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The Taiori Agricultural Society, which is one of the oldest established in Otago, held its forty-eighth annual show at Allanton yesterday in glorious weather. The attendance was large, the entries exceeded those of last year by 130, and i\>e popular decision was that this was the most successful show the society had over held. As usual, the salient features were the draught' hc-rses and parades. Draught classes were particularly strong. The championship was taken by James W. Blair's Newton Chief. Entries satisfactory in entire colts, and some very promising horseflesh was on show. The breed mares in foal or with foal at foot also made an interesting class. The fillies were tho most numerous, and there were no weeds among them. The judges, though they worked very hard, were unable to complete their lists till a comparatively late hour, when many of tho visitors had left the show grounds.

The s'how was attended by a number of well-known gentlemen from Dunedin. The Hon. Thomas Mackenzie, sent a telegram regretting his inability to be present and wishing the event every success.

The sheep, taken as a whole, formed an interesting exhibit, and were in the hands of capable judges. Mr John Miller was well to the fore in Romney Marsh, and carried off (lie t'hamnion prizes. The aged ewes were the weakest class. The others were nearly all good sheep, well woolled . a,ud . evenly clad. There were some specially fine, hoggets. Tire Leicester; made a good show, though several wore rather out of condition. No entries were forward for Shropsliires.

The (Jogs shown wore all likely animals, but flic classes were- a little mixed.

The dairy produce display was ve-i's' strong, both in entries and excellence. Among tho -cattle were several, good beasts. The tendency woub 1 seem to bo towards a useful, rather than a showy, class. . ■ • . Following is the prize list: — HORSES. Draughts. . Judges: Messrs H. Saunders and J. R. Mackenzie. Stallion, four years old or over. Three entries—James \V. Blair s Newton Chief 1 and champion, R. Jhur's Admiral Stewart 2.

Enliro, three years old. Three entries— John Fowler's Silver Crest 1, James W; Blair 2, Norrio and Mills's Heather Jock 3.

Entire colt, two years old. Eleven entries —John Callander's Scottish Crown 1, W. E. Gawn 2, James W. Blair 3.

Entire colt, yearling. Fifteen entries— Samuel Young ], D. E. Grant 2, James Fnlrnck 3.

Entire colt, yearling ov two years old, bred by exhibitor. Ten entries—Samuel Young 1.

Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. Seven . entries — John Callander's Maggie Lauder 1, Samuel Young % William Chatters a.

Dry mare. Six entries—Thomson and Co. 1, 2, and 3.

Filly, three years old. Ten entries—W. ]i. G awn's Flower 111 1, J, Patrick 2, W. Charters 3, J. W. Blair 4.

Filly, two years eld. Seventeen entries— YV\ R. Gawn 1, R, Irvine, jun., 2, W. Charters 3. .

Filly or gelding, yearling, Sixteen entries— W. Charters 1, J. W. Blair 2, W. R. Garni 3. Filly, yearling or two years old, bred by exhibitor. Fifteen entries—W. K. Gawn 1.

Gelding, above throe years old. Time entries-James Patrick 1 and 2, V. Matson 3. Gelding, three years old. Four entries— James Patrick 1 and 2, J. W. Blair 3.

Gelding, two years old. Three entries—J A. Sutherland 1, J. W. Blair 2. • Pair of mares. Eight entries—Thomson mid Co. l, W. H. Gawn % i. Patrick 3. Pair cf geldings. Three entries-James Patrick 1 and 2, J, V. Blair 3. Jtivrc and two o[ her progeny. Four entries -Jchn Callander 1, W. R. Gawn 2, S. I'oung

Three meres or fillies. Six entries—Thomson and Co. 1, W. Charters 3, J. Patrick 3. Best draught entire, any oge-A. IV. Blair. . Best draught marc or filly—Thomson and Co. Reserve champion card-YV. R. Gawn. Light Horses. Judges: Messrs Simon Wright and S. G. Inder. Thoroughbred mare, in foal or with fral at foot. Three entries-Samuel Young 1, Willie Johnston 2, James King 3. Thoroughbred lillv or gelding, two years old. One entry—S. Young 1. Hackney stallion. Two entries— G. Huthven I, T. Sproiile 2.

Ilockncy filly or gelding, two years old, Four entries—J. A. Sutherland I,'s. Tavlor 2, J). E. Grant ,'l.

Huckney yearhr-g. Four entries - John Anderson 1, John Sutherland 2, James Gov,- a Best yearling colt or filly sired bv Goorse \t. P.itchen. Four entries-John Anderson 1. Urni'.ge slnllion. Two enlries-H. II Sectt I, George Huthven 2. Weight-carrying line!;, up to Hst. Eight entries-U. Tubiut 1. 1). Pa-id (Milton) 2, Mrs I'. Hudson 3.

Weight-carrying hack, up to ll«t. Nino cntncs-1!. Cullcn 1, James Patrick !>, Peter Dow 3.

Hackney, filly or gelding. Unci' years old. Six entries -D. E. Grant 1, Geo. Taylor 2, P. O'Lcary 3.

Lady's hack. Five entries —Mrs F. Robert •on 1. ,1. Cow 2, Mrs !•'. J. Coun 3.

Best-paced horse. Six entries—Jehu S. Xirol 1, K. Cutlen 2, 11. Tabart 3. Cob, no! above 15 bands. Mix entries—Mrs J. Kenton 1, Win, Kirkland 2, J. Patrick i!. Pony, mare or gelding, not a-bove H hands. Seven entries—A. M'Donald J, T. Haves 2, W. 1!. Gtiwii 3.

lony, mave or gelding, not above 13 hands, Five entries—!!. Cullcu 1, Miss Xancv Johnston 2. James Bruce S. Pony, mare or gelding, not above. 12 hands. One entry-A. Imrie l." Pony entire. 'One cntrv—A. F. Chevno J. Pair carriage horses. ' One cntrv—Mrs R. Hudson ].

Pair buggy i, orscs _ Que cntrv-J. Brown 1. Sni 3 e buggy i 10l . !c . Kigtit eutries-J. Patrick 1. r. Dow 2. J. Brown 3. Dog-cart horse. Seven entries-Mrs 1!. Hudson 1 awl 3, \y. Patrick 2. bpi'nig-rau horse, up to 13cwt. Seven en-.n,-s-...|,c.,. F. Sproute 1. B. Snell 2, A. J. Botting 3. I'>Kt jumping horse (luudlcsMV. Kain i: C. J. Dochcrly 2. J. Dove 3. , ",?* cl ,v>»ug highest bar-C. J. Docheriv i. u .1 Uochcrty and Thomson and Co. 2. lony handicap trot, for ponies not over Jo hands. Two entries—U. Cullcu 1, AV. Kmniont 2. CATTLE. Shorthorn's. Judge: Mr AA'. Murray. Bull, three years old and over. Two en-.rics-Jolin Bathgate 1, Jas. AV. Blair 2. ■ C "«'. !» '■«''' ,<>r milk. Two entries-Jus. AA. Blair 1 and 2. Heifer, yearling. One entry-John Bathgate. T Bo8 i,. t! "Ji? . cov, ' s or hcifcrs - olle ontryJas. \\. Blair. U' ,3? BI -° W ° r hC ' fCr 0 " the S rollnd - j!lnl « B:st bull, any age-John Bathgate. AVBSinHF.S. Judge: llr 'i'liemas Lewis.

Blili, three years old and over. One eirtry —J. and AV. Leo 1 anil champion. Cow ill milk. Two cnlries-J. and AV Lee 1 and 2. Co.y dry. Two cntnies-J. and AA r . Lee 1 and 2. t ly i k i; I"' 0 y *"? oUI - Tw <> entriesJ. and v.. Lee 1 and 2. Heifer, yearling. Two entries—J. and W Lee 1 and 2. Best cow or heifer in yawl ,any age. Champion card—J. and AV. I.ce. Best bull in yard, any age. Champion card—J. and AV. Lee, Holstein- Cattle. Judge: Mr Thos. Lewis. Bull, any age. Two entries—T. Hewitt 1. Cow, three years and upwards. Three entries—T. Hewitt 1, R. Cullcu 2. Any Biieed. Best crossbred caw in milk. Four onirics. T. Hewitt 1 and 2, J. C. Campbell 3. Cottar's cow. Two entries—John Garrett 1, If. Christie 2. . Fat Stock. Judge: Mr T. Elliott. Pair fat oxen, three years old. Three entries—James AA'yllie 1, AA'. Charters 2. Ollfi fill OX. Three entries—\A T . Charters 1 and 2, AV. Lindsay 3 One cow or heifer. Two entries—AV. Charters 1' and 2, Pair ilrp-ycar-old fat steers. Two entries—AY. Charters 1 and 2. SHEEP. Hokder Leicester. Judfre: llr James Ross. Ram, iour-tootli and upwards. Five entrios—AV. Grey 1 and 3,' Williamson Bros. 3. Pen of two rams, two-iooth or under. Four entries—AV. Grey 1, J, H. Allan 2. Bam, two-tooth. Six entries—AA T . Grey 1, James Gow 2, J. 11. Allan 3. Pen of two ewe 3, four-tooth or upwards, in lamb, 'or with lamb at toot. Four entries—W. Grey 1, James Gow 2 and 3. Pen dt one ewe, four-tooth or over. Seven entries—W. Grey 1 and 2, James Gow 3. • Pen of two ewes, two-tooth. Six entries— AA'. Grey 1 and 2, James Gow 3. Pen of one ewe, two-tooth. Six entries— A\ r . Grey 1 and 2, James Gow 3. Eomnev Marsh. Judge: Mr Walter Murray. Bam. four-tooth and upwards. Three entries—John Miller 1 and 2, A\ T . Grey 3. Pen of two rams, two-tcoth or under. One entry—John Miller. Ram, two-tooth. Four entries—John Miller 1 and 2, Catherine Fulton 3. Pen of two ewes, four-tooth and upwards, in lamb or with lamb at foot. Two entries—John Miller 1, James Miller 2.

Pen of one ewe, four-tooth or over, with lamb at foot. Three entries—John Miller 1, James Miller 2. Pen of two ewes, two-iooth. Three entries—Catherine Fulton 1, John Miller 2, W. Grey 3. Pen cf one eve. two-iooth. Five entries— James Miller 1. John Miller 2 and 3. • Champion ewe, John Miller. Champion ram, John Miller. ■ Ckossbrv.d, - Pen of five hoggets. Three cntries-i-I. Tough 1, D. Bruce 2 and 3. Pen of three ewes, with lamb at foot. One entry—Williamson Eros. • Fat Sheep. Pen of five (shorn). Six entries—John Tough 1 and 2, John MilJcr 3. Pen of five, freezing, not to exceed 1301b live weight. Five entries—J. H. Allan 1, George Kichol 2 and 3. DOGS. Judges: Messrs J. Hoss and ,\V. Murray. Collie dogs, rough-coated. Four entries— J. and C. Campbell 1, W. Charters 2, W. Nicliol 3. Bitch. Two onirics—F. J. Wright (Flo) 1. Dog. smooth-coated. Two entries—W. Grey 1. Bitch. Two entries—W. Charters 1. SWINE Judge: Mr T. Elliott Berkshire boar. Two entries—Wm. Kirkland 1, T. Hewitt 2. Berkshire- sow. Fivo entries—A. lloynihan 1, W. Kirkland 2, T. Hewitt 3. Yorkshire hoar. Two entries—W. Kirkland 1, D. Brett S'hand 2. Yorkshire sow. Two entries—D, Brett Sliand 1 and 2. Sow and litter of not less than f;,\ under six weeks old. Two entries—D. Brett Shand 1, A. Moynihan 2. Berkshire sows. Two entries—T. Hewitt 1. DAIRY PRODCE. Judges: Mr.s Thornton and Mrs Belcher. Two pounds fresh butter, non-separator. Eleven entries—Mrs J. Xlrumo 1, Miss E Kempshell 2, Mrs A. Stewart 3, Mr 3 R Peattie 1.

Two pounds powdered butter, non-separa-tor. . Kino entries—Miss E. Kenipshcll 1 Mrs A. Miller 2, Mrs J. Kiinmo 3, Mrs K. Peattic i.

One jar salt butter. Six entries—Mrs A Stewart 1, Miss Stewart 2, Miss E. Kemp, shell D.

Fancy butter. Four entries—Miss J Kemp'sholl 1, Miss E. Kcmpshell 2, Mrs l\. l?ealtie 3. •

Sample old cheese, made by exhibitor. Four entries-Miss Tweed ], Mrs A. Stewart

Sample new cheese, made by exhibitor. Two entries—Hiss Tweed 1. '

Oat cakes. Nine entries—Miss E. Tweed 1. Miss Tweed 2, Miss E. Kcmpshell 3, Mrs J. J. Xyhon J.

Six girdle scones. Eleven entries—Miss J. ICompshell 1, Miss E. Kcmpshell % Mrs J. J. Xyhon 3, Miss Tweed i.

Girdle .scones, plain. Twentv entries— Miss E. Keinpshell 1, Miss J. Kcmpshell 2, Mrs J. J. Xyhon 3, Miss J. M'Donald 4. Oven scone?, with cream. Nine entries— Miss .T. 11'Donr.ld 1. Mrs J. J. Xyhon 2, Miss E. Niehol 3, Mrs John Dow 4.

fix oven scones, plain. Eighteen entriesMiss ,1. M'Donald 1, Mrs J. J. Kyhon 2, Mrs John Dow 3, :>lis3 Tweed 1.

Six pikelets. Twenty-five entries—Miss J. Kcmpshell 1, Miss E. Kcmpshell 2, Miss Tweed 3. Mrc Arthur Johnson •!.

Best fruit cuke, no icing. Fourteen entries—Miss O-'Donnell 1, Hiss F. firant 2, Miss J. M'Donald 3, Mrs J. J. Xyhon 4. bread. Seven entries—Miss .1, M'Donald 1, Mrs J. J. Xyhon 2, Miss D. Grant 3.

BaWs bread. Two cnivics—A. Heiidrv 1, Watson Eros 2.

Befct roll bacon, snnked. Two entries— John Knott 1.

The show was held at Messrs Donald Itefe! and Co.'s sale-yards Its management did credit to the executive ability ol 'the Committee of Management, and the sterols ry (Mv John H. Allan). The West Taiori Hand was in attendance, and Mrs Beaisoii w.13 responsible for tlw catering.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14683, 17 November 1909, Page 2

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TAIERI AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14683, 17 November 1909, Page 2

TAIERI AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14683, 17 November 1909, Page 2