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Doily Times office, Saturday morning. A new line —Highlander malk coffee—has made its appearance on the market. It is quoted at 68s per case. A small parcel oi Bell's matches came to hand during tho week. Mellor'a sauce has again advanced in price. Pints, case lots, are quoted at 17s 'per dozen; broken lots, 17s 6d- half-pints lla 3d and lls 6d. Stevens's health salts are costing 24s per dozen. Oatmeal advanced £1 a ton during the .week. It is now quoted at £21. A small parcel of Borthwick's 21b tins of pork brawn has arrived on the market. Tho current quotation is 19s per dozen. Parcels of Sicily • alm&nds, Crosse and Blackwell's essences, and other lines which aro in short supply are due to arrive on Wednesday. ' Sand soap has advanced by Is a case. Supplies of lentils are becoming scarce. Lentils cannot now bo exported from Britain. Grape aute are quoted at 10s per dozen. Coarse castor oil is quoted at—five case lots, 4s 6d; less, 4a 94 Cable advice re- , ceived this morning records the latest advance. Sugar is to bo advanced £1 a ton as from tho end of June. Tho list of goods which are prohibited from export from Britain is now reaching alarming proportions. These goods are classed A. Class B refers to goods pro- ; hibited from export to all destinations abroad other than British possessions and protectorates. Class B likewise comprises a big list. Messrs O. and E. Morton advise that they are very doubtful whether they will be permitted to export herrings over the coming season. A license must be applied for to permit the export of tinned fish, and on tho granting of that license depends the fulfilment of orders received from local firms. COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Pros 3 Association— By Telegraph—Copyright Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. . LONDON, June 22. (Received Jraao 24, at 5.S p.m.) Tho prices for English cheese have- been reduced by 3s, and tmsalted.butter by 6s. Australian and New Zealand mutton 9£d per lb; lamb, South American mutton, lOJld; lamb, lid. Frozen rabbits: Neglected. Hemp.: Firm and scarce. High-point fair, £88. Rubber: Para, -3s plantation, 2s ■ 03d; smoked, 2s 6id. Copra; Spot, £45 sa. PRICES FOR AUSTRALIAN CHEESE. ..: Prees Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. : Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. MELBOURNE, Juno 24 (Received June 24, at 5.5 p.m.) Revicd prices for checso have been fixed ■'■ as,. follows: —Large and medium new wholesale, 9£d per pound; retail, 12id Loaf: Now—wholesale,. 10d; retail, 13d . Old—2d extra all round. • .•'".■ '" <»- SOUTHLAND MARKETS. .'.'.; (Fbom Our Own Cobrespondent.) , INVERCARGILL, Juno 23. The oat market hero is decidedly quiet owing to Auckland having been recently . supplied with fairly considerable-' quantities from a Homo liner bringing cargo from Australia. Consequently tho demand locallv 1 has altogether eased off. Prices are on a par with last advices, but merchants are bv no means disposed to buy. The bulk of the crop is only fair average.quality, and prices of Gartons for this grado aro in tho region of 3s od to 3s 7d on trucks at country sidings, to distance from port, and other grades in proportion. Farmers are • willing, oven anxious, io do business at theso prices, but little is. doing, as merchants aro averso to laying up stocks while thesq rates are maintained and owing to the impossibility of dome: business just at present. :'■'.'-, IJ ttlo business in doing in chaff, ; : .chiftfly owing to tho fact that very little is Ottering from tho cormtrv. Stocks puiv be low, bnt on tho other hand it isMnorallv considered that farmers do not care 10 devote the necessary timo for cutting it, and as the demand is purely local merchants do "? abou ' t;lkin S delivery of considerable quantiics from one grower in one delivery. Values tiro from £4 5s to £4 10s ■/'for Bood quality now chaff, and an extra os for old chaff of similar quality. , Wholcsalo inquiries for ryegrass continue to como through .rom northern ports, and a certain amount of business is being done It is evident, however, that httlo or no seed remains, in growers' hands. Tho qmntity available in merchants' is -./, a?id higher priccn arc looked ft! r jr tho near future. High fair hemp is nominally worth fSO per ton on trucks, bt<t littlo or no business 1 • is being done at this figure. In stock business continues fairly quiet owinp V to tho very open weather being, experienced . holders of stock easily being able to carry them through and not putting them on tho rarrket. Inqiiirv for good stores, both sheep and cattle, is very kcrjn at high .rates, and a largp number could bo placed if they could bo got under offer. It is aii- '/ ticipiited thai the good prices ruling will -■continue, as within tho next thrco or four v-weeka a good demand should apriajj bj>

from Canterbury for good evrea and hoggets, while northern centres also nhould cause a demand for fat cattle. Prices of fat cattle have firmed considerably durnif iho week, with a very good inquiry for decent stuff. Good stuff is exceptionally hard to get. It looks very much as if fat cattle aro going to bo scarce and very dear. Youn# storo cattle aro also moving; in fact, the market was never better, and the high prices will in all probability continue to rule for some time. , V , all V* M » as follow:—JTnt cattlo: Ox boof 47s to 48s; heifer beef, 44s to 45scow beef, 43s to 43s 6d. Pat Sheep.—Extra heavy butchers' wethers, 40e to 435; prime. 38s to 395; medium, 35s to 365; extra prime ewes. 30s ; to 555; medium, 28s to 30s; unfinished 223 6d to 24s 6d. Store Cattle.—Three and 3£-yoar-old bul\%h: £ }?, *° £1S 1Os ! 2±-year-old, £10 10s to £11 ss; two-year-old, £8 10s to £9 S. ; 8 months ' £5 15s to £6 15s; yearlings, £4 15s to JBS 12a 6d; calves, £2 10s to £5 according to quality. Storo Sheep.—Two-tooth ewes, 35s to 365; four-tooth ewes, 37s to 38s; six-tooth. 34s 6d to 35s 6d; eight-tooth, 33s to 33s 6d; lresh and failing-mouthed ewes, 25s to 265; older owes, down to 16s; mixed-sexed hoggets, 26s 6d to 27s 6d; ovre hoggets, 28s to 295; wether hoggets, 24e to 25e; two-tooth wethers, 32s to 32s 6d; four,and six-tcoth 35s to 36s 6d. -a» OAMARU MARKETS. QTbom Oub Own Cobbespondent.) OAMARU, June 23. No wheat has been offoring from the country, and the week has been devoid of business. A few transactions in oats aro reported, the most noteworthy being a couple of purchases of extra good seed Gartons at , 4s net at country stations. Sales of feed Gartons have boon made, according to , weight, at 3s 5d net, delivered, and from 3s 6d to 3s 8d net at country stations. The potato market remains slow and weak, with few willing to make purchases. The business of the week has been confined to a few small lines, the prices paid being— •Tablo Up-i,o-dates, £3 15s net on trucks, and £4 net delivered Oamaru; Elephants, £3 10s net on trucks. Stock agents report a continued good demand for sheep, the inquirers including , Canterbury buyers. A good number of transactions are reported, but offerings fall short of the demand, tones were generally of modest dimensions, the largest being £00 mixed, six threo-quarterbred lambs, whioh realised 24s 6d, and 600 fullmouthed ewes at 255. Other prices obtained woro as follow:—Extra good four-tooth ewes, 48s; choico mixed six and eighttooth ewes, 38s; sound-mouthed ewes, 32s and 335; failing-mouthed ewes (good), 28sowe hoggets, 22s 6d to 25s 6d; owe lambs, 203 1 medium mixed sex lambs, 22s 6d; halfbred wether lambs, 16s; fat wethers, Od; two-tooth store wethers, 28s 6d. Very little business is being done in cattlo owing to o paucity of offerings. J-aere is a good inquiry for storo cattle generally, and dairy cows coming to profit are in keen demand and worth £12 to £13 The only sales of the week are fat bullocks at £18,_ fat cows at £12, fat heifers at £11 and mixed two and α-half and three-year-old steers at £9. O&AGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. ■"I- Farm ere' Co-operative Assc- . aation of. New Zealand (Ltd.) reports- Wo Held our weekly sale on Saturday, and subnvUec 26 heavy and light horses. The whole of the Waimea Plains' consignment met with fair competition, and changed owners under the hammer at prices quite mi keeping with vendors' expectations. The balanco of the entry comprised aged and 'afer.or sorts. There is a better lone springing up for young, sound, clifty mares and geldings suitable for plough teams aud lorry work. Quotations: Young, bound sharp, chfty geldings, £25 to £28; extra hiavj. horses, £26 to £32; seven-year-old and over mares and geldings, £13 to £20; what is usually termed aged, £10 to £i2 : vanners and spring-carters, £14 to £20 \ light sorts of harness horses at fluctuating —•- PRIVATE COMPANIES. Notification of the registration of the following private companies is contained in tho Mercantile Gazette:— Glen Lyon.—Capital, £12,000 in 12 000 T harM u °L £l each - Subscribers: OamaruT Joseph Preston, 5000; Kyeburn, James Thorp Preston 3000; Hakataramea, Arthur Preston Cameron 4000. Objects: To carry on the business of graziers, dairy farmers, and runholders, and of dealers in stock and agricultural and other produce, and to purchase, acquire, and sell land. 1, H. W. Gresham 1, T W AUph 1 ■ fand development at Waikaia. Southi> ■£ EN, £ RAL PRODUCE MART. Keiily,_ Gill and Co. report that business during the past week has been quiet and sales for all lines aro elow. Eggs have been quoted at Is 8d and Is 9d per dozen for stamped and guaranteed. Prime bacon and porker pigs are in demand. Onions: A shipment arrived by the Kaiapoi. Consignments of citrus fruits coming forward freely. Vegetables, especially cauliflowers! are wanted. A good yarding of poultry came forward for our sale on Wednesday and realised /frgh prices. Turkeys are eagerly inquiredJor. Record prices were obtained for rabbitskins at our sale on Friday We received and sold the following:—Apples: Jonathans, 2Ad, 23dDelicious, 2£d to 3d;. Sturmers; 2|d to 3id'other desserts, lid to2id; cooking, yd to 2d; bruised, Id to lid. Bananas: Wβ land 900 cases per Wimmera. Lemons: Adelaides (to land), 16s 6d. Mandarines, 14s 6d Oranges: Rarotongas to land Monday Passions: Wanted. Pie melons, to 9s. Pears: Winter Neh6,2£d to 3id; cooking, l|d to 2jd. Pines: Choice Queens, 12s 6d to 14srough 10s Poorman oranges, 13s. Toma'toesr Locals, Is 2d. Winter rhubarb, 2id per lb. Cabbage, Is to 2s 6d per dozen Cauliflowers, 5s to 9s per dozen Cocoanuts, 12s 6d pers sack. Onions, 13s 6d per cwt. Potatoes, to 6s 6d per cwttruck lots, ■& to £5 10s. Bacon: SWes' 93d; hams, Is Id; for prime rolls, to Is Id Bacon pigs: Porkers, Bid; choppers sid : prime baconers, Bd, BJd. Butter: Prime bulk, to ,1s 4id s pats, to Is 4d. EggsStamped and guaranteed, Is 9d to 2s 2d • preserved, Is, 7d to Is Bd. Honey: Bulk' sid; section honey, 7s 6d dozen; 101b tins' rj %V Flrst tips ' °™nse Pekoe, Is 6d. Bran, £4.105. Capo barley: For seed purposes, to 5s M. Maize, to 6s per bushel. Meat meal, 16s per 1001b. Molasses- We expect supplies 29th inst. Oaten pollard • A special line £6. Oats: Best short oaW, 4s 3d. Oatshoaf chaff: Prime,, to £6 5s ex storo; light and discoloured, £4 10s' Oaton dust, 5s per sack. Wheat: Prime fowl wheat, 5s 9d to 6s 3d. Wheat pollard • Extra special, £7 10s. Beeswax, Is 4d* Hides: 151b realised Bid; 341b, 9id. hair 18(1. Fat, 28s. Rabbitskins: 511b .realised, 10d; 831b, 17d; 561b, 18d • 681h WW; 4? 22W; 221b. 24d: 601b 25d; 33' 25J-d; 761b, 28d; 941b, 34d; 401b 344d--21. 42d: 541b, 46d, Catskins, 6d. Hons-21 at Is 9d, 5 at 2s Id, 25 at 2s 2d 35 at 2s 4rl. 37 at 2s sd, 18 nt 2e 6d 24 at 2s 7d, 12 at 2s Bd, 8 at 2s 9d. 10 at 2s 10d. 16 at 2s lid. 10 at 3s, 7 at 3s 3d 4 at 3s 6d, 10 at 3s 10d; cockerels—2 at Is fw 1 at Is 3d. 12 at 2s. 3 at 2s 2d. 4 at 2s 3d 13 at 2s 4d. 12 at 2s sd. 17 at 2s 7d. 22 at 2s Bd, 10 at 2s 9d, 5 at 2s LOd. 1 at 3s 1 at 4s; cocks—l at Is 10d. 3 at 2s, 1 at 2s Id 4 at 2s 4d, 1 at 2s 7d; chickons—l at 9d' 9at l<s. 9at Iβ Id; ducks—ll at 2s 3d 5 at 3s, 2 at 2s 4d: pullets—3 at 4s 9d; hens and cock—s at Is sd. REILLY, GILL, AND CO., Moray place, Dunodin.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 17039, 25 June 1917, Page 4