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To-morrow morning tbo Otago' Daily Tinw-s will enter upon tho fifty-first year of its existence. To mark tlw jubileo of the journal the issue will consist' of 24 pages, of -which noarly ono-half will bo dovotod \o . the publication of matter directly connected with tho interesting annjvprsrtry tliat will bo celebrated. Tho history of tho progress of the paper .will be tkulobud, and the story of some- .of tho moro interesting episodes in jU life will be told. Tho issue will also contain a striking collation o( messages of felicitation forwarded from different parts of the Empiro <o tbo Otago- Daily Times upon tho fact that it i; tho first newspaper in New Zealand continuously published as a daily to attain its •jubilee- Among those who have kindly we' their ocwdial congratulations to the paper are many of exalted rwk; and a. largo number of messages, 'couobed in the warmest terms, have- been, received from residents of tho Dominion prominent in its political, ecclesiastical; judicial, commercial, end journalistio lifo. A facsimile copy of tho first number ,of tho Otago Daily Times,, published on "November 15, 1861, will bo issued as a to to-morrow's paper, and this, wo havo no donbt, will be perused with great interest by tho community. In order to meet what wo have evpry reason U> believe willbe an exceptional demand for tho jumlco number foveral (liouaand copies' will lie pubhrficd in ctccus of tho ordinary circulation, but wo fully anticipate' that tho vhoip isKoo will, in viow of the special interest attaching !o it, be sold out in tile courso of a few hevrs.

A 'Press Association telegram from Chriftchurch states 'tlsit his Excellency tho Governor and I-ady Islington spent about an houcjind a-haJf yesterday morning visiting the Solvation Araiy'e institutions. They were accompanied by Brigadier Albiston, end first of all motored to Uso Prison Gato Brigade Homo at Addington, wioro there are at present 30 men. Thtir Excellencies wero shown over the buildings and workshops, and displayed much interest in the affairs of tho homo, making inquiries from tho officers in regard to tho methods adopted Did tho results of tho" Army's efforts. They wore especially interested in the industries carried on there the malmaking, which was in operation at tbs tiwo of tho visil Largo

numbers of doormate arc, made by inmates of tbc homo, and those have established such a. high, reputation that there is a demand for them in many parts of tho Dominion.: Lord and Lady Islington wore thown a small stock that is in hand demonstrating the quality of tho finished article, containing a. coloured devioo or letters. Later en their Excellencies motored ta tho resoae homo in Papanui road, St. Albans, and then to tho matcrnit'.y homo. ip. Boalcy avenue, whero they spent ,«omo time. At tho conclusion of the vifit his Exci'lloncy. evprojscd to" Brlgadiisr /Vlbiston tho gratification the ii'sit had given him and Lady Idington, and ho comiJimentod' tho brigadier- and his officers on tho way in which the institutions aro conducted. The Governor and suite wif] visit Nelson on Monday noil, proceeding via Blenheim, and will stay thoro till Thursday week. His Excellency speciaily desiros to,.inspect tho farms.

The ErsKsh mail which was despatched /rom Dunedin via IVindisi on October 5 arrived in London on tho night of tho 11th inst, one day late.

Tho annual meeting of tho Dunedin Cathedral BooTd was held at tho diocesan tfffioo yesterday afternoon, when Dean Fitchett was elected chairman, and tho eight retiring. members -Xero re-elected. Mr T. S. Graham was appointed auditor. Tho Committee of Management reported lhat the monies paid xo the credit of tho fund were £10,065 in 1910, and thoso paid during the last 12 months £11,000. Tho T.romlscs of amounts received would bring tho amount up to £15,900. Against this there had boon >£900 expended. For general infornmiion it was inlim&tod tho credit of the Harrop bequest at tho i-nd of June, 1911, was £29,374. Tlic report was adopted. ' , Tho Minurl meeting of tho Otago Employers' Association was held last night at <jho Waratah Tea Rooms. Mr R. Chisholm, president, occupied tho chair. There was but a email attendance, including two visitors from Chrislchurch, Messrs K. P. England (president of tho Canterbury Employers' Association) and J. .A. Frostick (cx-proudent of . the s>uno . association). The annual report, which was somewhat lengthy, was read arid adopted. Tho election of offico-bcarcrj for the ensuing year resulted in tho re-election of Jhc retiring Kentlemen. In a tomowhat long address the chairman reviewed the industrial position, concluding by expressing tho liopo lhat industrial peaoo would prevail. Considerations of spaco prevont tho appear, anco of a report of the proceedings this


Thcra was a largo attendance of tho public at the Garrison Hall last night to hoar Piofesfcir Mills's address on tho nolicense question.. Tho speaker dealt with Ivis subject in a clear and lucid manner, and his remarks wro punctuated by frequent outbursts of applause. At tho conclusion ho was accorded a hearty vote of thanks by acclamation.,

By notice in' Uiis morning's issue common jurors summoned for attendance on Monday are discharged from further attendanoe. ■

A grand juror (Mr John William Blakcky), who failed Jo appear at tho Supreme Court yesterday morning, -was fned 40e. Fifteen minutes later Mr lllakcley oamo intc court, and explained to his Honor thai, ho could not possibly get away rooner on eocount of a business engagement. His Honor remorked that prossuro of business was no cjcousc when summoned as a. juror, but agreed to remit tho fine.

Thn MBton technical classes' first scaon ofoscs phis week. Altogether the sum of £110 we*, received in fees during tho sojfion for the various eubjects undertaken— woolclassing, dressnakirg, cookery, typewriting, eliorthand, end bookkeeping.

The Brno© Horald states that a resident iA Milton has received word that ho hus bocn left eok heir by a relative to-a very valuable estate in Australia. It is con:monly reported that the vsluo will run into many thousands of pounds.

At a meeting .of shareholders in tho eoutherr. Starr-Bowltett Society l«t night 'ho following appropriations wcro disPowd of-Group No. 1, tho 235 th ai>propriation of £500 by ballot resulted in clustCT No. 67 bclujr' drewn, tho shares being Wd by UirVo shardioldcrsj the Z&th appropriation of £500 by sv'e roa!i«ed tho following premiums, £500 at £5 2s p ur conk.. £200 at £5 !M . r ccnt .. t | lo 237 th appropriation of £500 by ballof. rewltod in cluster No. 8 (held by ono eharcholder) boins drawn. No offer being racclrwl for tho 228 th anproprintion of £500 by sale, the same was disposed of by ballot and fell to cluster No. 37, held by two shareholders. In group No. 2 the premiums rulseed for tho"«th appropriation of £500 by stk was £25 18s. Tho 47th appropriation of £500 bv ballot fell to duster No, I4C, hold by three sharolioldcrs.

Mr Justice Sim, addressing tho Grand Jury at tlio Supreme Court yesterday, said tho district was to bo coiigratuloM on its freedom from eorions crimo of ovory kindThere were only three .cases to occupy thoir attention, Tho Grand Jury concluded their task in three-quarters of an hour, nnd having no presentment to make, hia Honor thnnkwl thorn for their services nnd discharged them. Alexander Walquist, for breaking and entering a hut near Oamaru, found guilty, and sentenced to nine months' hard labour. Georgo Marshall, charged with, on September 25, wilfully and obscenely exposing his person in a pub!io place—to wit, Jubilee Park, Dunodin,~on a- second count with committing an indecent act in a plaoo to which tho publio had access, and on a third count with committing an indecent act, intending thereby to offend a certain . woman, was found "Xot guilty," and was discharged. Georgo Ernest. Kelly, on & chargo of bring a roguo and vagabond,Nru found " Guilty," and sentenced to six months' imprisonment, and ordered to bo detained thereafter for reformatory purposes for a. period not exotedinj fivo yoarg.

In the Otago section of tho Pitsbytorian Church a few years ago a forward movement nes initiated with regard to tho Sustentatwn Fund. The movement has so far losultcd in an incrouo in tho minimum annual stipend of £21 6s 4d. In 1905, wlien Iho movejnent began, tho Suetonlation Fund dividend was £197 3s Bd. It has sinco grown steadily as follows:—l9C6, £201 7s 8d; 1907, £203 13s 2d; 1903, £206 17e; 1909, £209 ■&; 1910, £212 17s -od; 1911, JB2ie* 106. In the tection of the Praebyterian Clmreh north of tho Wcitaki tho miniimun m only £175, or £43 loa than in Otago, and in a number of cases oven this amount is not paid. Tho General Assembly is taking up tho question of giving a iiwro adequate stipend to men north of the Waiteki.

In tho ooureo cf a discussion in the Presbyterian General Assembly yesterday oil tho Biblc-in-Schools question, th* Rcr. A. Whytc gave details of a report indicating u surprisingly comprehensive ignorance of tiifl Biblo among the children of tho District High Scho.)l in ono of the oldest towns in Otago. Mr Whyto explained that *a gentleman, who T.-ith tho local Anglican clergyman, liad*- bsen conducting DiUo claescs in tho sohool, had, undor careful advico from tho head master, recently orranged an examination in general Scripture knowledge. Mr Whytc hud classified the answers under two headings—ignorance (vrroeg answers or a. Hank) and knowledge (b correct or good nnswor). Out of 700 answers 539 showed ignorance. Somo of tho papers would not have got 5 per cent, of marks, and a boy in tho High School,

aged 17, got nothing. The questions were in two gxoups—easy and hard. Among tho easy questions was: ''Mention any one incident in tho lifn of St. Paul," and tho rf lulls gave— lgnnrancn 41, knowledge teven. Thirly-ono knew nothing of St. Paul, and 10 confused him with iomoono dee. Forty-four did no{ know who Joseph's father wai, and four did. Of the Imrd questions, only ono could name tho

children of Abraham, iwo had a hazy idon of Absaiom, white 46 knew nothing of him. Only eight could jrivo tiio r.amo of un npostle. From theso answors Mr Whyto learned that raosj of our children know liltlo nboul tho Bible, while a (eft.knew nothing, and that better teaching was required both on Sundays and week days. " If tho adults know as little os tho children," ho concluded, "mich of our preaching is lost—(" hear, hwr,"),—because its Scripluro illusions are not understood."

Tho Kaikorai School Committee met on Friday cvi-ning, thciro boing pTeecatMesers George Moir (chaimian), I). Scott, W. Wilbon, A. Ferry, P. L. Ritoliie, A. Bamctt, and A. Matheson. The hrad master reported a (food attondaiico, the roll number being 286 boys nnd 267 girls, and the monthly avcrasjo 502. Arrangements were made for tho presentation of prizes and break-up ceremony on Wednesday, Dwsnbor 20. tho school to resume work on Monday, February 5, 1912. Mr Duncan Wright wroto stating that tho Bible-rending elate would close for the season on Tuesday, November 14, when members of tho committee, parent?, and friends were invited to be present.

Dγ L. H. Wliottcr, of Milton, who has been appointed turgeon to Dr Mawion's Polar RpgioD! Expedition, Will leavj Milton on Thursday morninpf, on mute for the Macqnario Islards, where ho will join the exploration party. Dr Wheltor, who is nctins as locum tenena to Tk M'Cormitclr (at present enjoyinff a trip in tiio Homeland) is tho only New Zeajahdcr in Dr Mawton's party, vAich includes scicmtisU find professors from Australia, England, France, nnd Germany.

A fioven hours' by Constable M'Rac, en Friday lost at Milton, waa roATordcd at 4 a.m, by tho capture of a young man named James Ricluvrdson, who was attempting to steal from a delivery cart in Messrs Uray and Son'e yard, llio accused was brought before two justices at tho court on Saturday, and sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment in Dunedin Gaol.

The fortnightly meeting of tho Benevolont Committee of tho Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was Ikld last evenimj, there being present—Messrs W. T. Talboys (in the chair), J. J. Clark, J. H. Walker, E. A. Tapper, and Mesdamcs Don »nd Jackson. iS\c number of cases for relief dealt with totalled 44. Tho secretary reported thai tlis admissions to the institution during tfio past fort-night had numbered four, tho discharges therefrom two, and tho deaths four. A donation of three boxes of fish had been received from the Seacliff Mental Hospital. Messrs Tapper and Wilkinson were appointed a Visiting Committee to tho institution for tho month of November. Payshoets and accounts amounting in all to £919 12s 10d wore reconvnended for payment. In ordor to meet tho convenioiioo or infirmities of trio innutes, the innitcr of arranging for a polling-booth at the Benevolent Institution on election day wns left in the hands of the cleirmon and tho secretary.

Tho monthly meeting of. the Arthur Street School Committee was hsld last night, there bciis? present—Messrs J. Edgar (in tho chair), 11. M'Kenzio, J KcmniU, A. Burt, A. Struthore. E. Cameron, and 0. H. Pinol (necretary). Apologies for absence wore received frem Messrs Scott and Brugh. The head master leported that the average nttendewoe for the previous four u-coks was 276 toys and 210 girls, tho roll number heinj? 283 boys and 255 girls. Mr Davidson, second nisistant, wrote tendering lus resignation, as ho wiiS abandoning tho profession and poinq inlo l>usine?«. The resignation w.u nccepkd with regret, best wishes being cxprwsod (or Mr I>avid«)n's euc««s. . It was resolved to n«k tiro Education Board for permission to close the sclioal for holidays from Drcembcr 20 to February 5, It wns also resolved l« doso the school for a half-holiday on Novombor 30, People's Pay of tho A. and P. Show. An offer by the Athemeum Committee of a priie of freo membership for tho pupil showing most proficiency in gptioral knowwas accepted with thanks. Tlkj board notified by circular that tho efficiency examination would be held at tho school on Iho 15th inst. Tho Hector of t-ho Boys' lliali Scliool wrote stating tJtat ho nas i ncblo to itrrangv) for tho ueo of the swimimng both for tho Arthur Strrot pupils. Tho EOncatioii Board notified that it was

intended to croct iw additional rocm mid a .verandah ai thn hcttA master's residence. An application by iho Artlmr Street Tennia C'kib for the use of the giite' playground as a toimie court me granted. Tho VJsltinp Commitleo ro ported favourably on tho condition and conduct of the .<choft|, and Measre Edgar nnd ifKniilo were appointed to act for the current month,

Owners and agents of coastal vessels in Auckland have been for a long timo complaining of the restriction!) placed upon tho tntuo by llio Uovornmcnt, ami tho trouble has now readied a very , acute stago (say» a Press Association telegram). Rathor thjn carry on nntlor tho present conditions many owners arc taking advantage of opportunities to eell small sailing vessels, and nithin <!<<• jnjt wrck or two throe ecows that hud been regularly and profitably employed luivo been Bent to Sydney, and four otliora havo been convorted into lighten

Messrs Thorn. M'Dougall. end Maddox, riding their "trusty" Triumph motor cje ee. otrvored 2HJ, 196J, 156 miles to tho gallon of potrol. Thorn wins cup. This oxptams why tho Triumph ia £10 premium, stedmon and Wlson, Duncdin agents.— Advt

A. E. J. Blakeley, dentist. Bank of Au> traltsia, corner of Bond and Rattrar ttiectt (next Telegraph OfSce). Telephono 1659.Ad?t.

Japancso crepm just opened, in navy, butcher, sky, red. and cream. Special quality and value—Sd per yard.—Mollisons Limited.—Advt ''

\V« do expert waich and je-wellerr, repairs of every description on tho premises, and aro confident we can do require to your (satisfaction.—G. aad T. young (Ltd.), 88 Princes itroot.— Advt.

For redding and birthday proenti fry Esetobrook. 71 Princes »troet—Adrt.

Ycsl Whon your stomach i« disordered, llvar and kidneys sluggish and inactive, the mind coon becomee despondent and tho body weak. " Wahoo " is a complete euro, taken in lime. 2« 6d, chemists and storekeepers.—Adrt. (

Dr Cathell's ltcmedy is tho best thing you c&n tako for stoutness or obonitj, price 3s 6d. Sold by Wilkinson and Son, I'Nrmnciitj.— Advt.

It warms tho cockles of your heart— "Camp Coffee I"—Advt.

Wuo is I'iTEn DickT—Tho most iai!&blo Wa4ohmakcr, Jeweller, and Optician, opposite Palace Hotel, Mornv pljco, Duaedin. Chtrgct etrictlj modcratfl.-Adrt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 5

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 5

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 15300, 14 November 1911, Page 5