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The sitting of tho Ol.ago Land Board, hold on Wc-dne-suay, was attended by Messrs It. T. Sadd (Uimmi.ssioner of Crown Lands), T. A. M.unrn, U. J J vLnjs tone, J. Smith, and C. J. Indcr. aimtjoatidnh ran land. J.ho application of Mr William Brown Miller lor 18;,, Wcstoott Settlement, 402 acres, was app roved. Mr ChiLilos Stuart Grant applied for a lease over section lis, Clifton Settlement.--Granted. I Mr Harold Horrocks, a discharged soldier, applied for suction 2246, block Xll, Wilkin district., hold at present under miscellaneous licenses.—Refused. Mr 11. U. Jlagyitt, on behalf of tho owner of adjoining allotments in tho township of Reynolds and Mansford, applied to purchase a strip of closed road) between these townships, tho said strip being now designated sec tions 1128h, 1129n, 1130u, and 1131k, block VI, North Harbour and Blueskin district.—Resolved that sections 1128r, and 1129n be offered for siulo by publio auction at upset price of £4- and. £2 respectively, and that sections 1130b and 1131 it bo disposed of at a later dato. Mr John Clearwater applied to purchase section 1126h, block 11, Otago Peninsula district, being a strip of closvcd road containing 2 roods 11 poles, adjoining his property.—Resolved that subject to transfer to tho Crown of a small area to complete access to section 7, section 1126r bo offered for sale by auction at upset price of £10. Mr Jas. Glenn offered 5s per month for tho right to occupy about 10 acres of land, being part of run 560, Bonmore, to run a horse.—Granted) at 5s per annum. Lane's Limited, applied for a lease of part of tho bridge reserve in tho town of Cromwell.—Granted at 10s per annum. THANSFEBS. The following transfers were approved: — P.l. 129vss, section 63, block 1, Warepa, 42 acres 0 roods 15 polos; Mr Frederick iu'anco to William Guun. —M.l. 2564, section 1 of 29, block V, Otokia, 160 acres 2 roods; Mr Frank Lobb to Mr Wm. George May.—Kr. 1837, part scction 25, block lv', Waikouaiti; administrator in estate of Mr John Buttar to Mr Samuel Vanes. —L.i.p. 134 d, section 85, block 1, and 1352, sections 76 and 87, St. Bathans, 255 acres 3 roods 34 poles ; Elizabeth 'JL\ Al'Pnoo to Mr Johu M'lvenzio Morgan.—M.l. 848, area adjoining run 8 of 23, 66 acres 2 roods; exccutois ot the will of Mr John Smith (deceased) to Mr John Trotter.—L.i.p. 1355, section 14, block IX, Woodland, 11)4 acres 1 rood; Mr William Ross to Mr Waiter Atkms Kent. —M.l. 1676, Creek Reserve, block X, Maniototo, 5 acres; Mr Jas. C. Young to Mr Andrew Barclay Hall.—o.l. 384, section 121, block IV, Tuapeka East, 7 acres 0 roods .7 poles, and m.l. IU7B, sections 1 and 2. block IV, 28 acres; Nora Ellen Hurring to Mr Alfred Surman C'iulee.—L.p. 9.59, section 7, block XIII, 29 acres, and r.l. 46, section 13, block XIII, Lake Wanaka, 40 acres; Mr John Keitn Ironside, as administrator, to himself as owner. —L.i.p. 1021 a, sections 15 and 25, Janefield Settlement, 6 acres; Mr J. A. St. George White to Williamine W. Smaill. Other applications to transfer wore dealt with as iollows:—R.l. 67, sections 22-24, block 1, Upper Wakatipu, 135 acres 1 rood 36 poles, and o.r.p. 153, sections 25-26, block I, Glenorchy, 101 acres 3 roods 33 poles; Mr Henry Berlcy to Mr Chas. Henry Koch.— Held over. O.r.p. 230, section 10, block HI, Catlins, 181 acres 1 rood 16 poles; Mr Herbert O. Eason to Mr James Bootham Cook. Approved, subject to correct declaration being lodged. S.g.r. 566, Bof 23, block V, Kurow, 582 acres; Mr Charles Herbert Smith to Mr John Trotter.—Recommended for approval of Minister. It.l. 80s, section 6a, Kauroo iiill Settlement, 619 acres 1 rood 34 poles; Mr Thomas O Connor to Mr Charles Donald.—Recommended for Minister's approval. R 1 13 section 7, block VII, Catlins, 248 acras 3 roods 16 poles; Mr Robert William Curtis to Mr Robert H. W. Ashmoro.—Recommended, subject to ranger's report beinf satisfactory. M.l. 1555, part 7, block VI, Lauder, 37 acres; Mr James Hamilton to Mr James Arol Gordon Glassford.—Hold over. R.l. 74, section 75, block VII Lauder, 15 acres 1 rood 10 polos; Mr John Hamilton to Mr James Percy.—Recommended for approval of Minister. R.l. 125, scction 13, block XVIII, Leaning Rock 262 acres; Mr William Allan, to Margaret Mary Spain.—Recommended for approval of Minister.

APPLICATIONS TO PURCHASE FREEHOLD. . Mr Thomas Butler, lessee of section 42 block I, Kawarau, applied to purchase the freehold.—lt was reported that the conditions had been oomplied with.—Referred to valuation Department. applications of Mr George Ernest Jsind for o.r.p. 198, 23, 24, block VII, \> oodland, 222 acres, and of William Journeaux for o.r.p. SOL, 8, block XII, Gimmerburn; were approved. Mr \Ym. Wells, lessee of sections 3 and 4, block IX, Woodland, applied to purchase the freehold.—Conditions complied witn.—Approved. The board determined tho valuo of the improvements to be effected by discharged soldiers who take up sections in Westcott settlement, and also the value of improveto ' 30 effected by the selector of lot boo Benmore (Mr Thomas Cooper, lessee) lhe Commissioner reported that Mr Robt'. U Holt had failed to complete his application for section 18S, Westcott Settlement.— Application declared lapsed. Mr Androw Brown applied to select without competition on renewable lease a small piece of land out of run 236 C, Lower Hawea district.—Granted, at capital value of £20. THIRDS AND FOURTHS. The following proposals from county councils for tho expenditure of thirds and fourths were approved, and the Receiver of Xiovenue was authorised to pay over tho amounts: —Southland C v ounty Oouncil lor period ended Anrii 30, £3; Taieri County Council, ended Anril 30, £59 6s lOd; VYaikouaiti County Council, ended April iO, £17 Is 2d; Maniototo County Council, ended April 30, £333 6s 10d'; Clutha County Council, for period ended April 30, lis lid; A 7 incent County Council, for period ended April 30, £626 Os 3d; Tuapeka County Council, for period ended April 30, £106 3s 3d; Alexandra Borough Council, for neriod ended April 00, £2 2s lOd; Waitaki Council, for period ended April 30, £447 14s 3d; Braco (Jaunty Council, for period ended April 30, £2 3s; Lake County Council, for period ended April 20, £7,2 19s Bd. GEXEBAL. Mr Tlios. Marshall offered full rent for section 9a, Otanomomo Settlement, for 12 months, with right to take a crop off the 12 acres cleared. The board to con--111111 arrangement with him for two months' grazing at £5 per month.-—Approved. Mr Peter Williams applied for tho grazing right over run 557, Berunoro, at a small rental. To be informed that as there was no boundary fence between runs 557 and 558, the present arrangements between Messrs Cooper and' Munro were to stajid subject to a proportion of tho rent, £20' being pxid to tho Cro\v\n by Mr Cooper. ' Mr W. F. Brown applied lor a grazing right over section 47, block 11, Hillend district for a term of five years, with tho right ol renewal for a further term of five years at a rent to bo fixed by tho board. He also applied for tho sum of £35 for improvements on section 46, block 11, Hillend district (Manuka Island).—Granted tho license for five years at 10s per annum conditionally. The Commissioner reported that Mr J. F. Bodkin's grazing- right over section 17, block 111, Leaning Rook, expired' on June 3 (area 3a lr c9p).—Granted renewal from year to year at former rental. Mr W. A. .-Ulan (Tuapeka Mouth) applied for the right to cut the flax on Mrs Woods's pastoral run, also a block of Has on the north sido of Tramway Creek.—Held c-vor. jV- W. A. Allan applied for the right to mill the timber growing i n the Tramway Creek vallcj, bloclc X\i, Crookston survey district, about 120 acres.—Granted. The Commissioner rei>ortcd that Mr Robt. Little's grazing right over about 34 acre* of road reserve adjoining section 7, block I, Gimmerburn district, expired on Juno 10. —License renewed from year to year at former rental. Hanger Atkinson submitted a report on the grazing license held by the late Mr John Smith over 56a acres in Kiuw district, and recommended tliat as part of tho land grew very good crops, the rent be increased to £4 per annum.—Report adopted. Mr Moffat applied lor letter titles to the two areas in block XII, Wilkin district, which he holds on grazino- licenses (M.L.'s 1557 and 1571).—Refused. = Mr James Moffat applied for a grazing lisOTse over about 15 acres of laud adjoining Makarora town, in block XII. Wilkin district, being a small portion of tl.e land held by Messrs Wm 11. and Samuel Paterson on gr.-.-ing licenso (M.L. 1649) said area being oquired by the a-iplicant as a resting place for his stock while the river is in flood,—Held over. Tho ranger reported upon tho area of 50 acres in block XII, Wilkin district, latelv hc-ld bv Messrs Wm. 11. and Samuel B. Patcrson.—Granted at former rental, subl ject to S'urrruvder of 15 acres of M.L. 1649. Tho ranger reported upon the application of Mr John M'Lean for a grazing license oyer scctiori 27, block ITJ. Nevis district.--I Granted at £l 10s per annum. Ranger AOkinson submitted an amended report on land applied for by Mr Wm. Gurd in river-bed opposite section 29a. Ctckaike Settlement,—Report adopted, au<i previous resolution rescinded.

Tlio ranger reported upon the application of Mr James Ritchie for a grazing licenso over sections 30 iuid 31, block 111, Nevis district.— Grunted license of sections 30 am] 31 n* annual rental of £3. Messrs Templeton and Perry applied for a sawmill site over about two acres of land 011 tho shore of Lake ILawea, in Lower Ilawoa district.—Granted at £1 per annum for term of sovon years. 'J'ho ranger reported on tho rental of the small area at Glcnoro that was granted at last meeting to Mrs Mary Ilicl£;wcll. —Resolved; that rent bo 5s per annum. Mrs Kaiiny Harriet Re id applied for a grazing license over about 78 acres of land in block VII. Swinburn district, being section 22 and the adjoining riverbed. — Granted at 20s nor annum. Mr Daniel Tonill, holder of a small area of land in Alexandra township (two roods on miscellaneous license), stated that as it was to be sold lie had no further uso for it.—License determined. Mr Alfred Ilenrv licay applied for a renewal of tho present lease over section 9. block I, township of Mornington (formerly dealt with by tho Public Trustee), area 22 9-10 poles.—Granted lease for 21 years from July 1, 1918, at £3 19s 6d per annum. Ranger Leonard submitted a report on section 243, town of Port Chalmers (Education endowment), and recommended that it bo offered for lease for a term of 21 vears under section 5 (c) of "The Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1903," at ail upset annual rental of £3.—Report adopted. Hanger Leonard submitted for tho approval of the board his value, as appraiser, of two residence sites of one aero each in block I, Cromwell district, applied for by tho Cromwell Development, Company, under section 6 (a) of " The Water Supply Amendment Act, 1913."—Approved. On the completion of survey of land in block VII, Tiger Hill district, provisionally granted on the renewable lease system to Mary Ann Cannan. —Land was finally granted at capital value of £100. On the completion of survey of land in block I. Mid Wakatipu district, provisionally granted on the o.r.p. system to Mr William Thorn Haines, tho land was finally granted at capital value of £30. On tho completion of the survey of land in _ block I, Mid Wakatipu district, provisionally granted on 'the o.r.p. system to Mr Merlin Owen Nasco, the land was finally granted at capital value of £45. Mr G. D. Morrison, lessee of section 11a, Bellamy Settlement, was called on to show cause why his lease should not bo forfeited for non-residence.—Exemption granted till after the war. Mr Joseph Lloyd, lessee of section 25, block XII, Tarras, applied for 12 months exemption from residence.—Granted. Mr W. D. Isbistor and others wrote protesting against tho sale of trees on Ardgowan plantation except direct to the settlers.—Left in commissioner's hands. Mr H. Hylanrl notified that he would not accept a renewal of grazing right over section 55, Maerewhenua Settlement, at 10s per annum.—License cancelled.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17341, 14 June 1918, Page 8

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17341, 14 June 1918, Page 8

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17341, 14 June 1918, Page 8