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Daily Times Office, Saturday morning. Oanary seed shows an advanco in cost . and is now being sold at 5d per lb. ' . The packers have advanced the prico of sheep s tongues (C.M.O. tins). To-dav's quotation is 18s. i _ Cabled quotations to hand show a decided increase in tho price of cotton-seed oil gallon 13 n ° W ° afc 7s 9d to 8s Per . Laurel kerosene shows an increaso in' price tof 4d per ease, but tho company gavo their rate" opportunit 7 of buying at the old Robinson's patent groats and barley is quoted at: 3doz or more, lis 9d; less, 12s. Wilson s_ malt extract shows an increase Large plain » quoted at 28s; largo in oil) 28s 6d; small plain, 163; small in oil, 16s 6d Irvine and Stevenson's and Gear Co.'s potted meats aro quoted at 7s. , . Tho agents of Lifebuoy soap adviso an I increase of Is per case. , ,Gilbey's dry gin is quoted at 31s for fivo- ; case lots. r , Seed raisins aro selling at 5s 9d to 6s. A shipment of bulk seoded raisins has arrived and is quoted at 5Jd. Tho price of starch' was advanced by £2 : t+£ < n J day owin ff to tho increase in tho cost of tho raw materials, used in its manufactures. Thero is every indication that | prices 'will go oven higher yot, as thero aro further- extra freights to bo reckoned

I LONDON MARKETS. , Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright I Australian and N.Z. Cablo Association ! ,-o • i . LONDON, April 14. I (Received April 15, at 5.5 p.m. | ■ Mutton: Australian, 9^d; New Zealand, I. 94"; South American, 12£ d. Australian, 10 i d ; New Zealand, 10£tl; South American, 14£ d. , Rabbits aro easier. New South Vales . Blues, 34s to 35s (ex ship). Tho Government is taking a largo proportion of tho ■ .arrivals from New Zealand. Hemp: Business is at a standstill. I' Rubber: Para, 3s 2d; plantation 3s; ■ smoked, 3s Ogd. J . {nominal) • Fobruar 7"' A P ril shipments, £41

_ . , LONDON, April 15. (Received April 16, at 0.5 a.m.) W^at: Nono offering. Prices axo nominally firm at lato rates.

SOUTHLAND MARKET REPORT. (Fbom Oob Own Coeeksfondent.) INVERCARGILL, April 14. Sinco last report prices of oats remain unchanged, but merchants aro not at all keen to buy from farmers. Tho basis of purchases mado during tho weak aro from 3s Id to 3s 2d ; on trucks for "A" grado Gartjons, depending on tho distanco from port, and correspondingly lower values from Id to Sd per bushel for Jowcr qualities ■ In sympathy with oats, tkero is a drop m chaff from £4 10s to roughly £4 to £4 ss, but in tho latter case tho prico quoted is only availablo when merchants aro compelled to buy to replenish, their depleted stocks. n Tho northern demand for ryegrass still holds' good, and-, prices havo not altered to any material eictent. Nice bright, clcan seed at 271b to 281b from tho mill is worth up to Ss 6d per bushel, lower weights in proportion. A limited quantity of inferior ■ ana damaged seed has been offering during tho week, but without respouso from buyers. Very littlo has been doing in Italian, cither in purchases from farmers or in the way of rosellrng to northern houses, and the . prospects for this seed are rather poorer than they havo been in tho past; 4s 6d a ■, bushel is quite a good prico lor really nice • ' well-marked lines, on trucks at country sidi. gs. An odd lino or two of nice Timothy has boon offering, and good business lias resulted at from s£d to 6d, on trucks at growers' sidings. A few lines of ' rye corn havo como on tho market during the last fortnight, and havo been disposed • of at from 4s 6d to 4s lOcl per bushel, according to quality, on trucks at tho various sidings. In all classcft of stock business continues satisfactory, tho demand being very good indeed. Prices aro every bit as firm as tho good values ruling of late, with tho exception of lambs. In fact, values for ewes and forward wofchers aro, if anything, firmer than of lato,' and, with tho abunda'neo of food in viow, it looks as if tho market -A jmmbcr

graxiera aro afraid of the works closing' down, but it seems, at any rate for tho present, and for sorao considerable timo to come, there is plenty of availablo space, and farmers should linvo no immediate concern over any _ shortage. A few days ago it looked as if the dry weather prevailing north would necessitate the sending down of largo consignments of stock, but tile Inst few days' welcome rain which havo occurred will relievo tho pressure to a certain extent. Fat sheep operators aro still buying keenly, and prepared to buy as much rfs it is possiblo to get hold of. Values may be quoted:-— , Fat Cattle—Ox beef, 46s to 46s 6d; heiferbeef, 4os to 43s 6cl; cow beef, 41s to 425. l'at Sheep.—Jixtra heavy butchers' wethers, 38s to 40s; primo, 35s to 365; medium, 32s lo 333 6d; extra primo owes, 34s to 355; prime, 30s to 325; medium and unfinished, 26s to 275. Store Cattle.—-Three-year-old bullocks, x>i a ' r!vo a-half-year-old, £10 10s to £11 10stwo-year-old, host sorts, ±>a 5s to £10 ss; medium sorts, £8 to £8 ss i; 18 months, £6 5s to £6 10s; £5 to £5 ss. Storo Sheep.—Two-tooth ewes, 31s 6d to 335; fonr-tooth, 35s 6d to 365; six-tooth, o2s to 345; eight-tooth, 28s to 30s; fresh failing-mouthed ewes, 23s to 245; older ev/es. down to 17s; mixed-sex lambs, 22s 6d to 23s 6d for best sorts, 20s to 21s for medium sorts; two-tooth wethers,' 28s 6d To oOs; four and six-tooth, 32s to 335.

OAMARU MARKETS. CFhom Odb Own • Cobrespondent.) i r.i u OAM 4 R P> April' 14. Ilio holidays havo again interfered with tlio course of business, and tliero is little to report. - In tho grain market offerings or wheat from, tho country continuo on a small scale, the largest transactions reaches , sac ' ;s in mixed lines and abont OUO in straight lines of velvet and red chaff, but most of tho business dono has been in S i °f-,, parcc , ls ' Tho 0!lta market is at a standstill with a weaker tone, because of the uncertainty as to future seed lines. Gartons are in request, but thero is nono ooming forward, (the only sale reported during tho week being one of light Algerians at 3s net at a country station. JLnero is still no lifo m tho potato market. i 7 small sh|pracnts coastwise havo been made, but business in that direction has not begun in earnest. Sales have been few a' ,-u, s ,^ a H P r ', cc —£4 10s net on trucks. ,ft ° ha ? bccn infused into tho stock market by a nice rain in tho early part of tho week which has brightened feed prospects. The influence of this wds seen at a clearing salo at Tapui on Thursday, when sheep were well competed for. Prices realised were 32s 2d for two-tooth ewes, up to 34s 3d for mixed four and sis-tooth owes, and up to 28s 7d for eight-tooth-. Other sheep sold equally well. Sales by private parties have also been made more f ? lonA with tho exception of a line ot 1200 tussock two-tooth wethers, which changed hands at 13s, transactions havo been confined to lines of hundreds. Tho following wero the prices:—Two-tooth ewes, oos ocl; two-tooth halfbred ewes, 30s; mixed four, six, and eight-tooth ewes, 32s 6d; sound-mouthed owes, 28s 6d to 30s: fullmouthed ewes 21s 6d to 255; full-mouthed halfbred ewes, 24s 6d; failing-mouthed ewes, aa and 21s; forward wethers, 30s; ewo lambs ,3! and forward lambs, 225; rape lambs. 19s 6d. No business has been dono in cattle, which aro in demand and hard to obtain.

OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Farmers Cooperative Association of Now Zealand (Ltd.) report:—Our weekly horse 6ale was held in our bazaar on Saturday, when wo had an entry of 40 horses. With the exception of six or seven fair draughts, tho whole of tho ent-rv consisted of light horses and aged draughts. A largo number of horses changed stables, but tho bidding was very dull and prices low. Quotations: Good young draught mares, £22 to £26; superior young draught goidings fit for shaft or lorry work, to ±,60; ordinary draught mares and geldings. £17 to £20; aged draughts, to £12,- good upstanding vanners at from £18 to £35; ordinary spring-carters, at from £15 to £20; upstondine buggy mares and geldings, £9 to £15; hacks and ponies, £4 to £8. CENTRAL PRODUCE MART. Reilly, Gill, and Co. report an exceptionally keen demand for prime bacon pigs, theso being worth Bid per lb. Eggs and cnaff are urgently wanted. Potatoes aro in excess of requirements. Poultry is in short and realising high prices., J?ho following prices woro secured:— Grapes: Locals extra choice, to Is 3d. and ls 6d; other,'Bd to Bgd. Apples: Desserts, 4jd to 3d; cooking, lid to 2d; inferior, 4s per cwt. Peaches: Cases, Igd to 2£d; crato, frurt 3d to 3Jd. Plums; Coe's lato led l|d to 2 ; ' id. Tomatoes: Christchurch, to 3jd; locals, to 7d; Otago Central; to 3d. Oranges: Rarotongas, 13s to 15s. Bananas, to 15s 9d. 1 ines, to- 12s 6d. Lemons: Doubles, Mission" brand, 27s 6d; half cases, 17s 6d. Cucumbers: Hothouse, 9s 6d per dozen. Cabbage, to 2s 6d. Cauliflowers, to 6s 6d. Lettuce, to .Is 3d. Honey: Bulk, sd; J,-Lb packages,. 3s 6d; section honey to 7s 6d dozen; 101b tins, to 5s 6d. Mushrooms, 2d to 6d. Eggs: JSfc&njpcd and guaranteed, to 2s 3d i preserved Is 6d to Is 3d. Rhubarb, Id per lb. Onions' 9s per cwt Green peas, to 3d. French beans, to 2£d. Quinces, to lgd per lb uarhc, to 3d per lb. Passions: Wanted' Potatoes, to 7s cwttruck lots, £5 to £o" Beeswax, Is 4d. Tea: First tips, Orange Pekoe, Is 6d. Butter: Prime bulk, to Is 3d; pats, to Is 4d. Bacon: Sides, Ilia; hams, Is 2d for prime; rolls, to Is 3d. Bacon pigs: Porkers, 8d; choppers to 6d • pnmo baeoners, Bid; heavy-weights, 6id to |fl. Horsehair, to Is 9j,d. Molasses: Tins lis; barrels, 6s per cwt. Wheat pollardExtra epceiol, £6 10s. Oaten pollard- A special line, splendid buying, £5. Wheaten ™eal, £6 10s. Bran. £4 10s. Oatsheaf chaff: Prime to £6 ss; inferior, £3 10s ■ Fat > 39s P cr c «'t. Meat meal, 16s per 1001b. Wheat: Prime fowl wheat, 5s 6d to 6s 3d. Oats, to 3s 6d. Capo barley • lor seed purposes, to 5s 6d. Maize, to 6s per bushel. Rice meal, lOsl Oaten dust, 4s 6d per sack. Rabbitskins: Summers, Is 2-Ad; hawked and milky, to lid; early winters, to 28d; incomings, to 25gd • autumns, 234 d. Hides: Good ox hides' lOJd; good cow hides, 9£d; cut and slippy' from 7d. Calfskins: Good, lid: cut and slippy, to 6d. Poultry: Cockerels, Is 3d to 2s 9d each; liens, Is 6d to 2s each; pullets to 5s 3d each; turkeys, 6£d to lOd per lb.' REILLY, GILL, AND CO., Auctioneers and Commission Agents, Moray place, Dunodin. *

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16979, 16 April 1917, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16979, 16 April 1917, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16979, 16 April 1917, Page 4