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PORT CHALMERS. ' Phases of the Moon, JllU. 7 7.55 a.m. - * ul 1,10011 14 9.18. a.m. i? sl Quarter 21 11.32 p.m. moon 28 6.47 p m *P°S eß 3 5 a.m. f er| t' CB 15 1 p.m. Apogee SO 3 v , m . Sun rises to-day 7.53; sots 4,55, 'HIE WEATHER. .luly A—B a.m.: Calm ; fine. Noon; Callilj fine. 5 p.m.: Calm; tine. ~ 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer j»,5 30.5 30.5 Thermometer ... 27 43 42 WEATHER REPORTS, (Per Uxrrr.D Press Association.) WELLINGTON, July 30. Tho following arc the reports of the .Weather at 5 p.m. Cape Maria Van Diemen.—Wind S.E., fresh breeze; bar. 29.90, thcr. s<t; cloudy, Russell.—Wind S.K., breeze; bar. 29.78, tlitr. 54; fair; very heavy swell. Manubui Heads.—Wind 8.H.", light; liar. 30.05, ther. 50; fine; bar smooth, Auckland.— \Viud S.E., fresh breeze; bar. 30.05, ther. 58; fair. Tauvanga.—'Wind S.W., light breeze; bar. 29.98, ther. 55; hazy, cloudy; sea smooth. East Capo.—Wind S.E., fresh breeze.; bar. 29.96, 'ther. 50; showery; sea considerable, Napier—Wind S.E., light; bar. 30,05, tiler. 47; lair; sea smooth. . | Wellington.—Wind S., light; bar. 30.18, ther. 52; fine. Castlepoint.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 30.10, ther. 45; sea, moderate. New Plymouth.—Wind S.E., light; bar. 30.10, ther. 56; fin©; sea calm. j •Wanganui.—Wind E., light; bar. 39.11, ihcr. 51; fine; liar smooth. Farewell Spit.—Wind E., light; bar. 30.18, ther. 43; fine; sea moderate. Cape Campbell—Wind S.E., light; bar. 20.18, ther. 52; fine; tea smooth. Kaikoura.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 30.18, ther. 46; fair; sea smooth. Nuggets.—Wind N., light; bar. 30.13, Hier. 42; overcast; sea. moderate. Bluff—Wind W„ light; bar. 30.15, titer. 44-; gloomy. The following 19 Captain Edwin's weather forecast to 3 p.m. to-morrow;—" Expect Jnoderate to strong easterly winds,and jveatjier generally." HIGH WATER. SJuly 31— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 4.54 5,11 At Port Chalmers ... 5.34 5.51 ; At Dunediu . 6.4' 6.21ARRIVALS. Whangape, s.s., 2931 tons, Collins, from iWcstport. U.S.S. Co., agents. Renfield, barquentinc, 1034 tons, Jlann. from Wellington. Ncill and Co., agents. DEPARTURE. Terje Viken, s.s., 2931 tone, Thomassen, sor Bluff. Tapley and Co., agents. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—Marjory Glen, barque, •jailed April 28. From Melbourne.—Warrimoo, August 4. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Wimmcra, August 2. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Moer&ki, .•lAugust 1. From Auckland.—Talune, July 31. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).-Wimmcra, lAugnat 4. For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Warriimoo, August 5. For Auckland.—Waikare, July 31. fjor .Melbourne.—Taluue, August 2. THE DIRECT,STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKIMND. Ruthergl'cn and Falls of Orcliy, left London Juno 16. Jeanara, left London June 12. Tokomaru, left London Juno 12. Marere, left London June 16. Oswestry Grange, left Liverpool June 27, Invertay, left New York June 16. Cevic, left Liverpool Jun# 20. Indralema, left New York July 5. Brier, Izol, left New York July 1. :'Whakarua, July 15. Rippingham Grange, left Liverpool .July 28. ' AT WELLINGTON. Norfolk, left London June 2. Tokomaru, left London Juno 5. Hawke's Bay, loft London June 13, Mamari, loft London July 26. Kaipara, left London July 8. Tongarii'o, left Plymouth July 14. AT LI'TIEI/TON. Waitemata (new steamer), left London Slay 2. lonic, left London July 25. AT FORT CHAI.MKRS. Waimate, left London Juno 3, due early. Aotea, left London July 3; duo August 22. ■ HOMEWARD BOUND. Niwaru, left Wellington June 6. Maori, left ■Wellington June 13. Paparoa, left Lyttelton Juno 23. ICaramca, left Auckland Juno 28. Papanui, left Lyttelton July 6. Wakanui, left Auckland July 15. Corinthic, left Wellington July 16. 'Jlatatua, left Auckland July 28. Cornwall, loft Wellington July 30. Ruapehu, left Wellington July 30. Tomoana, left Auckland July 30. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. FROM AUCKLAND. . Whakatane, August 7. Arawa, August -13. FF.OU WELLKGTO.W ■ Arawa, August 13. Fifeshiro, August 15. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, July 30.—Arrived: Monofffai, from tho .south. Sailed: Wairuna, .for Newcastle. KAIPARA, July 29.—Sailed; La.ira, barque, for Adelaide; Louisa Craig, Ixu'que, lor Melbourne. NAPIER, July 30— Sailed: Wimmcra, for the south. Passengers for Dunedin: ill' and Mrs Coleman. WELLINGTON, July 30. — Arrived: Ta;jeri ,(8.15 turn.), from Port Chalmers. Sailed: Mararoa (8 p.m.), for Lyttelton. 'Passengers: Ivlisjes Campbell, Eonitington, Mesdamcs Starkev, Brentou, Scott, Bush, Harrowell, Rev. A. Firilaysou, Messrs ■Anderson, Starkey, Btidtl, AYickes, Jones, Seager, Bush, King, Da La Cour, Munro, Bold, Brentou, Schultz, Dyer, Fitzgerald, Laird, Peters, Shearsley, Harrowcll. LYTTELTON, July 30.—Arrived: Slaori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington (connected with firet express); Maitaj, from, Dunedin.-— Sailed; Talune, for Melbourne, via southern ports. Passengers: For Dunedin—Jlisses Sise and Midge, Me3c!amos Strange and iWright, Mr Strange. For Melkntrnellisses Askew ajid Strange, Messrs AYoodward, Merson, and Seymour. >Sailed: Maitai, for Sydtwy, via Wellington.; Flora, for Dunedin; Huia, schooner, for Kaipara; Storm, for TimaTu; Maori, for Wellington, pith 80 pafsengoK;; Cygnet, for ICaikoura. GREYMOUTH, July 30. —Arrived: l*ohenta (1.30 a.m.), from Port Chalmers. SYDNEY, July 30.—Arrived: Inga, from Hob'anga. Sailed: Mokoia (8 a.m.), for '.Auckland; Mavis, for Now Zealand. NEWCASTLE, July 50.—Sailed: 'Aldobarau, for Auckland. MELBOURNE, July 30.—Arrived: Mel loui'Jie, from HOk'iatiga; Ennerdale. from •Kaipara. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. ..AUCKLAND, July 30.—Sailed: Tomoana '{4,45 p.m.), for London. WELLINGTON, July 30.—Arrived: Rimutaka (3 p.m.), from London. Sailed: Cornwall (6.45 a.m.), for Avonmouth; Ruapehu (4.20 p.m.), for London. . Tho Taluno is expected to arrivo at Duniedin, early tliis moining from northern ports, and sails on, Sunday afternoon for ifclboimie, via Bluff aad Hobart. The Corinr.a is duo at Dunedin early tomorrow moming from northern ports, and sails again on .Monday afternoon 011 her return trip. TJris week the Government steamer Tutanekai leaves Wellington for Auckland, via Napier. Sho makes the call at Napier to pick up tho Governor's household, which sho conveys to Auckland. The Tutanekai returns to Wellington after the departure ol tlio American licet. The steamer Magdala (Captain Limontl),' of tho Maclay and M'fntyxo line, Glasgow-,' arrived at Auckland from Newport News ,(Virginia) on Saturday with a cargo of 6000 tola of coal for the American fleet, The steamer, which took up an anchorage in tho stream, left Newport News 011 May 27, and esocrier.cctl moderate to strong south-wosterly winda and rough swis for practically the vvboio of tho voyage. She ,will remain in tho anchorage until after ; the arrival of tho Scat. On her voyago from New York to Melbourne tho well-known trader Indradevi, •whicli is now at Auckland, gave proof of }ier steaming capabilities. She accomplished - ,tho. trip (K.BOO miles) in 51 days' actual eteaming time—an excellent performance. ■Oily ono stoppage was, mado en routev jiamely, at St Vincent, .the vcacl riracticalJy a wholo day ivhilst Toplcmshing her bunkers. Tlio Indradevi, which is running' under the auspices of the •United Tyser line, 13 commanded by Cap.taia A. B. QpdUogsjisinitli, ;ivho jvaa freely

congratulated upon making sucli a good passage. 'llic vessel'.-! cargo comprises general moivhamrse. Tho Waikuru sicamed up to town yesterday and berthed in readiness |o resume her running in tlio Auekland-Dunedin servicc this afternoon. c'ii.jjtiiin Denuch resumes command, his officers hoin-i: Chief, Mr Norton; second, .Mr liraund; third, .Mr Anderson; fourth, '.Mr Clark. The Whan gape arriml early Yesterday morning from West via'WoUin S ton, and brought about 3000 tons of coal for discharge here. She is expected to be ready _ to procecd In Port this afternoon, in which ovent .she will sail about midnight for Oamaru. Tha Norwegian steamer Terje Vilten &>inpleted tho discharge o[ her Port Chalmers cargo, comprising 25,000 jarrah sleepers, veslcrdny forenoon, and sailed at 1 p.m. for Bluff, '"fhe prompt <ics[)i>i , . , h of this vessel been very favourably commented, having only oecupicd about three full working days of eight hours. After finishing at Blutf tho Terje Yiken leads concentrates at l'ort Pirie for Antwerp. After loading Homeward cargo at Port Chalmers, the Fifeshiro proceeds to Bluff, Lyltolton, and Wellington to complete her loading, and is fixed to sail 'finally from tho latter port about August 11 for Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Gasgow. Discharging operations are making good progress, and it is expected to have her ready to proceed to Port on Sunday. A naval authority, writing to a London paper about tho lessons taught the oliiccrs and men on the visiting warships from tho United States, says that, by the time the and men return home next spring they will be the best seasoned sailors in the world, sailoro who have, mouth in and month out, carried out a regular system of war training_ under all the conditions to l)o mot with in the circumnavigation of the world. Commenting upon the laxity of tho Melbourne Harbour Trust in providing for the safe navigation of the Yarra, lite Age says tho Jlaheno stuck iu the mu<l in the ljgtl of the stream at tho foot of Spencer street when leaving on her last trip to the Dominion. As tho Mr.heno was only drawing 22ft at the time, the Ago considers that Tecent dredging operations in tho vioinity had been carried out iu a very slipshod manner. Tho Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu, which left Lyttelton on Monday, loaded the following cargo at that port" for London: 13,562 .carcases mutton and lamb, 928 bales wool, 32 bales skins, 43 bales flax, 30 bales tow, 18 bales basils, 4- bate and 1 caso hair, 219 casks tallow, 44 oasks olco, 318 casks pelts, 51 casks casings, 9 cases dried strings, 65 sacks peas, and 23 pkgs sundries. Tho Sydney Commercial News of July 21 says:—"The fleet of French vessels expected to arrive at Hobart still continues to increase, and to-day no less than 17 of thorn tU'G en ro«tc "seeking." They arc eoming from all quarters of tho globe, and included in tho fleet are some of the smartest and largest vessels now flying tho French flag;. Tho biggest of the batch aro the "four-masters" Asniercs and Yillo dtt Havre, 1715 and 2446 tons register, the ship Leon Blum, 2316' tons,- and the barque Armen, 2316 tons.' All the others except two—i.e., tho Max and Martha Ronx—arc over 1900 tons, and the total tonnage of tho whole list amounts to 34,315 tons. Captain 15. Phillips, who has retired from tlio Union Company's sorvieo in consequence of ill-health, was., prior to his retirement, presented with a silver tea and coffee service by tho officers of tho Manuka as a token of the high esteem in which ho is held (says tho Sydney Commercial News). Captain Phillips lias been in tho employ of tho Union Stcain Ship Company for the past 25 years, 20 of whioh lie served as master, and during tho whole period has not had one accident. Ho was engaged in tho New Zealand trade for many yoars, but during the latter portion of his service has been' on tlio C.A. route. The captain was a great favourito .with the travelling public, and his exit from active servico will be greatly regretted. The vacancy thus caused has boon filled by Captain H. A. "Morrisby, who took command of the Manuka at. Sydney. As a result of tho record-breaking performances of the steamships Lnsitania and Mauretailia, the Cunard Company has earned the annual subsidy of £150,000 from the British Government (says a Sydney exchange). One of,the conditions required was tho maintaining of an average speed of over knots an hour. All of tlio conditions having boon fully met. bv the Cunard Company, Parliament passed the bill granting the subsidy. The issue bv tho Cunard Steamship Company of JBEOO.OOO in 41 per cent, mortgage debenture stock, redeemable between 1911 and 1920 at 102

issue prico 97, lias been a success, and llio lists were closed on June 4. The company is authorised lo issuo £1,600,000 of such stock to provide for the cost of new tonnago and for the general purpose of extending the business, A first charge on ii of the company's vessels is given as Hcurity for the new issue. Recently certain shipowners in England dceidt'd that seamen "signing on" for foreign voyages must undergo a medical examination. This was strongly resented by the men, and Lloyd's Shipping Gazette of Juno 12 states:—"The objection of seamen (o the medical test imposed by owners is still causing excitement at) South Shields. Much indignation was oxnrefsed on June 10 when it was found tliat. one of the huge p!ategla«s windows of the Shipping Federation (fcflkcs was broken, a brick liav ■ injf been thrown through it. Although the fight agaiust the test continues as bitterly as ever, the incident is regretted by the agitators, who disclaim any connection with the affair. The shipowners are evading t-iie vigilance of the Seamen's Union by conducting tho medical test on board the ships on which the jmcji have signed articles. The picketing at the shipping ofiice has become so close tJiat new crews are taken on board at midnight to escape llm hostility of the men opposed to tho medical test. At North Shields three mombers of a steamer's crew who agreod to pass the test wore very roughly handled. ARRIVAL OF THE RENFIELD. Early yesterday morning tho barquentinc Rcnfield was sighted about 16 miles off the Heads, but although tho wind was favourable it was so light that tho vessel made very little progress during the forenoon; consequently Captain Thomson (.harbourmaster) despatched the Plucky to tow her into port. The tug left at noon, and reached the Rcnfield about 3.30 p.m. She was towed iu shortly after dark, and dropped anchor in the Lower Harbour for the night, and will lxs towed up to Dunedin this morning.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14280, 31 July 1908, Page 4