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_ Tho following' aro the principal clauses in tho annual reports of tho undermentioned school committees:—

ARTHUR STREET. After the inspector's report on the work of tho school, tho committee had the pleasure of congratulating the head master and staff on tho excellent reports obtained. Tho attendanco shows an improvement on previous years. Tho teachers and scholars havo boon working regularly to supply comforts lor tho soldiers. During tho year tho teachers organised a bazaar, which realised over £36. This provided a fund out of which a great varioty of articles havo been made and sent to our soldiers. The Navy Leaguo has 242 members amongst tho scholars. Tho Biblo class conducted by Mr D. Wright has been held rqgnlarly during tho year. This completed 21 years of this class in the school. Tho school holds the premiership and challengo cup for swimming—a position largely duo to the excellent efforts of tho girls. Tho roll of honour is still being added to, and, unfortunately, during tho year five ex-scholars have made tho supreme sacrifice. The income from all sources for tho year was £140 Qs 6d, and the expenditure £136 19s 3d, leaving a credit of £3 Is 3d, which, added to the credit balanco at tho beginning of the year of £41 3s Id. leaves a credit of £44 4s 4d.

MUSSELBURGH. In March, 1916, the roll number was 599. In March, 1917, 601. The annual examination produced an exceedingly satisfactory report from tho inspectors. Mr Kay has 34 boys in the senior fife _ band and 42 in tho junior. Tho band uniform fund is in credit £79 5s sd. The bank has a credit balance of £135 lis 54- Biblo classes are regularly conducted by tho Revs. R. Scott Allan, R. Fairmaid, and A. Hopper, and Mr 1. Rosoveare, the attendance and tone of _ the classes and tho instruction given being excellent. The number of volumes in tho library is 537. Two hundred and twenty-three scholars are members of tho Navy League. Forty-eight scholars aTe members of the Helpers' League to assist Dr Barnardo's Homes, and £16 was collected last yoar for this, laudable work. One thousand two hundred and nine articles have been mado by tho scholars for our soldier boys, and £27 contributed in cash, in addition to which £23 was handed to the St. Kilda Women's Association as the result of a concert given by tho infant department under Miss Chalmer's control. Nearly 70 ex-pupils have departed for the war. Somo have returned wounded or invalided after rendering honourable service. Some will never return. Four ex-pupils— Donald Harper, Victor O'Keefe, Henry Sutherland, and Malcolm Tyson—have laid down their lives in the service of their

country. Athletics and outdoor exercises occupy a prominent place in the school.

KAIKORAI. I Compared with last year, the roll shows an increaso of 20, the number being 611; the average attendance for the past quarter showing 97 per cent, of the roll. The reports of the inspectors on the general work of the school were excellent. Mr Duncan Wright continues his. valuable work in the Bible class, with 220 pupils on the roll. Speoial attention is now given to the care of frail children, and good work is done by medical inspection, swimming classes, cricket, and football. A large quantity of material has been forwarded to the staff by the Roslyn Women's Patriotic Society, and this has been made up by the school girls into very many useful articles for our soldiers at the front. The school roll of honour now carrics the names of 256 expupils who responded to the call of Empire in the great war. Of the young soldiers from our school, 33 will not return. The pupils much interested in Navy League matters, no fewer than 161 having been enrolled as members. The receipts were £191 lis lOd and the expenditure £153 2s Id, leaving £38 9s 9d in the bank. In addition to_ the above, a sum of £65 19s 8d was raised and expended for patriotic and charitable purposes. CAVERSHAM. The school still maintains its high standard of efficiency, and the thanks of the committee are due to Mr Hardy and his staff for the excellent nnd painstaking work they have performed during the year. The attendance of the scholars throughout the year has been excellent, an average of 96.3 per cent, having been attained. The children have been assiduous in raising money for various patriotic functions, £58 lis lid being thc result of their labours. The boys and girls, by knitting and seiwing, have also made a considerable number of articles for our gallant soldiers. The physical side of the education of the children has not been neglected. The school choir still does excellent work, and during the year a very successful concert was given in the Burns Hall. A handsomely-designed roll of honour has been procured, and the names of those "old boys" of the school who have gone forward to fight for King and country have , been inscribed thereon.

GEORGE STREET. Tho attendance is once more on the up grade. For 1915 the average attendance was 568, for 1916 it was 585, and tho number of scholars now cm the roll is 633. The work of the school has been most gratifying. A large amount of patriotic work has been done by the girls under the direction of Miss M'Kenzie and tho lady members of the staff. Once more tho boys have gained the schools' cricket championship. The credit for this is largely due to Mr M'Phee. The medical officer's frequent visits are. much appreciated by parents, who are beginning to realise the importance of checking disease in its earliest stages._ It has been suggested that mothers' meetings would bo of great value in bringing the mothers in closer contact with the medical officer. For the past nine years Bible instruction has been given in the school in classes conducted by tho ministers of religion in the district. The band, from a musical pornt of view, is in a flourishing condition. This year it is beginning more advanced' work. Nine*bass flutes have be>;n bought, and are the property of the band. Messrs Begg and Co. presented cymbals, and Mr W. Yorston a piccolo. Tho total revenue for the year amounted to £291 15s sd, and the expenditure was £327 7o sd'. Tho band cost the committee £99 8s 7d, the price of the uniforms being close on £75, the balanco being for tuition, etc. MORAY PLACE. The attendance kept very steady throughout the year, tho average being 326. The discipline and character of the work in tho school are such as to merit appreciation. Attention is drawn to the high state of efficiency of tuition which the staff havo reached. During the year the school has dono its full share of patriotic work Both money and goods of all descriptions were freely contributed bv tho children and their parents, nearly all of whom have near relatives at the front, and some havo paid tho supremo sacrifice far tho Empire's cause. The income for the year was £177 and the expenditure £115. The school garden continues to be a source of pleasure and profit to the older boys of the school. MORNINGTON. Tho pupils on the roll for the foar quarters were:—Juno 575, September 600, December 606, March 587. The committee is greatly indebted to Mr PI. Campbell for the energy he has displayed in the interests of the school band. The report on the annual examination of tho school was of a highly satisfactory naturo. The cominitteo is still procuring the names of old scholars who have gone to fight for King and country. At the close of the war it is hoped there will be a permanent honour board in the school. During the year Mr J. 11. Ford offered to train tho boys in miniature rifle shooting. The effort was accepted, and very good work has been done. KENSINGTON. An excellent report was received from th" inspectors on the work of the school ar.J on tho results of tho Sixth Standard proficiency examination. Tho committee expresses appreciation of the large amount of valuable work done by the staff and scholars on behalf of our brave soldiers at the front. By way of raising funds for the purchase of material (wool, etc.), a retiring collection was taken up at the breakup in December, the sum of £4 8s 7d being the result. This, in addition to a grant from the committee and lie sum of £6 8s 6d raised by an entertainment enabled the good work of last year to bo carried on successfully. A roll of honour of all boys .who have passed through the school has been prepared. RAVENSBOURNE. The report congratulates the head master and staff on the result of the inspectors' examination, also on the amount of patriotic work done for tho benefit of the soldiers at tho front, the collection during the year for patriotic and charitable purposes totalling £64. Tho credit balance in connection with tho penny savings bank stands at £124. A number of books havo been added to the library. Tho average attendance for tho March quarter. 1916, was 181; roll, 192. Tho attendance for the quarter ended March 51, 1917, ivas 195 (tho highest of anv quarter for many years), and the average roll. 204, which is the present roil state.

MOSGIEL. The number of pupils on tho roll ia: Primary, 329; secondary, 47; and tho average for the year ended March was: Primary, 319; secondary, 35. The roll of the latter department keeps increasing every year. Tho year began with a credit balance of £138 133 3d, and ended "with a credit of £144 19s 6d. The receipts from all sources totalled £142 3s, and the expenditure £155 16s 9d. Mr Healy is carrying on tho teaching of rural science in an efficient and practical manner. Tho garden Elots are in good order, tho lucerno plot aving just yielded its third cutting for tho season. A large class of pupils takes great interest in tjjo woodwork classes. The cookery and dressmaking classes aro going as usual. The local clergymen carry on the Bible classes. The membership cf tho Navy League is 108.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 8

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SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 8

SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 16978, 14 April 1917, Page 8