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'Hi' mi'iillil , , ipu.tuif ol the Ol ■•<, l.du utiuu Jioaiil, i oiiliiiiu il ~ i icl-j, \is al- - ii. Jlrwi U J. J huilllg v.ll Jllliiail), 1. i\i Jviiilav, \,. 11. Jji.igu, .1. ii. J. \\ .ill.ii ,'\\ h(i)ll, (.. i.hihl; .Uiii , ..Hit i) AuiJMiits .unouiiliiig U) iU'.,90l lU> l<l ueiL i 11 ' d mi ii.ijiiK .it. J.I H..\V11).>,, i\.\[\ .i'I'OIMHLN'Is 'I In following li iL, on. wen 'llio'iin \V. lAilns in iu i. .(li, i, is (hi 'lain i, Kiliikiu M J, l< uklvin, sole led liu, -\i tliuiloii, li.iiiiei, (.iiiw, Mile le.uliii, (Jimiiiiiijuiii, V\ in. Aloiiiion, --o)< li .if In i, Oil % v J. M. »\ iiiu , iolo | l< uim (n alu , Kn A V.liia, abibtuil, b,ili(i\lu ,iim , G1,.0 ,\i. Al i\»w 11, Mfoiiil nit, Hani 111011; Mini in i> lvniioliaii, jiiiiioi .issist.iii,, AiiliibaJd •! -VI J-tuwo.ll, piobatlo'ii i, Abeu I •>l. \V. J»uitk, pr<jl. U..oiier, l',.pakaio ILe lolloping .ijij o.ntnii IKb uue made.— Win. Jiiiimu, In hi. I'dliiuisluii, m< • ,1. 11 i.iii o mil, llioi \*. J>tlias, thud osi taut, Moe .-.uah ,J llo;p, pitifiiiiLi ,1; I'loiLijie JK. Jvitnohaii, litlu .i nit, in o .ila, Mee llilli Ji I'. L , id/el, |j|niihj.i.U; Haiti, l> Go\., Mill Koiiiei, i'oit .\fol_.i iiv, -vice. V A. it. biono, Li neil, William Moui'-cn, sol) t< a< Ik i, I,ii holme, viee jbalJU J. 1 i,Ld.ili, t. wiiiund, Ji-Mc M. \\i',liart, ,on teaelier, \. ii.ii ■ L'ldt, M" ■ tit l< it U. iJeL,< n'lam, iuHlml, ->.t.ll} .',l i> .■sillltll, lllbt <li-M31.1l t, A i , b>, v.<i Jili'.lu< Hi J' J\i. 11. LVi'l, ti.ii.-> luiLii; Aliee M. Oiltlillii, lirst a'-ti-.1.ui1, Ijdv, l>m n, vice Aiiry 11 C. I , oster, i<'-igm<l, i\ t tii<b \. iiiyii-, s.)"onil dSbioUuit, Ot* popo, wee .a>ia L Qum, tiaii>feiied, Wii.ilied li Jl 'Ii i, siionil assi-ta- t, \\ .utainii a, \.<e Ji J,, li -\l.. L,,.k, pioinotid; U.iru -Vl -\i.ivul|l, - eunil ju.noi ,u ii-L.uit, iVloinuig 1 hi, \l«- Alii} li. I, uoruoli, IILi'UJ \ilON. Ith 11. ,1. Unit m>, ut l'ukciiia, near Hill i.'iid, u.ut'd ''i tin b>nil lo ask, tlie • iviiu) iij.ii ,<i.ildiiig 1 mum] , to a bile .atus Horn ,ts pii.v m, n . 1, \,a.s ( ~ Ji.i'iud that, th<> an, iitliii* i, hid >,oii ,i)iin i<) >-'\. .mil ail tli il could 'to oilued .•- now leaf h'r on thu basis would b. , ,05'5 pei ji ii. , in. .',';• { Mtl.nue s i.J ihn,. wo t e at jiit-int oi.l\ J'., ov.i! i!\ eli'ldjc.i jii.u the but ii t wiio iiin.d ti wiieio lie , -.'id tluic- \»onlu he nine (hiNliui att> '.'i iig .\i in c i in hie ci.i'diiii were i.ov.lfii , , 's thi'i-i iiiio no s(hool viLtin Jin, lied ii,.i h.—lt V..1-, to Jli LidUIKC *' aMla.'i iJCi'lid.illic <ji nine must b<. lor li rnontha b, 'me ,i -aia.y oi JjiiO could be claimed. 'I l.i' Chdiiiiidii, on beli,ill of uie boaul, l>lo >ii,id 'hit tliev Avoulil do Jv ir txct, to l'iCit \[r Ciittinces difi'fulliLS.— lhe m.iUci \i.j uffiicil lo Ihe <iiiiiludii to iiKiki <hf 1 cist aiiaii'jt mi nt. 1 the boaid agi'M 1 nig ,'j gi\e a pound lor p niiid sil>nl, u[) ti> .Uo on Mv Lull me 1 piu'i'isid eoi.a.b.iI'Oll 'Jll" 'jffiituj l'Mil a t.tateitien( bv Uj-,. -^g"! , - Itujiiidalp with ii'i'ii'ia ( o i'ie re nut hie at Oji'ii., 'eliool. l.ipiiiui if , -tii t. 1, w f> decided io i< oon'wi na tho Jop iitiiuiit lo «c< pi jlisti ltc-siiift,'ii-s '!jtem<. nt. no iii'ili".- Hit'inrj b'liig issir\ ;n nji , J. Co.p.i .ml li. J3rodc wa ted on iho 1 j<, ml to aj. (.hat t\o ileii.lo Do,, us •jiliool be , lib,ml. 'Ai Cooper sad the ierent hi • had plat I'd t'u'ii ,11 .1 \t'fj !• ■'. k--1. ml portion, aid t'p. k trainer left ih, iii. 'I'lej ttaiiifd to l.iiow w'lic i'il pc-ition of tin loird v .is with i< lii< mo 10 I'..lui'i , r .1 111 -,\ >ciiool 'lus lCjicleiic-i veie j'epaic.l to ( in all the initenal it (hi l>3llll uoulil put up a sthool. !t % a-, a μ-ij I 'ioi lie tb met, din] t'ie alii ndaiiie would be neri .'Siny. 111, nn ee ]]\ 1 Coop'r) w.1.1 luqiiiii; tin. -ohool going in t'ie I'ioai tiii. '. 'I'ic paients wore to pa\ m f ' 1 "-s oil £j u j fui three vo».is i. the 1 odKl 'u.'.iu! )-ovule \.iih ,1 reaeln 1 ,md '•eliooi. —jj'-leired to ne\t jncetot tin , Ijj rd. A priiil'll w is re vw-d fiom the Motu.i. .1,1.115 that llio u eot th'e >chojl loi , s iwrrs bo punted, ab had bi (n don lor tin- '\.si 30 <i,u\ 111-.. 11. li C.J\ 'l.d .'.<,■- is \\ .'lowat anj j. Arl'na appo.i'd .' .1 d' , j>it.iiiuii fium iii- % session of t'ie No. U-jJi.t \ ,ill"\ I'iesbj Ic rjj.ll C'iiiut'li to -aippji-t t'ie iL.jurst and 1 "cpl 1111 tlie crouiusidiiees unrler -\hich tho 1 i£>iit liaj been uithdr.'wn -liio deputation was he.ud 111 pii\atc. and tho Lxxtrd iet.olv<d to eiidca\OMr to li h; abo it a bi-twein 1 eiJi c=l nt itncb oi the Mount Cargill School Coiiiirult, e an tho Nc.ith-Ej.'-t \ a.lli\, I'lv-.b-.toiun Cliurcli, with a \iew to Cjiiblisijiiisj the old eordnl n lations "he (hiiiinaii and t'ie ihue member-, of thi bond wen- .ipponcd to lejnisent the boaid . t lhe confoioi 1 WORJvS AND GENEIUL. Tiie di-chitet t's report on Mr Mah'e drain, conn eted with the Kau nsbourne School drain, was considered and it was decided to mfrrm Mr 31ah<. that lie must carry his cliaiii out to the Mi cot. It w.u dec idod to ','rant the Ilighchff School Committee's application for £6 9s, cost of pip ng ; etc. The, api lication ci the North-East, Valley Committee tor alteiations to a footpath was dcfiircd, and its application for a r<m»o was granted. Consideration of tho Kia Ora Committee's renewed on for addit'ons to the -■ehool was deferred. 'Iho Education Department not fieri a Slant of £375 for a new school at Tawanui, but took exception to tho board's plan of the- building, it was d, eided to erect the building according to tho board's plan and to toi-wcid the aichitect's rcpoit on it to the depaitmonl. Iho leeommendation of the architect and senior inspector to <rrct a sholtfr shed at Ai.iLrsoii Bay School "vvas adopted. Tho Clinton Kcho'il Committoo was granted half eobt of topp-ng trees on school boiindarj. 'lhe atchitect v>as instructed to report on the Alexandra Committee's recjucst for additional fencing at tho boundary of tho school piopcrtj. Tho iMini'-tor of Jklucalion wrote agrdoing to the board's request that the paymint to Training College, students of Januar> for 1916 be made now instead of the end of Iheii , course. The request of the pur-cipal of tho School of Art for blackboaids for 50 Tia'ning Collego students was granted. Authority wis gi\on to him to confer wili\ tho principals of secondary schools reijaiding the teaching of drawing in their schools by School of Ait instructors Tho follow mg tx-hool commissioneis were appointed: —Ciiatto Crrek, Mr A. ; Kyeburn D'ggmg>!. Mr J. Weaihorail; Lower Harbour, 3lossrs PI. Box and J. Solomon. Messrs T. Smith, J. Mills, K. Elliott, W. Reid, and J. Anderson weie appointed an informal Adwoiy Comrpittee for the Waiidka Ro\d School. The truant oflker reported that 26 notices had b n cn served on parents for the irregular attendance ot thoT chilchen. There wao a decided li^pro - , ement in tho general attendance the last two months in all tho schools ho had v "-lied LOCATION OF INSPECTORS. The Chi"f Tiuspcctor (Mr C. K. Richardson) subletted the follow mpr memorandum: "I to report that it is tho desire of tho Minister of Education that Mr Ilondij, who is relioMiig Mi Robertson, lrsirie in Oamaiii, and have charge of the t hoo's in North Otago. He has boon requested to give spccal attention t> the- tria-tmcnt of leading, writing, mental arithmetic, and oral composition. Dr Don has been tran->fcned temporaiily from Olaro to Wellington to undertako ihf> inspection ef secondary schools. lie loft for AVellmgton on Julv 1. Applications are belli!; lint"d for ,1 temporary inspector to lake up his work in Otago till tho end of tli'- "par Dr Patoi-on, medical inspector, lias bei n tiansfeirod to Wellington, and Dr JM'C.ilion b-een appointed medical inspector of schools for Otago and Southland. She is at present woiking in Southland '1 he phvsi'vl instructois, Mi=s L Mnpston and Mr Ro- nhouso, are also 111 Southland at jiresent." Mr Scott inched —"That this boaid protest- tho action of tlie dopa.'WK nt in Irvatmj- one of the inspectors 111 the Noith (II I'.'o ,is it is strongly of op.nion that the mo\cnirnt "» a rrtrogradione. and will not tend to efficiency m the nr co nt inspectorate." 'It seamed to him that the d partmont. in I'iking an inspector irom h"re and nlacing h'm pn, tic illy in r-liugo ot the North Otago district, w,r. til ; rg away the control of the chef insp»"tor to a Tfiv great extent. In Ins opinion that could not lead to am thing , but e\il. Mi Wallace pecondr-d tho motion. M^. - TSorrie emphnsiscd tho point, that tho objection was in no sense a personal ono, but an obioetion to a principle. Mr Livingstone opposed the mot : on. and said it was ridiculous to say that, they should not ha\e an inspector in Oamaru. r li.i motion was carried.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

Word Count

OTAGO EDUCATION BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8

OTAGO EDUCATION BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 16752, 21 July 1916, Page 8


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