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The monthly meeting of the Waihemo County Council, leld on Saturday, was attended by the chairman (Cr U. 11. Philip), Crs J. Ross, 11. O'Neill, I<\ M'Callum, 11. Baily, T. M'Lay, J. O'Conncll, and G. Clark. An apology was made for the absence of Cr Sutherland on account of ii death in the family. inspector's kepop.t. The Inspector (Mr G. Cruicksliank) rcported as follows:— Dunback Hiding.—The roads are in fair order for winter. The culvert and washout is iinished, and I hope the work will give satisfaction. AH flood damage is now almost repaired, except some ruts to bo (iilcd in. Some parts of the road require gravelling.—Approved. Blue Mountain Riding—The last rise in the river has washed away some planks. Some difficulty has arisen owing to gravel carters loosening the wires and thereby making the crossing planks unlit for traffic of children going to and from school. Parts of the Uunback road require gravelling, and 2000 cubic yards will bo required in the spring.—Approved; persons interfering with the crossing wires in future to bo prosecuted. Bushey Riding.—The road on the north side Ims been cleaned and partly gravelled. About 3000 cubic yards of gravel wiH be required for Bushey roads in springAdopted. Goodwood Riding—The roads are in fair order, but a number of parts will require improving in spring.—Adopted. Macraes Riding.—A commencement has been made with the timbering of Deepclill' Hill, and the work will be proceeded with a3 weather permits.—Adopted. COHRESPONDENTB. W. A. Bodkin, on behalf of Mr P. G. M. Fink, of Alexandra, wrote asking if the council would have anv objection to his application for a battery site on the dine of road leading to Mr E. Matheson's small grazing run at Hyde. Applicant would be at all times prepared to keep the road open to the, satisfaction of the countv engineer, and would comply immediately with any requisition made by the council in that behalf; or, if thought necessary, ho would be prepared to construct u now road to the satisfaction of the engineer. The writer pointed out that a very large amount of money would shortly be expended in developing the quartz reefs in the vicinity.— Let in tlin hands of the chairman and inspector, the clerk to write for fuller information as to proposed site for the battery. U. Scott, M.P., wrote expressing his willingness to support an amendment to the Land Act in the direction indicated by the Mackenzie County Couneil.-Received. P. Lister wrote calling attention lo the bad state of the cuttings between Mr M'Cultock's and his property, and requested that some simple bo put down.-Inspeclor to report at next meeting. T. E. Steiihouso and Janet Stenhouse wrote requesting that Anderson's gale in booflivood Ruling be removed, and it was resolved to notify the parties interested to the request complied with ■ The Palmerston High School' Committeo wrote thanking tfe council for the use o; th, Conned Chambers for holdiii" meetings. " . j I'IXAXCK AXD 11AT1XR. ■ Cr J. Ross, in accordance with notice of. : metal given at, the previous | moved tlralfc the rate, for *,hc year lr $ I in the poum'' over -ii 'lie ridings in !1m f county. n r 'f; J !J jay se comletl -the motion. Cr H. O'Neill thought iho mover ot I the motion ehould point out to the council ! how they wsro to rinjainco on the propewd i rate, wmen lie was nure was insullickuit ; for requirements. The bank overdraft win : at piv-ent ov;,r £1100, and wliui the ac- i counts pa*sod I hat dr; (£234 7s 3d) were | Son n colma '' Wcll - < 1 l;<2 within about i/20 or £30 of the orerdiuft limit, a rui.ii ! which was insufficient to carry lliom over the : next two mora;hs. He honed ev?rv conn- i cillor would mak* it his ' business ■to ' thoiou.-fJily understand the financial posi- i tion. I'or years they had bwii attorn p tin-,' ' to run on an inadequate .rale, with the \c- I suit that an overdraft had accumulated on ! which a .good sum in interest hid to Ik> < ■paid .annually. Had it not been for Go- I vemment jri-ants for roads and work-3 the ' financial portion would bo worse ttan'it i was, and ho thought it was time- the- conn- ' oil faced the position, and struck a rale which would be sufficient to provide for I carrying on necessary work, and at the I same time wipe olf each year a substan- i tiial r.uin of the oven-draft >:ntil it disap- I peawd entirely. : Cr Rets: 'ihis rime last year tee was I no overdraft. 'The objecting councillor and others in the past aTo rcsponsiblo for -. ho ! position owing to extra-wigance in the j carrying outof works that could be 'lone without. Or O'Neill: The works have all teen alWuitely nc-cKciry. _ Cr Ross: \Ve only paying about £22 in interest. "With economy :n expenditure the rate proposed will be sufficient. | Cr O'Noill: The council had not a clean I financial sheet .when jou vacated the chair ' two ycais ago. Tl;o position was brought ! alxwt by the receipt of two years' rates ' within' six months, and the ratepayers were ■ dNfivcd. . ! Cr Roes: Do you mean that I deceived | them': ! Cr O'Nejll: Xo; Ido not mean that you ] personally deceived them. They were ds- ; ec-ived because the circumstance I have re- ' ferrc-d to led them lo belisvo the financial ; position was tetter actually was. j The Chairman: lit was the system of bookkeeping and not Cr Ross who was to blame, and I have always opposed the system.,

Cr O'Neill: Will Ibo in order in moving an amendment to the motion? ' *' | The Chairman: 1 can accept an amendment for a lower, hill not :v higher rate than that which has been given notice of. To carry a higher rate u would ub necessary lo (jo through the whole procedure again. It has been inf.inuaited thai, beeaus-s I did .not exercise my deliberative and easting votv when this mutter was under discussion lit last'meeting, I was'"shirking." I made it clear at that mooting that I was in favour of higher rating, nut I did not think- it was fair to give my deliberative and casting vote .at that suae'. It is nec«~ f>i.ry that wo should look into our retem of liookkcepiug. which is unintentionally misleading to ratepayers as well as to councillors. It would curtail expenditure a great deal if councillors were- of tho truo HiiMicial nositon. Cr O'Seiii: "vYo shali be in tbe same, position next year as now. Cis Clark and O'Conncll opposed Ihe motion on the ground that it <vas unfair to lidings with credits that they should be called on to pay an extra rate to ridings not so favourably circiimslanced. Thev favoured differential' rating. The Chairman: Differential rating would not be fair t c ridings that are in debt, mainly because Ihey have to incur expenditure for upkeep of main arterial roadways. Cr O'Neill: I will favour differential rating, as no will Mien be able to fnul out where tlure is extravagance. Tho motion was then put, the votin* being:- JY,r: Crs Boss. M'Calluin, and Philip. Against: Crs Clark, O'ConHI O'Xoill, and B.u'ly. The. Chairman gave his ee.sting vote in fr..vottr of the motion, whieii was declared carrisd Accounts amounting to £231- 7s 8d were passed for payment.. It was itsolved to writs- to the Palmerston Borough Council requesting payment of rhe annual donation of £10 i;er allium; towards (ha destruction of small' biwk On tho motion of t,\e Chairman, tl, o council expressed sympathy with Cr Sutherland on the death of his father, who was an old and respected resickvit, and a letter of condolence was ordered lo be sent to the absent councillor and j-elatives, tn „ council adjourning at an earlv hour to permit of attendance at the funeral.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 6

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WAIHEMO COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 6

WAIHEMO COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 14579, 19 July 1909, Page 6