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BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR 10 DAYS. STOCKTAKING BARGAINS. ( ~ TO MAKE A POSSIBLE CLEARANCE BROWN, EWING, & CO., LTD., Will offer for the next 10 DAYS TEMPTING BARGAINS IN BOYS' SUITS. Boys' Tweed and Serge Cambridge Suits; sizes 12, 13, and 15. Were up to 33s the Suit Stocktaking Bargain Price, 12s 6d the Suit. Boys' 3 Garment Imperial Suit; sizes 8 and 9 only. Stocktaking Bargain Price, 12s 6d the Suit. Boys' Odd Tweed Knickers. , Stocktaking Bargain Prices, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, and 3s 3d. BROWN, f EWING, ■ & CO, LTD., DUNEDIN. PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. ALEX. HAREf I S & CO.', GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. VALUATORS, AND LAND SALESMEN, 221 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. INSPECT THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS. QA"3 ACRES (Oamaru district; 3 miles railwav station, close school, post and to'.e'*"X graph office); 4-roomed Dwelling, bath (hot and cold), stable and outbuildings, washhouse (copper, tubs); subdivided into 7 paddocks; well watered; 38 acres in wheat, 20 acres ploughed, 60 acres new grass; all ploughable land, and in good heart. Prico £27 per acre. Worth inspection. 1298 Q/\ QK-NORTH DUNEDIN (on Rise): Five ROOMS, bathroom, hot and cold; <sewered; washhouse (copper, tubs); all in thoroughly good repair. 1277 i l?KOfk~ ST. KILDA: Natty VILLA of 5 rooms, verandah, bath, hot and cold, gas, washhouse (copper, tubs); fowl runs; nice garden; good locality. 1279 1 rtft ACRES.—Few miles NORTH of DUNEDIN: All p'oughablo land, well fenced and subdivided; new 5-roomed VILLA (scullery), 3-stall stable, 20-etall cowbyre, piggery fowlhouses and runs; everything in working order. Turnips and feed given in. £1400 A Bargain. 1290 off A A—PENNY SECTION SOUTH: Modern and thoroughly well-built RESIDENCE of 7 targe rooms, bathroom (h. anu c.), 2 bay. windows and portico, wardrobes, bookcase; drained to sewer, (iroplacrs in every room, washhouso (copper, rubs); asphalt paths; brick dividing wall. Corporation lease, £2 10s per annum; about 10 years to run. This property is really m first-rate order, and was erected cepecialiy lor the owner., 1291 8 ACRES (about)—ANDERSON'S BAY—all in grass, all fenced, - with S-roomed DWELLING, 2-stal!ed stable, 4-stall byre, cart shed, trap shed. Price, only £725. This class of property m very difficult to obtain, so we would advise immediate inspeotion. i 1285 OWQK-BAYFIELD, ANDERSON'S BAY: Modem Brick VILLA of 5 largo jOO rooms; 2 oriel windows, verandah, 6ft hall, electric light throughout, builtin wardrobes, cupboards, etc.. bath, hot ard cold, washhouse (copper, tube); fowlhouso and runs; fail 1-ACRE SECTION (freehold) Price, £735. The owner is determined to sell at this low price. Full particulars at office. 1284 i ALEX. HARRIS & CO. AUCTIONEERS. gIEVWRIGHT, fi AGGITT ' & CP- ( LTD -)> ! EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. iCGfI ACRES FREEHOLD, NELSON; all undulating land; chocolate soil; 19 padOJU docks; carrying capacity is two sheep to acre; half-milo from school; motor waggon cal's at door for cream; 5-roomed llouso and all nccessary outbuildings; 1 acre orchard. Price. £6 5s an aero; £1000 cash. Or exchange for unencumbered town property or small farm. QA(\ ACRES'FREEHOLD; 40 acres in oats; 40 acres ploughed for turnips; 40 acrcs ploughed for autumn-sowing; ba'anco in grass and native state; all good warm country; well fenced and watered; grows wheat, oats, turnips, rape, etc.; 700 sheep, 7 horses, 4 head cattle; 7 h.p. portable engine and chaffcutter, waggon, 4furrow plough, d.f. plough, h.s. plough, b-leaf harrows: F.'F. drill, woolpress, R. and G. discs, M.H. binder, blocks and chains, trees, harness, gig and harness, stakes and netting, 50 ba.«-s grass seed, etc.; new 5-roomed House, new shed (40 x 24). Price as a going concern, £5 5s an acre. Only £1200 cash; balance 5 years at 5 per cent. PPA ACRES FREEHOLD, Southland; 9 paddocks; all in good order; 25 dairy cows, t)Ol" 300 sheep, 4-liorse team, stacks, etc.; good 7-roomed Houso and bathroom; byre stable, barn, dip, yards, etc.; 1 mile from school and post office. 1£ miles from creamery; £8 15s an acre as a going concern. Only £750 required for the lot. Balance 8 years at 5 per cent, WA-ACRE FREEHOLD, Main North road ; 4 paddocks; 4+oomed House; 2-stalled 411 stable and loose-box, and 10-stallcd byre; 14 acrcs in stubble, balance grass; capable of carrying 20 cows; 1 mile from school, 1| miles from railway station. £577 15s. Only £160 cash. Q1 r ACRES L.1.P., Clydevale District; 40 acrcs river flat, balance low-lying Old ridges; rent, 5s 6d an acre; 10 paddocks; splendid deep soil; faces the sun; 45 acres turnips, 120 acres being ploughed, balance 1 year's grass upwards; 4roomed House; 8-stalled stable, loose-box, barn, shearing shed, dip, yards, etc.; carries 500 sheep, besides crops; 2 miles from school; two stacks oaten sheaves given in; £1400. OOKfb ACRES FREEHOLD; 110 acres m grass; 42 acrcs ploughed, balance tus/s<4&\r sock; 6 miles from Gore, 2 miles from school, dairy factory, and post office; carrv 1000 ewes; £2 17s 6d an acre. £500 cash. sy t qw-ACRE SMALL GRAZING RUN; rent. 3d an acre; 1300 sheep, 2. horses; tr±Ofl 4-roomcd House; stable, woofehed, yards. £2000, as a going concern. ACRES PASTORAL LEASE; rent, 9d; 12$ years to run; all in tussock; /VOIVU 1100 ewee; lj> acres Freehold; 9-roomed House, stable, etc. £2000, as a froinu concorn. 9500 ACRE SMALL GRAZING RUN; 2K)O sliecp - Go ' ng c ° ncern > £<)500 - OA A ACRES; NICE DOWNS; 13 MILES OF FENCING, BOUNDARY FENCES OIPU ARE WIRE-NETTED; 9 HANDY PADDOCKS; 150 ACRES NEW GRASS 128 ACRES l-YEAR'S GRASS, 110 ACRES 2-YEARS' GRASS, 97 ACRES 4-YEARS' GRASS, 80 ACRES TURNIPS. 80 ACRES PLOUGHED; LAND GROWS SPLENDID WHEAT, ETC.; CARRIES 1000 SHEEP, BESIDES CROPS;S-ROOMED HOUSE- 9-STALLED STABLE, BARN, IMPLEMENT SHED, YARDS, SHEARING SHED ETC.; 1 MILE FROM SCHOOL AND POST OFFICE; RENT, 9s AN ACRE. ONLY EXPERIENCED MEN NEED APPLY'. STOCK AT VALUATION ,OR AUCTION. £200 CASH. —ORCHARD—£2OO CASH. 8 ACRES FREEHOLD (71 acrcs in full bearing); 4-roomed House, glasshouse, stable, fow!houses, etc.; situated 5 minutes' walk from Nelson Railway Station; £1100. Terms: £200 cash, balance at 6 per .cent. £) AAA ACRES LEASEHOLD RUN (North Otago); 200 acres under cultivation, balance good tussock country; 6-roomed House and outbuildings. Stock: 1700 ewes and 50 head of cattle; situated 2 miles from railway station, etc. Price on application- > j u, JONES, THE PEOPLE'S AGENCY, Valuator, Arranged. Financial Agent. CABGILL ROAD, SOUTH DUNEDIN. REOPENS SATURDAY NIGHT, 7 to 8.30. FOR, INQUIRY. r»KA SECURES CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS situated in George street; great 3bOU chance; owner leaving. OA OA—NEAR ST. CLAIR (two minutes from car): Return Verandah 4 ROOMS; 3&4:i>V scullery, bathroom (hot water, porcelain hand basin), washhouso (copper and tubs; freehold (over i-acre); EASY TERMS if desired. DEPOSIT (balance as rcnt)-Yerandah 5 ROOMS; scullery, bathroom (h, and t) o watei); tile, hearths and grates; freehold. Price, only £475. (PCI A—CAVERSHAJI (on rise I: Return Verandah 5-roomed DWELLING; hot cbOjLv water, bath, shower; tiled hearths and ranges; latest sanitary drainage; 40 x 100 freehold; nice viow; sunny position; easiest terms. fs-a i SOUTH DUNEDIN: Comfortable COTTAGE. 3 rooms; freehold corner Jbl4s allotment. KILDA: Modern BUNGALOW, 5 rooms; scullery, bath; antiquo fitdwOOV tings, electric light; really choice property; corner freehold allotment; £50 deposit, balance as rent (£1 weeljiy). (handy to car); Comfortable 4-roomed DWELLING, todbo.4U gcther wibh conveniences; large froehold section. SNIP. TO LET. TO LET. TO LET. SOUTH DUNEDIN: 6'Rooms, 13s; 5 Rooms, 16s; 5 Rooms, 22s 6d; 8 Rooms, 255. CAVERSHAM: 5 Room?, 15s; 6 Rooms, lis. MUSSELBURGH: Modern 6 Rooms, £1. KEW: 8 Rooms, £60 per annum. MORNINGTON: 2 Rooms, 4s; 4 Rooms.' Bs. I/flrgc SHOP near Cargill's Corner. 17s 6d. ROSLYN LAND AND ESTATE AGENCY. Telephone 1376. (A. WASHER & CO.), Telephone 1376Private 'Phone 2807 Opposito Roslyn Post Office. Private 'Phone 2807. EOSLYN.-A PROPERTY TO BE NOTED IS A NEWLY RENOVATED FIVE--1 ROOMED HOUSE, with hot and cold, gas, small conservatory, two bay windows; LARGE LAID-OUT SECTION. That can bo purchased on most reasonable and EASY TERMS FOR £450. ROSLYN, -FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE, on MAIN ROAD; fACRE LAID-OUT SECTION; asphalt paths, etc. EASY TERMS. £300. 1 KOiSLYN.— £500: We are offering a First-class 6-roomed HOUSE; bathroom (h. and c.); gas; large sheds; tomato house; asphalt paths; two minutes from either car; owner leaving. A bargain. ROSLYN.— HOUSE; with vinery; well finished; SIX ROOMS; felt lined; sun all day; every convenience, including bot and cold, etc.; tiled grates; LAID-OUT GARDEN, GENUINE BARGAIN. £525. ROSLYN.-A FIRST-CLASS COMPACT 5-ROOMED HOUSE; verandah, bay window, hot and cold, asphalt paths; LARGE SECTION. WILL BE SOLD A BARGAIN, AS THE OWNER IS LEAVING THE DISTRICT. SECTIONS.— OUR LIST FROM £50 UPWARDS is worth inspection; aleo our PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WE ARRANGE FINANCING, mo LET.—Thrco ROOMS-6s, 8s 6ct, 10s. Four ROOMS-9s, 13s. Five ROOMSJL Ba, 10s. lis, 12s, 14s. Six ROOMS—I 2.;. 17s 6d, 18s. 20s, 22s 6d. Seven ROOMS -10s, 20s, 255, 255. SHOP, BACK ROOM-lOs. WELLINGTON BRANCH OFFICE Edward Wilson, a young man, was reOTAGO DAILY TIMES manded till July 23 at Wellington on And Saturday, on a charge of theft of jewellery OTAGO WITNESS from the dweljing of John Cairns at Papule at mii. Bail to the amount o! £80 was CORNER JERVOIS QUAY and HARRIS i ' ! . lo ' v ' cd ' , _ i r,i n.-i Men may come ami mer. may to, SIEEEI, where lilos of Olago Daily An( . fi]j t [ ;() wor jj woc . < Times ?nd Otago Witness may be refcxrod Bui; on „ jhing t ; nal will cmillfe to, Copies Obtained, and whero idvertiso- j 6 \y. E. Woods' Great Peppermint Curo, ments, Subscriptions, and Accounts will be Which ptus new life in rich and poor, received by And health and strength it doth restores J. ILOTT, _ That's why lun very sure Agent for North Island There's nothing ILko Woods' Peppermint OTAGO DAILY TIMES CO, (LIMITED). Curo,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10