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Daily Times Office, Saturday morning. Shipments of the new season's currants have now como to hand from Patras, via Melbourne. The Futala, which is reported to have sailed from Bombay on November, 1, for Adelaide and Melbourne, is bringing a parcel of the new season's dates. Tho goods will be transhipped at the latter port, and should reach Dunedin about the middle of December. A shipment of 100's, red herrings, has arrived on the market. They are quoted at lis 6d the 100 tins. Preserved meats are in short supply, North Island packers being unable to fulfil orders. N A parcel of Foster Clark's custard powder, which has been practicElly off tho market for the past few weeks, came to hand by the Rangatira. ' A further shipment of the new season's salmon, ex Marama, has arrived on tho local market. The Rangatira has brought supplies of Geneva and Lea and Perrin's sauee, both of which lines havo bean short on tho market. She also brings a_ parcel of Morton's Epsom salts, a small line of Throe Castlo cigarette tobacco, and safety matches. » Advice by cablegram has been received from Sydney stating that dressed rice has been advanced by 30s per ton. Advice has also been received that Mildura sultanas have been withdrawn from export. ' Transhipment of tho new season's Californian fruits, ex AVaihemo, are expected to reach the local market on Monday. Homo advices announce an advance/ in, tho cost of Sefcffitz powders. The landed cost in Dunedin will now bo about 9s 3d to 9s 6d per dozen. . Home advices announce a poor season for tho sardine fishing, and that the market closes firm. Owing to tho unfavourable prospects of the French and Italian crops, Home prices for olive oil continue to advance. Tho . gherkin crop in is reported to be on cnt'ro failure, and prices havo advanced considerably. Messrs C. and E. Morton advise local mercliants that owing to tho difficulty in obtaining supplies of wood, consequent on tho war, they havo been forced to increase tho cost of cases, etc., by 10 to 15 per cent., and there is every indication of a further ac! *nco in tho near future. Mail advices state that tho Ceylon Government has imposed an export duty on cocoa nut, and that prices had advanced £2 a ton within a few days. Cornflour has advanced £2 a ton. New York advices state that the Glucose Company will not confirm orders owing to freight not being obtainablo at tho present Tin has advanced by about_ £15 a ton. 'As a result tin plates aro costing about Is a box more. -

COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Pimb Association —By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, November IS. (Received Nov. 14, at 3.30 Wheat. —Firm. December options, 103 to 104f cents; May options, 104J to 105J cents. Cotton. —November-Dcoeinber delivery > 6.89 Jute. —November-December delivery, £25 10s, Hemp.—January-March delivery, £35 10s. Rubber.—Para, 2s Bid; plantation, 2s 9|d; smoked, 2s 9£d. Copra.—November-December delivery, £28 2s 6d. Danish Butter. —Improving in demand, 170s to 1745. (Received Nov. 14, at 4.20 p.m.) Wheat and flour afloat. —United Kingdom, 1,840,000 quarters; Continent, 2,875,C00 quarters; Atlantic shipments, 1,152,000 quarters; Pacific, 40,000 quarters. Totals: Europe, 1,315,000 quarters; Russia, 20,000 quarters. | FROZEN MEAT MARKET. Press Association —By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, November 13. (Received Nov. 14, at 3.30 p.m.) The following are tho, latest quotations for all classes of meat, (including ex-storo sheep. In the case of those not quoted the price is unchanged: — Nov. C. Nov. 13. d. Canterbury mutton, light "'i Canterbury mutton, second quality, light — — Canterbury mutton, medium ... 7 1-16 7A Canterbury mutton, heavy ''"i M Southland mutton ... — Southland mutton; sccond quality — <b N.I. mutton, best brands, SG-G4lb — ' * N.I. mutton, ordinary, 6G-G4lb ... — ~~ N.Z. ewes - — 5 i 6 ® Australian mutton, light — — Australian mutton, medium ... — — Australian mutton, heavy — — Australian ewes Eiver Plal« mutton, light, 40-551b - River Plate mutton, heavy, 56-721b — " Eiver Plate ewes ~ ~~ Canterbury lamb, light 8 8 Canterbury Jamb, second quality 7^ Canterbury lamb, medium .» "ii Canterbury lamb, heavy 'a North Island lamb, selected «. — — North Island lamb, ordinary — — — Southland lamb, selected ~ ~ Southland lamb, ordinary Australian lamb, best brands ... Australian lamb, fair quality ... Australian lamb, interior ... ... Eiver Plate lamb, first quality... — — River Plate lamb, second quality — — New Zealand beef, fores — -■ — c ! New Zealand beef, hinds — — ] Australian beef, fores - — — Australian beef, hinds ... — «• — — Argentine beef, chilled fores ... — 5J ■ Argentine beef, chilled hinds ... 7J 7i Argentine beef, frozen fores ... — — Argentine beef, frozen hinds ... — — S. American sheep, light ... — — 1 S. American sheep, heavy ... — — S. American lambs, first quality — — S. Ameticaa lambs, second quality — — S. American ewes — — * None offering. Other meats are unchanged. Babbits.—Dull, owing to the reccnt arrival of 100,000 crates of colonial. New South Wales blues, 22s to 235. OAMARU MARKETS. (Fbom Ocb Own Correspondent.) OAMARU, November 13. Business in all departments has .been exceedingly good this week, better inquiry having oeen experienced for wheat, and prices are firmer, but the few who still hold stocks in the country are not disposed to sell. Tho only sale reported is a line of Tuscan at 4s 3d, net, at a country station. Sales of South Canterbury wheat have been made here at 4s 4d net on trucks, for red chaff pnd Tuscan. Potatoes have further _ advanced, £9 net on tracks having been paid this week. The want of a really good rain has almost stopped the business in stock, feed prospects being scarcely as good as a week ago, despite oocasional showers at Duntroon. At the monthly sale yesterday qbout 500 failing and broken-mouthed ewes and lambs were sold at 10s and 10s 6d, all counted. Some lines of failing-mouthed owes with) lambs have changed hands by private treaty, at from lis 6d to 13s. Business in stores and in lambs for forward delivery has been brought to a standstill. Nothing has been doing in cattle, except in odd lots at the saleyards. Fat animals/' maintained _ their values. Stores have* weakened slightly,' and values are uncertain, because of the doutft in regard to feed. Good rain is badly, needed to restore confidence. SOUTHLAND MARKETS. (Fbom Odb Own Cobbespondent.) INYERCARGILL, November 13. Tho oat market is quiet, with an easier tendency. There is still very little offering from farmers, but merchants are anxious to quit their stocks before the new season's grain is harvested, and, although there is still a considerable time to go, merchants are not taking any chances. The nominal quotation is 3s 3d to 3s 4d, f.0.b.5.i., fir A grade Gartons. The chaff market is easy, in sympathy with oats. Merchants are not anxious to buy at over £4 IBs to £4 15s, on t.-ucks, ' for prime quality, but farmers do not appear to be very anxious to sell at this figure. The potato market is firm, and purehi l s"s have been made at as high as £8 to £9 on trucks. The season, however, is slotting late, and most merchants arc standing off the market. There is some inquiry for ryegrass, but so far no business of any importance has eventuated. Business in the meantime is mostly confined to retail orders from farmers. The hemp market is much firmer, and tip to £25 on trucks has been paid for high point fair. Wheat and flour remain the same as last week. During the past week the volume of business in stock has been very limited; in fact, one of the quietest weeks seen in tho province for some months. It was to be expected that tho quantity of business at this timo of the year would bo much smaller than has been going through lately. Matters in connection with stock are bound to remain fairly quiet till after the wool sales. Tho market for wool looks as if it is going to be extra good, and graziers are all anxious, if possible, to shear what they have, rather than place them on tho market at tho present time. During the past week ono or two buyers from Taieri and elsewhere have been operating in the district in good store cattle and forward bullocks, and prices for this class are unusually high. Fat stock operations are not very extensive, butchers confining themselves whollv to buying in the yards, while freezing operators are not going on the market in any way as strongly as during the_ past few months. It is probable that within a month or two freezing operators will be buying more strongly than at tho present time. Good young dairy cows are ako in strong demand. Prices are as follow:—Fat Cattle: Ox beef, 47s to 48s; heifer beef 43s to 445; cow beef, 40s to 425. Fat Sheep: Extra heavy butchers' wethers, 37s to 40s; prime, 35s to 365; medium, 33s to 345; extra prime heavy ewes, 27s to 295; prime, 24s to 255; medium, 22s to 235. Store Cattle: Three-year-old bullocks, good forward condition, £10 to £12 10s; medium sorts, £9 to' £10 10s; two and a-half-year-old, £8 to £8 10s; two-year-old, £7 5s to £7 15s; 18-month, £5 to £5 15s; yearlings, £4 to £4 12s 6d; calves, 30s to 40s; good young dairy cows, £12 to £14; older, down to £7. Store Sheep: Young ewes,,', with lamb at foot, all counted. 16s to 17s; mixed aged ewes, all counted, and guaranteed sound, 14s to 15s; sound-mouthed ewes, all counted, 13s 3d to 14s; fresh, aged ewes, all counted, 13s to 14s; older sorts, 10s to 10s 6d; mixed-sex hoggets, 22s 6d to 23s 6d; ewe hoggets, 24s to 255: wether hoggets, 22s to 235; two-tooth wethers, 28s to 295; four and six-tooth, 30s to 31s. PRIVATE COMPANIES. Notification of the registration of tho following private companies is contained in the Mercantile Gazette: — Pegasus Fresh Fish Co, —Capital, £900, into 900 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: J. W. Peterson 300, W. B. Murison 300, C. 11. Napier 300. Objects: To acquire the business of fish exporters carried on by the Port Pegasus Fishing Co., and to carry on the said business. Hayward and Garratt.— Capital, £3000, into 3000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: E. B. Hayward 2500, 11. G. Griffin 500. Objects: To acquire and take over tho business now carried on by 15. B. Hayward, of Dunedin, importer. OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. Tho Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) report: We held our usual weekly horse sale on Saturday, when we offered an entry of 35 horses of all grades, ranging from superior draught geldings to medium sorts, and down to animals that ought to be made use of at Burnside. Tho attendance was fairly good, although very few farmers were present. Town contractors wero present in full forcc, and also a few traders from a distance, the latter showing an inclination to invest in young, sound, and useful farm sorts. However, in this class there was really no opportunity offered them to operate, as only a very limited' number of the entry was suitable for their requirements. Inquiries have been received quite recently for marcs and geldings suitablo for farm and town work, also for big heavy geldings for town drays (especially coal carta). It is quite apparent

that a change for the better in values of young sound horses is not far distant'. Prices ai'o as follow: — Good young draught marefi, £25 to £155; superior joung draught goidings, lit for shaft or lorry work, £30 to £38; ordinary draught mures and geldings. £20 to £25; aged draughts, to £15; good upstanding vanners, at from £15 to £25; ordinary spring-carters, at from £15 io £20; upstanding buggy mares and geldings, £11 to £20; hacks and ponies, £5 to £12. CENTRAL PRODUCE MART. Rcilly, Gill, and Co. report as follows:— During the week consignments have been short of requirements, though supplies are increasing. Fruit of all descriptions i-> realising extreme values, green peas, new potatoes, cucumbers, etc., are in gootl demand. Potatoes are in short supply, and prices have risen Heavier consignments of poultry are coming on to the market, and priccs are easier in consequcnoe. Butter' is difficult to sell, and prices are lower. Our first consignment of grapes to received from Mr Harris during the week, and realised the plienomina.l price, of 5s 9d pen lb, being purchased by Mr W. C. Ruifell. Wo land ICO' cases of Californian lemons on Monday, and expect high prices to rule. We secured the following prices for our consignors:—Flowers: Difficult to sell. Lettuce, Is. Cabbage, Is 3d to 3s 6d for choice. Cauliflowers, 5s 6d, 6s 6d. Cucumbers, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s 6d. Asparagus, 7s, Bs. Green peas, 3ad, 4d. Tomatoes: Choico locals, Is 10gd. 2s; Rarotongas, 7id to Is. New potatoes, 3id, _4d. Green gooseberries, 2d to 3d. Cherries, 9d, 10d, Is Id, Is 2d, Is 3d, Is 4d. Is 5d per lb. Strawberries, 9d, 9Ad, lOd, Is, Is 2d, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 6-Jd. Grapes. 5s 9d per lb. Rhubarb, lid, lijd. Brazil nuts: Just, landed, 9d. Walnuts: Akaroa, 9d. Softshelled almonds, 10gd. Peanuts, 20s per 1001b. Beeswax, Is 4d. Butter: Slow sale. Farmers' bulk, choice, Is:, separator, Is OJ,d to Is 2d; farmers' pats, Is; first-grade factory, "Defiance" brand. Is 33d. Eggs, Is Id, Is Is 2d per dozen. Honey: Choice 4jd, 4fd. Cheese, ,10jd. Bacon, Bjd, 10|rl. Pigs: Prime baconers, 6£d; porkers, 6£d; choppers, 3Ad, 4d, 4|d. Rabbitskins: Prime winter does, to secondary, 19d to 22d; prime winter bucks, 19d to 20^1; secondary, 17d to 18^d; outgoing 16d to 17J>d; autumns, 14d to 15£ d; primo racks, 9d to lOd; light racks, to Bjd; summers, Bsd to 9Ad; fawn, to 20d; best ■winter blacks, 45d to 53^d; sccond 1 winter blacks, 30d to 36d. Horsehair, to 19d. Cow hides, 6Jd, 7d, 7|d. Calfskins, 51di 6d, 6sd, 6?d, Wool: Locks and fleeces, syd, 7d, 8d nor lb. Passions: Choice, 12s 6d. Pines, 225. Loquats. 10s 6d. Anples: Local cooking apples. 2|d. 2|d. 3d; Canadians, Jonathans, M'lntosh reds and Ribstons, choice, 14s 9d to 17s 6d. Potatoes, £10. Onions: Melbourne. 10s to lis €d. Molasses, 9s in tins. Oat pollard, £7. Flour, £12 10s. Oatmeal, £17 10s. Wheat pollard, £6 10s. _ Bran, £5 10s. Oatshcaf chaff: Extra prime quality. £6 10s; black oat, £6 15s; other good lines, £6 to £6 5s per ton. Fat, 16s 6d, 17s 3d. 17s 6d. 21s, 23s 6d per cwt. Fowl wheat, 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 6d. Oats, 3s 2d. 3s 3d, for A grade lines; 3s for B grade lines. Maize, 5s 6d. 6s per bushel. Rice meal, 12s per sack. Poultry: Extreme prices ruling. Hens realising 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s. 3s 3d; cookerels 3s, 3s 6d, 3s 9d, 4s; ducklings, 3s 9d; pullets, white Leghorns 3s 3d to 4s 6d : turkey hens BAd, and gobblers 10yd per lb; jocks, 8d per lb. Barger disc- harrows, £7. The cheapest lino of disc harrows in Australasia. Get particulars, and see our sample machine. REILLY, GILL, AND CO., Auctioneers and Commission Agents, Moray place, Dunedin.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16541, 15 November 1915, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16541, 15 November 1915, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16541, 15 November 1915, Page 4