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' The monthly meeting of-I,ho Taieri County Council was hold at Mosgicl / yesterday, when there wero prcsent-Crs Samson (chairman), Blair, : Blackio, Dougherty, Elliot, and Stevensoh. ' Civ Miller, was unabio to bo prcs'ont, through an attack of influenza. ■ SPECIAL ORDER. Tlio resolution passed at. last meeting abolishing tho Grey Town Board and merging tho sdino in Taieri County was confirmed. .' v, - heports. - Tho Finance Committee recommended tho payment of accounts ainbunting, to £941 17s lid, made up of general account, £661 18s 2d; charitablo aid account,- £79 9s 9d; "thirds" and "fourths," £22 10s; and Government grant-,' Ailanton bridge, £175. Tho receipts for the past month had been £1300 12s 9d, and.the bank book showed a debtor balance of £1174_10s 9d. Re contract for erection of Allanton bridge: The committee recommended that tho (jpgiiioer bo .empowered .to appoint an inspector to supervise the contract.— Adopted. 1 ' The Elcctric Committee reported having received a letter - from tlio, town .clerk, Duncdin, quoting a price _ for the supply of electric power to Wiikio and. Co.—Received; copy of letter to bo forwarded to Wiikio and Co. , Tho Sanitary Inspector (Mr Robert Bain) reported that the lato ra-in3 had wonderfully improved the condition of tho Kaikorai Stream, not only increasing tho supply of wator, but'cleaning out tlio bed ! of tho stream. He liiul cautioned the .manager of tlio abattoirs duHng the month for polluting tho stream. . Filter boxes had been erected by Bay ley and Co., Burn-, side, but as these wero-not yot in. working order ho could not- say what effect .they would have. lie had had considerable trouble with .young beaste wandering on Burnside district roads, these apparently belonging to 110 one. • The heavy traffic by-law was being carefully attended to. KAIKOEAI VALLEY-jStAINAGE MM... .' Tho Kaikorai Draiflago Committee reported as ''follows: —"Early, in tho month steps, were taken to present the, Kaikorai Drainage Bill to Parliament,, and the oity solicitor was instructed to supply, Mr Donald Reid. M.11.R., with air tho nccessarv particulars. .Tho engineer when in Wellington waited on tho Hon. J. A. Millar and the Hon. G. Fowlds to ascertain what, stops were necessary to facilitate

the passage of the bill. He was mot with pronounccd v opposition from Mr Millar, who objected to tho boroughs being compelled to join Taieri and Greon Island in any drainage scheme. Mr Fowlds expressed bis entire sympathy with the viows held by Taieri, but advised that it would bo useless to attempt to force through a private bill this session unless some agreement; was arrived at by all the local bodies interested. He advised that tho bill be dropped for this session, and promised that during the recess lie would personally investigate the • question of the drainage of the valley, and, if necessary, he would lake steps to have a commission appointed to formulate the) linos on which a Government measure might be brought forward for consideration next session. Your commiltl'o further waited on Dr Maeon during his recont- visit to Duncdin, and was advised by him in the samo direction. Wo had therefore no other course open to us than to withdraw."

ENGINEER'S REPORT. Contracts and Works.—Contracts No. 83 to 86, supply and delivery maintenance metal, are completed. A start was mado at contract- No. 87, road formation. Stoker Hill, on the 12tli. and. tho contractors have at present- six men employed. It will be necessary to considerably increase this number in order to complete the work in the specified lime. Tenders are called this meeting for supply and delivery of 500 tons of metal, Outram Riding (tho schedule of roads being prepared by Cr Blair and the engineer); for delivery of 100 yds metal North Taieri Riding (repairs Gladstone road arid Wingatui road); and for delivery of 300 yds ashes, Neil! street, Burnside, with a. view of affording a more direct road to tho railway for tho people of Plevna and Burnside extension.—Approved.

I have arranged with Mr Adams that a portion of Main South road fronting section 17, block IV. Otokia. 'be fenced in to permit of - watering cattle, fenco to bo post, rail, and plain wire, and to be erected on lines pointed out, a nominal yearly •rental of Is to bo oharged for tho privilege.—Approved. Permission has been grantod to the Taieri and Peninsula' Company to lay pipe in, ditch along Momona road, subject to pipo being at, least. Bin below bottom of ditch, and the excavated material refilled with punned clay.—Approved. 1

ALLANTON BRIDGE. The Engineer reported: "Tho Allanton bridge was closed to traffic on the 4th September, and tho contractor has sufficient material to hand to enable him to commenco pile-driving.-■ Messrs Thomson, Bridgor, who aro supplying tho material, advise mo that in all probability the wholo of tho timber will have arrived at Duncdin ono month from date. I have attached a memorandum to contract whereby ifc is agreed that the timo within which the contractor shall ; have sufficient materials on tho ground to commcneo work shall bo fivo and a-half months from the date of contract, and Ihe timo within which tho contractor shall havo the whole of tho materials on the ground shall bo six and alialf months from date of contract. Save as varied by'this memorandum the contract remains in full force."—Engineer's action approved.

> connEsroNDEXCE. The Treasury wroto notifying payment of usual subsidy, amounting to £1109 16s 3d, and £2 lis (goldfields revcnnel. The Lands and Survey Department notified payment, of' £119 113 5d on account of royalty on flax and " fourths" for period between February 25 and June 6—Received.

Tho Collector of Customs wrote stating that tho gold purchased in tho county for Ifay had been 1220j: 6dwt, 14gr, and for Juno 9907. Odwt- Mgr.—Rceeivcd. The Minister of Railways wrote stating that it was not yet iknown whothor tho Caverfiham tunnel would bo abandoned- or not, but when tho duplication works were completed the council's representations would bo borne in mind and the decision arrived at, forwarded fo the council.— Recoivcd, the Prime Minister to bo thanked for his trouble.

The Town Clork, Duncdin, wroto forwarding chcquo for tho 6um of £50 in payment of tho City Council's contribution to tho Taieri County Council in terms of clause 13 of the deed of covenant- between tho two bodies.—^Received.

J. A, Cotton. Burnside, ivroto complaining of the overflowing of a wator race from tlio Kaikorai Stream into his property, and asking who was responsible.—Tho matter was left in the hands of the chairman and engineer to look into tho wator rights and report lat'or to the council.

James Elliot, Mount Ross, Sutton, wrote applying that the grade be improved on gullies'on road from'Sutton Biding to Mount. Rosa—Left in the hands of the engineer and Cr Elliot fo expend £50 on the work.

T. H. Pugh and John O'Coniioll, Springs, wroto asking; that, something be dono to provide culverts on the road leading to the former's property.—Culverts to be provided" if petitioners 6upply stones for work-. Robert Walker, Middieinarcli, wrote asking permission to put in .1 box drain ill front of his premises, and for the surface l man's services to cover same with gravel.— Accordingly. The Brace County Clerk wrote enclosing statement/of cost,apportioned lo the Taieri County for the erection of the Borwick bridge—viz., one-third. £150 18s 4d.—

Account passed for payment. Several ratepayers, Abbot's Hill, wroto drawing attention to the deplorable condition of Exmputh and Exeter strpets, and asking for a- remedy.—Resolved to hold a meeting of the -ratepayers interested, the chairman and engineer to attend. Three. CUokia residents wroto agreeing to have the stoi'm water from Barry's Gully diverted to its original course, down behind Mr Malcolm's residence, to meet tho drain, proposed by council's deputation of 30th lilt.—Tho Engineer reported that, together with Cr Stevenson, be had interviewed t-hoso affected by the; flooding of tho lowlying sections to-the cast of Main South load. -Thoy had agreed to insert a culvert of sufficient depth to carry, water across the road. to Taieri River, provided tho landowners piped tile water through theif sections to tho outlet thus afforded.— Approved. ' £, • . A' PHOTE9T, Cr Elliot said 110 understood there was a possibility of tho Hospital Board acquiring l a section near the Middlcmarch .School for tho purpose of erecting a consumption hospital;. Naturally. 110 was very much averse to anything of the kind being done, and lie moved —"That the council protests against the board doing anything of the kind." The section was damp and low, and entirely unsuitable for tho purpose. Cr Dougherty'seconded. Cr Stevenson'said ho was in an awkward position' speaking to the motion, bein°; tho council's member; on tho board and having moved; in/the mattor. Councillors would agree that something should bo done for tho unfortunate consumptives, and the board wished to prbvido a home for their treatment. The Chief Health* Officer was' of the opinion that this particular eito was a good oho for tho purpose/' However, tho board would visit the locality on the 13th, and Cr .Elliot might then show members where a moro suitable site could bo procured. Ho . (the speaker) thought the best placo for tho proposed building was on tho sunny face .of the hill, near tho Sutton Siding. Cr Elliot expressed tho opinion ihat Matearea would bo the best locality for tho purpose. Cr Stevenson said -'that at present consumptive cases were sent to tho Rock and Pillar Sanatorium, btit the board ' would liko to provide, accommodation for patients at £1 a. week-instead..of three or four guineas. -.- 1 , Tho motion Was carried, and Cr Stevenson,' as the council's member of the board, wa6 asked .to use'his influence against the purchaso of tho Middlemarcli section. 7, GENERAL. . Cr-Blackio moved—" That, 15 chains of tho Riverside road be metalled; tenders to bo called this month."—Agreed to. Cr Stevenson moved—" That the engineer bo empowered to use tho grader at. his own discretion on clay roatls in Otokia-."— Agreed to. . On Cr Blackie's motion'the engineer was empowered to; use the grador on ( what, is known as School road, East Taieri, and, on _ Cr Dougherty's, ;on . roads where re-quired.-'in Maiingatua-.-Cr Gibson .said he noticed £80 had been allocated, for n footbridge over the Silverstrcaift on .tho. Wingatui-North Taieri. road. Ho thought a; traffic bridge should bo erected, as tho ford'was almost too deep for traffic. . Ho would move—" That- application be liiado foi a.'grant of'£soo."— Carried. , ' , At tho instance' of Cr Stevenson it was resolved—" That tile member,for tho distriofc' bo written to with /regard to tho council's application for a siding at Mosgiel quarry, and that he,l)o asked to interview -the Minister of Railways and impress upon. him the urgency, of tho work." DATS OF MEETING. ■ In'accordance with notice _ given, Cr Elliot moved—" That the meeting day bo cha-n'ged from the first to the fourth Friday of the month."—Agreed to. tho alteration to oomo .into foroc in October. .TENDERS. Tenders wero accepted as follow:—Contract No.- 88, delivery of 500 tons' metal Outram Riding, John Craig, £65; No. 89, supply of 500 tons metal, Palmer and Son, 4s 3d per tori; No. 90. delivery of 100 yds metal North Taieri. John Cray, £9 lis Bd. For contraot No. 91,; supply and delivery of 300 yds ashes, Burnside, two tenders wero received, but neither accepted.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14002, 7 September 1907, Page 13

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TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14002, 7 September 1907, Page 13

TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14002, 7 September 1907, Page 13