiri). Wounded; Embarked for England. (September 4.) WHxBORN, RAjJOJj1 j H (Mrs K. Why.born, Wellington).

Mr Dickl, Abbotsford, lias received advice that liis soil, Private X. J. Diehl, who was seriously wounded, lias had his left leg amputated- Information; was also received to the effect that Private IMelil had been removed from the seriously ill list, and that he was at the New &©aand General at Brockenhurst. He was a prominent member of the Green Island Association Foo.ball Club, and) left with the Thirtieth Romiorcemcnts.

Mr C. E. Beazley, 15 Kilgour street. Boslyn, has received advice that his eldest son, Chos. William Dixon Beazley, died from wounds oti September 9. .Private Beazley was born at Heathcote Valley, and was educated at the Heathcote and Richmond Schools. Hecame to Bunedin with his parents in 1906, and was employed by Messrs Gaudin and Marr and Scott and Sons, of this cuy. He loft with the Sixth Reinforcements, and saw service on Gallipoh, -afterwards going to France, where he was previously wounded. His youngest bro.her, Private C. C. Beazley, is serving with the Thirty-eighth. Reinforcements.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17428, 24 September 1918, Page 3

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ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17428, 24 September 1918, Page 3

ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17428, 24 September 1918, Page 3