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RACING IN KNf.LAND. Press Association— 13v Telegraph—Ccpyright. IHINDDN, October 11 Tic following is the ic.-uit of the CKSARKWITCtI STAKKS, Oi £1025. Two and a-qnarter miles. C. K. Howard's br c NViUonyx, \>y William the Third—'lVibonyji, '4yis 1 J-ortl Cadosau's b f Martinyalo 11, by M.irUt^ou—Simoom, 4yr.s 2 W. M. t_l. .Sinjler's cli I I'apavero, by Marci— Papula, syrs 3 miMtNGTON TIUININO NOTMS. Presj Asijotialloii—liy Tolograph—Copyriijht. [•'I.KMI.\'(iT(IN. October 12. Comedy Kiug covered a mile this jijornins; in 'iCjscc, l'';ai!h- and Mala a ll.lie ill llllill 4?jsec, Lajy Medallist a mile in Imiu -lOsi-c, KiHe nine lui'loiiij.s in 2inin User, WooletiiM tuveu furlongs in lmin l'ri.<o Fkrhlor twelve uirlonjjs in 2!uin S3.«c, l'oso and tiluc a mile in lmin 4'Jscc, and H>theuial a miio in lmiti 50scc I'opiiijiiy hisat Hcartlclt over seven furlongs in lmin 3ijsec. Orvicto traversed s.-ve!i tiirlongs in lmin 36sec, t'lavian six furlong!, ii, lliiin 21 sec, and Layor seven furlong's in llllill 35|-cf. IiIiENIIEI.M RACES. ll'Elt UKITKD i'Hl'.liS AssotIATIOH.I HIiENIIIiIM, Octolwr 12. The second day oi ih;; .Marllxirough Racing Ciuhs jiieeting was hold in showery Kcaiher, but there was a good attendance. The totalizator inwst.mei'tts were £5077, as against £3459 on thy second day last year, and the loial lor Iho meeting was i>lu,oJJ, as compared with JCGO'fS for the two duys lii-st Results

MAlDl'jX SL'UKUV. of 40-hhs. Six furJongs.— Portland Hill, 9,0, 1; India, SJ.O, 2; Curio. 9.0, 3 Aliso started: Itluo llloiis-.. 9.0. WVm easily by a icnijtli and u-half, with j0 lengtli.s txitwceu wcmid and third. Time, ltniii Hsci:.

Si'.L-OND HANHK'Ap TROT, of 41W Olio mile iukl a-lnili.—Cinderette, iiec, 1; Wocdboll, Ssec, 2; ltnniier<|-.iJe, scrau:ii, i. Also niaitod; 15f>,c, The Rami lVsw, Terry 1.. 21sie. 't he race was a promsion. the limit hol'-e leading and tviniiing by live- lengths, with the same dislance bi-twcen «cond amr third. Tinw, 4ii.iin 12i-cc.

OMA.KA HACK IIANIMCAI', of 50s;iv.s. One ui.ile.--A,stoitislinicnf, 8.5, 1; Ko)iauc, &.7, 2; Kinhroeition, 7.3, 3. Also ttarted: l.iulrone 9.U. Won bv ti hwi.l. T into, liutti 44 3-5-ee.

IIIVKHLANDS HAXOIC.-U 1 , of 80sovs. Oito mile.—Hirini. 7.3, 1; Ciirnior, 7.11, 2; First liatlery, B.SI, 5. Also started: St. lVlix 9.0, IS«c-.m S.d. Won by half a lelitilh, with ihe fhird horse ;t long neck awa\. Tinie, lmin 43 4-Ss-uc. DAKII HACK HANDICAP, of 40.sovs. Four furlongs.- Kinni;i, 8.3, 1; Katun, 8.4, 2; Escilemeni, 7.0, 3. Aim stnrU'ih Ahnapat 9.1, l'ortland Lady 7.7, Invcvan 7.V, Tlio Cingiihx> 7.0. Kniinu led Ihroughoul, and won by a length and a-lialf, with half a kngili between H-cond and third. Time, 50-i'c.

TKI-KCIIiA I*l [ HANDICAP, of Gtaivs. Seven furlongs — iinynl Marine, 7.3, 1; Bracken, 9.3, 2; CnraU>r. 7.1?,, o. Almi started: Toauga 8.5, l.cuhora 6.11. Won by a lfrnaili. Time. Iniin SOhc. SKfONI) VVia/riCK. or 50sovs. Six fur-!:>ngs."-K!timi.i. 8.8. 1: Kjitiih. 8.2, 2; Daunlon, 8.8. 3. Ahe started: Portland Bill 8.0. Abercfied /.IS. Won by « length and a-half. Time, ltnin 17 S-sst:c.

D.J.C SPUING MMRTINO. The folloAvini; acceatanecs have been received for Ssiturday's raef.s:WAKAHI lU'RDI.KS, Of lOCtovs. One mile and a-balf. Mt. lb st lb Ptavbnv 11 9 Bo 9 9 lletlinoml ... 10 9 Simon Puro ... 9 0 Cjoid I'in ... 911 Optimeform ... 9 0 BCHNSIDK HANDICAP, (If lOOsovs. f-.x furlonss. Johtr 10 2 Troon 8 5 l.)ir<vloire ...39 lt''(l-\Vliite,aiid- ... 9 7 B.MO 8 0 Pure CloLl ... 810 Malum ... 8 0 Otakcli'i ... 810 Baron IW.mrn 8 0 Miss Do Vere 8 9 JlANiarur.Y HANDICAP, (!f ISSsovs. One mile. Kelci'.ol 8 8 Tniigeroa ... 7 3 Col-uniform ... 8 1 Oullandc.r ... 7 3 Til" Cornel ... 8 2 I'iiebell ... 611 Adjv.dtjo 7 1 l'ualni ... ... 6 9 DOMINION HANDICAP, Of I.SOsovs. I'Viur furlongs. (Vp:'t Kn'uh; 711 Panky Lass... 7 9 Anna Coiovaita 7 9 SHOKT.S HANDICAP, tlf .Six furlong Thistledown 811 Colleen .Mary 8 0 Ptcpinetor ... 8 9 Avariee ... 710 l.upulite ... 8 0 Claiunetm ... 7 9 KAIKOUAI II AN DIC A I', Of 15fcoys. Five furlonirs. ConteiMt'iit 10 2 Conqiifslina 7 9 Üblcng ... 813 Muirc<H-k ... 7 9 Nithdiile ... 8 9 Mahuri ... 7 9 Miss Do Veve 8 7 Nikon 7 7 Ss-agiu- 8 6 Speybstnk ... 7 7 Luvkspiir ... 8 3 Xumnlertime 7 7 ibrii'Hilile ... 8 1 Mos:iel ... 7 7 Xvloidine ... 8 0 Quota 7 7 THI.-Kfil!.AP)I WKI.TKU HANDICAP, Of 125sovs. Seven (urlongv. Cniinteriniue 10 3 John Buiivan 8 9 K< ; lohu| 10 2 Pirebell "... 8 8 Thistledown 913 Ollic.ious ... 8 4 Mcd.i'list ... 9 9 Kiw; Try ... 713 North Pole ... 9 0 Curosettia ... 710 Adiudl.'O ... 813 Cashier ... 7 7 Tawhak; ... BIS Pinul ? 7 Armstrong ... 8 9 field Outr ... 7 7

OAMAIU' TROTTIXG MEETING. The following handicaps have dared for Ihe o;ini;ini frntliiiK imvlinL'. m |v> held on«mr Day (Monday), the 23rtl ins-t.: — Trial Handicap. One milt> and n-b.-iif. — (,'linton scratch, Pixnocation seritlclt The 1 .art; 5 se.-onds, Broadleaf 7, Bella Mae 7 lioillii Ko.Ni 9. (hater Slu'll 12, Captain Bel! 12. 12. Oiiifjo 12. John Willi,. 12. Itivoriim 12, BHIa Bah 14 Hapny Trine,. 14. Bella Trix 14. Stanley 1,. 14,' Windlmll 14, ?iol;orl4. ,Stanley's IVt 14, Durothv 'Pennant 14, General Ati'du 14 (•hal.vv.Kvl 14. ' Pnkeuri Handicap, One mi!t> and ah.'iif. -Violet AI srateh. Clmlntji 1 seeond, Toraudo 3. Uo-amnnd 8, Yaknoro 10. Bro.nlt<.ji f 15, I .inly Dudley 20, Vnlrtin 20, Mi-v t;-re<*mvood 20, I'earkvood 20. (,'lotli of fluid 22. .K-itv M 22. Hoarfrost 22, I.nvi.. Qneen 22, Hello B. 22. Il.>lrnt, ! i 22, Alil.f.i President "s llahdioap, Two miles..-St. Sivitln-ii serai.h, Wilkie scratch. Imperial I 'oily 4 swmdii, Pinmvond 12. (')phi 12 I'rr'ont 22, Bamlioo 22. School Girl 22, And," llcsan 25. Satinwood .liinr. ?.5, Ima I) 29. P.crmalinc 29. I'riti.oess (lift 32. .Master l'alrlti-n 34. Isadora 35, Clinton 35. I.adies llraci'lel. One mile and a-ltalf.-- ( lair scratch, Rcina luv-'a 7 nvoihU t>yu M K.. <»v-ic- .Shell 10. |„-i,|y Dudley .'to. Al-lllitri-tls 10. John Willie io, 1 inn', h.urt 10. Mivs G:ei nvv.y;d lft. Orphan (li'-l in, Sunshine 12. Cloth of Gold 12. ,lorry M 12. It'll:. Bid, 12. Prince !?„ ('•>!i,'it"riv 12, Wind All 12. Wric Queen 12. Hoval K'-t-hschiM 12. 801 l B.

Holly Bank Handicap. Oho mile.— Wilkie .-cratch. Baron Lvotif, !) Seconds, Sj-lnvil f'tirl SO. Monera 10, l"ri»ent 10, Aisdv l!o?a|i 12. Crown I'rinc-o 12, Ima 1) 13, ltosecluld 14, Allnicuirt 11, D.C.L. 16,

Master Palehcm 16, l'ranzallcna 16, Muigrovo Maid' 17, Provocation 17, licina '•'lair 19, Isabella 21, The Ixul; 21. Voter 21. (Ji'iK'inl Kll-ow 21, Nance O'Neill 23, Keiiia Rosa 23, Princi.ii, May 23.

Hedeastl,. Ilaiulieap. Two mile.''.—Glenlolli scratch, Bcrinaline scratch, l'riiic(-:-M (lift 2 sccouds, Uosadora 6, Rosamond 3, Beninor:' 10, Captain Bell 20, Vulcan 20, .jerrv M 22, Hell I). 22. Mv I'al 22. Cupid Whispers 22. I'carlwood 22.

Pare-well Handicap. One mile.—Pinewcod scratch, llaron Lyons 4 scconds, Ima. I). 8, ltosechild 9, Kransdlcna 11, D.C.1.. 11. Muskjjrovo 12, Provocation 12. Renin f lair 14, The Lark 16, l.s;ibclla 16, Voter 16. Heina liosalti, N:n:ee O'Neill 10. Orphan Girl 18, Captain IVt 18, Ojfter Shell 20. fj'idv Amelia 20. ltivrnna. 20. Ocnoral M:i;ht 21, Dorothv Teimant 21, Stnnlev's IVt 21, Stoker 21, Stanley L. 21.

CORK SIMUXG MEETING. irER United Phess Association*.) (i tiOHIO, October 12. The following handicaps have been tieclnrcd for the Utiro sprins meeting:— Wiiinieji Hack Handicap, l'ivo Oblong 9.7, I'aletlo 93, l'llro (iold 8.12, Siwgar 8.9, Larkspur !i.B, Miss IX' Vcrc 8.8. Xylodiue B.'!, Hull" (liimiflet 8.<5. Knastikoir 8.1, Alio 713, Radiator 7.12, Ounto 7.10, l.!e;ia|lon 7.8. Palisculo 7.7. Kitty O'rihea 7.7, SpcylKink 7.7, l'lnylmy 7.7. Hoinhra 7.7, Teviot 7.5, (iverland (7.5, Toliupni 7.5, llawksliiiry Maid 7.5, Ui'smj 7.5, Old 7.5, Mahiiri 7.5.

Idslrict lliick Handicap Six furlongs.— Obi 9.0, Glowworm 8.9, Suiinucriiir.e 8.8. •Spcybank 8.5, Palisade 8.5. Glenalien 8.5, piiiilo-iinv 8.3. Kitty O'Shca 8.2 Miss •Signal 8.2, Men/ie» Ferry 8.2, I'linchinello 3.2, Ilwizowt'ii 6.2, Pelcr 8.0. -llidaljo 8.0, la'X S.O, Her Graoo 8.0, Oravia 8.0.

Uoro Clip. One mile and a-(|Uarter. — \Ynijii 5.2, t'irnlittll 8.3, Liiidii 8.3. Keodor 7.13. Kiold Gun 7.8. Routine 7.2, Pimil 7.0.

Malaura Trot. Two miles.—'Walnut ser., Sparkliiiß Kohl scr., Kccentric 8 scoowls. Hcllllower 8. Susnnna 12, Gladys M. 12, Diving liell 12, Myrllc Hell 20, Pilverton 20, Arhitor 20, Sterling Kiiift 22, Laura T. 24, Ladv Montefiore 26, The Dairvmaid 26. 8 M. 27, Ilory 27, Musician 27, Baitleaxo 27.

Aisilors' Hack Handicnp. Six fiirlonps.— Tawhoki 9.2. (ttakcho 8.10, Pure Gold 8.10. Miss |)c Vere 8.6, Larkspur 3.6, Xylodino 8.2. KiwstikolT 7.13, Alfreda 7.11. Muircock 7.11, Tnumi'hator 7.7, Sonihra 7.5, Baron lowbtirn 7.5. 7.5, Peter 7.5. ') "riand 7.5, Mosgicl 7.5,

Klyinif Handicnp. Six furlongs—'Thistledown 9.6, l.ui'tilito 8.10. Adjudge 8.10. Soldiers' 8.5. Directoiro 8.4, Fireliell R.2, Contendent 8.0. Gold Sail 7.3. King Torrent 7.2. Eons 7.0. Painttu 6.13. fiiafton Laddie 6.7.

Lnlwiir Iby Trot. Opo inilo and n-hnlf. 'I mill c< 'r.. Relln 10, Ohntterlxix 12, Kit Kellv 13. Sir Christopher 1.1 Ilappv Lad 18, Lucy Dillon 29, Italllrnxp 20. I!ichmond Grove 20. Loe.hiel 22. IV-voy 22. Balnamovne 23. Sweet Child 25. Gipsy Lily 25, Hcriot 25, Hod Diamond 25. ''linrlton Seven furlongs.— TliNtln!own 9.5, Warsaw 3.10. Soldiers' Churns 8.5. King l'ost 8.4. Officious R.2. Tawhnki 7.12. Curinseltia 7,9. K--skine 7.2. King Torrent 1;?.. Kous 7.2. Wnikaruka 7.0 Scekashorc 6.9. Auehmhor <1.7. ROWLING. (Fnou Cci: Own CoßnKoroxnKNT.l OAMAHU, October 12. 'I lie Ixtwlmg soisonwas opened to day oil the I'hirnix Club's green, which proved to K) ill ('.wlli'iit condition. Though light showers of rnin (oil a most enjoyable jjutno was witnessed by a large number of spcctatois. GOLF MATCH AT rK.MDHOKE, La.* 1 , Saturday was a day of interest among ifolfors in Pembroke." it being the ocmsion of tbe first match played on the links. The weather was ideal, and the pnmc hrartily entered into, competition being keen. The link.s w<*re in first-class order. ;;r.d Me-ssrs IVrrow and Russell, -.villi net scores of 9-1 oacli, tied for first place. The tie will I.? plaved oIT on Wednesday. The niembi'iti all being junior players, the K-oring was not as good a.s could Ix; expected. OTAGO ROYS' IUC.II SCHOOL SPORTS. The following handicaps for the Old Itovs' race? have boon dit'lauxl:— 220 "ianls.— J. Hoy 5-yards, D. Ccok 8, '■ .r i 4' T - ''Vi-rell 9, T. Dcnniston 6. J. J .ill; 8, F. llmw-n 10, \V. 10 G. Denirislon 0. Gordon 6, Whyte 8, X, Cock 8, I!ol)crt>ou 6. E. White '6, M'C,-il-ium 14, 11. Breen 14, Guim 10, L. Shaw 10. Angus 10, Swinm>y 8 M'lnncs 8. fl. If Urter 14, (.'. Livingstone 6, A. Stevens 6, ;. Ikslinp 6. ,1. Thomson 7, 11. Mondy 4, \\. Sp-ers 5, L. I'atprson 8. S. Wreii 8 w uli 1 '" o' it*' ,iV l5li " 8 - n!nir 12 < Foot ■}! h T r l '- ' hom.son 3. li. Cowic 10, • Niwlwin 12, .1. H. M'Doutrall scratch, I*. lodd 10 j-nrds.

IlalMnik.-fi. M. W'hvio 10 ynvds. n,rreit 15. I, Pntferran 30. Spenw 20 ,! 'V.'JV 15 „ W ' ' Ws 1S - T - 5. M Dnugall 20. ,T, Thomson 20 I! Sivirm«v 11. M'Douytl! frnilcli, .M'C 20

All entry fees will h> collreted oti the srmiiml tvfore the, sta.-t ,>f tho races. It is SOwinlly mphv.ted l,y the eommittce that all Mo alnvo wi'l start. It. i s oompulsorv ' six ftvte-s in the Half-mile fit.licrxvise no race ran ho hold. Xo diffieu.ty is expect rd H-it.ii tli.k

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8