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_ [Secretaries of clubs are reminded that iixhiTos nmst bs in not later than 8.30 on Thursday evening to ensure publication in Friday's issue.] FOOTBALL. Rugby. The Kailiorai Club will hold a practice at Bishopscourt. The juniors mil play at 1.30 p.m. sharp mid ilio scniois at 3 p.m. A full muster is expected. The Union Club will hold two practices, the juniors starting at l.'lo p.m. ami tlio seniors at 3 p.m. The Allintnbra Club will hold "two practice matches on the Eeclaimcd Gtound, l J elichct Bay, before the different players are graded. A good many new young players are joining the club this season, and by all appearances some of them should turn out well. Tlio first match will start fit 1.30 ji.m. and the second at 3 p.m. The Dunedin Club will hold two practices at the Caledonian Ground, the first commencing at 1.45 sharp. The following will play at—rJluea—B. Boss, G. Vorgcn, It. Patterson 8 .Me, J. Clarke, I liters a «i ' n.- T - WaIMS - H i». Sloan i. M laggart, I'. Fitzpatrick (capC), A. it Ivor, 1 ivmiey. Colours—W. Lockf, at 'l JJ- Walker, . ilason, I'. ltobertson p C W Churchill, II Cook, It. HoMy] ;!• ,!Dhvc J. J - Cnsp (c-apt.), J. r' a l u, Freeman, N. Morgan, M. Garden. All members and intending members .whoso names aro not included iu the above aro requested to attend the first

The Port Chalmers Club will hold a practioa at 3 p.m. A Tcam-S. Carson, W. Co!Uiorpe, A. Crumond, 0 Colthorpe, W. Dougherty, C Slattery, J. Hart, E. Perry, . Hunter, J[. Sailer, S. Ivciiy, C. Dunnet, \ . Connor, J. iky, A. For-uam, W. H ya „. 13 leam-HcaJcy, I{. Gray, J. Mooney. G. Dougherty T. Hyaii, C. jjochorty, S. Jloir, •Wn ®ll r. ' D| W ' Mether S- J ' ,n!f 3 w rr I, ' ~9- Alison, J. Anderson, and \\. Heller. ih e juniors will practise from i.30 p.ui, fho Pirates will hold two practices of Cansbrook as follows :-3 p.m.: Blacks«yinks, Ilayos, Cramond, S. Hicolson, Paire ™ L C ? , EO P; do Thomson, Scott (J, Sibbald, Whitson, Wilkinson, iotre. Domiiston. Colours-King, Younli Lennan, Davis, Nicolson, Black, Ussh»r, Ihoinson, Duncan Wright, EcnnoU, Paterson, Llack, ll'Caiighan, de I.autour, Csmeron, mi £ ■r, 1 ' 30 p,m ' sharp—Brown, Gurr (J), {srscri, Ibbotson, Irvine, Marshall (2), Mowat, Smith Wilson (2), Watson, M'Callum. Calder, lugs, Woodyer, Turner, Howie, Adaiu. Henderson, Brinsley, Barron, Leechman, Held, Cribbs, Gordon, Davis, Il'Donald. Any players not mentioned above are -equested to attend for the 1.30 match. Both tames will start punctually to time. Ihe Zingari-llichmond will hold two practices on Montccillo. The first will commence at 2 o clock sharp and the second" at 3 ?!-!•. , First nia '°h—Duncan, J. Turnbull, White, ATLean, Logan, Glarko (2). Anderson (3), Harvey, Beissel. O'Drisroll. Pellowe (2), bonnier, Pollock. Hoberts, M'Bridc, Phekui, Jlorriron (2), Il'Donald (»), Henry, Bryant, Jams, Hood, M'Lau?hlan, M'Xci!, Tansev, Lreese. Brook. , Foil, Bell, Morris, Canty, P. Anderson, Garland, Scolt, Locliheatf, C'amefon, Wilkinson M'Aiiliff a , c >mar{, Skitcb, _ •istiii.. Eeatson, Rtronach, Carodus, Dc-war, Denford, W. Scot;. Second match, at 3 o,clock*—Thomson, Davidson, Reddingvon, Wilson, Albsrtson, Small, M'Unghlan, Collie, Barr, Fletchcr, Davie, Moffat, Whcoler, Kavacagh, Collins, Graham, J. Watt, Spiers, Abbott (2), JUjw, Caisdus, Marett, Curtis,

Campbell (2), Il&nly, Tliom, Paterson, D. Stewart, R. Young, Guthrie, Kloeber, 11. Timibnll, G. Tiimbtill, H. M' Parlane. Any members whose names arc omitted ftnd intending members nro requested to be present. Association. The Battalion will hold a practice at MonfeciHo nl 2.30 p.m. All members and intending woiubers nre requested to attend. The "Waknri Club will hold a practice on the Asylum Ground at 3.30 p.m. A full attendance is requested. The Maori Hill Club will hold a practice on The Clear. The first match will commence at 2 p.m. sharp: The Ravensbourne Ciub will ho'.d a ptact-ice, tho- probablo Second Grade team playing against the probable Tliird Grade, commencing at 3 p.m. sharp. Tho SvuthSrn will practise at Culling Park, where tho following towns will play:—A v. B teams at 3.30 p.m..—A team: Brady, Ashtoil, M'Huichon, Larking, Robb. Macdonald, Biesett, Ite'.ton, Donniston, Neilsou, 'Ritchie, P> team: Mscdonnld, Fleming (2). M'Ket-terick (2) Hall, Jenkins, Austin, P. Scott, Black, Lcoman. C and D. loams will be selected on tho ground nt 2 p.m. Rosiyn will hold a junior practice at 1.45 p.m. sharp.*—Whites: Lambert. W. Johnston, Wilson, M'Lecd (2), Stark, Mitehc.l!, Murphy, M'NeiH, Leni, Williams, ii'Farlarc, Thxop. Blues: Keiler, Neiil, Kave, liornc. Thcmean, Tnrltcn, Carey, Moyle, lvelly, Roberts, J. Johnstone. Wilson (2), M'Carthy, L. Mnir, and any other intending players. Seniors, at 2.45 p.m.—Blues: M'Lecd, Edwards, Dow, Aitchison. Harlow, P. Muir, Hatbeson. Jopp ( M'Giilivray, Morrison, C. Johnstone. Whites: V.'cstoott, Spinks, Gilmonr, Robinson. lung Bannerinan, Brown, Bcoklass, Usgfccr, Mollison, Clark. The Morning-ton will hold tlirco practices, commencing at 1.43 sharp. Tho following will play at 1.45 p.m.: li. Martin, Taylor, B. Ufton, L. Tounct, W. Hondonon, Sliadwell, Paino, Prcmtioe. C. Bone, R. George, it. 'Mason, 11. .Williams, Sullivan. Baskivillo, J. Bohm. 2.15 p.m.—Blue-and-black: Brooke Bogrie, Mackic, Tcnnet, Ufton, Ilolderneas,' Aberorombio, Beimel, Kilroy, Lochliaad, G. Harvey, Liversidgc. White: Warrington, Orr, W. Hall, C. Hall, C. Scott, J. Harris, Spa-now, Martin, Kellv, Gaivnc, J. Watson, Thomson. 3.45 p.m.—White: Jack, R. Notman. T. Henderson, E. Bairington, E. Smith, Nicholson. Airey, Haig, Baukijr, Renfrew, Racburn, J. Robertson. Bluo-and-black: Young, G. Hutchison, Reisman, Jf. Ferguson, Middlemass, H. Stedman, JTotman, Gardner, Baillie Nelson, Alien, G. Robertson. All mombors or _ intending members whoso names nro omitted aro requested to attend. 'flic Northern will hold final pr&olices. Tho following are expccted to be prosant Any members whoso names aro omitted or. new niombors are invited to tak e part.—At 1.30 p.m. sharp: Adams, Frew,. Clarko, Frosev, Otto, Strain, Stoveus, Sim, Palmer, Manson, Biggs) Robeitson against Dcars'.ey (2), Shepherd Barnes, Broad, Gallnnd, Gimn, li'Creadie! P&rkes, Kenned}', Smith. At 2.30 p.m.: Sinclair, Frew, Young, E. Ford, Thomson, Smith, Brundel!, Clarke, W, Foord. Robertson, Brown, Laing against King (3), Allen (2) Brown, Guy, Kennedy, Hogg. Parker, Melliop At 3.30 p.m.: Reid, Shepherd, Harrison Irvine, llotley, Kennedy. Stewart, Sharpe! M'Donald, Leckic (2), F. Ford against Woodrow, Simpson (2), M'Laren, Robertson, Drake Irvine, Timlin (!>), Jones, M'Clelland. At 4.30 p.m.: A team will be chosen to play the fo'-low-ing:. Douglas, Gibson, Fulton, Black Johnston, Store, Clayton Murray, Williams Hooper, Walsh, Pcake, Mitchell, ilium, PaterBOWLING. Caledonian v. Stirling, on tho Caledonian Grscn, — Caledonian: A. H._ Brown J. Smistfon, W. S. Ccssford, D.'Smith (»/• j] A'ortb, i'\ Foley, J. Cowie, C. E, Keast *(s) • H. Al'Laehlan, H. Campbell, B. Collett j' Evans (a). ' '. Green Island v. Duittdin.-Green Island: A. Green Island—A. Kane, 13. Edwards D, Miller, J. M'Mulhu (a); T. Campbell,' W Johnstone, W. Brown, JJ. Buchanan (s) • J Crawford, J! Irvine, D. Watters, inn.,' X>[ Hatters (s).-, At Diuiedin—W. 0. Smeilie h! Slott, A. Saiallie, J, H, Smeilie (s); Rev. j' / 5 vs fc^. J - ' tiiair, J -' w - -M'Bonaid (*•)> '• • A. Diviuie, J. I/uklshy a. Jfoung (s); eniugcucics-P. M'Lean,' 'l'. Irvine, A. Harraway. Cayersliam v. Port Chalmors.-Caversham: At. 1 ort Chalmers—tt'. Speight, It, W. Pass--111010, _W. Farquharaon, 1). 'ilurchison (s): d. Wilson H. H&ad, U. ltobeitson, A. M'Grecc s); A. Mitchell, D. H. Hastings, G. Walker, It itannuig (s). Cavur9tiam plavtrs leavo by 1.10 pm. train. At Cavcrshatn—W. D. Suow- ■. ? - 'i> "w o S«ty»J l '- K -Sidey, P. Wilkinson VI, li. n. liirtjierford, J, Barron, M.. PeaK* r' v°Ar Sii J W! J 'V em P Blfir . "■ Stevenson) G. I'lflduvglon D. Jl'lutosh ( s ); \\. OMhara. Pon Clialmers: Ai CaverstiaiuJ. Aitken A. Mttheivs, W. Suttc-n, W. ilcr. gsui; A. Hiihcr, J. Cook, IJ. Ovenden n Lrimsey; J Jl'W&ian, T. Collier, ,f. Lindsay, W. Mitchell. At Port CJiulmers-A. lhomson, A. \\a.ker, J, Moigan, 11,l 1 , (-Jtowitriw « f? y ' J \ p ? l «won, Mae, J. Jlonson; V.. Bastings, J. Ronnie, Captain Watson, i\ Pickari .Bnudinet, and Aorih-East Valley v. Caledonian, on the Uldoman Green.-Isortli-Ewt Valley: K, Watkins, A Robertson, H. ludd, J. Barnes (sj; J. B. I'rame, T. Allen, H. Wilson, W. 11. Ouok (s); J. Longworth, F. Wright G F Booth, G;. Dunn Is); J. Wilson, V. Gray, J. H. fapencer, D. Murray (b); emergencies—G l'ergusson, J, Abbott, and J. Allen;' ■ • St. Clair v. Outraitt, at St. Clair.—St ClairC. Dnnnani, b. Pope, li, Duncan, J. H Hancock s); L. J Joel, E. C. Woodward, 1). S. Jolly, W. R. Piddington (sj; G. li. \Vestcott i\ H. j'snes, P. G. Mackintosh, n! u . 5' il- Gillospie, C. L. Hawicy, S. F. Sherwood (sj. The lialmacowcn Green will be closed on Saturday, when a niaich will be played with Ivaituna. I'be following players wiil represent Balmacewen:—C. I>. Wilson J S Wilson, C, A. Wilson, W. Wilson (sh Lcijon,' Hayward; Macdonald, Allnutt (s); Bceby Barnes, Hodges, Stables (s); Clixtotie, Grater Armstrongj Balk (s); Atfamson, Oniand! Sr.oular, Brown (s); M'Bennan, Roberts, Tlionipson, Dcdds (s); Arlidge, Gamble Alcock, Martin (s); . Clark, Ovenden! M'Millan, .R, Crawford (s). HARRIERS. Tho Duuedin Harriers will hold their weekly run at Anderson's Bay, starting from the house of tho secretary. Members arc requested to proceed by the 2.14 p.m. car from tho Post Office to terminus. i'he Y.M.C.A. Harriers will run as the guests oi Mr E, Aslin, Musselburgh. ' Tho Dunedin Anglican Harriers will hold tJieir_ opening run at 3 o'clock from tho residenoe of Mr James Allen,, Clyde street. All members and intending members aro requested to attend. The Congregational Harriers will run from tho residence of the Rev. G. Heigliway, George street. The hares will leave at 3 p.m. sharp. St. Joseph Harriers will hold their opening run, beiiicr the guests of the Hon. J. B. ■ Callan, Leven street. Roslyu. Members meet at St. Joseph's Hall at.2130 p.m.' j HOCKET. Tho iJniversity Club will hold a practice at ForHory at 3 p.m. All members- and- intending members aro requested ro. be jj^sont. 'i'lie Otago Club will open the st-ason at Forburj' Park at 3 p.m. Sides will bo clioscn on tho ground. All membjrs and intending members are requested to bs present.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 8

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TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 8

TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 8