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NEW ZEALAND CASUALTIES UKITBII PIMI Araociatiok.) WELLINGTON, July 24. ittT; following list was issued to-day. When tho rank is not specified the soldier is a private, trooper, sapper, gunner, or riiienian, as the case may be. The names theses nox ' ; " o^"^"1 1110 given in parcnDied from Sickness. RIFLE BRIGADE. (July 18.) LEONARD PERCY (Mrs M. Mole, St Albans, Bister). Missing. AUCKLAND INFANTRY. (Juno 29.) ELLIS, JOHN REGINALD (Mr J. B. Snelkng, Victoria street West, Auckland). Wounded. WELLINGTON MOUNTED. (July 20.) SANGtSTER, JAMES GLEN (Mr G bangster, Stratford, father). CANTERBURY MOUNTED. (July 19.) BRUCE, ROY THOMAS, Major (Mrs M. liruce, Tiniaru, wife). LIVINGSTONE, ALEX. RENEL, Lieutenant (Mr T. Livingstone, Durham street, Christchurch, father). RIFLE BRIGADE. (Juno 18.) MAGEE, ERNEST CHARLES Miss Magee, England, sister). Previously Reported Wounded; now Reported Wounded Slightly and Remaining with Unit. MAORI CONTINGENT. (July 3.) WTHONGI, WIREMU PAKI (R. W Paki, Northcote, wife). Previousiy Reported Wounded; now Reported Mot Wounded. WELLINGTON INFANTRY. (July 8.) RUTLAND, CYRIL ARTHUR (Mrs W. Rutland, Palraerston North, mofcJier}. Tho following hospital and progress report was issued yesterday :— Dangerously BIS. Pullman, P. C.; Riokus, T. S.; Wilkcnmg, O. M.; Thompson, J., Captain; Baker, E. H., Lanco-corporal; Carter, J. H • Davidson, V. R.; Dillon, C. J.; Gallagher J. J., Corporal; M'Beth, D.; Pulford, Wm! 1?.; Smith, J. C.; White, P., Lance-cor-poral | Allen, R. C., Lieutenant-colonel; Drewitt, D.,. Lieutenant-colonel; Griffiths N.; Leslie, R. J.; Parker, E. H.; Staples, R M., Lance-corporal; Bailis, W P • Chapman, C. M.; Halligan, W.; Hally, E. P.; Harris, R.; Holdstock, W. L.; Leighton, N. R; Lye, E. M'G.; M'Bride, J.; M Kenzie, J., Corporal; Miller, T. S., Sergeant; Poa, D. A.; Pringle, P. A • Reeves, F.; Ritchie, D. S.; Sim, T. W.; Scisson, H. N., Lance-corporal. ' Seriously 911. Bedford, W. C., Corporal; Brown, J.; Chapman, S. S.; Raymond, F. W. K. • Russell, W. H.: Brading, R. R.; Fearn', J. L'.; Korr, W F.; Macintyre, R. C.; Paterick. R. • Rutledge, 0. Wm.; Sutherland, A. R. ; Turnwald, J. E.; Ammundson, W.; Burnett, R.; Clarke, G. T.; Hutere, L., Lance-corporal; Jackson, W. A.; Joiner, G.; M'Donald, A., Lance-corporai; Thompson, N.; Boyd, J. L.; Dickson, A. F.; Graham, L.; Heath, P.; Henderson, P. B.; Johnston, M. D.; King, J.; Lane, G. H.; Langley, D.; Jardington, E.; Sneat; A. J. Removed from Dangerously 111 List.' Marshall, J. A., Captain; Bunton, T J • Bradford, J. W.; Bryers, G.; Hannah, j. s Removed from Seriously ill List Bardler, G.; Boyd, T. G.; Kemsted, F. iVL; Norman, S. H.; Potts, L. A.; Gryor, J. J., Temporary Corporal; Reeve, G.; Speer, Wm T.; Walker, J. ; Williams, E. J.; Gow, G. V., Second Lieutenant* Dean, W.: Elliot, W. J.• .Foster, A.; Gentleman, 1\ £•;, George, H. W.; Heatley, D M Sergeant; Millner, A, A.; Wise, R. T. 1 Severe Gases. Hewat, J„ P., Captain; Adams, A.; Allnn J.; Bethell, W. JtL; Bjernquist, C. H , Corporal; Brewster, G. PL; Burme, J.; Christie, J.'} Clark, S.; Coomb 6, F.; Duncralt, A. J., Hodges, J.; Joy, L. ]£. W.; Keats, H.; Houghlin, A.; ' Lyall, A. ; Al'Oarthy, J.; Martini, W.; Matheson, A.; Miller,' A.; Moody, F.; Murray, A. J.; Parsons, F. W., Corporal; PaXerson, D.; Ravlick, J. J. ; Shoulders, P. J.'; Smith, C. E.; Spraggs, A. G.; Sturrock, J.; Taylor, J.; Wagtiorn, H. A.; Whakataka, H.; Williams, H.; Wilson, L. C.; Edwards, E. 8., Lieutenant; Morton, 8., Lieutenant*Allcock, J. S.; Arnott, W.; Baker, A. LL.: Beer, S.; Bellve, G.; Brown, J.; Browne, H. E.; Bruce, Chisnall. P. J.; Clements, A. A; Clements, C. C.; Collins, J. A.; Cunninghajn, C. W.; Dallard, C. J.; Duxfield, A. J., Lance-corporal; Eatwell, H: J.; Falconer, R. T.; Futzer, R. K; Frederickson, D., Lance-corporal; Frisby, W.; Noble, P.; Granger, W.; Green, H.; Gun ion, A.; Haibert, C., Corporal; Hanoock, 0.; Harding, N. L.; Hargreaves C. F.; Harris, C. V. N.; Herbert, T. E. • Hickman, A. C.; Hildreth, I.; Hodge, G.*; Hodges, A., Corporal; Holland, A. E., Corporal; Hoters, J., Lance-corporal; Hughes, -VI. D.; Irwin, E. E.; Jamioson, J.; Jamieson, I. S.; Johnston, H. P.; Johnston, T.: Johnson, W.; Kelly, P. J.; Kenaby, A • Kidberg, A.; Lentham, W.; Lynch, O.; M'lntosh, G.; M'Kenzie, W.; Maclcay, D. F.; Maitland, J. M.; Marfell, A.; Margin', A. L.; Mathias, C. O.; Neale, N.; Neilson, H., Lance-oorporal; Ngatipuhi, U.; Norris, W.; Potts, J. C.; Price, H.; Pryo'r, J. J., Laace-corporal; Puroell, R. N.; R U I kamiromiro, J.; Russell, A. T.; Sattler, F.; Not Severe Cases. .

Mitchell, J. G., Jiiajor; isisiiop, W. Q-, vV., Ui;;tam; Lemottce, J. .Captain; tVlaseiieiu, J. iVI., Ua-ptain; Ayers, (j.; badaeiey, A. G., iSerguaiic; lieadie, J. 14.; oeaven, U ; Jievege, G. li*; lirodrick, J, W.; Bi'ooken,: id.; liruce, W.; (Jnrisue, A-• Clark, J. iil.j Ulougu, VV. X'\j Ooieman, it. A.; Uowie, a.; Cuppits, E. T.; Davis, D.; Devcicn, !S, j liooiiey, J. F.; Eaglesome, O. A.; Eagieson, G. o.; Evans, Vvii'errel VV.; ii'ruyd, J.; Forman, it. G.; Hagger) W. B.; ruiiligan, F.j Jlandley, W.; ia.axdnck, VV.; iiarewood, T.; iiawthorne, R. W'., Lance-corporal; Henry, L.; iiiorns, G. • xioltman, Li E,; Hoiuian, i.'.; Huinpnreys vV. 11.; Hunt, P.; Murky, J.; Jar me j' 11.; Jones, E. A.; Kaipo, W. VV., Corporal* i\eane, M., Corporal; Keily, K.; Knowies' H.; Krammer, J.; Landers, F.; Lander, A, A.; iViauLiregor, E. W.; M Lean, D.; Maceill, 2d. ; Moecaicre, ii.; iviues, A.; lsaortonsou, A. CX * -vtorgan, W. O.; Mtuiro, J. F.; Niven G* >y.; Pariitt, li G.; barker, E. H.; PeppeL i ( . 11.; Philpot, 'J.'. E.; Pijacume, J.; i'ortcr, A. G.; Reeehr ads, 6.; Roe W. E.; Rough, W. D.; Savage, C.; Smith, a! O.; Smith, J. ; Smith, W.; Stewart, W. • .mi tiler land, T.; lam'ati, tL; 'ienura, n!' ie Paa, P.; Kepa, 'l'e Paa; Trevarthen' W.; i'yson, V J. ±i.; Wilkin, G. H. E • Wilkinson, A. G.; Winks, K.; Wootten, H. J.; Hiroti, T., Captain; M'Diarmid W Captain; White, H. P. W., Cxiptain; Willis' F. W., Captain; Connor, W. W.j Dick.' VV. R., Lieutenant; Natusch, C. T., Lieutenant; Smith, P. A., Lieutenant; Newton, H. M., Nurse; Abbot, R. j.; Albert, J.; Allan, G.; Allan, J.; • Allen, F. C • Anderson, W. M.; Andrews, J.; Armstrong C.; Atkinson, F. A.; Ball, G. A.; Ball X ' Banks, A. J.; Barr, W. D.; Bathgate, j! G. S.; Beaumont, A. L.; Beaumont, E. C.; Beck, AL, Lance-oorporal; Berry A. L. ; Biggs, G. H.; Bishop, L. C.; Biss K. G.; Bissett, A.; Bleman, M. J.; Booth' T. H.; Bossellman, M.; Boyd, E.; Boyd' L. C.; Bowen, W. B.; Brady, W. J.; ton, A. G.; Brosnahan, J. G.; Brown J • Brown, J. F.; Burns, B. R.; Butland, S E.; Butler, E. G.; Buttervvorth, A. K • Canty, T.; Capper, H.; Carmody, d! ' Carroll, W.; Carter, A. J.; Cartwrijrht G" T.; Cherrie, J. J.; Childs, G. A.; Clarke' W. G.; Clench, A.; Cloughley, A • Coll' H. F.; Collin, N. M.; ConwaV L • Cooke, S. J ■ Coombs, T. H.; Coo tee, T. •p.; Copas, A. G.; Cupedo, F. V.: Coleland, P. W.; Corbin, F. H.; Cornell W Sergeant; Cowie, M.; Cox, C.; Cfevle" W. J-; Outler A ; Dale, J. L.; Dalley, r! • ; W. J.; Devries, B. A.; Dillcs .r jn lon ' T " J " : J. M •' T.; Dunham, J. J.; Ellis, C 0 Corporal, EUisdon. F. W. F.; Fisher T K.; Ford, F.; Ford, R. E.; Forth, K 'k. •" Forrest, G. E.; Forrest, J. H.; Fox w' M.; Freeman, N.; Gardyne, J.; Georee c! E. D.; G.ibbs. G. E., Sergeant; Glen ' A* R.; Goulding, T. J.; Graham, A.; Grav' E. ; Green A H.; Green, N.; C.: Grumbley, H.; Gunnel, A.; Gurr. R N.; Guthrie, J.; Halliburton, G.: Hallidav' W. C.; Hamilton, J. T.; Harr'a, N.; Hant' C. L. ; Hastings, W. C.; Hawthorne, r! VV.; Haycock, A.; Hiskins, C.; Hogan P. • Howard. S. H.; Howe, R. R., Cforpoinl'• Hunt, G. W.; Hunter, W. T.; Hinwood P. O.; Hurford, H.; Inwood. W'.; Jamie son, R. G.j M'Avoy. M'Arihur, a.j

M Oo°k, R.; M'Donald, J., Lance-corporal; M Donald, M.; Macfarlane, D.; M'Uowan, D.; Mackenzie, C.; M'Kenzio, J.; MaJpen. W- M.; M'Lellan, T.; Madigan, W.; Magee, E. C.; Manning, A.: Mansfield, S.; Mark, N.; Mardyon, J.; Martin, G. A.; Martin, 11. C.; Max, J., Sergeant; Mercer, D.; Middleton, W.; Mills. A. G.; Milne U; Milne, A. L.; Mitchell, H. T.; Morrison, R. O.; Mojo, G. £L; Mullins, W.: Needliam, D. G.; New, A.; Niccolas, W M.; Nilseon, J. P.; Noble, E. \V.; O'Brien, M,; Pairman, R. ■ Panapa, M.; Park, E J.; Patterson, J. A.; Peachley, J.; Pearce, H. VY.; Pederson, H. C. ; Pereaskey, M.: Peneto, P.; Pettit, Wffl.; Pilcher, G. ; Pointon, E.; Prosoott, A. J., Lance-cor P or 9' ' Q uarrie > L.; Qunintal, J. J?. ; Radford, VV. S.; Reid, W.; Richardson, W.; Robertson, W. P.; Rogers, J. R Lance-corporal ; Ross, R. P., Lance-cor-poral ; Rowe, N. P. ; Powley, L. J.; Ruddick, F.; Ruru, S.j Real, W. M., Sergeant; Shcehan, D. T.; Sinclair, J.; Smith, IT. S.; otoenson, J.; Stevenson, Wm. 11.; Southgate, G. ; Stubbs, T.; Summerfield, R. H • Sutherland, H. M.; Symos, N. T. T.: Traill W. M. P.; Turn bull, P. W.; Vial, J. M.;' Vicary, li*.; Voight, 0, 3?.; Vo«per t A.; Young, J. N.j Waldon, J. I* 1 , j Waslev 1? £-i Wh'te, F. W.; White, J.; Whitta'ker! D.; Williamson, J.; Wood, C. H. W • Woodgate, R. W. *'

GUNNER SUTHERLAND. Gunner James Fulton Sutherland, killed m action in Flanders on Juno 8, was tho eldest son of the Rev. R. R. M. Sutherland, of Kaikorai, and a grandson of the lato Hon. James Fulton, M.L.C. Gunner Sutherland, who was in h.s twenty-second year, was born at Kaikorai, and educated lirst at the Kaikorai School and then at the Otago Boys' High School. After leaving school he spent three years in the service of Messrs G. Simpson and Co., and then for a jear was engaged in teaching* under the Nelson Education Board. JtLis determination was to take up the profession of architecture, but the outbreak of war disarranged his plans, for. ho enlisted at the first opportunity, and loft Dunedin with the 13ch Infantry Reinforcements. He was afterwards transferred to the machine-gun section, and sailed from New Zealand with i j ■^ ein^orcomcn ts. Gunner Sutherland was a steadfast and promising young man, liked and respected by all wno knew him. PRIVATE NTVEN. Private Harry Johnstono Niven, who died from wounds, wa3 28 years of age, and was the youngest son of tho late Mr John Niven, 44 Frederick street, Dunedin. He was educated at Albany Street School, and for seven years he was clerk at the Soodhaugh Paper Mills. At the time of his volunteering for service he was living in Middlemarch. After being rejected once, tie volunteered a second time, and, being at Ipst accepted, lost no time in reaching the firing line, where he met his death from wounds somewhere in France. PRIVATE SMITH. Private Smith, whose death ocourred on Sunday, was a Dunedin young man :who enl.sted with the Wanganui drait of the 20th Reinforcements. Unfortunately, his health gave way in camp, and he was granted sick leave in September. Despite all efforts ho never made headway against tho trouble. Private Smith received his schooling at the old Normal School, afterwards entering the employ of Messrs Chas. Bogg and Co., ultimately becoming one ot the firm's most successful travellers. In 1913, in order to gain experience and broaden his outlook, he took a trip to the Old Country, and visited France and America. His return in 1914- was saddened by the death of his mother, which occurred a few weeks before he.landed. He rejoined his old firm, and took charge of a department in the Wellington branch. In 1915 he joined as a partner the old-established music-selling business of Ellery, Gilbert, and Co., Wanganui. The deceased is to be accorded a military _funeral to-day, the place of interment being the Anderson Bay Fernet cry. At the Oval a special tramcar will be at tho disposal of tho firiag party and mourners. PRIVATE ALEXANDER. Mr James Alexander, Green Island, has received cable advice that his son, Private Matthew Albert Alexander, who was re. ported severely wounded (second occasion) in the Messines battle and admitted to hosp ial on June 5, has been transferred to the Hornchurch Hospital, where ho is now convalcecent. Private Alexander and hi? brother Harry left New Zealand with the Eighteenth Reinforcements.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17065, 25 July 1917, Page 2

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THE ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17065, 25 July 1917, Page 2

THE ROLL OF HONOUR Otago Daily Times, Issue 17065, 25 July 1917, Page 2