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The following is tic industrial, agreement ontered into between. tho Otago Slaughtermen's Industrial Union of "Workers and tho Christohurch Meat Company, a copy of which will be filed with the clerk of awnrdo,in tho courao of a (by or two: — Mo' 1. Work to commence at 7 a.m. 011 fivo dnys in tho v/eck aaid onto, at 6 p.m., wiili 10 minutes " amoko-oh" ip iho , morning and 10 minutes " amoke-oh " in the ftfteruocm: -provided tk&t in order out any mob which may 1>& on hand- a-t o o'clock, not ovor thrco eh«sp or Jambs may bo slaughtered alter that, hour, or On ally day preoeddng a holiday five steep or lambs per man. On Saturday work shall commence at 7 a.m. and ceaso at 12 o'closk, tfitli 10 miivutf.s " smoke-oli": provided that in order to cut cut, up to five sheep or lambs por man may bo killed after that hour.

Rule 2. All potter sheep to be paid for at the rate of 18s per 100; preservers, 20s per 100; freezing sheep and lambs, 21« pra'loo; pigs, up to 1001b, 9;1 c-ach; over 1091b, Is each; tmllccks, is each; calves, Is each; shop sb'jGp'killed by piecework as at present, 253 per 109; iams, other than lamb/rams, Id each. Rule 8. iio dead slioep to be skinned.lluio 1. The killing und drossing _of sheep and lambs shall consist of. killing, cleaning, ■ taking off skin anil shanks with wool p;&coj ( talrin;; inside out, wiping _ and thoroughly cleaning, pulling on neck strings and butchers' tugs, hanging l oil, and taking out sweat-breads from tho biginning of the lamb season until tho 30th day .of April, but the employers, shall reniovo the kidneys and shall provide gambles and tags to each butchcr at his hook, and shall sUo clcaii buckets and boxes.

Kulo 5. Butehcrs ehall not pay lor damage to oaroaso or skin until after two porsonal wwiigs per 100 caroaEes l>er man shall liavo bsfen given,' but alitor that they thall pay Is for-damage ■to eareaae and Gd for damage to skin. _ r , Kuib 0. Stoughtc-rinen to wait "15 in the event o-f » cut out, but after that tiina to be paid Is 3d per hour waiting time. ' : Kuls 7. A grindstone to bo provided for'

i evciry 25 men, f Utile 8. All sheep to bo penned before being j killed. •, • . • ! Me 9. No nbsceno language ,to bo per- | rai'l/ted, omd any eraplojree guilty of aune, alter having b?on oro wptucu, will bo liablo io iniflant cl;?inis=al. 1 Rulo 10. Notliftig in these oMidit.ions 'gliaal apply to thosa 'employees of the employom respectively who are employed) in tbte bacoii fepartment o! cacn siieh employer 1 , ot to '..hose n l aug!'t"rnien who are engaged slaugbtcvi iug [or shops. Hulo 11. Ti>e following to be • holidays:—, New Yct'z Day, Good Friday, Ef.fte? ilmi- 1 j day, Prince of Wales's Birthday, I/ibnnr Pay, l Chrivhcan Day, I'oxiiig Day,. Reigning Sever-, regn'a Bijlh&y, and Picnic Day. Ihv'.e 12. fio work io b> done on tvbpvo : holkbys p.ud Sundays pavo for loMl requitei ments for four lieurs, pre»:idt;.<l that on BaFfer i Monday, tlio King's Birib<lay, Prince o! j Wales's Birthday, and Boxing Bay, employers I pha-ll b» . f\t liberty to employ euch of tlio i eiUDloy&es ns tlvcy may require for a period I ot four hotiri, and suon employees shall work ! oii fiielt dnjs ar,<l for suc!i potiod, for tlio j purprso of riau-'htering stock for lo(4l oe.i- ---; t'UUipiion. All Sriieh work done on these days i during that period diall l)o pr.'idi for at "rdiuvxy rates. ' , Time for Pnyment of. Wages. i Rulj IX W-aftss shall be paid forinigMiy. j Two days' lie-time shall bo iOlowed. 11 any i workman desires his wpgdi 1o bp paid at the. Dunedin' office the omployers, and - phatl give 48 hours' notice of bis desire, thon hia wages sh&ll bo paid at such Dunedin offico and not at the iactory, that '- it any cmployM.tovfca his employmoM \vith. his employer's consent, or i 4 (fcmisscd Iry his | employer, Iris wages shall bo paid immediately 1 following such leaving or disihissal. ■ Control ci Factory. Rule H. The employers shall have the fullest riglit. (rf . control (subject to the special provisions of this agreement) of their faolctios, and 1 may ini-lrt such rules for tho neceßstzry and propor thereof as they may deeiu ox-pedient. I'tcfercnco of Emplojin&nt. Rule 18. If and so long as the rules of the union rha.ll )>ericiit any person now employed in tho trado in ftin imlintrial di'rtriot, and anV person who nra.y hereafter reside in this • industrial dislriet, and ,who is a coPißet«it journeyman, to becomo a member .of srtoh union upon payment of an onterjco feo not excecdifg ss, Snd of subsequent Contributions, whotlicr paid weekly or not, not exceeding Cd por vroeli, upon a mfitton application ol a percon so desiring to join the union without ballet or clefition, thfh, and in such case, omplojvra shall) when engaging, a workman, omploy mtinbars of tho union in i;reforeilco to lion-mcmbers, provided -that. there cro members of tho union equally qiiilihcd with non-members to perform the pnitioular work required to bo dono and ready and willing to undertake it.

Rule 16. If and so long as tho rules of tho union are in with the provisions of tho last preceding clauei, no employe* shall discriminate againet members of tlio union, and no employer shall in the employment or dismissal of any person, or in 'tho conduct of his business,. do anything for tho purpose of injuring th 6 union, whether diteclly or indirectly; biit if the union shall after its rules so as to conflict with th« last preceding clause, then, aisd in fitch ease, employers may omploy any person whether a member of tho union or riot.

Huic 17. When members of tlio luUon and lion-members are employed together there shall be tio discrimination bctv.'con iiiemberj and non-members, and bolli shall work together in harmony and receive eqital pny for cqno! work. liule 18. When the rules of the union sre such ns to entitle, the liiefnbcrs of the union to preference under the foregoing clauses, ami at all tiiires tlierontter, the union skill keep in some convenient place VfiHiin on® in!le from ilio Chief Post Oflico in the Oity of Dtmcdih, n book to be calltd tUd " employment book," wherein shall bo entered tho names alid cxact addresses of all morabevs of the union for the time being out of employment, with -the description of ilia branch of tho tr&do in which such meiiibers slioll have been employed during the preceding 6i;e year. Immediately upon such member obtaining employaie'nt » note thcreof-phßll bo cnterod in such book. Tlva executive oi Die uniwi shall use its best widwvoura io verif"

ill tho entries contained in suoli Uook, and. I tho union shall be answerable as for o breach of this agreement hi case amy entry therein shalL in any. particular, bo wilfully false to the lmowledgo of the executive of the union, or in case tho executive of the union shall not have used reasonable endeavours to verify ' the same.. Such book eJwll be open to every employer without fee or charge at all. hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., on every working day except Saturday, and 011 that 1 day between the hours of 8 a.m. and noon. | li'-tbo union fail to keep tha "employment book" ill the manner provided by this clause, then, in mLcli ease, and so long as stick. failure sheill continue, any employer may, if ho eo think fit, employ any parson or persons, whether a. member of the union or not* to perform tbe work required to be performed, notwithstanding tho foregoing provisions.Notice by advertisement in the Evening Star and Otago Daily Timts newspapers, published! in tho City of Dunodin, shall be given by the union of the place where such " employment book" is kept, and of any change in Buoh place. General. linlo 19. Should » union bo formed during the currency of this agreement- consisting of tho workers engaged in all tho industries v.-] rich together constitute tho combined business of tlio said 'employers, Wion the power is reserved to such now union to apply to the court to mike, or to bring, the workers employed in the slaughterhouse of tho employers under the operation and provisions of any twardi -which may, during the currency of this agreement, be mado in respect of tho combined business of tbs employers 03 the court, may seora fit.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 7

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OTAGO SLAUGHTERMEN'S AGREEMENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 7

OTAGO SLAUGHTERMEN'S AGREEMENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 7