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Tho usual meeting of the Council of tho New Zealand Bowling Association was held last evening; preeent —Messrs <l. J. Maflow (president, in tho chair), James Allan, W. C. Allnutt, M. F. Barnett, J. 11. Hancock, and C. R. Smith.

CCmiiESrONDEXCE. Colonel R. J. Collins wrote apologising for tho absence of himself and Messrs Veitch and Bush. Mr Veitch was in Sydney.—Received.

Mr Goorgo Court wrote, tcnde.ring his resignation as a. member of the council owing , to ill-health.—The Chairman suggested that a wiser course would be to let Mr Court's term expire by cffluxion of time. He took it that he only wanted to dissociate himself for tho reason of illhealth.—lt was resolved that the secretary write to that effect, expressing the regret of the oouncil that it should bo owing to ill-health that Mr Court was going to withdraw, and at the same time appreciation of his services while a member of the council.

Tho Hon. Secretary, Wellington Bowling Centre, wrote stating that at a recent meeting of tho Wellington Executive a question was raised in connection with the team of bowlers now in Australia, and asking if an invitation had been received from the Australian Bowling Association for a party to tour Australia, and, if not, why consent -was 'given to the tour by , the siew Zealand Council.—lt was resolved that the secretary reply in terms of the letter granting perlnission to tho team to travel -i.e., permission granted to the team to travel under tho auspices of the association, subject to tho approval of the Wellington members of the council, which approval had boon given.—Mr Smith eaid that tho newspaper reports being sent over were giving the impression that a New Zealand team was being defeated. He thought it would be a gooa thing if tho newspapers put in a paragraph in reference to the team showing that it was a "Wellington holiday team," and in no sense, a New Zealand representative team.

Tho Secretary, Auckland Bowling Centre, wroto forwarding tho following nominations for positions on the council for the ensuing season:—President, Mr M. Casey (Ponsonby); treasurer, Mr H. Frasor (Reeky Nooki ; members of the council—Messrs G. Baildon (Grey Lynn), J- Kilgour (Carlton), J. Wcoller (Remuera), H. Rankin (Mount Eden).— Coldic-utt (Auckland).—Received. The Secretary, Auckland Centre, wroto forwarding copies of minutes of the annual meeting of that centre.—To lie on the table. Tho Secretary, Southland Centre, wrote asking the council to grant permission for the centre to issue a certificate to the club only of the winner of the. Champion Hinglee, "Champion Doubles, and Champion Rink of the centre.—Mr A. E. Smith (Invercargill) wrote m connection with the same matter.—After considerable discussion it was resolved that certificates be granted for tho ensuing season.

COMPOSITION BOWL 3. A considerable amount of correspondence was received in connection with tho Bussey and Exeellito bowls. A request had been sent t>o Colonel Collins for a sample of the last named, cut in half; but it was oxplained that tiiore had apparently been a misunderstanding, as the bqwl forwarded was not an Excellite bowl but a Bueeey bowl. A eaniple of the Bussey bo.vl had been forwarded also by tho makers for approval.—After a very lengthy discussion it was resolved to approve of the Bussey bowl as sent by the makers, ea-mple to be retained, it being pointed out that under tho laws any Bussey bowl would have to conform to that particular sample. With regard to the Bxeellito bowl, it was decided that nothing could be dono till a. sample was to liand, and the matter was referred to tho Executive. Committee, with power to act. BOTH FEET ON THE MAT. Mr Smith moved, in accordance with notice given, tho following amendment to Law 3, Clause 2: "Tho player while delivering his bowl must have the whole of both feet on the mat, otherwise tho bowl may bo stopped by the opposing side, iind in that oaeo it shall become a dead bowl." In bringing forward the motion ho was, ho said, actuated by a dehiro to try to bring things up to date, and give the council an opportunity of considering this very important matter. The form of his motion was nothing at all. He was not wedded to the actual words—only tho principle- involved,— and if they as a council oould evolve sonio better wording , ho would bo perfectly satisfied. Briefly, there were throe very good reasons why they should alter the- present rule. Firet, tho mat should be the base. from which a player should play, and it was unfair that some players should have an advantage of playing off either or both the front and side of tho mat. It -was an undoubted fact that many players gained a considerable advantage in that respect, and ae a mat was provided for the purpose of lixing the place whence every player should play, it appeared to by reasonable that in the interests of the game all players shquld be on the same footing. In any other game, they know, wa3 the case. In cricket and other games certain marks were placed on the ground, and to these players had to conform. Secondly, the saving of wear and tear on the ends of the freena would be tremendous. He was satieed that if they went through tho eeason on the conditions proposed they would searcely know their greens. Thirdly, the alteration would bring New Zealand and Australia practically into line, and as, he believed, the. interchange of visits between these countries was likely to bo more frequent in tho future than in tho past, it was desirable that the game should, as far as possible, be played under uniform conditions. Ho had no particular feeling in the matter, but was satisfied that anyone who gave a fair impartial consideration to tho question could not get away .from tho fact that the motion he was bringing forward was in tho right direction, and if it did not • oome now it would come later on. Since he lhad framed his motion tho Auckland people had considered the question, and bad decided against tho innovation. Tho Duncdin Centre had approved of it, but some were in favour and some against. For those reasons ho did not know whether they should legislate, definitely on tho matter just then or whether they should arrive, at what they considered a solution, and submit it to tho centres.

Mr Barnctt said that he agreed with the principle, l«it not exactly with tho wording of the motion. The Wellington peoplo wore in favour of botli fecit being on the mat, but not just as Mr Smith's motion proposed. He would suggest that the reading be at the moment of delivering the bowl.

Mr' Allan asked whether, apart from the merits of tho question, they were not dealing with the matter at tho wrong time. Ho had not expected that such a motion would coido up at the off-season. Before one could give a definite opinion one would like to play a game or two in the manner .proposing. As a body they could deal with most things that affected play, but it would be a wrong thincr that a few bowlers should deal with a question like the. present in the off-season. "

The Chairman said that two large centres had already approved of it. Mr Allan said that there was very strong opposition all tho sanxj. Tho Chairman said that to his maud it was a step forward. Mr Hancock explained! how t!io Now Zealand players had , found trouble in Australia." Ho gavo a practical illustration, showin-s that in doliverirKT the bowl on the large mat with their feet upon it they struck the front edge of tho mat, thus altering tho coutsb of tho bowl. The Australian rulo. on the point was read, sn4 it was suggested thnt the motion read' "Tho player while delivering his bowl must 3«ivp n tiorbion or tho whole of both foet on tho mat." Mr Allan protested against ,t.he matter being rrococdodi with, at all. Tho "Chairman said that if they as a body wero not com.pcitont to deal w'th tho matter they wore not -xmtpetent to deal with any motion that can c before tho council. Tho motion was remodelled—" That the player while hie 'howl must have a portion or tho wholo of both feot on the mat "—was put and carried. Mr Allan voting against it, and asking that his vote bo recorded Mr Smith sa-id that now them arose the question of the siie of mats. It seemed to

him that tho council should take some, steps as 1o inviting ideas as to what, was the best mat, and tho most suit-able for all sort* of weather andi ooudiiwns. Tihey .should on de-avour to got a uniform mat throughout the dominion. The council might th"ti order «n improved Jiiat and provide it. for all clubs. ALTERATIONS IN LAWS. T'lii) council pioeeodtd to dead with alterations in tho kiws. Sojtm progress was made, but when thu lyiotiou of bowltesting dune up 1 ho. hour mis growing , late, and as tiho fiubjert wiw felt to bo of too grwit moment to l>c dealt with hurriedly the meetinar was adjourned* till tho 20th inst. GREISN ISLAND CI.UU. The aiHiimil meeting of nx'mlx.'r.s of tho Green Island Bowling and Toiiimb Club was held in i ; ho. local pavilion Jast night. Alumt 30 members were present, and tho chair was taken by Mr VV. T. Smellio (president). Mr B. Bayley (auditor) read the annual report end 'balance- sheets. The latter flowed a credit balance of £18 lf» 2d on tho bowling dub account and £7 18s 6d on the twin-is club Account. The dub's liabilities wore shown to lw £829 11s sd, including mortgage and loans. The Ohairnuui, in moving tho adoption of tho reports and balance sheets, remarked Chat the club bad had a fairly successful yoiir. They had incurred , some lu-avy expenditure, Including , £240 in connection with the billiard room and table. Ho was sorry they had l not done better in tho inter-dub mai-ehos, but hoped they, would do .hotter in future.. On the financial side, it would bo soon thiß-t they had , paid £30 off tho original mortgage, and £10 off another liability. Tho tej>n : s flub hnd won several matches, but had withdrawn from the Otugo Lawn Tennis Association on account of iihe expense. ITc thought it was a heavy, <lra-«i on a young club like theirs to have to pay 5j :>er membar to the association. Air I'. Thomson seconded the motion, which was carried without discussion.

Tho 'following were, elected office-brarei-s for tho current year—President, Mr W. Goddwi; vice-presid-Ents— Messrs P. M'Lnan and James Gcfldes: secretary and treasurer, Mr W. T. Smcllio (re-elected with applause): Managing Committee (bowling)— Missrs'A. Sniellic, W. M'Dona Id, L. Miller; tennis—Messrs S. M'Donald. James Thompson; selector, Mr W. T. Smellio; ground supervisor, Mr A. Smellie: Competitions Committee —Messrs H. Harraway, J. M'Clymont, and A. Smollie; delegates to Duncdin Bowling Centre—Messrs W. M'Donald and A. Smellie; auditor, Mr V>. Bayloy (re-elected). The retiring President, on' vacating tho chair, thanked the members for the support given to him during tho yea' , . Ho was suro tho smiio assistance would bo accorded to his successor. —(Applause.)

Mr Kane proposed a hearty vote of t.toa.nks. to the retiring president for his hnndsomo present (heating apparatus), which ivaa greatly appreciated by the ladies in dispensing hospitalities; also to Mrs Smollio f or her liberality.

Tho motion was carried with very hearty applause. Mr W. (xfiddrs, the new president, presided over the meeting during its continuance. . .

Proposals for improving tho ground bv treo planting and disposing of the small billiard table -were approved of. A motion was carried recommending tho Competition Committee to encourage rink plnyinff. The matter of seetional play was discussed, and the delegates to the centre were loft a free, hand in voting on ihe question. On the motion of Mr W. MTtonald, it was decided to recommend tho new commiltoo to improve the tennis court by putting , it in first-class condition. Tt was, lie sa : d\ a meet important part of the club, nnd it might lapse if improvements were not made. New members were nominated and elected

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16120, 8 July 1914, Page 4

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BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 16120, 8 July 1914, Page 4

BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 16120, 8 July 1914, Page 4