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FOOTBALL. HIJUJiY. First Grad<e. Union v. Kaikorai, at th«; JN'orth Ground. —"Lilfon : Jhnki.-ou, Cameron, .J. Huyhw, T. 'Jliouipson, 11. Smith, Duncan, Bobpon, Knox, Calverloy, Fit7,gibbon, Jenkins, T. Walsh; eincr-gencie-j—F. «Jt*nks, \V. Itae. Kaikorai: Gibb, llUvsUo, «Bruwn, Ferry, Ritchie, Davis, CubiU, Dunoa»n, Jiarnes, Pu-trick, Dow, Burns, Wilson, Jlaigh, Herd. Pirates v. AJhftmbra, at O&lcdoninii Ground.— PiruUs: AYhiteley, Tudd, IJickraott, Churchill, M'Donald, .leffs, Webber, Haines, Milne, Scott, Glendining, Stewart, Baglev, Thompf*m; Fat-nek. Allmmbm :* Fitzpatrick, -Mar*ton, Fit'/putriek, M'Jlrov, Marston, Gillick, Airey, Mauley, Williams, Smith, Thomas, Callo.ry, (.'(xmbe.s Hoy, Gillick; vmorgaicies—Manley, Ferguson, Heait?/. Fort v. University B, at Fort Chalmers. —Port Chalmers: St.evonsc'j. Bootu, Percy, Dougherty. Syyon, Thomas, Iva ltoche, Clark, Glengarry, Carlington, Jnglis, Nelson, Smith, Scott, Fetrio; emergencies—M'Givgor, G. Dougherty, Zingari v. Southern, at Carishrook.—Zingaii* Bond, Muir, Barron, M'Xaushtun, Wills, Kroon, Fvar.s, W. Smith. Hainer, Gordon, G-arside, Pattnson, ItavonsTvood, llargreavcs, Yeitch; oinorgcneii*—Fk.ury (V), Wraggc Southern: Quest, Crawford, Ledgerwood, Butler, llowoil, Ilasley, Mitchell (2), Bain, Irving, Hayes, Doull, Wliitty, Pearson, Fox; emergencies—llinton, Duncan. Junior. Zingari v. Alliambra, at Montecillo.—Zingari: Simpson, Mitchell, Stewart, Gibson, J. Smith, Varncy, Montgomery, Ecklioff, Guthrie, Anderson, E Smith, Kent, A. Grey, Hawkson,, Clydesdale, Foul sou. Alhambra:, Simpson, Barron, Gilbert., Gunn, i'careon, Mutton, l'aull, lin)>bard, Wood, ltowe, Aitken, Parker, Hunter, Skene. Pirates A v. Southern, at Bathgate Park.— Pirates: North, Nicholson, Clarke, Dcwor, Jones, Herbert, M'Gill, Restieanx, Smith, Fairmaid, Joyce, Scoon, Thomson, Nuisinitti, Ik-id. Southern: Ha/.elwood, Munroe, Raiusav (2), -Holden, O'Hourke, Totld, Hyder, Scok-s (2), Rutherford, Anderson, Bain, Woodward, Peacock; emergencies —Cuttley, Buddicomb. Pirates B v. Ravensboume, at Ravensbournc. — Pirates: Brown, E. R. Watt, Moody, Moloney, Ritchie, Preston, Trapski, Mitchell, Jlurk, Fleming, Bayley, Fox, Brydone, A. Miller, Blair. Kavensbourne: King, Milnes, JL'Don aid, Eoswell, Ferguson, Ilutton, Webber, D. M'Ewan, Baird, Hodge, Engstrom, George, M'lvor, Grant, Tliornicroft; emergencies—Sullivan, Budge. I Port Chalmers v. University, at Asylum Ground, j Port Chalmers: Brandham, Brown (2), F. Docherty, Miller, Parsons, Sunderland, Smith, Glengarry, Cabral, Carrington, Porter, Hardv, Wilson, Krridge; emergencies—Lonie, Sutherland. liigh School will default to West Taieri. Third Grade. j Union v. Pirates C, at Oval No. I.—Union: Kenwood, Fraser, BloomScld, Fiddis, Jackson, Desarthe, Bowie, Gantley, Perry, Rcid, Hughes, Chi istie, Clark, M'DonaJd, Walker; emergency Ross. Pirates: Hollowav, J. B.- Miller, Ringer, G. E. Burton, Walker, Wilson, Goldsmid, Edwards, Aitken, Donnehy, E. D. Watt, B. W. Smith, Brass, J. M'l«ulty, Grove. Pirates "l) v. Zingnri, at Oval No. 2.—PiratesAppleby, aavton, Murray, E. M'Nultv, Hardie, M Kenzie, Scllar, Levi, Hollick, Johnstone, Hoy, h. Burton, Gonrler. Farquharson, Sutherland: emergencies Hamilton, Barnett, Kissman. Zingan: Norman, M'LaughlaJi, Hunter, Johnston, i } lv^an - A. M'Lachlan, Gilders, M'Comb, Hobbs, Outtle, Nelson, Murray, Lane, Blakeley. President's. Union v. Alhambra, at Opoho.—Union : Cormick Perrv, Desarthe. Hughes, Jackson, Burns, Anderson, Bushman, Webber, Clark, Robertson, Sanderson, M Bride, Holdaway, Dale, King, O'Connell. Alliambra: Smith, Barton, Barron, Wall, Yalenski. King, Levrten, Dodd, Mackay, Hav, Buchanan, Chisholm, Smolenski, Talenski, Johnston; emergencies—Wilson, Trail. Lee, Brookes. aiigari v. Southern, at Caledonian Ground.— Zingan: Crawford, Bonney, Clydesdale, Peat, Eckhod Kcvnt, Garside, Fennesv, Calder, Corkin, Rapson, Tay.or, M'Donald, Wauph. l^ilv r rwM TWf ' tC T ? annich '' lf ' l ' Sweete, Mitehel'l, Todd, Porter (2), Davies. Fox, Houston, Liddle, I'erguson, Timlin, M'Kay, Dray, Bryant, Prescott! Association. First Grade. Mornington y. Christian Brothers, at Culling 1 ark.—Mormngton: James, Duncan, J. Haig, M'Wui'n llobbs > Stevens, Smith, Dickel, s f nnan t! , Bavidson. Christian Brothers • Fogarty, Salmon, Tarleton, Kennellv, Brown iocmey, Fonton, O'Connor, A. Taylor, Clements —Maori Ml Ipla " < ?' T at Asylum Ground. ? Hill. Henderson, M'Lennan (2), Andcrson, James, Newman, Benham, Rigby, Wallace Bkekw^d rey rr-i? eyn<) o S ' Green Scott,' Blackwood, M Allan, Russell, Campbell, Edi;ar Ltunvoodie, Duncan, Moffitt, M'Ahan, Grant ' W? V o )f V Vr. I ?° rthcl "n, at Gardens.—Southern • Scott (-)> !£ Evoy, Trcvathan, ltennie, Tvrie f r '' nwel '■ o_Dnscoll, Mason, Hill, Revnolds Northern . Martin, Grant, Coate®, Gormack, Stuart Sr"ten nSen ' ldell, Muirhead ' K 3'dd, Cherry! pf 1 . 1 ' 1 5 0 -" 8 Y - High School, at, Oval No. 1 Old fp'° so , r - v ' Minn, Cunningham, Nicol Allen, icschner, Aitchison, Alloo, jSnes, Second Grade. Southern v. llornington, at Mornington—Southean' L^ 3 ' ct i Walsh, Miteon, Hal'li\F >' ' ter Cuson, Cunningham MGregor. Mornington: Heay, Robertson, Sudani' i,*;; Louden, Baines, Leach ders' Eoberts, Henderson; emergency, SanNorthcrn v Post and Telegraph, at Oval No 2 TWci n: r ?, op ' Es( l uila °t. M'Lennan, Biach' Bradshaw, Latham, Berryman, Brundell, Eggers' Grindley, Moorehouse, Harrison. ' Third Grade. Christian Brothers v. Northern B, at AsylumWnV, I s roU n rS: S OX ' Wilson ' barlow, Carter, Waish, llonnelly, loomey, Doocey, Kennedv Roughan, Galien. Northern: Mitchell (2), O'Brien' Lmmerson, I'Cluskoy, Wilkie, Barnes, Ri"ch' M Cullooh, M'Guire, Holler, Pearoe. , r l }; a ? ri „-,? ill c . v - M °ruiogton, at Mornington.m U Simpson, Adiimson, Pike, M'Unnan, M Donald, Graham, Belworthy, Bridgeman, Pike "tif t' Ured £ e :, T " r " er - Mornington: Riach, Mad le ' Hill, MLachlan, Kerr, Samson, Dow, Johnson, Watt; emergency. Stringer. ai? r> yS Korttleni A. at Oval, No. 2.— Old Boys: Howard, Hammond, Peake, Stevens Hay ward, Hamilton, Groves, Beckiasale, Dunoan, Baird; emergency, Bett. Old flova play \ Northern: Drydcn, Faithful, Taylor, M Callurn, semple, Guthrie, Reddiagton, T. J. Steel, T. Bowie, Nichol. Fourth Grant. Mornington v. Christian Brothers, nt Culling Park.--Mornington: Maurice, Dickson, Smith Wilson, Hobbs, Finlayson, Beverage, Preston, Cu'mberbwich, Laing, Rutherford. Christian BrothersDunne. Moloney, Burrcll, Fogarty, Saddler. Yule T«affey, Lodge, MacDonnell, Donnelly, Milter-' emergencies, Burke and Smith. ' Northern v. High School, at the Garden* — Northern: Smith, Divers, Henderson, Mitchell Phillips, Burns, Hughes, Sherriff, Reeves, Groves' u ' l; emtr e«icies, Healey and Loudon' . v ,v- st Telegraph, at Oval No. J - —Jt.iI.G.A.: Aiken, Hudson, Jones. Beekm-m Kydd, Benfell, Hope, Sutherland, Coxon, Ber'rv' Hart. ■" School Matches. B Grade.—High School B v. George Street Sval; l" a.m. : Sch °° l 0V " C Grade (B SecUon).—Kaikorai B v. Green Tsland, Oval, 10 a.m.; St. Clair v. George Street Oval, 11 a.m.; High School E v. High Street O* Oval, 0 a.m. A section: Mornington A v. NorthAsylum, 11 a.m.; Ravensbonrne v. High Street B, Rayensbourne, 1 p.m.; Kaikorai A v. Maori Hill, Asylnm, 10 a.m Other ranches postponed owing to Christian Brothers School having holidays. HOCKEY. Men's. Gymnastic v. City, at Oval No. 3.-Gymnastic: Foote, Burt, Fleet, Purvis, Pollock, Hogg, Immanuel, Quentin, Phillips, Newton, Mitchell T Burt, Harris. ' School Matches. 10.30 a.m. Albany Street v. Macandrcw Road, No. 1 Ground (Mr Fleet); Mornington v. NorthEast Valley, No. 3 Ground (Mr Quentin). 1.20 p.m.—Normal v. Technical College B*, \"o 3 Ground (Mr Newton); Technical College A* a bye. Ladies'. A Grade. Otago v. University I, on Oval No. I.—OtagoWills, C. Stevenson, Sanderson, Blythe, Yorston" H'Laren, Frascr, Allan, WTiite, Stevenson, Fvfe ' Waiata v. University No. 2, at the Oval — Waiata: Orr, Jones, C. Wedderspoon, Wynne Roberts, Wedderspoon, Maitland, Ncwlands. Will Uurns, M'lvor, O'Sullivan. Momona v. St. Joseph's, at Oval No 3 — Momona • Hanson, Caddie, Sutherland, Goodwin Dewar, Cole, Leslie, Bomison, Guest, Thompson' Balk. B Grade. Otago v. Taieri 11, at Mosgiel.—Otago: Lattimer, Erown, Nalder, Mullinger, Adair, Smith Cook, Phair, Foley, Carey, Baillie; emergencv! Maxwell. University will default to St. Joseph's. Wai.ita v. Rawnslmtirne, at Jubilee Park.— Waiata: Brooks, Maxwell, Maitland, Scully, B Maxwell, M'Meekin, Arnndel, Sloan, Houston! Henderson, Eaton. Momona v. Taieri I, at Jubilee Park.—Momona : T. M'Ken-iie, E. M'Millan, E. Hood, G. Louseley, Bennett, Salmon, Salmon, Nelson, Foley, Provo; emergencies. E. and P. Paul. BASKET BALL. First A V, Y.W.C.A., at First Grounds (Miss Isitt). Knox v. Caversham A, at Woodhauglj (Miss Budd). Caversham B v. First B, at Oaversham (Miss Knight. HARRIERS. The Caversham Harriers will hold their One Mile Maiden race ftt Forbury Park. The Civil Service Harriers will hold their One MiVo and o-half Novice raoe at Forburv Park. St. Joseph's Harriers will run from the Bungalow Tea Rooms, St Kilda. The Pacific Harrier Club's One Mile and nhnlf Maiden race will be run at Forbury Park. The St. Kilda Harriers will run from 51 Burns street, C-arisbrook, :is the guests of Mrs Morice. The Anglican Harriers will run from the residence of Mr A. C. Smith, Mornington.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17323, 24 May 1918, Page 8

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TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES Otago Daily Times, Issue 17323, 24 May 1918, Page 8

TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES Otago Daily Times, Issue 17323, 24 May 1918, Page 8