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The monthly meeting of the above was heldi at Bolclutha on Friday. Present—Crs lohn Clarke (chairman), W. Grainger, J. Gumming, A. C. .Saunders, W. Hay, V. Nkol) John Edwards, and J. R. Mitchell. CORRESPONDENCE. The Hon. the Acting Minister ot Public Works wrote acknowledging receipt of council's letter on July 29, and stated that the prayer ot A. M'Carty and 32 others interested, who petitioned to have road (Tom OwaJta to Pouuawea put in repair, would be carefully considered on the compilation of tho Public Works Estimates for the current financial year.—Received.

The Acting Minister of Public Works wrote stating that council's application for giants for Clinton - Pom.ihaka. Wa-ipsthi - Pnjierau 'l'weedie's Fcrd-Tapanui road, and for grant ot £1200 for construction of bridge ovor the Pomahaka at Tweedie's Ford, would be carefully considered in the framuig of the Estimates.—Reosivcd.

The Chief Engineer, Department of Roads, Wellington, wrote stating that the orection of the Purakonui bridge (Meok's road) would be proceeded with it the extra- grant was approved of when framing the Estimates. The grant at present was not sufficient to permit of tho work being gone on with.—Received. Tha Clerk, Tuapeka County Council, wrote forwarding ■particulars of expenditure on Conical Hills bridge. The amount due bv tho Clutha Oouncl was £222 lis BJd.—Cr Gumming moved that amount be paid; seconded by Or Nicol, -vnd oaTried. The Secretary Dunedin Hospital Trustees wrote asking it a person residing at Wa-iwera, was in i position to pay her acount of SI 10.9 owing to the Hospital. The person referred: to stated that she understood that she meed not pay the account, as she paid oharitab'e aid rates.—Held ovor. Tho Clerk Tu&peka County Council wrote stating that at a meeting of his council, held on August 12, tho following resolution was passed:—" That tho Clutha, Counrty Council be written to requesting thorni to contribute naif cost crl working expensos of the Tuapeka Mouth punt, and also to pay half cost of giving the' punt a complete overhaul, and to cnku'go simo to meet present require meats.'' —To staid over till nert meeting. Henry F. Moss, timber morohant, Dunedin, wrote asking 1 permission to lay a tramway al<xng_ roadline batween Messrs White Bros.' sawmill, Kat&nui (which ho liad purchased), and Lalta Bros.' bridge.—Request to bo granted; subject to usual conditions. 'Jolm Petereon and 37 other residents of Tahakopa, (Kahuika, and Table Hill wrote pointing out the desirability of opening up the new road leading from the Houfpapa, rajlway station to K-alcr's Saddle, through, sections -1 and 5, block I?, Woodlands coming out at the saddle. —Petition to be forwarded _ to Minister ,of Works, with recomthat- it be granted. D. Finlayajn, Locliindorb Station, Purekireki, wrote (iskirig, in connection with proposed improvement to the grade of the road at Mound Hill, if it would not bo batter to take the Toad round by the stable, thus ensurn? throughoait.-The Engineer (Mr IrV. R. Leoder) smd that he wouldn't rocommend tho proposed deviation.—Letter r«. ceived. .

Jamas ITDonald and six oilier residents of Katea wrote drawing attention to the state of the approach leading to the cheese factory at Aatea; it needed metalling at once. Ihe settlers were willing to let their "thirds" to, do tho job.—Request granted. Thomas Latta, sawmiller, Owaka, wrote asking ■ permission to lay a tramway across Hunts read close to the railway station.— Kequesli granted, subject to engineer's report. _ John Hewitt, Tuapeka Mouth. wroto drawing attention to the state of the river bank load opposito section 17, block VI, liani;lebnrn. The bush at the side of the load needed putting, as at present the road got no sun, and was always wet.—Gr Mitchell moved and Cr Oumming seconded—" That engineer. l inspect road, and if necessary <>et Burfaceman to attend to it,"—Carried, ° '• . , GENEBAD. ■Ulo following motions were agreed to: _ Moved by Cr Clarke, seconded by Cr Edwards—' That ■tenders be called tor opening up Miller and Black's road, so as to give ClXab EsU J- M ' KenZi °' B Pr ° Pert y on MovedJjy Cr Saundara, seconded by Cr Hay rhat tho largo culvert near Owaka landing on .the Pounawea itfad be extended and t!ie embankment filled up, also some re', pairs effected to tho road; engineer to call lor tenders for nest meeting." .Cr Grainger reported that he had attended a meeting of ratepayers in Glenkenirfi School pu August 17, wiicn a resolution was passeu t0 the effect that tho road between sections 30, -part 31,- arid sections 5, 6, a „d part ot (, block 111, (rlcnkenich, and the toatl between part ot section 22 and sections G7 ' ann part of CO, block 111, Glenhmich " nT 5 ! sTo PP=d. He moved— that the decision of the istepayers be confirmed and that part of the road be given to Hngfi Howat in exchange for now rosa aria th« other put mentioned."— Seconded by Cr Camming, and carried. » EKGIirSER'B REPORT. The Engineer (Jit W. E. Leederl reported fov the period ending August 30:-The following is a. brief report tor the past month, on road and works generally Contract No — gravelling. G chains of road at Waikoikoi! lias been completed. In various places on Sh# Mam road, Waikoikoi to Pomahaka railway •iding, some maintenance metal ft urgently required; eight or ten loads in tho worst holes would bo sufficient in "the meantime. For the Merino Downs! road and M'Nee's road a day's plougWhg in the water table 3 at various places along these roads is necessary'to curry off spflilg water. Contract No. 260, has been completed in a very satisfactory manner. Upwards ot 25 chains of new road formation has been put through by the surfaceman on Lochindorb load ill, an expeditious and workmanlike manner. On the' main Puerna Valley load lomo minor repair? were, effected and some snrfaceing done on Christie's road. Widening and grading! "Walker's road is finished within the estimate. Six trucks of gravel li?,vo oome to hand for tlia concrete work on' the Clinton-Tapanui road. I espeot to have the rebuilding of the bridges in concrete under way at an early date. 'With the road bounding sections 10 and 11, block V, Glenkenich, near Smaill's, I have examined the ground that a necessary dcvjV tion would occupy, and find that a greater area will be required than was at first anticipated. I recommend: tho idea of a deviation lie abandoned, owing to the heavy cost it would incur. For your information I have prepared a longitudinal plan of the old road for'a distance of 11 oliains. A block cutting is shown through the hill at Smaill's gate for a distance of four chains and .for a depth of 10ft on' the lop of the hill, all excavated material from this oirtting to bo carted down into tho depression to assist in raising the embankment to an. additional height of 5Xt. You will pee by the grade shown that the read would he greatly improved, and I am .of opinion, .would be quite suitable for the requirements' of the legality. If the parties mtoroted will give the nooessary horse work free of cost, to complete the road in accordance with tho plan, Tho cost of manual labour m. connection with the work I estimate yl9* I have lo report two bridges badly otfmaged in Ponvahaka Riding through traction engine .c'rosing the bridges with clips on Mt-ra beams and n&w decking will be required .0 repair the damage. On the main Wmkawa road, at Tarwa, Hill, a fair amount of maintenance metal is already quarried, and will 1)3 carted out shortly. The erection of the footbridge on the Taua-kopa River is unavoidably delayed, owing to the mill that was snplying; -the timber breaking down. I aui now to get tho material from Another source. A few chains of gravelling liavo been put down 011 the Lakeside road near tho big mill, and some minor repairs earned out to tho old metalling on this road. Jte Preston Hill road deviation, the purobaso of land for this new road is now completed, w?i kansfers, etc.,' are being put through! With, your permission the work of formatfen can how be put under way. I recomjncnd the levels Jw put in and tenders called Jot The work, tenders for formation and fencing to iw m for your next meeting. The contract for reducing grade at the Mound Hiil, Puerua, Valley road, may bo put in hand at once trading .Wiaiwera-Kaihiku road can also bo got under way, and tho maintenance metalimg on Wuiwera Gorge road tarried out as circumstances permit. The report was adopted. "J?™ 1 <Imt Iho wol 'k at araaijl s, Merino Downs, be proceeded with' if settlers - £U ppiv horse woTk.-Soconded by Cr Cummrog, and eanicd.

_ Tire LATE MR J. V»\ THOMSON*. that ihe late ncmbor for ( 4V, ?, awa >' SII,CC las t meeting of tho council. He had served the district for a longer period tlian most men had served the colony, »nd it was only meet that Ibe council should rccord its appreciation of his sen-iocs. He would move-" That this connc Place on record its deep sense of tile loss sustained by tbo colony generally in the if tin 10 Thomson, exil.H.ll. .for Clutha; and that the council also expresses the deepest sympathy with the relatives of the deceased gentleman." Cv Hay seconded tire motion, which was carneq an silence by the members standing.

. general. The Finance Committee recommended payment of the monthly pay-sheet, amounting to £694 '5s sd, and made up of £10 16s from Richardson loan account, £4 4s od Government votes, £2 18s 6d land fund, and £676 63 Gd general. fund.

■ The Cleric reported tho following receipts for the month' ending August 23:—Itates, £372 13 8d; compensation for accidents. £2 8s 4ddog tax receipts, 10s; Ashley Downs-Clyde-vale telephone, ,1s 2d; refunds roads and works, £7 .7s Gd; Government grant, Glenkeuicli road, £70;— total, £453 2s Sd. The Chairman s moved a vote of sympathy with Mr D. A. M'Lachlan, who had met with an accident whereby a small bone of his leg .was broken, and he was not yet recovered sufficiently to attend the meeting. Cr Hay moved tha,t 5 per cent, be deducted from Kichardson loin for engineering expenses-and trsusfcrrcd to general ac-

count.—Seconded by Cr Gumming arid cnrrietl.

It was decided to niter tlio date ot next meeting to the first Friday in October, in consequence of (lie usual date falling three days More the aiinual balance. •

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 8

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 8

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 8