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ANNUAL AUTUMN SHOW. Tlio ninth autumn show under the auspices of the tirucc lloriieultural Socicty was held in the Coronation Hull, Milton, on Wednesday. The entries in all departments were good, aud quite equal to last year's, ami the attendance of the public bettor than previously, as indicitcd by the increased door takings.

Sweet peas were the salient feature of tlio exhibits. Gypsofolu was also in great profusion. The judge (Mr A. Ilainel, Dunedin) remarked on the exhibits;— Pot plants, though few in number, wore very good. He was pleased with the fine decorative work; though there were 20 entries 111 table decorations, in no two cases were the same flowers used. The staging at tlio show might bo improved, and -Mr llainel is prepared to advise the committee as to how this might be done. Fruit was very good. The collections of vegetables, four in number, were above the average, and showed careful cultivation. Sweet peas, carnations, roses, and cactus dahlias were exceedingly good. Cut flowers brought out strong competition. .Mr Iliimel considered it a very fair show all round for the country, and one that compared more than favourably with that held in Dunedin last week.

There were two conspicuous si anils occupied by Duncdin nurserymen. Messrs Ilowden and Monmoll's stand, in charge of Mr W. Corstoii, was the best, that linn has shown for night years. The collection comprised geraniums, fuchsias, maidenhair fern, two \ ariel ies asparagus, pluinous sprengeri, pteris, sweet peas, nearly 40 varieties of roses, carnal ions. Komneya Cotillon, Shasta daisies, and a (ins collection of fruit including 30 varieties of apples. Messrs Wilson and M'Nab. Fairfield Nurseries, had a good stand of saleable foliage plants, hardy outside growing species. ixime of the more striking were different verieties of aecr foliage, loses, clematis, gouesta fragrance, white and purple Scotch heather (Erica), magnolia, grandiilora (a flower with immense, pure white velvety petals), shrubs and grasses.

In vegetables there was a good display. Ihe usual competitors meeting opposition from the Tokomairiro District High School gardens and a youthful exhibitor in Master n?t" !lm ' several prizes fell to them, .pi • l ' ccol 'aled work was shown upstairs, "his attracted considerable interest, and was.the prettiest feature of the show, and the tables, baskets, and buttonholes all told of good taste. The children's entries in decorative work almost reached the hi"h standard set by the adults. Miss I Rdd was awarded first in decorated tables, her entry being made np of anna, gypsofola nasturt nuns, maidenhair fern, and asnara K u«' ilie second prize winner, Mrs 'Pearce decorated lior fable with lemon carnations' snowball, auhunu-fiulcd foliage, maidenhair fern, and trails of asparagus, and a bright effect was given liy the use of silver vases. Mr James Allen. M.P.. was present during the evening, and gave u short address congratulating the society on the improved i|tiaJiiy of tho (lowers mill smioml exhibits and referred to the educative value of the study of horticulture. The prizes for the best-kept; gardens were handed over to the vice-president (Mr W. B. Graham) and to Mr D. M. Roid. who accepted the office of secretary at the shortest notice, a word of praise is due for the excellent arrangements ho made. Prize-list:— °

UUIiAUji UaKlU'.a L'JMPiiTTTIOX Judges: Mrs D. licid ami lire Jauiss Ke'd Best-kept iloiv-ir gurdea—Hrs 'i'-homaa Uooo-m.l, 84 points, t; Mr Upward, 77 points, ; .Mr a. J. i-'ei-yuson, 72 points. 3. ifrsi-kept vegetable jardcu-ihs Inomas Woouhili, 75 points, 1; ,u r a. J. Fcr-usou U polity, 2; .Mr Thomas Clark, 158 points ;)! Ortenlicu.ij l'lanis. in Pols.—Two dou'hlo fuchsias, varieiies (one entry)-Mr T. Johnstone 2. feinjrtc iuc-hsia (one entry:—Alt- T. Jon 11 stone 2. Sinsflc geranium (throe entries) --Miss J. M'Murlie I. .\lr T. Johnstone -2. I'.vo single (jernimims, varieties (one entry)— Miss J. ,\1 Murine. Double geranium tone entry)—.Mr Alex, ai-civait 1. Two double geraniums, varieties (one entry)-Mr T. Uoodiltll 2. Pelargonium (011* entry)— Miss J. M'Miirtrie 2. Ivy leaf pelargonium (one entry)— Mrs 1. Wocilhil! 2. Three ilowerin'' begonias, varieties (one ciitryJ-.Urs W Ancheson (Kaitaugata) 2. One plant lobelia: any variety (two entries)—. Miss J. M'Murmc 1, -Mrs 17 Woodhill 2. Throe foliaga plants, distinct genera (one entry)— Miss j. M'Murtrie 1. One specimen plant, not specified in scncdiile (seven enirics)--Mrs li. Ttirnliull 1 Asparagus (live entries)— Hiss May Sahmmd 1, Mis I\. lurnbuU 2. Three ferns, varieties (one entry)— Mrs James (irav, son. Plant replants grown in hanging basket-Mrs J. Grav son., 2.

Pot-grown Plants, Cottagers' Cla««Smglc geranium (one eut-ryj-Mrs William Paul 1. good. Double geranium (one enfrv)— Xo award. Plant grown in window (four entries)— Mrs Pcarce 1. Miss 11. Chisholm ■>.

Border Flowers.— I Three carnations. Picotees allowed, varieties (eight entries,:—Mr T. 11. Clark (Lawrence) 1. Dr Sutherland 2. Six carnations, Picctees allowed, varieties (seven entries)—Dr Sutherland 1. T. li. Clark 2. Twelve carnations (live entries'— Br Sutherland 1, W. W. P. Hail 2. Collection of carnations, arrangoti with own foliage iu glasses (four entries!—Dr Sutherland 1. Charles Yates 2. Collection of carnations, to be competed for by in carnations (four entries)—T. Johnstone 1. Collection of pansies (one entry)—,lames Keid I. Olio lily, own foiiage (six entries)— Thomas Moir 1, Mrs W. Patersou 2. Three lillies (one entry)— Thomas Clark 2. Two gladioli, varieties (three entries)—T. Moir 1, T. Clark 2 Three gladioli (two entries)— James Sharir.uu (Kaitangata) 1, T. Clark 2. Collection of roses (three entries)—T. Johnstone 1, T. H. Clark 2. Three roses (eevea entries)—!, H.

Clark 1. Six roses, three varieties (four entries)—T. It. Clark 1. Dr Sutherland 2. Three roses (13 entries)—'l'. H. Clark 1, A. Nelson 2. Six roses, varieties, (en or noisette (three entries)—T. 11. Clark 1. A. Nelson 2. Three peutstemons (four entries)—T. 11. Clark 1. A. Nelson (Lovell's Plat) 2. Three double dnhlias (Iwo entries)-]! Pring'c 1. Three cactus djlilias (tiirco entries)—A. Nelson 1. Cactus dahlias, 12 named varieties (one eniryi—George Ailchesoii (Kaitansa-tal 1. Six dnhliiis (ihre-e en frits)—!?. Pringls 1, A. J. Ferguson 2. Six verbenas, varieties (one entry)—T. 11. Clark 1. Three single spikes Oindytufls (tv,o entries)— Mrs Pcarce 1. Three antirrhinums, varieties (three entries) —T. It. Clark. Twelve ten-week stocks (one entry)—T. Clark 1. Six ten-week stocks (two entries)—T. Clark 1. Twelve cut perre.nials (five entries)— Mrs I). Ttcid 1. A. J. Ferguson 2. Eighteen rut annuals (two entries)—A. J. Ferguson 1. Mrs V. Mcore 2. Collection of gaillardias (four entries).—J. Gray 1, T. 11. Clark 2. Collection of sweet, peas, not more than nine stems (six entries)— James Sharman 1, Mrs C. Grey 2. Collection of sweetpeas, 12 varieties (nine entries)— Mrs W. Moore 1, Mrs I). Rc;d and George Ai'.che«on equal 2. Collection sweet peas, !M varieties (fiva entries;— Mrs W. Moore 1. Sirs .Tames Gray. sen.. 2. Collection sweet peas, for competition for those who have not previouslywon a prii-.c in sweet pei?—Tokomairiro District Ilish School ]. James Hcid 2. Involve blooms, hardy herbaceous or bulbous plants (one entry')— Mrs "William Aik-heson 1. Four asters (one e'ltry)—Thoiur.s Clark 1. Collection of asters, varieties i'one entry)—' Thomas Clark 2. Collection of Phlox drummomli (six entries)-!;. I'ringle 1. T. Clark 2. Collection of Perennial phlox (fiv<? entries';—'!'. Clark J, W. AY. I'. lla'.i 2. Three spikes hollvliocks, varieties (three entries)-A. kelson 1. Mrs William Aitclieson 2. Collection everlasting Jflowcrs (two entries—Mrs T. Wondhill 1. T. Clark 2. Any (lower not in catalogue (seven entries)—\Y. AY. P. Hall 1. T. Hymns 2. Any novelty in flowers (six entries)— James Gray i and 2.

Decorative and Floral Work. —Decorated basket of flowers (three entries)— Mrs G. Simpson 1. 'Miss I. lieid 2. Shower bouquet —Mrs li. Turnlmil 1. Hand bouquet, nuwired (three enirics)-Urs W. Ailcheson 1 and 2. Table bouquets (four entries)— Miss J. lieid 1, Mrs AY. Aitchescn 2. Epergnc of flowers (two entriesl-Miss M'Millan .1, Mrs AV. Moore 2. Two dress bouque'.s, one lady' 9 and one gentleman's (three entries)— Mrs li. Turnlmil 1, Miss May Salmond 2. Table decorations (nine entries)— Miss I. He id 1, .Mrs Pearce 2. Mrs D. Keid 3.

School Children's Competitions.—Gent's buttonhole (one entry)— Miss K. Grey; gent's buttonhole, for competitors wider 15 (It entries)— Annie Curruthcis 1, Jcannic Alexander ; guilt's buttonhole, under 1.1 (18 entries)— May Duncan 1, Duncan M'Mnrtrie 2; vttse of (lowers, 15 years and over (four entries) —lvlsio Littlejohn 1, Kathleen Hail 2; vase of flowers, under 15 (11 entries)— Bella M'Gill 1. ttoberta- Retortion 2; vase of flowers, under 16 (six entries)— Lizzie Lowery 1, Essie Bremner 2; decorated basket, 15 and over (two entries)— Jessie llaeltue 1, Eva Grey 2; decorated basket, under 15 (six entries)— Roberta JioWrtson 1, Iteta Xisseu 2; dccora'ed basket, under 13 (four entries)— Ailecn Pctrie 1, Florence Small 2; table decorations, over 15 (two entries)— Jessie Macliae 1; table ckcorations, under 15 (six entries)— Roberta Robertson 1, Aileen Petr.e

Fruit—Twenty-four heaviest gooseberries (five entries)—Chas. Stills 1, Mrs W. ileore 2; one pint, dessert gooselwies (one entry)— Will. Parlanc 1; one pint red raspberries (three entries)—Clias. Mills 2 (no first award); one pint red currants (one entry)—Thos. Clark 1; one pint white currants (one entry) —Tiros. Clark 1; collection of apples (two entries) —Tiios. Claark 1; 12 plums (tour entries)—B. Caudle 1 and 2.

Vegetables.—Twelve pods long-pod beans (seven entries)— Mrs C. Ciey 1, Toko. High School 2; 12 broad beans in pod (six entries) —Thos. Clark 1, Toko. High School 2; 21 French beans (two entries)—no award; 12 scarlet runners (two entries)—no award; two cabbages for table (nine entries)—'!. Clark 1, Mrs T. Woodhi'.l 2; two heaviest cabbages (five entrios) —Mrs \Y. Aitcheson 1; three carrots, long variety (eight entries)— Mrs J no. Read 1; three carrots, short variety (six entries)—Thos. Giark 1, "Win. Parlunc 2; three parsnips (three entries)—A. Petrie 1; tlireo beetroot (live entries)— Hiss 1. tteid 1, A. J. Ferguson 2; 12 best potatoes (11 onirics) —Win. l'arlane 1, Jas. Martin 2; 12 potatoes, three varieties, four of each (nine entries)— Win. Parlauc 1, Chas Mills 2; 12 potatoes, to tie grown and exhibited by non-prizetakers in potatoes (two entries)—no award; six onions, spring-sown (two entries) —Chas. Mills 1, Miss I. Reicl 2; six onions, autumn-sown (one entry;—no award; six onions, largest bulbs (one entry)—no award; nest shallots (three entries)—Chas. Hills 1 and 2; 20 pods peas, one named variety (nine entries)—Thos. Clark 1, S. Caudle 2; six stalks rhubarb (111 entries)— Mrs Thos. Voodkili 1, Mrs C. Grey 2; six stalks heaviest rhubarb (eight entries)— Mrs John Rkkl 1. iliss A. Wells 2; three white turnips (two entries)—no award; three cabbage lettuce (two entries)—A. Petrio 1, A. J. Fergnson 2; three Cos lettuce (two entries) — A. Petrio 1; vegetable marrow, long variety (ono entry)—Alex. Stewart 2; vegetable marrow, round variety (ono entry) — Alex. Stewart 1; any vegetable not in schedule tone entry)—A. Petrie 2; collection ci vegetables (lour entries)—A. J. Ferguson 1, Toko. High School 2, W. B. Graham 3.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14446, 12 February 1909, Page 8

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BRUCE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14446, 12 February 1909, Page 8

BRUCE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14446, 12 February 1909, Page 8