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£5000 KKQI'IKKj.). YfGOROI'S CAMPAIGN I'ItOJKCTBI) A well-attended n,(ul onilmsiastio meeting was held iu the Town Hall last, night to consider Ways .-ind nirans for raising tin; h;dati.eo of ihe money required to onable (■hp Hoard of .Management to pix.ueed with Jho erection of tile lieu" Technical ischnM. Tlieivi' were present repro.onlativos from the <-ily (.'oiiiieil and other local bcdiis :u lilid -ab; hi Duni'diu. from Ihe I'orl Cl'ialliters and Green Island llr;i Councils, tho (Jtami Kutrliy I'nion, and the Caledonian Society anil other bodic::, A wiiril»:r of apologiot were ritviwl, including one fioiu hi.- W'oi.-hip the Mayor of Usiui'diii I.Mr W. Mr T. Scott (chairman of tlii' Treluiienl School managers) wjs in tlm chair.

Tiie Cliairman prefarei! his reinarks by <'<i|iinien(iiw eu the very _ ivpriwiilotivo aitend-ince, and reiji;:rk'vl (.hat it inyureil well for what wa.s t.i follow. Some short liino .'il'o, lie s;iid, a iiie-.'linu' had li.'en held in ihe Technical N.'linol lo discuss menis, and it had Sveu then <!<>ei(ic<l to leavo the whale mailer stand over until tii!> drsiLrii lor llio iicv,' Imililiiif ha.i.l been ii.drrird. Tb;it had n<uv breri d(iin\ and llley had met tint niuht to divide what to do t'i raise I lie Ui lanee of (lie inoii"y rtf|tiitvd. The lau> Minister cf Kduc-'iliofi had itipukvied lint. I.hey must rais:> £50' W. Kroju local bodies iJtey had now lie.'M pidini.'-cd iij.nii:ii:t.i auT'effatinu £'600, and ihe teaching .'lalF of the yolirxj 1 had promite:! £100—(applause)-which showed iliat tile heart of lhv> tnv-ht-rs \v;;s in til? work <",f the school. Their stiilf at- preuMil minibored alHiui 50 day aiid cvcuiiiß included, and tin: iii.-til:ulion v,'a.s really Fiiirt:-.'r than mcst pvople It was alnn-t tliii duly of the citizens oi Diincihn io support what had ic.illy> a (rad -s 11c would put the matier ill a nui.shdl. If I hey rais<\l £5000. then, with the s;de of ihe iaiid and present buildings, and th:> Oovi rnntent subsidy aiid jtrant, t.hey would be able to erect a fiilildin,' worth £20.020. Thai was the estimate that, had fc(\!ii given io the heard, Imt., as they nil knew, there was often a substantial dilFen-nco. \>?nvccn an c-ti:iuite and tlio actual price. However, their architect would have to (jive a wriltn,i collirmt tli;it the t'uial cost would lx> within 10 jwr ceiit. of llio fstiunite, lvveryrmc. would agree that the i>re;pi>si>d silo was an I'dmirablo one. I)i!nil-' ihe whole life'of the sclnxtl they had never had an opportunity of ifCHintf 3u;h a site. Rvcry citizen shoitkl iu'sesi them ill trying io attain the object t.hey had iii vi< w. Though llley had ilone irri.-.d work id the pist, the present buildilifjf was tnlidly inach (|iiale for (he work that iivnv lx«iu<; (n.rvitvl »>n.

■Mr J. 11. Wilkinson said lie had been ,vkod to movi —"That a well-npiipped to; it iiieal selio'.'.l would ft rm a fitting memorial to the late King Kdtvard, and lhat liioso picfoiit are prewired to assivl. the Building Fund (Viinmillw in forwarding tin; movo mcni. for tile eni'liou of jjinic." Tbe movi.r said he had no doubt- that the gentlemen pi\seiil would give heartiest support to the u.ovenu'ui suggested in his motion. When it wa..i lir>t »lccidcd to .seriously consider the ipiciti-.m of cri-eling a new school tlio heard was iuijin'wd. with the idra i; roiild put up an up-to-date and wei!-e<piipiie.l s-liool which would .it the same time form a memorial to llu; lain Kins. There were many in the oily wlio would like to d:j honour to his memory by In u fund l<i erect, iv nii'inoriai, mill he felt Mile Hut iiiey wiiidil have rise generous supporl. of all the I,'enllemen iires-ei.t in the mailer.

'I lie motion was sx'omled by I'rofe.-sor While, who Miiil that his lon;,' connection with the Technical School would justify lii.-i >aying a word or two. lie attended thevery liv.-t iiiwlinj; Itel.l in liiilu-din to e?iablish' U;c rxduwl, ami foe years i'ie hail Hatched its growth u>ry clo.-oly, and lie-c-oitld assni'e lb. til ).iia( it «a.s ait iustitntou of which they could lie proud. If they Werii to jinlge of an institiiiioii by its influence upon their young people, the D.inciiin Techtiical School had done a very gr-jat. work indeed., and il ..vouhl do a great d.;ai more when the enhanced faviiitiw wi re provided. Hi) tippeuled io tla l(K-al builiis and to l.heir wealthy citi/.eiw to ci'tin; fonvui-d and i)"lp tliem. In the past they ha<|- bad private hnn'luctiims lor their coliesr-s and Univer.<ily, and lie would like to si-i- .-o:i:e <if their prominejit eili/.ens>:- honour 'upon themselves and diitinc fit'm upon their class by uiviii}; iH'ttcfaction.s to the Teehriical Poliool.—lAppl-aU-se.l He iMJitld like lo m 1 it. iiuide eoinpnlsory (or every boy a-ml jiirl froin 14 lo lb y^Hs of age io attend lt;e tchool a.t leaM one l.'ight in the week, lie would alpo like to sec pii.iYi;-ion iiiaile in the new tchool for proper physical edutation of th» yomt;: |<oople. To make it a real live institution ill tile future that should be done. The Chairman stated that the .-uggestion thrown out iu regard to physical training had already been favourably considered. On heing put to the iiueling tlie molioa was tarri<>d. .Mr .1. J, Marlon- moved—'• That, taking n-'x-.iini of the public nature and value of til" work U|-;di>riakeli by lim Tt-jhniea! School, tlij.i me<>|ing <sf rcpro.'-eiitalivcs uoii-

.•driers tlie projoct worthy (if rhe support < f all local aiiii public bodies, and heartily eownionds it in iln'in. At flic s'ltiie lime, tiu« -action nf the foll-.nviii" donations mciitioiicd is worthy of notice and ric.serving of tl.oiik.s:-Dimcd'nt City Counlil £1090. Savings Bank Trustees £ICQU, Koslyil Doiough Council £150, Port Clialmois Borough Council JD1&). Morninglon Borough Council £50, Ml. Kilda lloroiigh Council £50, Maori Dili Boiuugh Council £sO. 'I'aim County Council JC4Q. Wiiibmaiti County, Muriel Borough, Urtvn Island Borough. West llarlxinr, Buy Town Bo,ml £25 each, Waikouaiti Borough £3." Mi- Marlow said that public hodie; o'lfii had a o.uisideraltle amount of diliieulty in dealing with tho many rariou.< requests for a".-islun<-'c that were placed lielore 11 em. Iml. a u-qiicM. for it'VfiVianc*. s tnwiird> ail object .-'lllll its theirs was on.worthy of every siipjhirt. Putting lilt' (natter on a commcrcial basis of |ioiiliris, shilling, litul pence, hi- could i-.ilelv say that for every pound theV pill iitt.n (ho Technical School thi'V would get ten liaek.

Tile motion was seconded !:y Mr .1. U. K, Hamel (Mayor of li.os.lvn), who said that they (\inld nor even faintly rwognise file iii'ipnrtauc<' of the, work that had already been done in Ihe school, lie hoped and Iriwcd the building would not only soon be placed in loncrcle form, but would ere long prove ii.-elf totally inadequate lo the demand that would be made mioii it by Iheir young people, and he br-lievod tluit the day would ti il be very far distant, when ill ' Tcvhuieal School nianagers wotiid again have to itp|>-.:d io the borough councils. or, as he th'Uight it would then be. <i.e managers of OreaM-r Duncdiis (or fur-t-he.' a^islaiK'e.

Mr A. (fillies said that the Caledonian Hoiiely wci.s considering tile mailer of a donat ion lo Ihe funds, and though he could not .-ay it would be, he could assure Hum I hnl it would be something of which tli>y ne.d 110; be ashamed. Their sllk-erip-tioil would pri k'llily take the form of ati annua! Mil.-criptmu, He apologised fur tho aliM'nce of Mo.-r, Speight and (lieenslade. wi:-i. |r- could promij.;' litem, would also give donation.

Mr M. Co'ieit moved:--"That a vigot<iiis canvass of the city and suburban districts i-.-e made, and that .'iM>ociations. |rud<. unions, alltlclie societies, and' other cliils and Ixidies be .■ippti'iaehed, and that, the followiter mentiori"d be i.haiil;e,l for support already ,ic.Kmle,?: Ot (5T Ol ago I {11 gh v I nion (15 guineas), Otaao Teach'.-iv' luiiinte (10 guineas), ('ale'. I'onian Sa-ietv (olfer of use of gr»unds). lie *ii,| thai il wa.H a well iciogiiised far! that the er:>lu of Martin? the school was illle lo the Caledonian Socielv. and the early managen; 1011111 not lie thanked cnoimh for what t, i-y had done. To hint it was a (V.msiilci-it.'ie matiliia.'ion to know al last thai their eyes hud 1 ilirned in (jje diiv v . lion of a site that he h':<| long known as the most .suitable site for a Icchnieid school or college, ji* |:e wmuld p'efer to call i|, 11<> was sati-!ied that if they appealed io the citizens of Dunrdin the answer would immediately b- such as lo I'licoiiriige them lo with their work. The primary lehools they had had fur too mm h frill ami not erion-jli of the solid work of idncalion.— (Applause.) In these days <f ken competition it wa- to i.'.c bi->t trad."mien lliat the work would go. at;d Dutii diu tuie: turn out better tia<li's.inoii thai; the other cities if tliev were lo compete with them, arid the technical .school wah die place where iliey could turn then out. Ii was m.'inv many years since Ihev had had an industrial exhibition in Dunedin, and wh"u (.lie new buildings were e< mulcted au exhibition mold be held lluTe which, ho w.:>% sure, would be an object les-.-on lo 1!; ■ whoie Dominion.

Tin* motion srrnwM |»v Mr \Y. ivh'l •.■lit! tint jlh' tint;' h;;.| cntil" employers and employees. and puh'V Iv-dies --'ionM join hands and help, the work that had 1 n start.d. He was eonvimcil tluit. tlie omploeyrs were pri>pan>d 'n d" sometime,' in the matter. -i "uninit.tee had liere, soi up with th;it m l in view. They should also ..ret a little mare support than tlfy now did from the Trades and I.aloiiv (Vic,noil. If »m in-.-lit nlinn sippe;r!o<f to t!ie trades unions it should bu the Technical Sohcol. In L'

church liii* Trades Council not only flip, poind the school, hut was directly repri'willed fin the I ward of managers. TJiu motion was curried. Mr T. W". K'cmpt.horivc moved: "That Hid press bo asked in oin'ii a list inviting coiltriblitiaiis, and make a special appeal to cx-sl udciits and working-men to niak- 1 contributions in aid of tin; film! of tin: Kini; Edward Technical School." In recoßiii.-ing that the appeal was to the press, said Mr Komplhwne, they must recognise its powci', its influence. and i*s. ge,od nature in forwarding objects [or llie pidilie good. There had Iwen many :n----slafices throughout the post year in which the pros* had exerted a bclielicial influence in Anylhin.',' that was for the public lto.-hI. If they would vj'uturo in as!; the proprietors of two <!;'j'ly journals to assist llieni in tlii" terms nf tin l motion it would lx> tli:> best and qnirliiwt method of attaining their end. The thanks of the people of Dunediii were -due to the gentlemen wlio had. year after year, resolutely stuck to their posts and kept (Jie trohnicfll school up to men a high of efficiency, and lie Ixdievrd that the men and women who would lw prominent iii years to <ouie would hp those who hud iwived their education in the teehniivil schools. Mr S. 1., A slier seconded the motion, and suggested that they should go .1 little further, and maKc the appeal lint only through Ihe press, hut individually, fnr th.j reason that, a very large number of people would not Kike any trouble to contribute unless personally waited on. Mr (!. C Israel said that if everyone in Diiticdin ivere to contribute Fometliillg llley Would have n<> dillienlty in raisin;; the amount. A shilling it head would provide the required £3B0I), The motion was carried, and tho meeting clo.-i'd with a vole <:f thanks to Iho gentlemeu who had carried the scheme io its present stage.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

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NEW TECHNICAL SCHOOL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8

NEW TECHNICAL SCHOOL Otago Daily Times, Issue 15273, 13 October 1911, Page 8