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■■'■ ■ -«Cf Bt Shntky. Oji acti\o wi\i,.' ij is uuito impossible ioi cm ollir . 10 ca i y "ill I lie UutiLS i)l both .if,e< i,a uli liiKisl.r. In liilU Ol [XJ(L ll 1.11. 00 (I'JllL, dllll 11[, lU 1110 Jll.'sUlt It il'.j L (.11 pK'< ..IC, ill n,. nauoii u.iti iiioi t i< .riiiiuus. It .> ii COgl.j'ld, IIOUtVCI, li. Ll>> uilil Ii . iiiii-i be .specially ii ii ud hi ihe flu Lii a iu ill. ICsP-XCIVC <,l!l< ('&. allll IU COllblljUUM it luus bivu deeidid tint in iutun < 'cli iiqui in ..-.hall liui jU >i<i]uUi t mi is it. ('. Soiii?'o have a!i,\in\ i<l . 1 ullicis a<. lllg i»- (|UUU)Ii'. tils llics- will (o'llinu m tile on.oO. J.' umi nliel' , t'li'c> ,llu 1.0 Id ItOUII officr 1j jl m>, <i (jiint ini.u-i. i, ifiiiiio Iruin tin i"Viu'iil i,ill ho ,ji]wrH i inr tin , (li'ho. in tin.- n aUer ol pur"i,noii tLi ciiiaiin ii: Kstor Will l.uik i\,n'!y as tho oiliceu, ot the ligimcui,, taking Ms tun uilh iltun. A voluiitan court' of in>Uu<i.on for the niouiit"d olhcois ol the Uuici'j itcgir"etit wjli be hold iii Ounedri iioni July l'\ to id, bo'Jl days IllclU-uVe.> ikollOU'i of attending must liu'.o .mphe iticn no( liiT lii.iu L.o £.Mh w-r. 'J'"him> <.tti 'id'iig \ i!' 1)" Ii jiiso'l ai, tlic iK'c.i.i J!i-icli I'oUl, iiiitl will b' , lujnii d to bung uioii jiio iiiic. 1 licvo will by io ii n, but likcwi-< no e\IJLIItLT. \,ui,O"i v-ms iiiiil mucocele have 'Mirod ihi iijrcij.ii oi mam ■■ oiunt.-eio ot , ' 1 v:,c pel ft ell*, '.it A (<jii<.-|)oi.«lriit i ■£,< sto i'K.t tv .no biief inluj iioiu .i. in flu'l in.iii dialing with the j.nj"l lc and il.s tu linicnt iN.iy bo tiii mean* (t savins. , for the ioicia, i coi.sideiublj mimboi or men A eoi \ i--.itioji wirli d iiiiuvdl linn ha.s elie.iiJ ceil mi ou, winch, i endued niio the Ki'iL'U gt- ot tlij is as lollops.— .v va icosj \ein a \pui that has beer, lie dikucd, :,i < oiis-oquonc ' el « i.< n t-'io > il><~- ligul ili-ig i'io now if \rroiu Wood i<) UiL l'p.ii 4 < innjt a' i cnectiv t! ,- . r l J i■.- \ lllu allotted IUO-t fORII KVlly dlO tllO blipc' Mm* ot the leg, but tne m.i"s in tli. , i '3iOii below tlu iiiidonii'ii aic s noitimoa -in.ii ill, ilildlul, iho dltoction in t.ich cia Iji Hi., iffeiied to \ t iicoci Ic. 'the plijbi (>|'J{jil..l a.ioii lor t'loj dihtjcl win-, h nol altO4< , tliL. , clear, but it u> iiOiid that Uhletib aic bpcoiall.v liable to dr\elop thom, iltboagh thin atv net Lonhuod to athleti s> onlj. ilio ueatiii ii( u iet,i oi »t bandii.jt u> loliof, bui fie Aiiile ioi ICvui ..fkr lLinovdl ol tlio \cnv, honevci, found in home people, appai l.tly to the alfiction, thai the v.uicooo bt.iti has dovcloptd m othn. \ciu= \< .us alteiw nds. It in i\ be -..ucl at onto llu-t ni..\y J rn>n\ ivnh .1 V..1110.-. , \i>.ii lias bn.n iji_, 'luin die l'Acjit'on ol the war without feeling ai.y ill cttccts Horn tlio dilaud \ein. pui-'iit ie;-'nl.iticub a mm >\ith a vt_ui \ai <o i> bidcu tiio kimc, 01 .'ith \ ..IKucc'i in a \Li) lOiiioi cl'Kil'i, ip.v;i\l il in otlu i lopu'.s hu ...s hi It fie vein is abo\< ti.e Khf. Oi i =c\oiW\ dL\e'op \\ buo\. tin Knct. nr if \ ib ipp.ueiit in <t (VLie fo. n., the Mik'iiteei I's lojecud. 11 ih. e.u-o is ikein.d iiitc'jli , ioi op"i lt'oa flit in iii ;-o r. jpctcd in ij I) ,, tn.ito.l .it lii* 0..') 11 !.—J.i , , lot .13 .111 .KlCptt-'l boUllLl. 11l <IkXJ it cl\ WC<'ks attci an cpciatiou of tilt kind a patient mid iir> c liMduid ut to iiciiine hij oicli ii.iiy iluXis. but hi wou.d not uj a<. copied loi bi i \ let , until .-i\. nionthb aitri tho'i. The \.ii.Losj \eui h.i fioi|Uoi:tl> bten tie bliLOt anchor ol tho 'J i i-w.L ho will nidl.i. it a reason for < cap'ii n r iikaomo dutUb. Ilio patuctic oi'Ltjub fui|iic.ntly foiinu th ■ man who had b .n opcrati d upon ioi 'w.iHObf veins willnijj to deici imkimittly tho tim foi ie uiniiig civilian eniploMfKi.i In thoit, the •. .lingeitr has to some extent lidpcd to i-nap" to the under vhich die medical os.imiiidi.ioi,!> o.rc at vonducted. .someone wants 1o knoAi , whether tho Cnpuim l , idSL'r blanitd in i'.ulianiLnt lor ha\niar in a nigh-hdJidtd, tactkbs maniier oidcred a seu;eunt major from a lailway eaniago J3 Captain 11. JN. J. I'iattu, A t,i G., of Ocago. lo those \.ho know the iiilter, the answer is self-evident —dib tuiLtions of that dubioua Older do not go his >>..>. Jubr, (Xio of tho ways nl whirh the ]\itriotio A -soc-iauions minibter to the (omtcit of tnj .oldicis. When the 120 men ot the 14th Kunioicunuitb amved in Dunedm en loute to ]om tho bteamei Wai'iora they icpoited that owing to cucumsiancfs they were likely to be without a canteen on the \ojage. Iho Kxpodilionarj Korct-s Committee ot Jie Ot.igo i'atriotic A&-oc'cition .it onco -went fo ucik, anu m tho briefest space ot tmie. the men .\eie in possession of canteen stores to Iho saluo ot over £150, the items including choioiate, toft drinks, tinned limits, biscuits, pipe-), etc. 'I lie committee ul&o cominunicated with a kindred body at Invcrca-ig-ill, and no doubt the gifts were supplemented b> tbe southern people. " \Vhat batman?" A question raised not lung fa.nco in the British llouso ot Commons a& to the number of soldiciß aetnig as servants for Biitith officeis has possibl\ piompted the >i'iery. Deiived from b.'t, a pack saddle, and man. and rendered iii Hie dictionary as "a man who has charge ot a bathoifae and i.s load," the word was adopted into the .ii'mj to designate an cificti .s hci\ai.t. And it surwves to uaj m r>oine qiMitcis, although the cfiieial designation ..> hi'Udiit. In Kmg'b liegulations you learn that the employment of soHieis as seiv..;itb to offieeis is functioned as an A general or a lieutenant gcueral i.ia\ hue foui' servants; a major-general or a may line three. For the lftst, mou'ntcd oflicers are entitled to two eafh, and tli'inount"(l ofTireit. to one eich HoldiUo acting as sen.mts to ofuppr' aie lcquired to do the ordiniry traiiimg and to tike their with the otheis m the ilium line. The;, iteape fatigue duties 'Iho ofliten ha\e to pa\ their smant s , and ato not Ediinosed to paj jnoro ihan 2s 6d per we/'V in the case of mounted and Is 4 6d per we. k in the cise of inf.mtiy. If it happens —as is fOiiimonh the case—fJiot his monthly balf-sovereiim bcais a ■suspicious iosemblance to a sovereign, tlie batman never loports his bupeiior oi'licer frr breach of regulations Not all the Oallipoli cfFiens recommonrk d for honoius won" rew,u - <led in accordance with lreommendalions In tho Home Paih.unent Loid 13oio=ford a.ked if it was a f.ul that certain Bnti h m<l Austr.ili in militaiy officers attach'fi (o the Itoyal X.u il Air .Sti'Mie during >' nri Gallipoh c.impa gu wr-.e mentioned m b\ their com mandmg olli< er and bv the Vice admnil ( omniMidins the Extern IModiterranean Nival i'orees, and that their nainoq -were cnulted when of naval ofTieeis beloiiKu>s tr) the s.ime s"i\;ee nml montioned in tho some despite hr- weie published in jM.ucli last. 'J ho Dul e of Uo\onshiro 'aid t'lii the libt of innici f.ent by the Vicoadmiral was 100 laigc. iiidgrd by the scale pcntT.illy idopted for other of wdi. It « t.-. i'le.ofore, returned tohim to rcconsidei. and the 1 ■?' as gazetted was in aecoid.inie with hi" final ref iommr,ndit on= Some nmii°s woie included in the fn=t list were not included in ilv l final li«t but in all their smicrp had •nof-d. 'I his applied to Iwth na\il and mib--1 ,->i v officeis There "was no differrntiition between them A reference (o Lieutenant colonel Pinwill nptieaib in the Tinted Ser\ire Ga7ette as follow «•—" Miior (l v mporaiv Li 'iiplernntcolonol) Pi'iwill, liivirpoo! Regimrnt. who ha= been promoted to li\rp\ et Lioulen \ritcolon°l as ,i lew.ird for rli , .tiii!riii r h' , H R"iviro hi tli > fi"lil (to date from J.imiarv 1), is an 1 old Cliftnmi'i and eon of Mi \Y. S. 0 1 Pinwill, of V.olvi-,. Coinwill. He left Clif- ■ to'i in IC9I foi Sindh'u=t. where won - 'J'aet'cs Pi i/-o. lie served in the South 1 \fi 10.-ii w.ii, iiml was in Lifhsmith dm inir . (!•> s't go (metit'orKtl in despatches. Qi'"en'.i > M'dal with thieo (1--- P s Kincr's w ,th ) t,o (! i«.p ) 1/otit^jiri I 'colonel Pinwill s - a »wi'l ttrt' oflk of tho New Zml-wI foieo and wis mfrtionrd ill the clespitch of Goi'i-al Sh- Tan Tfnm'lton. K.t'B., dated December 11 1915 "

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

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THE DEFENCE FORCES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

THE DEFENCE FORCES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8