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PIOPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. | B'ATTERSB Y & 0 0., i A.M.P. BUILDINGS. 25 DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN. PC ACRES FREEHOLD FIRST-CLASS AGRICULTURAL LAND, practically all flat; well watered; has grown 60 bushels wheat; cany 30 cows; 34 a/?res grass, bilmco under cultivation; 5-roomed House, 6tablc, barn, ctc.; two miles railway, school, and creamery. About £400 required M ACRES FREEHOLD, NORTH; 15 acres has bccy under cultivation, balanco low hill land; surface sown. Buildings: Seven-roomed House, requiro little repair; threo miles rail, two miles creamery, school. £425; £200 required. t tIQA'A ACRES S.G. RUN, of which 300 has been cultivated, balanco tussock country; good buildings; 50 acres turnips; 1400 sheep, horses, cattle, implements ; rental £70 per annum; 13 years' lease (renewable). Going concern, £3600. This property does 1100 ewes and 700 dry sheep woli. r ACRES FREEHOLD RICH AGRICULTURAL LAND; handy Dunedin; water « .laid on; 4-roomed House; close rail and school. Price £700; terms. OA ACRES LEASEHOLD DAIRYING LAND; rental £40; 7 yeaiV lease; 6roomed House, 16-stalled cowbyrc; 17 cows and horses; full set implements. Going concern, £335; terms. -J O ACRES FREEHOLD (North line) DAIRYING LAND; 4-roomed House, sheds; -L/V carries 6 cows; close to rail. £525; terms. qaa ACRES FREEHOLD, in 7 paddocks; 50 acres in turnips, rape, and crop, OUv balance pasture; 5-roomed House, 6-stalletl stable, barn, ioosebox, sheepyards. The land grows good wheat and barley. Prico freehold and all stock (including 200 sheep and 5 head cattle), £1400; terms. A cheap property. aaaa ACRES GOVERNMENT LEASEHOLD; tussock country; rental £50 per year; 7 miles from rail; 2 good huts, woolshed, sheep dip and yards; present stock 2700 sheep (1500 ewes). As.a going concern, £5000. This property carried 3800 sheep and 100 head cattle all last year without turnips. The owner usually carries 3500 sheep. HOUSES* ' HOUSES. HOUSES. HOUSES, jp-j Q/"v—ANDERSON'S BAY: New 2- roo med HOUSE and good j-acre scction; ctwJLuV water laid on; sunny, sheltered; splendid site. MAORI HILL: Four-roomed HOUSE and racre ground; splendid situaditQiiu tion; room for three other residences. P4AA— RjOSLYN: EIGHT ACRES FREEHOLD; close to car line; suitable suboWitl'v' division or poultry farm. ■MORNINGTON (near Car): Up-to-date 5-roomed HOUSE; 3 years built; oW tOO washhouse, coalhouse, bathroom; drained to sewer, hot and cold water, gas, wardrobes and cupboards built in, artistic papers antl friezce, well fireplace, tiled hearths and grates.; good i-acre scction, and: flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruit trees; beautifully sunny, and lovely panoramic view of harbour and surroundings. OKrtK-MOSGIEL (Central): Good 6-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, scullery, _ good owQwO range; newly renovated; one aero of ground; orchard; splendid position; and cheap. f»-| OAA—MAORI HILL: Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 8 largo rooms; scullery, workshop, return verandah, electric l:ght, hot and cold water, drained to sewer; good i-acre scction; only three years built. Could not be built for near tho money asked; terms. ft/iiKA—ST. CLAIR: Attractive 5-roomed Californian BUNGALOW; hot and cold, electric light, tiled hearths and grates, fibrous plaster ceilings. Easy terms arranged. WE HAVE SEVERAL SHEEP FARMS. THE OWNERS OF WHICH WILL * EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTIES. • E. L. MACASSEY & CO., DOMINION CHAMBERS, 148 RATTRAY STREET (Opposito Wood's), DUNEDIN. 1 ACRES GOVERNMENT S.G RUN (rent 6d acre; 15' s years to run); carries JLOI/U 1200 ewi's; 200 acres grass, balance tussock, the groat part of which is ploughable; ,all sweet ewe country; £1600; terms. An ideal piece of grazing land. Get particulars. VERY CHOICE 100 ACRES FREEHOLD; close main line of railway, school, town, dairy factory, church, etc.. all by level road. ALL THE VERY CHOICEST RIVER FLAT LAND, BUT DOES NOT FLOOD GROWS ENORMOUS CROPS AND NO END OF GRASS. CARRYING 60 COWS AND 9 HORSES; 7-roomed House (with all conveniences), large cowbyrc, stable, buggy shed, chaft'house. etc.; well watered and subdivided. THIS IS ONE OF THE CHOICEST PROPERTIES IN NEW ZEALAND, and for dairying, fattening, orcropping THERE IS A FORTUNE IN IT. It is most conveniently situated in a firstclass district. We invite the closest investigation, as WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OFFERING A STERLING PROPOSITION. For family reasons the owner has fixed a low prico so as to effect an immediate sale—^vk. £21 per acre,—and this leaves a very largo margin of profit for a future re-sale. The firs; genuine buyer to inspect will buv. ONLY £21 PER ACRE FOR A QUICK SALE. VERY EASY TERMS. IF YOU WANT A GOOD PLACE LOSE NO TIME IN SEEING THIS. •SQUARE DEALS! SQUARE DEALS. SQUARE DEALS! SQUARE DEALS. CITY.—Six-roomed modern HOUSE, with two bay windows and portico, -S- / bathroom (hot and cold water to bath, shower, and hand basin), tile grates, built-in mirror wardrobe, clcctric light throughout, drained to sewer, glasshouse, and fowl run. ONLY £650. ONLY £650. ONLY £650. ONLY £650. Situated within 5 minutes of the Tjst Office, and is an Ideal Home in every respect. THIS IS THE GREATEST CITY BARGAIN ON THE MARKET. IV'A DEPOSIT PURCHASES, in St. Kilda, a new 5-roomed Bungalow HOUSE, owOU with fibrous plaster ceilings, and everything of tho best throughout; nice corner section, and gets all the sun. INSPECT AT ONCE, AS THIS PROPERTY WILL READILY SELL, AND IS A GREAT BARGAIN. QT, CLAIR.—Six-roomed Bungalow HOUSE, with fibrous plaster ceilings, bathroom (with enamel bath, hot and cold water), tile hearths and grates, latest art papers and friezes, electric light throughout, also gas and gas cooker; drained lo sewer; section nicely laid out. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. THIS IS TIIE GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN ST. OLAIR. JOHN RE I D k SONS (L T D.) iiirwjtors: H W UEID, C. RUSSELL SMITH. L. DEANS RITCHIE. Telephone 190. Telephone 3391. AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE. & FiN'ANCUI, .AGENTS VALUATORS, SURVEYORS. MONEY. SHARE. & LAND BROKERS, LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE of 7 rooms ;on rise); convenient to cars; modem design, with balcony, verandah, 4 bay windows; porceluim enamel bath, drained to sewer; clcctric bells and lighting; gas griller; large workshop and cellar and every pcssible convenience; section, .nicely laid out. THE HOUSE IS WITHOUT A DOUBT ONE OF THE BEST-BUILT HOUSES IN DUNEDIN. Built of brick, with solid concrete base, slate roof, attractive appearance. Specifications from which tli.; house was buii't may bo inspected at our office. A good spec. 2100 ON RlSE'(Handy to Kuox Church).—Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; built . only 3 years; all large rooms, and latest mo'dern improvements, drained to sewer, electric light; |-acre scction, well laid out. A great bargain. £1150. 2419 ST. CLAlß.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 6 rooms; spacious hall, casement windows, librcus ceilings, electric light, ltrge bathroom, enamel bath, wardrobes, presses, large scuilery, pantry, drained to sewer; a modern and good house; section has w'do frontage, and well laid out; close to car. £1225. 2401 ST. CLAIR.—THREE SECTIONS, each 1-acre, in ono lot; suitxble for gentleman's residence; well elevated; sun all day; handy to oar; good o:can view; close to golf links and bowling green; £1000 the lot. 1720 BJSHOPSCOURT.— Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 13 rooms (brick), with 3 acres; motor garage; carriage drives; ornamental trees, grass plots and flower beds; electric light and septic drainage. This is really a splendid place, and should not be missed by those who arc looking for something distinctive; £4000; a. genuine bargain. 2326 ST. CLAIR—New 6 PuOOMS, bungalow design; attractive appoarance; reception hall 10ft 6in square; pantry,_ scullery, bathroom, linenpress, wardrobes; electric light; casement windows; fibroins ceilings and aroh; porcelain bath;, washhouse, etc, Ready for your occupation. £600. Come along with your deposit; ,we will finance you into this. 2108 M ACRES, PALMERSTON.—Good 7-roomed HOUSE; stables, loosebox.. trapshed, cowbyrc, dairy, fine garden and oichard; a nicc home at bargain prico; £700. 2265 WAIKOUAITI DISTRICT.-Remaining FARM on Comer Bush Estate,_ containing about 186 acres; in several paddocks; two miles from railway; an ideal dairy farm; 'handy to creamery and telephone office. Easy terms to a suitable man. Interest at 5 per cent. OQQ ACRES (7 or 8 paddocks), mixed farm; a largo portion down in English grass; n/uu grows splendid crnrs turnins. oats, barley, rye, etc.; 6-roomed Dwelling, sixstalled stable, and sheep yards; land well watered, creek and water race; railway alongside property. Price £6 10s per acre. 296 /?A ACRES L.1.P., North of Dunedin (close to railway and school); 3-roomed DwellC'V ing, men's hut, dairy, washhouse, storeroom, cowbyrc, piggery, fowlhouse; land well watered, springs and water race; ground rent £15 per annum. £290 the lot. 257 I JOHN REID & SONS (LIMITED), AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN. ~p E T E R~ B O Y LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, 186 FRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. POULTRY FARM I POULTRY FARM! ' POULTRY FARM 1 SPLENDID UP-TO-DATE POULTRY FARM OF 21 ACRES FREEHOLD, situated close to railway station on main line (north). BUILDINGS consist of a Good 5rooniod Dwelling, dairy and coalhouse, several well-built fowlhouses and largo number of runs, breeding pen 6, incubator house, brooder house, and feed house,_ etc., etc. STOCK consists of 600 well-bred white and brown Leghorns and black Orpingtons (all good layers), 1 cow. 5 mares (in foal), 1 gelding, 1 stallion (by Traoey), 20 hives bees, honey extractor and all appliances. PLANT comprises 5 incubators (capacity 1000 eggs),. 4 broodeiv. l.orse-powcr with grit mill, horse-power with bone-cutter, handpower bone-cutter, clover-cutter, mincer, lawn mower, and large stock of garden and other tools, plough, grubber, turnip 60wer, double-seated light station waggon, phaeton, light spring-dray, saddle, bridles, harness (2 sets), windmill. _ tanks, hose, and a largo quantity of sundries too numerous to mention, amongst which is 40 to 50 sacks wheat, boilers etc. The s<irden and'orchard arc well laid nut. There is a nico pond, and altogether an IDEAL PROPERTY, BOTH AS A HOME AND AS A MONEYMAKING PROPOSITION. The owner hai, other very important businesses to turn his attention to which compels him to offer this for ABSOLUTELY immediate salo, Price, £1500; terms can bo arranged. Solo Agent: PETER BOYD, Dunedin. Telephone 3036. I f W M'C OL L Telephone 3051. Private Rcsidonoe 2845 ' ' ' Private Itesidonca 2845 LAND, ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, TEMPLE COURT, 85 STUART STREET. DUNEDIN. MUSSELBURGH RlSE.—Seven-roomed BUNGALOW; up to date, with every modem convenience; handsome appearance; largo section. A REAL BARGAIN. £650. TOP OF ROSLYN (Cioso to Car).—s-roomed HOUSE (almost new); oriel windows and return verandah; electric light, mirror-doorcd wardrobes, linen press, largo scullery, pantry, bathroom (h. and c. water), washhouse (built-in tubs and copper); largo workshop; level scction, nicely laid out in flowers, lawns, shrubs, live hedges, etc. l'ricc. £650. BT. KILDA.—3-roomed COTTAGE; washhouso (built-in tubs and copper); a large, high scction. Price, £250. mOWN BELT, MAORI HlLL.—Five-roomed HOUSE; hot and cold water, gas, and -k. every convenience; sewer-drained; large section; lovely view over City and harbour. All in perfect order. Price, £525. ST. CLAIR.—New 5-roomcd Up-to-dato BUNGALOW; every modern convenience; electric light; mirror-dnor wardrobes; bookcases, -linen press, tiled fireolaces; expensive mantelpieces, enamel bath, art papers, friezes, and pioturo mouldings; asphalt paths; sewer-drained. Price, £660. £50 deposit, balance as rent. BELLEKNOWES.— A new 5-roomcd BUNGALOW; handsome appcaranco; fibrous plaster ceilings, electric light, largo reception hall; level section. A BARGAIN.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15823, 23 July 1913, Page 10