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ST. KILDA BOWLING CLUB (LIMITED). Tho second annual meeting of the St. Kikla Bowling Club (Limited) was held in tho Council Chambers, St. Kikla, last evening. Mr J. J. Marlow lading chairman) presided.. and there were about 30 shareholders present.

The directors' report stated that the profit and loss lecount showed a credit of £59 6s, after writing off green formation account, £469s 6d. The directors iccommended tJiat £39 6s be written off pavilion account, and the balance (£2O) carried forward to next year. The bank overdraft at at 30th Juno, it was slated, stood at £75 9.i 6(1, but. against this there was the stun of £43 17s 6d, calls unpaid, which, when paid, would reduce this liability to £31 Tho directors hoped by the end of next year to have tho overdraft paid off. Mr T. S. Culling wrote reigning his position as a director of the company, and also his position as president of (lie chib. This course, he explained, was neoassary owing to the condition of his health. Tiro writer expressed the opinion thai the balance sheet showed that not only would the. yearly subset iption not stand reduction, but that in order to wipe oft' the liabilities of the club in the next two years it would bo prudent to increase it to 30s. The cmss of receipts over expenditure, lie stated, had only been £2 9s 7d, and the club had last year 19 new members, whose subscriptions had materially assisted the club's finances.

On the suggestion of Mr Marlow. it was resolved to accept Mr Culling's resignation with regret, and to forward him a. letter expressing the club's high appreciation of his services.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the report and Iwlancc sheet, and congratulated the directors and shareholders on the year's work and results. He did not, agree with the suggestion that had been made that the yearly subscription should he increased. They had spent £716 18s on green formation, buildings, furniture, fencing, etc.. out of a. paid share capital of £574 and £109 revenue from other sources, and they had not a large overdraft—viz., £75. The olub was therefore in a fairly healthy condition financially. and he saw no immediate cause for increasing the subscriptions until they saw what another year would show. So far from increasing tho subscriptions, he thought it might be desirable ut some future date to allow shareholders, as a kind of dividend on the money i.hey had put in shares, to pay, say, 5s per annum less than members who were not shareholders.

The report and Lwilanro sheet as presented were adopted without discussion.

Messrs J. J. Marlow and V. Viekery, the two retiring directors, wore re-elected, and Mr .T. I'. Matbson was electe*! i.o the directorate in place of Mr T. Culling, resigned. A _ vote of thanks to fho directors for their services during the year closed the proceedings.

ANNUA!/ MEETING OF THE CLUB. Tho annual meeting of the St. Kilda Bowling Olub was held at the conclusion of the above meeting. Mr J. JI. Callaway (president) presided, and there were about 50 members present. The letter from Mr T. S. Culling, referred to at the previous meeting, was read, also letters from Mr .Tame.? S. Allen resigning as a lnemlwr of t.lie club, Mr \\ T . B Graham, ako resigning membership,' and r mi i ' 0 rcP^''n ? memberfiliin. The last-named resignations wcro the result of removal from tho district,—The corresnondnifo was received, and rewet was expressed at tho loss of members to tho cause? referred to. ° elau'4 1 ™ Ual rCl>olt oonUine(l the blowing

i ?1iJ U i lc 30 overdraft was £73 93 6d w;t tins lias now been reduce bv subscriptions and calls fo £57 4s Gd, but under this head there is a sum of £35 7s 6d still outstanding. Inc profit and loss account shows an cxcess of receipts ovor expenditure of £2 9s. The club ooropcted in nil t'he association's" interelub matchcs last season. Onlv two were won hut excellent play for so young a club was shown against older and more experienced players, and some of tho matches were keenlv eon tested. Outside marches were also played on Wednesday a/torncona and Saturdays. Tl» club was also represented in the association tournament at Dunodin, but did not cany ft any events, though vahiable experience was gained try tie members composing tile two ! rirka—Messrs White, Morrison, Ewing, and Jtvcohson, sad Messrs Taylor, Graham, M'Curdy, and Merry—competing against some of the best players in New Zealand. The club's Easter tournament, got up and most capably ma.naged by Mr H. I[. Ewing, was played on the green. Tho prize winners were: Doubles, Messrs Blackwood and Howes; Consolation Doubles. Stan* P. W. Crawford and Wilkinson; Singles. Mr Adcock. A gTcat deal of interest "\va-s token in tho club matches by members, and they were very keenly contested, a, great improvement oil last year's ploy being noticesblc, Tho ChaniDionship Mutch was won by Mr \\'. Taylor, with Mr C. S. Liggins ?.s runner-up, Tlis bowls presented by tho president were won by Mr W. T Brundell, Mr W. Jacobson being runnerup.- The Doubles were won by Messrs Taylor and Brundell, with Messrs Morrow and RonsldßOn runners-up. llius, Messrs Taylor and Brundell won all the elub prizes between them. Tho contract of Messrs Henderson and Barclay for the pavilion having been completed a fow weeks before tho opening of the season, tho dub has enjoyed commodious picturesque, tuid up-to-date accommodation, designed and supervised free of cost by Mr Vickery, to wbom thanks are expressed, as well as to Messrs Taylor and Brundell for presenting a gas stove, The belief is expressed that, thardHV to Mr Mitchell's ability as caretaker, the green promises lo be as good next season as any in and around Dunedin. The success of ihe winter club is alluded to, special mention being made of Mr Jacobson's services as secretary of this branch. The report expresses regrot at Mr CuUing's temporary absence from Dunedin owing to illness, and continues that members will gladly learn thai Mr Culling's health hns so improved that they are looking forward to seeing their president amongst, them next season. A tribute is paid to Messrs Callaway and \farlow (the viceprcsidoirUi) for carrying out so the president's duties in bis absence. Special mention is made of the e.xtrelrre care and energy displayed by tho club's secretary (Mr J. B. Dick) to whom tho success of last season is largely attributed. In conclusion, the report stales that there is very prospeot of an increased membership nerxt season, which, together with j a good green and continued enthusiasm, shonld ensure a n»Bt successful season.

Tlio Chairman congratulated the club on | having so kwge an attendance, and ho . ventured to say that it. was not every bowling club that had go much interest shown in it. When they compared the work with that done the previous year it was very gratifying. It was true that the dub had I not won every match played, but tlie mannor in which they had played had sltown those whom they were playing what. they would bo capable of when they played again the following year. Olio very satisfactory thing ho would like to mention in connection with the club, and that was that members of other clubs had remarked to him that there was a sphuidid, unselfish spirit among their members. That showed that their members thought more of the success of the olub than of their own success. One of the features of the year had been the securing of the services of Mr Mitchell. Had it not been for Mr Mitchell's work on the grc-en the remark passed by a visitor to the tournament might apply to their groen—viz., that ho had not been accustomed to play bowls on a ploughed paddock. In this connection, he thought if tlio subscriptions w«ro raised some of tlio increased revenue should 1» given to Mr Mitchell. He was sure ho voiced the feelings of momlwrs whon ho said they wcro all extremely sorry, and he to express liis own deep sorrow, at the circumstances which caused the presence of Mr Culling, their chairman of directors and president, at Renmera, in Auckland. They all deouly repretted his inability to bs present with them that evening. He (the chairman) had received a letter from Mt Dulling' that morning:, and ho was pleased to see that ho was in excellent spirits, aad it was to bo hoped they would have Itirn with them at their next meeting. If it had not been for (he generosity and work of Mr Culling ho was sure they would not have had a bowling olub in St. KHcfo for

some years. The AVinlcr Club, under '' i 0 direction of Mr Jacobson, had boon & Recess, and had been tlio means of bringing the people of the district together. He wis sorry to observe that some of the subscriptions had not. been paid, and ho thought, if a man played bowls lie should pay his subscription, and he thought, no ma.n should bo allowed to play ill .'i- match unless his subscription was paid. Mr Dawson seconded tho adoption of the report, v.'hicli was adopted without discussion.

Oil the motion of Mr J. .T.. seconded by Mr J. D. Cameron; it was unanimously resolved to elect Mr T. Culling a.s patron of the club.

Office-bearers were elccted as follow?: — President, Mr J. M. Gallaway: vice-presi-dents, Messrs J. J. Marlow and li. M. Ewii:g: Management Commiitee—President, two viro-nresidents. Messrs .1. D. Cameron, I). C. Cameron, fi. Irvine. W. Jacobson, C. J. Lisgins. and 0. Gore; secretary and treasurer, Mr -T. Ij. Dick: assistant secreiarv. Sir IT. M. Ewms. with power to arrange matehe.s; .sole selector, Mr J. AVhitc; Saturday Match Coiiimitteo —.Messrs C. J. Liggins. (!. P. Mollison, and C. S.; Wednesday Mak'h Committee— Messrs .1. G. Pobertson. J. M'Ourily. and Dawson; Green Committee—Messrs White, V-iekory, and. Mollison; delegates to Bowling Association, Messrs Morlow and White.

Sixteen now members were elected, making the total jnombersliii) 97. After discussion it was resolved to make tho annual subscription tho same as last year—viz., 255. It was also decided to enforce, rules 24and 25 in regard to non-payment of subscriptions, and it was also. resolved that subscriptions should he paid within threo months from opening of the green, and that no member he selected to piny in a. match whose subscription was unpaid, this provision not to apply to new members who join after th» opening of the green. Mr Liggins intimated that ]ro had received a promise from a friend to donate a. pair of bowls for competition between coltg who had played for only one or two seasons. Mr Taylor also intimated that he would give a gold medal for the runner-up in the Championship Singles. Somo discussion arose on tlw question of players, and the matter was left, in the hands of Messrs Robertson and M'Curdy to report to tho Management Committee. Votes of thanks to the secretary and chairman closed tho proceedings.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3

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BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3

BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3