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In convenience of threatening weather, and rain tliatfell' early in the afternoon, the attendance of (iho public at Wie A. and P. show at Uomairu yesterday was mot all that it might, hayo bcon. Still, country peopta were .present in very largo numbers, and the total " takings, "—.the 'barometer that is bo full of signincanic to all A. and P. Associations—ivero only some- £35 fes than those of 1903. The North Otago Aa-ocia-tion recently purchased a new ground, and built a large grand stand audi ail the offices JMStssary tor the convenience of patrons, coiripstito-Tiij and visitors, and ; t lias not, therefore, a particularly large and comforting rcservo iund; but its executive officers pount out that any falling away in tho aotua! show receipts will be mere than balanced by tho fact that a very large number of new members have this year been added to its list. Tho judging of the remaining light horse sections (interrupted by heavy .rain the previous afternoon) and draught horse and Ayrshire divisions was completed, and champions were found in all classes long before tho people began to leave tiho ground. Such interesting competitions as trotting wid jumping were, of coursa, spread right over the afternoon, and persons who found no joy in. examining fat stock, and tho graceful linos of well bred horses, were kept . interesting and amused.

'flic Otago Association's show has a reputation in (lie province of being ono admirably controlled. Each year everything is found to 'bo "according to the book." Judging goes on quickly and harmoniously; each competitor finds himself expected, provided (or, carried oft' to his own particular section and handed over to willing stewards and ready judges without the temper of himself or his beast being in any way affected. The wiolo show runs like a piece of well-oiled machinery, and nothing is left to chance. The credit for all this lies generally upon the Executive Committee,, and .particularly upon the principal executive oflicor—Mr E. Piper, secretary. The 1809 show, so fur as general arrangomonta were concerned, had been, admirably modelled upon ,its immediate predecessors, and ono would have gladly recogmked there tho _ master hand of Mr' Piper. But, unhapily, .frcqiKtit inquirers were informed that Mr Piper had been confined to his house, with a severe illness, and was still absent. It was thought, however, that he was on the way to a satisfactory recovery. Happily, Mr Piper had as'liis'tenant, Mr H. P. Gibson, a .gentleman much skilled in secretarial duties 'of this nature, and, although the principal d«sign«r was away preparation? for the show had been very successfully made by Mr Gibson, and muoh credit is duo, to him for tho wanner in which he exercised control of everything. Outetiindiug merit, of course, distinguished the show of draught horses. North Utago | has for years been famous for ite horses, and, judging by the young animals on exhibition yesterday, mil bo so tor many years to romo. Nothing was more conspicuous ;.,, (j ia V<!S . onlay than the .romarfcablo euccew aolricrod By -Mr Vv Cardura-'s entire horeo Baron i'p ie, both s) a ohampica and as a sire. Known at all the principal shows as a leading prize-winner, it was to tc expected that v£ «? ° ,sa , m l )rrtTC dwimpion at (ho -North Otego show. But even his fortunate owner must have W surprised at the wholesale- w„, neural by his stock, the latter woro first in the three l<Xlv 55 ' y<™ entire and ,n !" ff % 6cc , t "" M ' awl wcomrin the jewling co!te~!hat j 3 , bc:n ff placed in oray section in which competed. In the entire horse class'it was, of cows* a foregone conclusion that Baron Fyvio would carry off tho red ticket. Mr J. puichascd by him f rom (h= Taieri, where he was a fretjuont prizo-tater-made a good showing, and was adjudged second. i HT' " n:!:) Aa < Ira w «'"s third, and Mr Robert Tiwmson'i Herd L=dd;V I PK?, n , Mr «• Imw'» Baron u.i.1011, tlw ammal tnat was rcswvo oliam-j-ion at tra DuiKdin parade, champion at Invercarg.ll and that went through hist iemn s leading ehows unbeaten, won easily m a ring of three-year-old stallions. In the two-year-old colt section Baron'o B:st shown by Mr J. D. .Wylie, of .North Canterbury, and an animal that was a wmitw at Amberley, Rangiora, Christciiiiß'i), and. Ashbuvtoo, was placed first, with tho \\aimalc winner (Mr Dalgleish's Aatiro aiuef) second. A h.alf-brother of Uarons Post, Ba.von Bombay, which won it second prizra winner at Christohuroh, and was p,aced next to Baron's Best, at RanIfiOra, scoured third prize. Mr J. O'Brien's Ssoltrali Crown, which was a winner at tho laicri show, but which has fallen away in condition since his removal to Oamani, was commended. There were H wlls forward in this ring, a«l competition was cloio and inteKsting. There was little of outstanding merit, fcvond the pri H winners, in the yearling colt section. A lino meed maw, rooant'y i>urcho«d by 5L- « from Mr Uav.u, known as a laiori prize-taker, was placjd first in nor class. In the brood maro ~>n fed ocction Mr Gardiner's Daisy Bell. a w \\. known prizc-winr.or and a 1903 Uamo.-ii champion, was first, with Mr A. Danish's Pnmrosu second, Mr Dalgleish, however, with Flora MacGrcgor, tho Wainrato pri?,s winner, was ablo to beat Mr Gardiner's Katlileen in the dry maro c!as3, where tlicro was close competition; but Mr Gardiner succeeded again, hut not easily, with the liliy Gladys, shown for the liret time tiiis season. Mr \V. L. Gm.y'a idkn Fyvio was first in tin yearling filly class, beating the waimato prize-winner, shown by Mr Dalgleisli.

Tho cattle sections have, at successive shows, shown a rathor remarkable falling away during recant years, but if the 1909 show ii to bo taken as a criterion, this shrinkago has been, largely confined to the Shorthorn class. The Shorthorn, apparently, .is not popular with dairy farmers, and is not now nearly so consnicuous ,-it A. awl P. shows, But if North Otaso, in common with other places, has fewer animals of this brc-d, it would not appear as if th-src- is any falling' away ia quality. Mwsrs Mitchell Bros.' well-known herd was unrepresented, but both Mr \V. P.

lteid (JkiMi-oj and Mr li. Scth-Smith (Ngapara) put particularly fmo specimens of tho breed before tho judges, and divided tho honours between thorn. The following is yesterday's prize list: — HORSES. LIRAt'OHTS. ■ Judges: Messrs \V. Charters and- Thos. Logan. linth-o horse, Jour years <and upward?, l'onr entries—W. Gardiner's Baron -Fyvie 1, J. O'Brien's Black Knight i, AV. Gaidinei'a Prince Andrew 3. Entire horse, three years. Five entries— K, Irvine's Baron Clinton 1, Andrew Weir's i'romier Balgarvie 2, W. Anderson's horse (byword Iten(urly) 3. Jsntire colt, two yoars. Fourteen entries —J. 1). Wylie's Baj-on'a Best 1, O. JJal, gleish's Native Chief.2, J. D. Wylis's Baron Bombay 3. lintirc colt, 'yearling. Nino entries—W. Gardiner's Princo Daniel 1, J. Seyb's Baron Steward '3. No third priz-j. Brood marc, with foal. Five entries—W. Ctvcdinor'r, Queen 1, J. Seyb's Jean B, Mitcb?ll BroE.' Bonny 3. Brood mare, in foal.— Thrcs entries—AV. Gaidiner's Daisy Bell 1, A. Dalgl-eish's Priiurc*s 2, ChaE. Grant's Dally a. Dry nave, four years upwards. Five entries —A. Ualglcish's Elora Macgrcgor 1, W. Gardiner's Kathleen 2, Jas. ltobertso.i's Maud i'illy, three years, Six entries—W. Gardiner's Glsdys 1, A. Tioss's Annie Laurie 2; G. lkrvey 3. . Filly, two years. Seven entrief—K, Irvine's Lady Stewart 1, E. Irvine's Lady Derby 2, George Harvey's Princess l'oso li. Filly, yearling. Ten cntries-W. L. Gray 1, A. Dulgloish '2, W. Gardiner 3. Gelding, three years, Three entries—A. Ciown 1, A. Douglas 2, J. A. Dnfi 3. Gelding, any age. Two entries—A. Forsyth 1, J. Bates 2. Pair of geldings. One entry—A. ForsylU 1. ' Pair of n:arcs. Three entries—T\'. Gardiner's Daisy 801 l and Queen 1, A. Da'gleish's Flora and CamcUa 2, W. Gardiner's Kathleen and Ghulys 3. Mare and. two progeny, . Three entries— Harrv Meyers 1, It. Irvine 2. Mara and gelding, to draw 2jcwt. Four entries—A. Dalgleish 1, A. Forsyth 2, J. Mahoney 3. Marc or gelding, to draw IScwt. Three entries—D. Hcrron I, Westport Co. 2, J. Mahonay 3. 'lliree-horse team. Three entries—W. Gardiner's Daisy Bell, Queen, and Gladys ], A. Dalgleish's Primrose, Flora Maegreg-or, and Cauielia 2. Four-horse team. Three entries—\V. Gardiner's Daisy Bell. Kathleen, Queen, and Gladys 1, A. Dalgleish's Primrose, Flora. M-acgregor, Cornelia, and Princess Koyal 2. Champion horse—W. Gardiner's Baron Fyvie. Kescrve. champion—K. Irvine's Baron Clinton. Cham"ion mare—W. Gardiner's Daisy Eell. Jlcserve champion— \V. Gardiner's Quec:i. Special Prizes. Mr I. Buckley's prize for most point* in draught sections—\V. Gardiner, jau. (eight lirsts, ore second, three ihiidsl. Messrs Wright, Stephenson's priie for seeon'd number of points in draught sections —Arch, Dalgleish (two firsts, sis seconds).

Light Habnkss Hobses. Judges: Messrs Jas. Jeffs and John Rutkerford. Single pony, 14J hands, with vohicle. Kine entries—Mitchell Bros. 1. Pony, under 13$ hand" Five entriesMaster John Buckley 1, \V. Couper 2, Miss G. Keith 3. Mare or gelding, suitable for spring cart. One etnry—Wostport Coal Co. 1. Champion harness horse—J. O'Brien's Paddy. Reserve champion—J. O'Brien. Special Prize. Mr J. Buckley's prize for most points in light harness horses—J. O'Brien (four firsts and one second) Hacks and liumna. Judges; Messrs Jas. Jeffs and Jas. Rutherford, Best hunter, carrying U stone, and jump, ing. Six entrios—P. A. Elworthy "1, J, M'Donald 2, H. Elworthy 3. Best hunter, carrying 11 stone, and jumping. Nine entries— E. J. Docherty 1, Miss Y. Keith 2. J. M'Donald 3. Exhibition pony aot-J. H, Miller 1, Master Robertson 2, Miss K'eith 3. Wrestling on horseback—Corporal Meek's team 1, Corporal Cuffs toiun 3. Balaclava molce—Corporal Sleok's team 1, Corporal Cuff's team 2. Champion hack—W P. Reid. Reserve champion—Mrs F. Robertson. Ladies' bracelet (for best lady" rider over four flights of hurdles)— Miss Koith 1, Miss L. Cole 2. , Ponies. Judges: Messrs Jas. Jeffs and John Ruthcr-. ford. Entire pony. One entry—"W. Timbliok 1. Pony mare. One entry—Annie Robertson l. Pony mare or gelding. Six entriesMaster J. 11. Miller 1, Miss G. Keith 2, Annie Robertson 3. Pony mare or gekliug, 13 hands, Nine onirics—Master J. Buckley 1, Miss Muriel Reid 2, Miss May Douglas 3. Pony nnre or gelding. Eight cntrijs— Master G. If. M'Gookin 1, W. Belcher 2 Ivan Mitchell 3. Pony trot, 14 hands—Miss Cuff 1, Master Nolan 2, D. Clark 3. Pony trot, 13 hands-D. Clark 1, Miss Keith 2, J. Buckley 3. CATTLE.' Shobthokks. Judge; Mr W. Souter. Cow, in milk. Two entries-W. P. Reid 1 and 2. Heifer, three years. One entry—W. P, Reid Heifer, yearling. Three entries—B. Set'i Smith 1, 2, and 3.

Cowand two of progeny, Ono entov-W P. Raid 3. ' Bull, three years. Ono entry-B. SotliSmith'B Lord Ross 1. Bull, two years. Ono ontry-W. P. Roid 1. Bull, yearling. Three entries-B. SothSnnth 1, 2, and 3. Champion bull—B. Seth-Sniith's Lord Ross Reserve champion-B. Seth Smith's Lord Beaconsfield. Champion cow and reserve champion— IV P. Reid. Gxkebal Cattle. Judges: Messrs W. Rankin and John Pnrlime. Milk cow of any breed. Three enlries\V. Cowan 1, V. J. Rawaon 2. Milk cow of any breed (weight of butter fat considered), Two ontries-W. J. Rawaon Spsoial Prizo. Mr M'lnnes's prae for most points in fat cattle—A. J. Keith. IMPLEMENTS. An Award Comniittca (Messrs St. John Buckley, 13. Seth-Smith, Geo. Browloe, J, Mncpnerson, D. Bowie, and W. VV. Wylie) inspected tho various exhibits in the iu;p:oments, etc.. section, and gave first-clasu certificates of merit lo tlia following: — National Mortgage and Agency Co.— General collection larmers' requisites, show of Sutton's seeds. North Otago Farmers' Co-operative Asso-ciation-Collection of Eccds, Donald's wool press, general merchandise, collection of meat, oils, and manures. Clarke Bros.-Pcrltins's bag litter. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenj" Co.—Farmers' requisites. Dalgcty and C'o.-CeJleolion of farmers' requisites. /Waitangi Iron and Carriage Works-Pair of gigs. J. E. Broad-Collection of siddlerv W. K. Searle-Pair of improved gig,, MKenzie and Warner-Collection of cycles. John Cunningham—Exhibition of gi»s G. H. Doran-Collaciion of tin goods.' Waiter Gibb—Exhibition oi gjgs, It. J. Coll is and Co.-La«y. Kpavator, Macaltster ridger, Samson windmill, and Chalmers » patent yoke. Oanwru Technical School-Collection of carved work. Do Lanibsrt Bros.-Teas, coffees, and Indian condiments.

Singer" Sowing Machine Co.-Scwinc. machines. " nonald WTiite—lnvnlict chair, Clmslciiurch Meat Co.-Mbqts and Manures. Kew Zealand Scxophouc Co.—E»»-tcsiin-> system, co SHEEP, Special Prizes. Afcssp Goapcr and fephew's chollaaec »ms of 20 guineas ior most points in sheej)UMaamg scstwns-'i'. S. Little. Sir Cooper's prise for moat points i„ ■»oedmg clas-sec-T. S. Little, .«otth Otigo Farmers' Co-operative Vsroi,lts in lons * Ml Qniboll change nip-for most points in tKo-looth sections of Border Leicester-J. •Uowthwaitc, Natiowl arortgsge and A c , ' X r ' w ?U ,omts in Leicester raSuJ. h. Little. Natiora! Mortgage and Agency Co.'s prj. (01 TO pomls in BordeAeiccstcr ewoV. J. iJowlluvaitc. p,f J v W - T 0 ,« tli " OT 's Prize for most points in Enduli LoicMtere-DoMld Grant. P ,„ r %™. Co "' 3 I>rko for n '«* Points in English Wtor ram-*-T. S. Little. ■"n && "? • C °."" ptiM fo . r most Points m 8 rl" .fviwslcr cwee 'Donald Grim! « go D«!y Times' prize for most points in Lincoln i-ams-B. Scih-Smith Messrs M'Cslhiin and CVs prise for most pom,* in Lincoln ewes-Mew Zealand ™rd Australian Lund Co. "'' tl Mess™ M'Dougall Bros.' prize for most .•■■3d Australian Laud Co. Canterbury frozen Meat Co.'s prito tor most pomis in fat kmbs, wether" ,$ maiden ewes-Jan*,, Hedley, Kio Pet Oflico last year delivered 860 n "?n" POS •;f* rd 3ln tll ° Kingdom and million letters.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 9

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NORTH OTAGO A.&P. SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 9

NORTH OTAGO A.&P. SHOW Otago Daily Times, Issue 14686, 20 November 1909, Page 9