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{Faojt Our Own Coiir.rsroKDENT.)

\\ AIKOUAITI, November 16. The momlily meeting, of the Waikouaiti Domain Board was held on the Ist inst., and was attended by Messrs K. Templeton (chairman), ft. Stewart, D. W. Malleoli, A. Heckler, and B. W. Fell. In pursuance of the recent decision of the board to obtain authority from Parliament iii order to borrow money for reclamation purposes, a letter was read from' Mr K. H. Clark, M.l\, asking to be supplied with full particulars regarding the umiuut income and present financial position of the board'. The chairman intimated that ho had authorised tiic clerk to forward tho require;! information, and his action was approved. Mr S. I{. Smith wrote agreeinc to bear one-half of the cost of repairs to a boundary fence. 'The inspector presented his quarterly report regarding tho condition of fences, noxious weeds, etc., on the leased portions of tho board's property. It was decided to ask the Otago Acclimatisation .Society to forward some yearling trout for liberation in the Domain lake, and also to inquire whether licensed anglers have tho right to fish for perch on tho "lake. It was resolved to have seats erected under the pavilion verandah, and also on other suitable places on the Recreation Ground. Tho clcrk reported that the credit balance stood at £71 19s 4d. Mr Thomas Smith was granted one month's leave of absence. Accounts amounting to £24 Is 6d were passed for payment.

The annual meeting of tho Waikouaiti Fishing Club took plaoe on Thursday last. Mr William White was voted to the chair, and there was a good attendance of members. The annual report and balanoa sheet ■presented by tho secretary were of a satisfactory nature, and were adopted. The Works Committco reported that tho boat, nets, and other material belonging to the club had been , put in thorough repair. It was decided to procure a new net with 4in meshes, and to renew tho lioenso for trout fishing. Mr H. Townscnd was appointed president; of the club for tho ensuing year and Mr M. Jamieson was re-elected secretary and treasurer. It was agreed to open the season on No\ember 17.

It seems likely that good boating is to be added to (ho number of local summer attractions. There nro already three boats on tho Domain lake, and several others are being made, and will be placed there at an early date. As the lake has been proclaimed a sanctuary for native game, -and. as there is a danger that some sportsmen may bo tempted lo use the boats in order to scare the wildfowl from the lake during tho shooting season, the Domain Board -has oeeided that all boats must remain at their moorings during the shooting season. •

Mr H. Lockheid. 4 bullocks at up to £10; Mr Wm. Shand (Keith Hull), 4 bullocks at £S 2s Ixl; Mr AVm. Kirk (Mayfteld), bullocks at £7 7s Gd.—The National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) yarded 31, awl sold: For Mr Win. M'Bride (Cherry Farm), 2 bullocks at £10, -1 ut B 10s; Mr Win. Kirk (Mayfield), 3 bullocks at £7, 2 heifers at £6 7s Ixl; Ml' Walter Ulnckic (Glasgow Farm), 3 bullocks at .17 17s Gd, 1! at f7 ss; Mr Wm. Patrick (Balmoral), 2 bullocks at £3 2s Gd, 1 at £6 10s, 1 at £7 2s (xl; a southern client, 5 bullocks to £9; Mr Win. Shand (Keith Hall), 3 bullocks at £6 17s Cd; Mr Win. Charters (Ury Park), 3 bullocks at £8 2s Gd.

Store Cattle.—Stronach. Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Jlr J. Gardiner and ot hers, steers and heifers up to £3 12s Gd. The Otngo Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 37, and sold: For Messrs T. W. Daunt (Balclutha), Wm. Townley (Highclitf), John Niuuno (East Taieri), John O'Conncll (jlorninglon), Wm.' Milligiui (Balcluth.i), and clicnts, bullocks to il 15s, bulls to £G 12s Gd, cows to £1 2s, heifers to £3 10s. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 30, and sold: For Messrs G. Cassell (Mihiwaka), J. Casserley (Enlield), G. Bolting (Dimcdin), \V. Townley (Highclitf), T. Wishart (Henley), W. Milligan (Balclullia), W. Lindsay (Allanton), and others, bulls to £7, steers to £1 153, cows to £!.

Dairy Cows.—Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Mr 1). L'. Christie, cows at £G. —Tlie Otngo Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs Wm. Townley (Highclitf), A. M'Gregor (St. Clair), Mrs Janson (Lookout Point), and clients, cows to £7, heifers to £4 10s.— Donald Heid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 10, and sold: For Mr Wm. Lindsay (AUanton), 1 cow at £9, 1 at £o 10s; 'llr 1). Lcishui» (Whare Flai), 1 cow at £7 15s; Mr If. Brown (North-East Valley), 1 cow a.t £7 15s; Mr W. Harrison (Burnsidc), 1 heifer at £5 10.:; Mr W. Milligan (Balclutha), 3 cows lo £4 10s; Mr W. Townley, 2 cows to £4. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (*,td.) yarded nnd sold: For Mr A. Ewing (Cattleyards), and others, 10 head at up to £5. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) yarded 2, and sold: For Mt W. Townley, 2 cows from £5 10s to £6.

Calves.—Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Mr !t. M'Kcgg, Mr Miller, and others, 8 calves up to £1 Is.—The Otngo Farmers' Co-, operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned 14, and sold: For Mcssi'9 Wm. Milligan (Balclutha), Thos. Grimmett (East Taieri), John Dickson (Kuri Bush), G. Crawford (Kuri Bush), John Kirk (Mosgicl), Win. Charters (Ury Park, Mosgiel), Mrs 11. Lavcrty (Citversham), calves from 4s to 14s Gd. Donald Heid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr W. Townley (Highclitf), 3 calves at 26s to 20s; Mt *W. Milligan (Balclutha), 2 at 26s Gd to 9s; Mr Jno. Edgar, lat 20s; a client, 3at 14s. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) sold: One pen at from 10s to £1.

Fat Sheep.—l'o-da.y's yarding was 20U. These were chiefly medium quality and a few pens of extra, heavy weights. There was a good number of shorn wethers forward and a few pens of heavy freight ewes in the wool. The sale opened with a downward tendency, but improved towards the finish, closing firm at about last week's rates. Best wethers (woolly) 19s to 225, extra 25s Gd to 28s, medium 17s to 18s Gd.—'Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 221, and sold: For Messrs Murray, liobcits, and Co. (Gladbrook •Station), 10 wethers at 225; 40 at 21s 3d, 32 at 19s 9d; Mr Jas. Wells (Fairvicw),. 42 wethers at 235, la at 22s 3d; Mr R. Mitchell (Portobello), 40 wethers at 15s 6d, 12 at 14s 9d. —-The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Messrs Todd Bros, and Co., Ltd. (Heriot, as agents), 57 shorn wethers at 14s, 35 at 133; Mr J. S. Fleming (Warksville), 21 ewes at Us 6d; Mr Richard Mitchell (Portobello), 23 ewes at 15s 6d; Mr Walter Merrilces (Taieri Beach). 30 shorn wethers at 15s Cd; Mr M. W. Fleming (Milton), 1 pen ewes at IGs 3d; Mr,Thos. Falconer (Milton), 1 penewes at 19s 3d. The Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd) penned 135, and sold: For Messrs G. and J. Haiti (Wailioikoi), 27 wethers to 28s, 23 ewes to 22s 9d; Messrs G. and J. M'Leod (Brighton), 1 pen wethers at 18s 3d; trustees late James Freeman (Abbolsford), 35 shorn wethers to 17s, 1 pen ewes nt los; Jlr Ji. Mitchell (Portobello), 1 pen owes al 13s; 'Mr T. Grimmett (East Taieri), and client^ ewes at quotations. Donald Bcid and Co. (Ltd.) penned 6-S4, and sold: For Mr 3. Tough. (Milton), 2G wethers at 25a 6d to 22s 9d, 8 ewe.! at 20s 3d; Mr W. Salinond (Milton), 10 owes at 19s 3d, 1 wether at 21s Gd; Mr Jno. Thompson (Lawrence), 22 wethers at 17s 6d; Mr A. Brown (Milton), 4 wethers at 14s; Mr Jno. Heads (Milburn), 9 ewes at 17s; Mr Jas. France (Milburn), 7 wethers at 18s ed; 'Mr T. Mee (Forest Farm), 70 wethers at 14s 3d to 10s 3d; Mr a. Bortlraick (Taieri Beach). 39 wethers at 17s lo 15s 3d; Mr W, Merrilees (Taieri Beach), :',S wethers at 163 9d; Mr J. Milne (Taieri Btach), 65 wethers ai 16s 9d to 15s; a client, 33 wethers at 16s 3d, 1 ewe at lis 9d; Mr Watson Shennan (Conical Hills' Station), 120 wethers nt 21s Cd; a client, 31 at 17s Gd to 13s. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs li. Crsigie and Sons (Henley), 61 wethers at 17s (id; Jlr li. Mitchell (Portobello), 33 ewes at IGs; Mr Quinn (Milburn), ewes at IGs; Mr M. Finch (Hilton), ewes and wethers to 20s 3d; a client, ewes at 18s.—Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) -urdcd and sold: For Mr J. luppal (Kilkivan), 64 wethers at up to 255; Mr J. Fleming (Ciaigsiord). 131 wethers at up to 225; Mr John Miller (Mamigatna), 22 wethers (shorn) at up to 18.'i Od, 1 ewe (shorn), at I 83; Mr '"ieo. Graham (Oatfield), 101 wethers (shorn) at up to los 3u; Mr Chas. M'Donald (Heriot), 26 wethers (shorn), at 13s.—The National Mciiigage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) penned and sud: For Mr J Johnston (Nctherburn), 28 v,others (in wool) at 21s, 28 at ]9a 9d; Mr J. Patevson (Mossvalc), 10 wethers at 225, 14 at 21s, 24 at 20s Gd; Mr li. Mitchell (Porto'jjllo), 58 wethers (shorn) at 14s Gd to 15s Gd; Mr W. King (Bankhcad), 15 \fotkon at 22a 3d, 21 at 21s, 18 at 20s; and p.ssed out unsold, 110.

J: lit Lr.mbs.—Only lfeii yarded. Prices for lambi nu advance 011 last week's rates. Quotations: Piimcst quality, up to 1!)5 Gil; good, 14s to 17s 6d; medium, 13s to 13s 9(1. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) sold: For Mr aa:n Hag™ (Lovell's Fiat), 5 prime lambs at 18a fid; Mr Tlios. Falconer (Milton), 9 lambs at 17s 3d to 16s; Mt M. W. Fleming (Milton), 18 to 15s Gd; Mr J. S. Fleming (Clarksville), 18 to los. —Tho Otago Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr Mark Finch (Milton). G lambs at 17s, 1 ai 14s 3d; Mr T. Grimmett (bast laieri), G at 17s, 5 at 14s 3d; other clients, lambs at quotations. Donald U.eiil and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 72, and sold; For Mr James France (M'ilburn), 10 lamb 3 at 19s 3d; Mr J. Heads (Milbunj), 15 at 18s to 17s 3d; a client, 18 at 18s 3d to 83 Gd; Mt A. Brown (Milton), 5 at ,16a 6d; executors late li B Paul (Milton), 15 at 18s to 17s; Mr A. Campbell (Hampden), 9 at 15s 3d to 12s 3d. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr 11. Mitchell (Portobello), 29 lambs to 163. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd) yarded and sold: For Mr Thos. Falconer (Milton), 9 lambs at'up to 15s 6d. Pigs.—Thera were 145 yarded. There was a largo supply of suckers and slips of a fair to medium quality, and these were much lower in price. Porkers and baconers were slightly firmer than at last week's sale. Quotations: Suckers, 12s to 16s Gd; slips, 17s to 22s Gd; stores, 23s to IBs; porkers, 35s to 425; light baooners, 41s to 503; heavy, to COs. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd) yarded and sold: For Mr F. Williams (N.E. Valley), pigs at up to 17s; a client (Central Otago), pigs at up to 20s Gd.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) sold: For clients, pigs up to 39s. —The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned 22, and sold: For Mr D. Ratherlord (Sandymount), 2 at 21s, 1 at 235, 3 at 20s; Messrs J. and W. Lee (Allanton), 2 at 18s 6d; Mr A. Davey, 1 at 17s, 2 at 30s, 5 at quotations; Mr James Birtles (Brighton), 3 at 33s 6d; Mr F. T. Williams (N.E, Valley), 1 at 325; a client, lat 403. Donald Reidand Co. (Ltd.) yarded 91, and sold: For Mr C. Sickle 3 (orc2it Island), 2 at 37s Gd; Mr M. Hackett (Momona), 5 at 303 to 255; Mr J. P. Gardiner (Green Island), 2 at 455; a northern client, 31 at 13s to lis Gd; Mr I'. Sproull (Outram), 5 at 13s 6d to 13s; Mr W. Thomson (Banks) 10 at 21s to 23s Gd; Mr F. D. Williams (Leith Valley), 2 at 19s 6d; Mr H. Fulton (Leith Valley), 2 at 48s 6d; Mr F. Kropp (Leith Valley), 1 at 435; a southern client, 28 at 13s to 10s, 3 at 27s, —Dalgety and Co. .(Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr Kearney (R&nfurly), ito £2 14s Gd. Wright, Stephenson, and Co.- (Ltd.) yarded and sold 14 at quotations.—The National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) yarded 23, and sold: For various clients, suckers from 7s 6d to 12j, Rabbitskins.—Supplies coming to hand are rather smaller and the skins ire very rapidly falling oE in quality. The demand, however, Cpntmuea good - for anything offering, although the extreme prices paid a' few weeks ago are not r now available. QuotationsPrime winter "docs 29d to 33d, extra to 3Gd, medium to good 20d to 25d; second winters, lojd to 181 d; best winter bucks, lid to 17d, medium 13d to 14d, outgoing 12d to 13id; spring does, IOSd to 12iispring bucks, lid to 13d; autumns, 13id to Hid; best winter blacks 27d to 32d, second IGd to 18d; lawns, 14d to 153; horsehair, 17d to lfijd.

Sheepskins.—Late catalogues have been large, but tho demand is not so keen as it was a few weeks ago. At Tuesday's tale there w.ia a medium attendance of buyers present, and prices were on a par with last week's quotations. These are: iiest half bred Bid to aid, medium to gcod ?«d to BJu, inferior s*d to Gd; best fine crossbred T'.d to 81(1, coarse GJd to 7ld, medium 5(1 to 6d, inferior 4Ad .to od; b©3t merino G>.d to Bd, medium to good od to G:t; lambskins, 51d to Cd.

IliiiM.—The fortnightly sa.lc3 were held lac! v.'cjk, when competition was very keen,

and all forward sold at a rise of from Jd to rid per lb. Quotations: Prime stout heavy ox hides 7Jd to 3d, good heavy 6J la 7Jd, medium weight Old to 7d. light weight lid to Gld; stuggy ami interior, 41d to s|d; good heavy cow hides G}d to GJd, medium weight G\d to CJd, light -.-.'eight GJsd to inferior do 4ld to old; yearling, 4Jd to 51d; calfskins, 5M to 9Jd. '

Tiiliow and Fat.—There is no chango to report in this commodity, all coming forward meeting with ready said at late quotations. Grain.—Wheat: There is very little doing at present, as millers aro only buying from hand to mouth. Quotations: Prime milling Is 4d to Is sd, mcdum io good 4s Id to ■is '3d; best whole iowl wheat 3s lOd to -Is, medium to good 3s 4d to 3s 9d, broken' and inferior 2s Gd to Cs 4d per bushel (sacks extra). Oats: The supplies in stores aro now in small compass and any little business which is dono is u.Hinllv for small lots on truck at country stations. Priccs remain similar to last week's—viz.: Primo milling Gartens Is 8d to Is 9\d, prime sparrow-bills Is Sd to Is 9d, good to best feed Is 1(1 to Is Sd; inferior to medium Is 4d to 13 Gd per bushel (sacks extra). Chaff.—Prime oaten sheaf is somewhat scarce, and is in demand at £2 10s to £2 15s, medium to good £i 2s Gd to £2 7s Gd; inferior is hard to sell at £1 10s to £2 per ton (sacks extra).

Potatoes.—Tho market is slightly better for sound, .freshly-pickcd lots, but tlioso of inferior quality are very dull of sale. Quotations: Lost TJp-to-Bates and Derwents, £3 17s Gd to £4 2a Gd, medium to good £) to £3 15s, inferior £1 10s to £2 10s per ton (bags in). , Straw. —Quotations: Oaten and wheaten 27s Cd to 30s per ton (pressed).

ADDIXGTON STOCK MARKET. (Pfii United Pkess Association.)

CHBISTCHURCH. November 17. At tho Addington live stock market to-day (hero was a fair entry of stock, store aad fat cattlo yardings being heavier than usual. There was a large attendance, including many farmers, who wore specially interested in tho sale of fat lambs in viow of tho opening of tho freezing works on Monday.. Store sheep sold ,tt nvtes ruling prior .to tho holidays. Fat lambs were offered in larger numbers than at any provious sale this season, and prices in conscqticnce were lower. Flat sheep wero easier, as were pigs. Store cattle wore in only fair demand, and dairy cows sold well.

Tho entry of store sheep was somewhat larger than at the previous sale, and consisted largely of shorn wethers, the balanco being chiefly wcoll} hoggets and ewes ami lambs, There ivas n very good demand', and prices showed practically 110 chiuige, but evidently reserves had heen increased, as a considerable number of lots were passed. Shorn wethers in forward' condition mads 10s 3d to lis Gd, and one lino up to 13s; halfbred wether heggets in tho wool, 13s 9d; cwo hoggets in tho wool (ail extra good line), lo 17s; good crossbred ewes in tho wool (mixed ages),, lis .Id, all round, counted; shorn ewes, with lambs,, os. 9d to 83; aged woolly merino owes with lambs, 5s lid; shorn twotooth.ewes, 12s Id; shorn four, six, and eighttooth ewes with lambs, 9s 9d, all counted. A line of forward wethers in the ■ wool wa3 passed at 16s lid.

The entry of fat lambs was the largest this season, and numbered nearly 1000. Though there wero a few lots of small lambs, tho bulk wero well grown, though the condition was not as good as a few weeks ago. Competition was almost entirely on the part of butchers, and prices wore on a lower level than at previous sales. Only one exporter was operating, and he took a few good pens at 13s 3d to lis. Best lanjbs made 12s 6d to 15s, and lighter sorts 9s to 12s.

There was a large entry of fat sheep, principally shorn, and 1 ewes formed a larger proportion than for some time past,, I'ht; sale opened at a. decline of Is on late rates, and prices fell further towards the close. No business was done for export. The xange of prices was: Woolly wethers, 16s 9d' to 22s 9d; prime shorn wethers 169 tc 13s, extra, to 21s; lighter, 13s 2d to los 6d; woolly heggets, 173 Gd to 27s 6d; shorn hoggets, 16s to 17s; woolly -ewes, IBs to 20s 3d; prime shorn ewes, lis to 16s lid; others, 12s io 13s 6d.

The' yarding of fat cattle totalled 360 head, and the bulk was of prime handy quality. There was a dull t.aJe, and a large proportion was passed early in the sale, and those were aftsrwards reeffered. Prices wero on an average down about 6d per 1001b. Steers made £7 5s to £12; heifers, £5 5s to £7 12s 6d; cows, ,-£4 lis Gd to £7 53. Two large, shorthorn bullocks from the Waikato were passed at £15 10a to £1-1. Prioes wero equal to 21s Cd to 23s for prime, medium 18s Gd to 21a, and for cow and interior 17s to 18s ner 1001b.

Veal calves fold at Is 6d to 41s.

A largo yarding of store cattle came forward, including a consignment from Southland, mostly of small sorts in low condition; The sale was not very brisk. Fifteen to 18 months made 33a Gd to 425; two-year steers, £1; two-year heileis, £3 7s 6d; three-year steers, £5 13s Gd; tlirec and four-year steers, •CO 13s Cd; throe-year heifers, £4 ss; and dry cows, 30s to £3 13s. The Southland lines made: For IS-inonth to two years, 47s 6d; - 15 to 18 months, 41s; two and a-half year stDors, £4 12s 6d.

Dairy cows wei<o in gocd demand ai £3 103 [0 £0 10s.

There was a large entry of pigs, and the supply being beyond requirements, priocs were consequently easier. Choppers realised 57s Gel to 70s, heavy baconers 50s to 555, and lighter 43s to 47s 6d— equal to 4}d to 4ji; largo porkers 37s 6d to 40s, lighter to 35s— equal to ud per lb; large stores 32s to 365, medium 35s to 31s, smaller 18s to Ms; good nen-ners 12s to 18s, and small sorts 103 6d to lis.

[The individual reports of stock agents, wool, rabbitskin, or grain brokers can be inserted in tlio Daily Times and Otago Witness at special rates.]

DUNEDIN FRUIT-BROKERS' REPORT. For Week Ending November 17, Oranges.—Barely supplied. Sydney, 11» 3d to 13s 6d; South Australian, 13s to 14s, according to condition; Navels, lis to 15s. American expected next month. Mandarins.—Sydney, 6s to 9s 6d; few offering.

Lemons.—Market bare. Sydney, 10s to 12s. Italians expected. Bananas.—Suva, 10s Gd to 12s; Darotongan, 7s 6d to 10s. Pines.—Fiji (in bad order), 3s to 8s j Queensland, 10s to lis. Pnssjous, lis to lis. Apples.—Some fair lines arrived, and 1 these realised high prioes. Hobart Sluimcrs 13s 6d, medium quality 9s 6:1 to lis Gd; Californian, 15s to 16s. Strawberries.—Nov; arriving daily. Choicest realised 2s 5d to 2s 7d, prices receding as supplies become moro plentiful. Cherries.—Victorian arrived in bad order, and realised low rates—from 5s to 20s per orate; locally-grown, Is 3d to Is 4d, Green peas, 3d to 3jd pex lb. Cucumbers, 5s to 8s per doz. Auckland hothouse tomatoes, 8d to la: Christchurch, Is to Is 3d per lb. Asparagus.—Plentiful; 4s 6d per dozen. Cabbages, 2s Gd to 5s per sack. Lettuce, 8d to Is 2d per dozen, Cauliflowers, 2s Gd to 7s per sack; loose choice, 4s 6d to 8s 6d. lthnbarb.—Supplies easing; 4a to 6s per

New Potatoes.—Poninaula, 2Jd per lk Sydney and Auckland, ljd per lb. Potatoes—lmproved Bhipping demand experienced everywhere. Up-to-Uates, £1 for choice; fair, £3 per ton; Derwcnts prime samples, £1 10a per ton; blighted, almost unsaieable. N Bacon.—Rolls, 7d to 8d; flitches, 6d to ? lo P r ' mti bacon pigs, up to 1601b, 4}d; heavy weights, to 3}d per lb. Dairy and Separator Butter.—Poor demand; large supplies, Bulk, 7d to Bd' farmers, pats, Gd, for good quality; separator, 7d to 8d per lb. Eggs.'—Ordinary cased, lid; good demand. Few.sales lljd to llld. are recommended; old lo ed for factory; old Akaroa, Sid to Sid: new,' s£d per it, wanted. Honeys-Choice bulk, 3jd per lb; 101b tins, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; choice sections, 6d to 7d Beeswax (scarce), Is 4d per lb. Poultry.—Hens, 2s 6d to 4s 7d; cockerels, 33 to ss-; small and inferfior, Is Gd to 2s: ducks, 2s 6d to 4s; ducklings, 4s to Ss Gd; g6SS«, as Gu to 6s; turkey gobblers, 7Jd to 9(1; hens, 5d to 6d. Oats.—Extra heavy bright feed: Gartons, Is 8d; duns, sparrowbills, Sutherland?, Tartarians, Is 7d to Is ed; Blacks, Is od to Is 7d per bushel (sacks extra); Htfdmm qualities, about lid per bushel lower.: I'owl Wheat.—Fair demand. Good whole, 3s 9d to -4s;, smutted, 3s to 3s 7d; broken, 3s Gd to 3o 9d {oj- good sound lines. Parsnips, 23 6d to 3a Sd sack. Chaff—Consignments this past week h»v» , ocen light. The bulk, however, is only poor quality. The demand is limited to good, bright, heavy lines. Prime quality black oats, £2 15s to £3; prime Garton and duns, £2 10s to £2 15s (sacks extra) . j Clover Hay, 50s for choice. Straw.—Whcaten, pressed, 30s a ton; I eaten, 32s Gd to 355. Ryecorn.—Good plump samples, 2s 3d to 2s Gd per bushel. Feed barley, 2s 3d; milling, 2s Od. Onions.—Victorian, 9s Gd to 10s Gd: Californian, 14s per case. Peanuts—Java, 2d; Japanese, 2Jd. Preserved ginger, 7}d. Dates—bulk 2Jd, packets 2s to 3s 3d. Figs, ba<fs and layers, 3d to 4id; Prunes, 3Jd to 4d. T. H. SHIEL A CO. WATERS, RITCHIE, k CO, A. MORITZSON & CO I'RYOR k CO.


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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 5

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WAIKOUAITI NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 5

WAIKOUAITI NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14684, 18 November 1909, Page 5